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Coach Sanchez

[email protected]

Office Hours:
Wednesday 11-12noon

Room 222
Period 1: Health Code:
Period 2: Health Code:
Period 3: Physical Code:
Education oemeqzn
Course Title: Physical Education Grade Level: 9-12th

Length of Course: Two Semesters Credits: 10

High School Course 1 & 2 - Prerequisites: Course 2 is designed to be taken after Course 1 is completed.

Required Materials:

● Computer
● Open/Safe space for Physical Activity
● Athletic Shorts or Sweatpants, Athletic Shirt or Sweater
● Athletic Socks, Athletic Shoes (no sandals, slip-ons or open-toe shoes)
● Water (for hydration)

Recommended Materials: (but not required)

● Dumbbells, Resistance Bands, Kettlebells or Water Bottles/Soup Cans (to use as weights)
● Jump Rope, Yoga/Exercise Mat
● Tennis Ball
● Wireless Headphones
● Speed Ladder, Cones or Chalk (to create speed ladder/cones for drills)
California Physical
Education Standards
STANDARDS: High School Course 1

STANDARDS: High School Course 1 (9th Grade – Aquatics, Rhythms/Dance and Individual/Dual Activities)

● 1.1 Combine and apply movement patterns, simple to complex, in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual
● 1.2 Demonstrate proficient movement skills in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual activities.
● 1.4 Explain and demonstrate advanced offensive, defensive, and transition strategies in aquatic and individual and dual
● 2.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each week.
● 2.2 Participate in enjoyable and challenging physical activities that develop and maintain the five components of physical
● 2.10 Identify and list available fitness resources in the community.
● 3.5 Develop personal goals to improve one’s performance in physical activities.
● 3.8 Recognize the value of physical activity in understanding multiculturalism.
● 3.9 Recognize and evaluate the role of cooperation and positive interactions with others when participating in physical
California Physical
Education Standards
STANDARDS: High School Course 2

STANDARDS: High School Course 2 (10th Grade – Combative, Gymnastics/Tumbling and Team Activities)

● 1.1 Combine and apply movement patterns, from simple to complex, in combative, gymnastic/tumbling,
and team activities.
● 1.2 Demonstrate proficient movement skills in combative, gymnastic/tumbling, and team activities.
● 1.4 Explain and demonstrate advanced offensive, defensive, and transition strategies and tactics in
combative, gymnastic/tumbling, and team activities.
● 2.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each week.
● 2.2 Participate in challenging physical fitness activities using the principles of exercise to meet individual
needs and interests.
● 2.10 Evaluate the availability and quality of fitness resources in the community
● 3.5 Evaluate and refine personal goals to improve performance in physical activities.
● 3.9 Encourage others to be supportive and inclusive of individuals of all ability levels.
Course Description:

Physical Education is a two-semester course aligned to the Physical Education Framework for California
Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, adopted by the State Board of Education on September
11, 2008. Its adoption reinforces the importance of physical education as a vital component of our students’
educational experience and its contribution to each student’s health and well-being, social development, and
readiness to learn.

The Physical Education curriculum will include students demonstrating knowledge of and competency in
motor skills, movement patterns, fitness concepts and strategies needed to perform a variety of physical
activities. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and
strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
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*Note: All Physical Education content areas will be covered through

varies movement activities listed below but not limited to:

Rhythms Individual Physical

and and Dual Activity and
Dance Activities Dynamic

Gymnastics Mechanics
Combative and of Body
Tumbling Movement
Grading Policy
A = 90% - 100%
Skill/Fitness Assessment…..10%
B = 80% - 89%
Written Assessment….10%
C = 70% - 79%


*Tardy = 2.5 points F = 57% and below

*Unexcused Absence = 5 points

*Non-Participation = 5 points
5 points will be deducted for each absence.
Excused absences can be made up within one
week of the absence. It is the student’s
responsibility to request makeup assignments
from their instructor.
Classroom Rules/Digital Citizenship

1. Students are required to “dress out” daily for PE class in appropriate Athletic
2. Be on Time - log in when class starts.
3. During Class - wear the appropriate clothing, be in view of the camera, sit up
4. Chat Responsibly – Raise your hand to speak, type your question in the chat
box when available (No profanity or use of foul language).
5. Be in a Quiet and Open Space. Check your surroundings.
6. Mute yourself: Stay muted until you are called on to talk.
7. Communicate well: Speak clearly and stay on topic.
8. Be Prepared: Wear appropriate workout attire, computer is charged, camera is
on, use headphones (if possible).
9. Participate: Be focused, attentive and actively participate.
10. Respect: Be kind and respectful to everyone.
Consequences (Progressive Discipline Steps)
The following are the steps taken by the teacher when students break
classroom rules/procedures.

1. Verbal Warning by the Teacher

2. Student/Teacher Intervention (Time to reflect/refocus by student)
3. Parent Phone Call Home and Office Hour Intervention/Detention
4. Parent Phone Call and Referral
Aquatics Activities
● Water Safety
● Swimming (Dry-Land Strokes)
● Water Polo
Rhythms/Dance Activities
● Line
● Folk
● Modern
Individual/Dual Activities
● Yoga
● Fitness/Weight Training
● Kan Jam
● Handball and/or
● Tennis and/or Badminton
● Two-Player Volleyball
Physical Activity and Dynamic

● Resistance Training
● Fitness Stations
● Aerobic Activities
● Anaerobic Activities
● Flexibility
Combative Activities:
a group of physical activities that utilize Combative Examples:
basic combatives–– pulling, pushing,
stands, and guards. ● Boxing
● Wrestling
● Kickboxing
● Self-Defense
● Static Balance
● Rotation
Team Activities
(tradition and
non-traditional games)

● Flag Football and/or

● Softball and/or
Whiffle Ball
● Kickball and/or
Ultimate Frisbee
● Basketball
● Volleyball and/or
Mechanics of Movement
● Technique
● Form
Fitnessgram Healthy
FItness zones.

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