Communications Solutions: Intelligent Platforms

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Intelligent Platforms

Do things that were inconceivable
only a few years ago.
The pace of change in communications technology is so rapid
that it requires constant investment , technology upgrades
and industry partners who have the will and the resources to
stay ahead of the curve.

Today’s networks are growing at comes back to the network, whether you Whether a network moves voice, video
phenomenal rates. The CEO of a lead- are involved in telecommunications, or data, (or better yet , all three) it has
ing Tier 1 telecom company recently medicine, manufacturing or the military. to be scalable and fast . And tomorrow
stated that data traffic on his network is These ubiquitous networks need to it will need to be still faster. That is why
increasing at a rate of 50% per year. handle multiple protocols, and provide we focus on providing highly advanced
At the same time, internal networks multiple services like voice, video and technology such as the latest Intel ® ,
within companies are expanding data. Our role is to provide you with the PowerP C ® and Cavium OCTEON™
rapidly, and large server farms are hardware and software you need; to processors, and 10Gb Ethernet interfaces.
springing up to meet the business deliver it quickly and cost effectively; and to
needs of the enterprise. ensure that it complies with the quality and Our goal is to give you an exceptional
requirements of the markets in which it will experience as our customer by designing
Communication networks are the back- be used – Telecom, Datacom, Enterprise, products that are versatile and cus-
bone of the modern world—everything Automation, and Government/Defense. tomizable; delivering exactly what you
need; and providing superior support
and Product Lifecycle Management .

Why GE
Intelligent Platforms?
You can feel confident about the investments you make in
your equipment when you deal with an experienced,
stable and respected supplier.

As part of the GE family, we offer you the We leverage our past experience to build solution you need in the time frame you
confidence and security of doing business future products, and can modify exist- require. Because of our wide selection, we
with one of the most admired companies ing designs or create new products from can often provide multiple products that
in the world. Our global presence provides scratch to provide exactly what you need. fit your needs, which may simplify your
you with the kind of local and prompt We have an entire department that spe- development process even further.
support that minimizes risks of downtime. cializes in Product Lifecycle Management
to ensure that you get the most out of your In these trying times, it is crucial to work with
We understand the issues that come with purchase throughout its useful life. a company like ours that has the staying
increased communications traffic and power to ride out the ups and downs of
growing networks – scalability, security, We define our own success primarily economic upheavals. And to know that your
performance and cost constraints. And we based on our ability to help you design and suppliers have rigorous design and manu-
deliver solutions that are timely, effective, build network equipment within your time facturing processes in place to support your
high-performance, at an excellent cost/ and budget constraints. We listen to your need for documentation, certification and
performance ratio. requirements, and if necessary can work supply chain management .
with your engineering team to provide the

Next Generation
Building Blocks.
The challenges of the future will remain the same: managing
network traffic, improving security, upgrading technology and
achieving a cost/performance advantage.

NETernity* Ethernet Switches fit just about Reflective Memory may be used in
any application. Available in Fully Managed applications that use Ethernet , Fibre
Layer-2/3+, Managed Layer-2, and Channel, or other serial networks to
Unmanaged Layer-2 versions in various connect computers or PLCs.
forms of 3U & 6U CompactPCI®, PMC, VME,
and VPX, NETernity switches have the Open Modular Platforms
ports, speeds and configurations to handle AdvancedTCA and MicroTCA are open
demanding switching applications. architecture specifications which are being
deployed widely and have already begun
To meet these challenges, we provide
OpenWare*, our firmware/software suite to deliver substantial benefits such as
targeted solutions that leverage our
for selected fully managed Layer-2/3+ modularity, scalability and flexibility. They
experience, the latest technology and
Ethernet switches, provides comprehensive offer a high degree of technology reuse,
ecosystem partnerships.
management of the switch. OpenWare serial fabric backplanes, high availability/
supports IPv4/IPv6, L-2 and L-3 switching reliability, hot swappable modules and
Packet Processors
and routing at wire-speed, and L-3 remote management.
Packet processors play a key role in Next
Generation Network applications which protocols such as OSPF, RIP, and VRRP,
and MTSP. Open Modular Platforms protect your
are highly interactive and complex (voice,
investments, enable build-as-you-grow
video, data) and yet operate at multi-gigabit
speeds. You can meet these requirements Reflective Memory NICs and Hubs systems and allow custom platforms
Reflective Memory networks are Real to be built using standard modules. We
with our 10 Gb/s products, and choose
Time Local Area Networks in which each offer ATCA blades and one of the widest
from our extensive selection designed for
computer always has an up-to-date local selections of AdvancedMC™ modules. Our
NEBS compliance and based on many-
copy of the shared memory set. Local flexible, high-speed MicroTCA chassis have
core Cavium OCTEON™ Plus MIPS64™
processors can read this data at any time been tested for mechanical and thermal
processors. Whether you’re designing
without a network access. These specialty stability and pre-validated
for AdvancedTCA®, MicroTCA™, PCI-X or
networks are specifically designed for interoperability.
PCI-Express®, we’ll keep you on the cutting
edge for applications like for Session Border to provide highly deterministic data
Controllers, Secure IP Access, Network communications. They deliver the tightly High-speed Technologies
timed performance necessary for a variety Some apps just need speed. And we have
Address Translation, Traffic Management
of distributed simulation, training and it. Our InfiniBand® switches and Fibre
and Routing, Firewall, Deep Packet Inspection
process control applications. Channel interface cards deliver speed
and lawful intercept, intelligent network
with low latency and a great deal of
management, encryption, decryption
The Reflective Memory boards may be design flexibility. This makes them ideal for
and session routing.
physically installed or connected to a high traffic enterprise data centers and
variety of computer backplanes, which applications that need to move large
Embedded Ethernet Switches
allows most popular workstations and amounts of data fast.
With dozens of Embedded Ethernet
Switches in multiple form factors, our single board computers to be connected
regardless of their interoperability.

Get More Than Just Another
Piece of Hardware.
By eliminating hassles, shortening time to revenue, simplifying
the development process, protecting your investments and
expanding your options, we add more value.

Technology Migration Pathways Ecosystem Partnerships can increase the level of interoperability,
Our product design teams pay We have close and long-standing relation- generate cost savings, allow for technology
close attention to trends and to the ships with many of the major providers reuse, improve time to market and support
announcements of future plans by of processors and other key silicon more scalability. Our goal is to always have
chip makers. We are often able to help components. This means that we are privy these new standard products ready for you
customers upgrade to newer silicon to their product roadmaps, and they keep when the demand arises.
because of thoughtful planning. The same us abreast of developments within their
is true for our firmware which can often product lines. The communications hard-
simplify the upgrade process and reduce or ware ecosystem is supported by a robust
eliminate revisions to application software. group of advanced middleware providers,
Our overriding goal is to minimize the and we maintain close relationships with
effects of obsolescence. these companies as well. This means you
have the benefit of being part of a strong
Tools That Simplify Development and stable supply chain for your own
and Increase Productivity development projects.
Most of our products are supplemented
by items such as development kits, Open, Modular
APIs, protocol stacks, example code for Design Strategies
application development, configuration Our technologists are actively involved on
guides, documentation and firmware that the standards committees that develop
is full-featured, intuitive and easy to use. new communications technologies. This
Our OpenWare firmware/software suite for gives us a head start when it comes time to
embedded Ethernet switches is an excellent design new products, and it improves your
example of a powerful management tool ability to make wise technology decisions
that can greatly reduce the complexity of today, based on insights about the future.
installing a fully managed switch. As standards become more prevalent, they

Solutions for Communications
Network Applications

Ethernet NICS

Ethernet Switches

Packet Processors

Modular Platforms

InfiniBand and
Fibre Channel

Reflective Memory

General Purpose

Graphics Cards

Storage Modules

Software Defined
Radio Modules

3G/4G Wireless
Packet Switching,
Policy Management, Traffic Shaping

Enterprise Firewalls,
IP Gateways And Routers
VPN, Firewall, Data Routing, NAT,
Intrusion Detection, Encryption

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)

Statistics Collection and Billing, Service
Quality Measurements, Lawful Intercept,
Traffic Shaping and Policing, Storage

Data Centers, Server Farms

High-Speed, Low-Latency Communication,
Virtualization Offload, Protocol Offload

Service Access
Aggregation (xDSL/xPON)
Carrier Grade Ethernet (failover, etc.),
Traffic Shaping and Policing,
Statistics Collection

Government & Defense

Battlefield Communications, Shipboard
Networks, Secure WANs, Sensor
Processing & Display

IPTV and Cable Modem

Termination System
Encryption, Traffic Shaping and Policing,
Statistics Collection and Billing
Secure Network

VoIP, Session Border Controllers

Signaling Gateway, Traffic Shaping and
Policing, NAT, Encryption

Automation, Simulation, Medical

High-Speed, Low-Latency Communication,
High-end Graphics, Generic Data
Processing, Storage

Packet Network Test Equipment

Simulation, Packet Inspection and Filtering, Statistics
Automation, Collection, Encryption/Decryption, Storage
Medical Imaging
GE Intelligent Platforms Contact Information
Americas: 1 800 433 2682 or 1 434 978 5100
Global regional phone numbers are listed by location on our web site at

©2010 GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. All rights reserved.

All other brands or names are property of their respective holders. 01.10 10M GFA-1259A

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