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This chapter discusses the general methods of research used in the study. It

includes the research design, subjects of the study, the data gathering procedure and

the statistical treatment of data.


The researchers used descriptive method in data gathering information to answer

the given problems in the conduct of study. Descriptive design is defined as a general

procedure employed in the study that has for its chief purpose, the description of


The study is intended to assess the actions and programs implemented in the

selected barangays to prevent violence against women. With this, raw facts and figures

were collected through surveys, empirical investigations and methodological



The study put emphasis to the women who are inhabitants of the ten selected

barangays with the highest number of crime on violence against women namely

Balagtas, Bolbok, Kumintang Ibaba, Sta. Rita Karsada, Balete, Malitam, Cuta, Wawa,

Libjo and Tingga Itaas.

The researchers determined the list of barangays through a record released by

Philippine National Police-Batangas City Office. Purposive sampling method was used

to select the participants of the study.


A self-made questionnaire was administered to the respondents of the selected

barangays of Batangas City. A questionnaire is designed to collect data and gather all

the necessary information. It is also intended for distribution to a number of persons to

gather responses related to the problem of the study and clarify things that are of

significance. The questionnaire employed to the respondents was based on the

statement of the problem to ensure if it’s valid and reliable.

The data gathering instrument used by the researchers were divided into three

significant parts. The first part of the survey questionnaire is intended to identify which

of the risks / threats listed were experienced or exposed by women. The second part

provides a list of actions and programs that the barangay are taking to address violence

against women. In this part, the satisfaction rates for these actions / programs have also

been tested. The third part is intended to measure the extent of agreement of the

respondents on different problems that affect the implementation and regulation of the

actions and programs provided in the second part of this questionnaire.

The researchers also integrated the use of related studies and literature to

ensure that the questionnaire used in the conduct of the study was feasible and valid.

Before its distribution to the respondents, the contents and grammar of the research

instrument was checked and approved by the research adviser.


In gathering information to be used in the study, the researchers collected raw

data from books, journals, internet and other research materials. The main instrument of

data gathering is through survey questionnaires. These were distributed to the ten

selected barangays in Batangas City which has the highest crime number of violence

against women. The researchers surveyed 300 respondents. Interpretation and analysis

of data sheets will follow once the filled-up survey questionnaire was collected.


After the data had been collected, the responses were tallied, tabulated,

analyzed and statistically treated to facilitate the analysis and arrive in certain

conclusions. The researchers used the following statistical tools such as percentage,

frequency and weighted mean

Percentage. This is a descriptive statistic that determines what part of the total

respondents fall under a certain category.

The following is the formula for the percentage.

Where: % = Percentage

f= Frequency
N = total number of sample

Frequency. It is the actual number of respondents to a specific questions or item

in the questionnaire. It also refers to the number of tally marks for each category or


Weighted mean. This was used to interpret data obtained from the respondents’

responses to the questionnaire items. The formula for computing the weighted mean is

as follows.



WM = Weighted mean

ZX= summation symbol

N = total population

The scale used in interpreting the weighted mean is as follows.

Satisfaction on the Actions and programs implemented by the Barangays of

Batangas City

Rate Numerical Value Literal Value

5 4.50-5.00 Extremely satisfied
4 3.50-4.49 Very Satisfied
3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Satisfied
2 1.50-2.49 Slightly Satisfied
1 1.0-1.49 Not at all satisfied
Problems affecting the implementation and regulation of the actions and

programs in the prevention of violence against women in the barangays of

Batangas City

Rate Numerical Value Literal Value

5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.50-4.49 Agree
3 2.50-3.49 Fairly Agree
2 1.50-2.49 Disagree
1 1.0-1.49 Strongly Disagree

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