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Behavioral Management. Emotional and Psychological

41. Behavioral Management Program


41.1. Inmate Behavior Management: The Key to a Safe and Secure Jail

The most fundamental goal of every jail is to maintain a safe and secure environment 1 or
inmates, staff, and visitors. Effectively managing inmate behavior is critical to achieving this goal.
Traditionally, jails have sought to control inmates solely through physical containment, namely, hardware-
locks, steel doors, security glass, and alarm systems. With inmates left to their own devices inside cell
blocks, problems such as violence, vandalism, k of sanitation became so common that they seemed
inherent to jails, which, along with munities, have paid dearly for these problems through costly litigation,
staff and inmate deaths, ots and fires, and escapes. Over the past 25 years, jail practitioners have learned
that jails do have to be and should not be out of control, dangerous, or filthy. Ample evidence shows that
carol of the jail can be established through effective management of inmate behavior.

Introduced to jails by W. Raymond Nelson when he was chief of the Jails Division at the National
Institute of Corrections (NYC), podular direct supervision combines an inmate management philosophy
with a specific jail design that conveys an expectation of positive inmate behavior, latilitates staff
interaction with inmates, and promotes management of Inmate behavior. In direct Supervision jails, staff
are positioned within inmate dayrooms, and no physical barriers separate them from the inmates. Staff
are able to Interact extensively with the inmates and provide continuous supervision. If inmate behavior
is managed effectively, jails can be a good workplace for staff, a safe and clean detention environment for
inmates, and a valuable and highly regarded service for the community

An effective jail administrator will accept nothing less. Given the importance of Inmate behavior
management in achieving safety and security, it may be viewed as the jail's core function ng the jail
administrator's primary concern. You should consider all decisions regarding jall operations with
respect to their impact on inmate behavior management.

41.2. Inmate Behavior Management Plan

The inmate behavior management plan presented here is based on previous work in two major Dular
direct supervision and inmate classification,

*The inmate behavior management plan consists of six essential elements:

1.Assessing the risks and needs of each inmate at various points during his or her detention

2. Assigning inmates to housing.

3. Meeting inmates' basic needs.

4. Defining and conveying expectations for inmate behavior

5. Supervising inmates.

6.Keping inmates occupied with productive activities.

These elements, once established, function as an ongoing, integrated process designed to

generate potivo innate behavior-that is, behavior that complies with the staff's expectations of what is
acceptable Mementing these elements puts control of the jail in the hands of the staff instead of the

Establishing a formal, written inmate behavior management plan serves the jail administrator as
both strategy for achieving more effective control over inmate behavior and a mechanism for identifying
problem n in inmate behavior management.

implementing an inmate behavior management plan requires the following;

Clear directives, in the form of written policies and procedures for each step of the plan.

Adequate staffing levels.

Staff training.

Supervision of staff to ensure that the plan is implemented according to policies and procedures.

Systematic documentation and recordkeeping of all activities related to inmate behavior management.

Plan implementation and success also depend greatly on the active direction and leadership of the
jail administrator You must clearly articulate and demonstrate support for inmate behavior management
both philosophically and operationally. The remaining sections outline the six elements of an inmate
behavior management plan

A. Element 1: Assessing Risks and Needs

The first element in the inmate behavior management plan to gather information on the risks and
needs of each inmate:

Risk a measure of how dangerous the inmate is to himself or herself and to others and of the likelihood
that the inmate will attempt to escape.

Need is a measurement of the inmate's physiological and psychological requirements for well-being, for
example, in terms of medical care, mental health care, or education

The risk and needs assessment lays the foundation for the behavior management plan. The
information gathered is used to classify the inmate and is also essential for developing a strategy to
manage hiy ar her behavior.

For example, an inmate assessed as a high escape risk and one assessed as a low escape risk will
have substantially different requirements for housing, supervision and delivery of services, as will an
inmate with serious medical needs and one who is healthy. An inmate who k developmentally disabled
is likely to require a different behavior management strategy than one who is not developmentally
A jail system of assessing Inmate risks and needs is called inmate classification, Every ja
administrator is responsible for implementing an inmate classification system and for ensuring the the
stication process assesses each inmate's risks and needs accurately so that staff can manage and control
innate behavior.

BJMP Comprehensive Operations Manual 2015 Edition


Admission of Inmate- Once the inmate has undergone the registration process; he/she will be temporarily
housed at the Inmate Classification and Counseling Unit (ICU) in jalls where available. The inmate shall
stay at the ICCU for a minimum period of thirty (30) days but not exceeding y (60) days or until the
completion of the classification process.

Medical Examination- The jail will conduct a thorough physical officer designated nurse of the Health
examination on the newly committed inmate and will note down significant bodily marks, scars, tattoos
and lesions based on the medical certificate presented the committing officer. He or she must ensure that
his/her findings are congruent to the medical certificate presented. Any discrepancy shall warrant further
investigation by and reporting of the re to the CHR.

Results of the medical examination shall be recorded and shall bear the signature of the physician or
nurse who conducted the examination. Medical issues will be attended to accordingly.

Dental Examination

Psychological Examination - The jail psychologist-in-charge shall conduct psychological examination to

determine the inmate's psychological state at the time of examination. Results will corded in the
psychologist's logbook or in the health assessment card/HAS and shall bear the nature of the psychologist
who conducted the examination.

Social Case Study - The jail social worker at the ICCU shall conduct in-depth interview with the ly admitted
inmate, an interview that considers the "who the inmate is" from birth up to the present including his/her
familial, educational, social, vocational and other issues that has an impact his/her personality. The
findings will be recorded and shall bear the signature of the social worker ho conducted the assessment.
In jails without ICCU, the interview will be done by the social worker n-charge upon the order of the court
or as requested by the medical officer, the psychiatrist or the puly designated jail warden for specific

Risk Assessment - A risk assessment tool shall be utilized to determine the level of violence/risk the
inmate poses, either external or internal. This will help in the proper classification and segregation of
inmates and in the design of specific development plans.

Psychiatric Evaluation - Using the results of the psychological examination, social case study, and risk
assessment, the psychiatrist conducts a psychiatric evaluation to determine the present mental state of
the inmate and to diagnose any existing psychiatric illness for further treatment, The result will be
recorded and shall bear the signature of the psychiatrist who conducted the examination

The inmate shall undergo psychiatric evaluation under the following conditions

1. The jail psychologist refers the inmate for further evaluation,

2. The court orders the psychological/psychiatric evaluation of the inmate:

3. The inmate was/is manifesting behavioral oddities;

4. The inmate discloses or admits upon inquiry by the admitting health staff that he/she had previous
psychiatric consultation or had undergone psychiatric treatment;

5. The inmate discloses or admits upon inquiry by the admitting health staff that he/she hud attempted
to commit or had committed suicide or that he or she has noticeable body marks or scars indicating history
of suicidal behavior:

6. The inmate discloses or admits that he or she has a history of recent torture, or he or she s been a victim
of physical abuse or domestic violence:

7. The inmate discloses upon inquiry by the health staff that he/she has recently ingested/abused illicit
substances or that he or she is an alcohol or other illicit substance dependent;

8. The disciplinary board referred the inmate tor further evaluation and management; and

9. The inmate is a recidivist for heinous crimes of was charged of a sexual offense ar was onsidered as
violent sex offender

The working diagnosis will be recorded at the inmate's health assessment card and the details the
examination will be written in the psychiatrist's logbook provided by the jail health unit. Every ination
result shall bear the signature of the examining psychiatrist,

Case Management - Each inmate will be assigned to a specific case manager who may either be a
psychologist, a social worker or a nurse. The case manager shall be responsible for the consolidation d all
the results and shall make the proper decision as to the classification of the inmates and the fication
development programs for each inmate.

Inmate Orientation and Counseling – While undergoing assessment, the inmate shall be oriented he basic
Jail rules and regulations, He/she shall be introduced to the different development ams that would best
promote his/her personal growth. In this phase, the newly committed ate shall likewise undergo
counseling for him/her to develop better coping skills thereby venting psychological imbalance in the early
phase of incarceration

Inmate Evaluation and Classification - Using the different tools of assessment, the newly committed
inmate will now be classified based on the level of risk and present physical, mental and emotional state,

Proper Cell Assignment and Development Plans - After the inmate has undergone all the

Assessments, his/her case manager shall consolidate all the results. Based on the results of the final
evaluation, the inmate may then be assigned to the cell that is deemed best for his/her growth and being

m. The newly committed inmate is encouraged to participate in the recommended development


Monitoring - After the inmate has been transferred to his/her assigned cell and has been attending the
prescribed development programs, the case manager shall periodically monitor, and change and enhance
inmate's development program/s depending on his or her behavioral progress.

The BJMP has adhered to this principle since its creation. This rule, therefore, provides guidance to
wardens and jail officers treating unusual inmates or those with special needs, given the limited resources.

Section 33. BASIC POLICY - As a general rule, inmates with special needs should not held in jails
with other "regular" inmates. For example, female inmates should be confined in institutions separate
from those used for males, and male youth offenders should not be mixed with adult offenders.
However, given the reality relative to budget constraints, increasing inmate Population, insufficient
facilities and inadequately equipped detention homes, wardens and jail classified for this officers shall
endeavor to provide the best arrangement they can make for such inmates, in keeping Di s rule. It is
assumed that the inmates have been properly evaluated purpose.

Section 34, HANDLING INMATES WITH SPECIAL NEEDS - The following delines shall be observed in
handling inmates with special needs:

1. Female

a. The female dorm should be completely separated from the male dorm,

b. A female personnel shall be designated to keep the keys of the female dorms.

c. Only work suitable to their age and physical condition should be assigned to female.

d. No male inmate shall be allowed to enter the female dorm,

e. Male personnel must provide female inmate with utmost privacy and respect for personal.

f. No male all personnel should be allowed to enter the female dorm except in emergency pace e or
when necessary.

g. Searches shall be performed by a female personnel trained in the conduct of appropriate hing
methods, shall be made in accordance with established rules, and shall be provided with privacy during
the procedure;

h. Medical/physical examination shall be performed by female health personnel. In the hence of a

female health staff, the examination shall be performed by a male health personnel in the presence of a
female staff; and

i. Female inmates shall be provided with the opportunity to avail themselves of all programs and
activities male inmates are provided with.

2. Drug Users/Dependents/Alcoholics

a. Inmates found to be drug users/dependents/alcoholics should be segregated from other inmates,

especially during the withdrawal period:

b. Inmates undergoing drug/alcohol withdrawal must be referred to the jail psychiatrist, physician or
nurse for evaluation and management;

C. Appropriate measures should be taken to enable inmates to follow strictly the jail physician's advice
regarding diet and other medical interventions/treatments during the withdrawal period;
d. Maintain close supervision over inmates to prevent attempts to commit suicide or self-mutilation by
designating a jail personnel trained to manage such cases and;

e. Conducts a regular search of the inmates dorm and maintain constant alertness to prevent the
smuggling of narcotics, liquors and other dangerous drugs

3. Mentally-ill

a. Inmates manifesting signs and symptoms of mental illness must be referred to the Jail psychiatrist for
evaluation and treatment.

b. Disturbed Inmates (mentally-ill inmates) should be transferred to mental Institutions for proper
psychiatric treatment upon the issuance of a court order.

C. Close supervision and medical management of mentally-i inmates should be maintained by a jail
medical personnel.

d. Place the mentally-ill inmates in separate dorms or in a special restraint room provided for violent cases;

e. Maintain close supervision over inmates to guard against suicidal attempts or violent attacks on others.

4. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT)

a. Segregate LGBT to prevent their maltreatment and abuse by other inmates and to prevent them from
maltreating and abusing other Inmates.

5. Sex Offenders

a. Inmates charged with sexually-related crimes should be segregated to prevent them from taking
advantage of other inmates; and b. Maintain close supervision and control

6. Suicidal Inmates

a. Inmates manifesting signs and symptoms of depression/suicidal tendency must be referred to the jail
psychiatrist for evaluation and management

b. Inmate who attempts to commit or has attempted to commit suicide must be transferred to a
government psychiatric hospital immediately upon issuance of court order,

c. Maintain close supervision over suicidal Inmates at all times and designate personnel trained to handle
such cases; and

d. Subject them to frequent strip/frisk searches and greyhound operation for tools/materials that can be
used for suicide.

7. Sex Deviates

a. Homosexuals should be segregated immediately to prevent them from influencing other Inmates or
being maltreated or abused by other inmates, and

b. Likewise, other sex deviates should be separated from other inmates for closer supervision and control.
8. Escape - Prone Inmates

a. Escape-prone inmates should be held in the most secure quarters, preferably in single-inmate tells, to
minimize their contact with one another

b. Their conduct/behavior should be closely watched/observed during and after visiting hours and their
activities, closely monitored;

c. They should be frequently strip searched and their quarters frequently inspected

d. Special attention should be given to the examination of items recovered from strip

e. Telephone calls must be restricted and only calls that can be monitored through an searches; and
extension line shall be allowed.

9. Inmates with Disability

a. Inmates with disability should be segregated and closely supervised to protect them from maltreatment
and any form of abuse by other inmates, personnel and visitors:

b. Individual case management and special activities should be developed and Conducted to address
distinct of the inmates,

C. Collaboration with other government agencies should be done to ensure that disabled inmates are
provided with the services and benefits contemplated under the Magnolia Carta for disabled persons; and

d. Tasks related to self-care of inmates with disability shall be supervised and assisted to avoid potential
self-harm or accidents.

10. Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL)

Pursuant to the RA 9344, CICL shall not be confined in jails, Hence, serious efforts sha be exerted by
Wardens to immediately transfer the custody of any CICL to a Youth Detention Home or Youth
Rehabilitation Center

a. Upon admission, CICL shall be subjected to a thorough physical examination. The results of such
examination shall form part of the records of the case of the Cicl.

b. Provide a separate detention cell for CICL;

C. Continuously coordinate with the Public Attorney's Office (PAO) for the provision of paralegal assistance
to expedite CICL cases;

d. Continuous coordination and follow-up of CICL the provision of appropriate intervention programs by
the DSWD. cases should be made facilitate.

e. The "Law on Proportionality" in the implementation of rehabilitation programs should be observed

making said rehabilitation programs distinct and different from thase given to adult inmates,

f. Unless absolutely necessary, a child in conflict with law should not be handcuffed nor other instruments
of restraint applied on him/her, when he or she attends hearings or when he or she is brought to the
hospital or is transferred to other institutions
g. The use of vulgar or profane words should be avoided in dealing CICL.

h. CICL should not be required to wear prison uniforms and;

I. Upon release from confinement, the records of the CICL shall be sealed, and at an appropriate time,

11. Senior Citizen Inmates

a. Senior citizen inmates should be segregated and close supervised to protect them from maltreatment
and other forms of abuse by other inmates,

b. Individual case management strategies should be developed and adopted to respond to the special
needs of elderly inmates:

c. Collaboration with other government agencies and community-based senior citizen organizations
should be done to ensure that the services due the senior citizen inmates are provided; and

d. Senior citizen inmates should be made to do tasks deemed fit and appropriate, their age, capability,
and physical condition considered

12. Infirm Inmates

a. Inmates with contagious diseases must be segregated to prevent the spread of said contagious diseases;

b. Infirm inmates should be referred to the jail physician or nurse for evaluation and management, and

c. Infirm inmates must be closely monitored and provide with appropriate medication and utmost care.

13.Pregnant Inmates/Female Inmates with Infants

a. Pregnant inmates must be referred to jail physician are for prenatal examination;

b. They should be given tasks that are deemed fit and proper, their physical limitations, considered

c. During active labor, pregnant inmates should be transferred nearest government .

d. Treatment of mother and her infant's shall be in accordance with the BUMPER (Refer to DOWD
Manual); and

e. Female inmates with infants shall be provided with ample privacy during breastfeeding activity

4. Inmates of Other Nationalities

a. The Warden shall report in writing to the Bureau of Immigration and this respective embassies of the
detained foreigners the following;

1) Name of Jail;

2) Name of Foreigner;

3) Nationality and the number of his/her Alien Certificate of Registration, if any,

4) Age/Sex;
5) Offense Charged;

6) Case Number;

7) Court/Branch

8) Status of Case; and

9) Additional data information. BJMP Comprehensive Operations Manual Review

C. Element 2: Defining and Conveying Expectations for Inmate Behavior

The staff's expectations for inmate behavior and the way those expectations are conveyed have a
powerful influence on how inmates act.

Historically, jail staff have expected inmates to be uncooperative, destructive, aggressive, violent,
and manipulative Staff have communicated these expectations by avoiding Interaction with inmates,
adopting a negative demeanor when they do interact with inmates, and accepting negative inmate
behavior as “normal” The expectations set for inmate behavior should support the goals of the overall
inmate behavior management plan. In determining what the jail will consider acceptable inmate behavior,

Defining Expectations

The expectations should be high, but attainable. The jail not only should define what is expected of
inmates, but also ensure that they have the means to comply.

Conveying Expectations

Once the jail has defined what it considers acceptable inmate behavior and has established the
means for inmates to comply with these expectations, it must convey the expectations to the inmates.
Jails convey their expectations for inmate behavior both directly and indirectly. Most jails develop a
handbook for inmates that gives information about schedules, procedures, and services s the rules for
inmates, and describes the jail's disciplinary process and sanctions for breaking the . Some jails may simply
post this information on a bulletin board in the dayroom.

42. Emotional and Psychological Program

Inmates enjoy freedom of religion. All inmates are free to observe the rituals of their faith, with
orderly onduct supervišed by prison authorities. A religious guidance adviser or chaplain is assigned in
every prison d penal farm, The prison chaplain sets the stage for every regular spiritual activity, He is an
officer of the wh versees the operation of the prison chapel le is not only spinal leader t l e ant alviser
Psoners may be baptized or given other 1ants Haligus Velunta Gfica, HO beln to different church groups
neovide weebly religious activites cep fro laule sdies Paver meetings.or praise and worship

2:1 MENTAL HEALTH AND PRISONS world Health Organization


Mental disorders occur at high rates in all countries of the world. An animated 450 million World Wide
suffer from mental behavioral disorders. These disorders are lont in ulations. The disproportionately high
rate of mental disorders in ons is t ei ne despread misconception that all people with mental disorders
arranger to the one the rance of many societies to difficult or disturbing behavior the allure to promote
treatment, care an citation, and, above all the lack of, or poor access to, mental health services in many

Persons are bad for mental health. There are factors anyone who have ponavadi ntal health, including
overcrowding, various forms of violence, enforced solitude or conversely, lack of a lack of meaningful
activity, isolation from social networks, rectory about store pred tienships, etc ), and inadequate health
services, especially mental health services, in prison

Prisons are sometimes used as dumping grounds for people with mental disorders: People with acne
abuse disorders or people who, at least in part de ton voldoen, we can n o olines are often sent to prison
rather than treated for their disorder

People with mental disorders are exposed to stigma and discrimination Discrimination usually persist in
prison, with the person often facing still further man atton and isolation imprisonment

Effective treatment is possible but too often the available resources are wasted: The bulding of separate
psychiatric prison hospitals in particular is not cost effective, because they are very ensive to run, they
have a limited capacity, are associated with low release rates, and they often leave the divided with a
severe and persistent stigma


for prisoners. Addressing mental health needs will improve the health and quality of life of both prisoners
h mental disorders and of the prison population as a whole, By promoting a greater understanding of
uems faced by those with mental disorders, stigma and discrimination can be reduced

for prison employees.. Prisons are often difficult and demanding working environments for all levels of
staft essence of prisoners with unrecognized and untreated mental disorders can further completa tively
affect the prison environment, and place even greater demands upon the staff.

For the community. Addressing the mental health needs of prisoners can decrease incidence of
reoffending the number of people who return to prison, help divert people with mental disorders away
from prison t treatment and rehabilitation and ultimately reduce the high costs of prisons.


The detection, prevention and proper treatment of mental disorders, together with the promotion of
good oral health, should be both a part of the public health goals within prison, and central to good prison

Divert people with mental disorders towards the mental health system: For people with mental isarders
who have been charged with committing minor offences, the introduction of mechanisms to divert there
towards mental health services before they reach prison will help to ensure that they receive the
treatment they need and also contribute to reducing the prison population.

Provide prisoners with access to appropriate mental health treatment and care: Access to assessment,
treatment, and (when necessary) referral of people with mental disorders, including substance abuse,
should integral part of general health services available to all prisoners. Those requiring more specialist
care for ample, can be referred to specialist mental health providers where inpatient assessment and
treatment can be provided.

Provide access to acute mental health care in psychiatric wards of general hospitals: When prisoners
require acute care, they should be temporarily transferred to psychiatric wards of general hospitals with
appropriate security levels.

Ensure the availability of psychosocial support and rationally prescribed psychotropic medication:
Prisoners - through appropriately trained health care providers should have the same access to
psychotropic medication and psychosocial support for the treatment of mental disorders as people in the
general community

Provide training to staff: Training should enhance staff understanding of mental disorders, raise
awareness on human rights, challenge stigmatizing attitudes and encourage mental health promotion for
both staff and prisoners.

Provide information/education to prisoners and their families on mental health issues: Prisoners and
their families should receive information and education on the nature of mental disorders, with a view to
reducing stigma and discrimination preventing mental disorders and promoting mental health,

Promote high standards in prison management: Enhance by appropriate prison management that
promotes and protects human rights. Attention to areas such as sanitation, food, meaningful occupation,
physical activity, prevention of discrimination and violence, and promotion of social networks are

Ensure that the needs of prisoners are included in national, mental health policies and plans: unite the
adoption of mental health legislation that protects human rights: All prisoners, including those wi mental
disorders, have the right to be treated humanely and with respect for their inherent dignity as human
beings. Furthermore, conditions of confinement in prisons must conform to international human rights
Standards (see below)

Encourage inter-sectoral collaboration: Ministries and other actors together to discuss the needs of

Prisoners with mental health disorders. Different stakeholders should meet to discuss mental health in
prisons to plan an inter-sectoral response.

MODULE 5 Intellectual and Spiritual Program

5.1. Intellectual Program

5.1.1 Crimes People with intellectual Dissabilities Commit

The fact that some people who experience forms of intellectual disabilities de commit crimes not
because they have below average intelligence, but due to environmental influences, their unique personal
experiences, as well as individual differences. In the early 1900s. so professionals believed that people
with intellectual disabilities were somehow.predisposed to becoming criminals based simply on the
disabilities they experienced. The perspective lost support During the 1950's when their leadership
rescinded their opit telles and the focus on causes of crimes changed from biological reasons to
sociological and psychological ones.

Research from the mid-1980k through the 1900’s discovered that types of crimes committed ranged
from property crimes sich as robbery or theft, to sexual and physical assault Some people with intellectual
disabilities have also been accused of murder one researcher discover that many people with intellectual
disabilities who committed secures were themselves s a ut vaims and that their experience as vetes was
linked to their becoming offenders

5.1.2. Disadvantages People with Intellectual Disabilities Face in the Criminal Justice System

Nearly every person with a form of intellectual disability lives in the community and is susceptible
to becoming involved in the criminal justice system as a victim or a suspect. Suspect, a person with
Intellectual disabilities is frequently used by another criminal to be with activities without understanding
their involvement in a crime, or the consequences of their involvement. They might also have a strong
need to feel accepted and might agree to help with criminal activities to gain the friendship of others

When taking these extreme disadvantages into consideration, it is not surprising that people with
intellectual disabilities are more likely to be arrested, committed and then sentenced and victim In prison
After they become involved in the criminal justice system, people with intellectual diabetes are less key
to che parole or probation and usually serve longer sentences because of an inability to understand or
adapt to the rules of prison. Some common response from people with intellectual disabilities that might
affect their ability to protecT their rights include:

*A desire to hide their disability Confessing even if they an innocent feeling overwhelmed by police

*Nat understanding instructions or commands • Confusion tout who is responsible for the crime Saying
this, they believe the police want to hear

*Pretending to understand their rights when they do not Difficulties with descrito details or facts of an
offence • Feeling upset at being detained or attempting to run away

Being the frst to leave a crime scene and the first to get caught

People with intellectual disabilities may also become the victims of crimes very easily unfortunately. Sadly,
the victimization of people with these forms of disabilities may find therm behind bars as well. As victims,
they may:

*Be easily influenced

*Be eager to please others

*Be easily targeted and victimized

*Believe the perpetrator is their friend Be less able or likely to report being victimized Be unaware of the
seriousness or danger of a situation

5.1.3. Protecting the Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Training and education are vital If people with intellectual disabilities are going to receive Real justice.
Children, teenagers and adults with intellectual inaboties need to learn about the potential for meeting a
police officer, how to protect their rights during such encounters, as well as sw to speak up if they are
being victimized. Cross-training must happen among all professionals in police departments, schools,
courtrooms and victim assistance agencies as a means to begin opening the lines of communication
between these systems

in schools, parents who are concerned may contact their school's special education department lid
request the use of relevant training if it is not available. Parents may also contact their local police
department and ask for the training officer or police chief and the victim assistance department. If
intellectual disabilities are not included in their training parents and advocates can quest that it be
provided as a separate module apart from mental illness so police officers and titi advocates do not
confuse the two forms of disabilities Educating court officials can start by contacting the court liaison and
requesting a meeting with the judge to find out what training is Currently being provided

5.2. Spiritual Program

52.1. Religious Services

GOD is the Center and plays an Important Role in personal Life not the religion, Religious services are
given for the purpose of changing the attitude of the Pol by inculcating to them the value of religious
beliefs. The Prison or Jail must provide adequate religious programs to allow maximum religious pation of
POL of various faiths. Al religious programs shall be coordinated and cleared with jail 106s to produced
conflict of activities and allow time to plan security requirements of such

12 Religious Education

According to Brown (2013), education is a practice of freedom, and religious education is both academic
and spiritual practice aimed at ethical and moral instruction. It is concerned with religion purge, but in
this article, the research will be mainly focused on Christian religious.

From this Christian point of view, defines religion education as a process of spiritual and ecosia formation
that is focused in and through theological Wisdom Seymour and Miller 1990 suggest a theological
definition of religious education, and thus define it as education and teaching in which theological activity
empowers the people of God to be agents of the new community within the public world of God's
presence and power. From this point of view, Brown asserts that prison religious education is a theological
task whereby education facilitates leaming to empower prisoners to new reality. For hooks (2003),
religious education in generalis "about healing and wholeness about empowerment, liberation,
transcendence, about finding and claiming ourselves and ur place in the world".

A. Reasons for Inmates' Participation in Religion and Religious Education in Prison

The participation of prison inmates in religion and religious education while in prison is based on various
personal or practical reasons. According to Dammer (2002), these include the following:

1. In many cases prison inmates gain direction and meaning for life fram participating in religious
education. They feel that God or Yahweh will provide a direction to go in life, one that is better than their
present psychological or physical condition:
2 Religion and religious education provide hope for the inmates-hope to reform from a life of crime and
from a life of imprisonment. From the teaching of religious education, some prison inmates even feel that
being incarcerated is the will of God and that full acceptance of this "will" is essential to being faithful in
one's religious belief.

3. Participating in religious education gives some inmates a "peace of mind," which means having some
level of personal contentment.

4. One of the most important reasons why inmates participate in religious education is to improve their
own self-concept.

5. In addition to the many psychological and emotional benefits, inmates also can use their participation
in religious education to change their behavior.

6. Many inmates participate in to obtain material resources or favors that are difficult
or costly to obtain while in prison. These include free goods such as food and coffee, holiday greeting
cards and books, and musical instruments. Apart from impacting knowledge these mentioned facts
formed the basic reason when inmates attend religious education while incarcerated,

Module 6

Peer Counseling Program and other Therapeutic Modalities

Peers Counseling

Historically, peer programs have been utilized in school and community settings address a range of
health issues such as HIV/AIDS, drug and alcohol abuse, and youth violence. However, in terms of offender
rehabilitation, the change process has penerally rested upon professional staff, with tittle formal
consideration of the powerful positive influence that offenders can have on fellow offenders

61.2 HIV/AIDS and health education.

The increase in drug related arrests has resulted in the incarceration indicant potion of injecting drug use
subsequently, the number of Incarcerated individuals living with or AIDS has increased dramatically These
individuals often serve short sentences and show high rates of recidivism thus, the frequently move
between prisons and their home communities Within prison, injecting drug use. and consensual and
nonconsensual sexual activity are common increasing the probability of infection given the lack of access
to dean needles and condoms. The possibility of HIV transmission through tattooing and interpersonal
prison violence ahia east Thus, when offenders return home partners tace, and may be aware of their
increased risk of infection.

Given that the practices associated with HIV AIDS are either illegal or stigmatised within the prison, peer
education approaches may be the most appropriate and accessible resource for offenders in essence,
peer educators are more likely to have specific knowledge about risk behavior occurring both inside and
outside prison and have an understanding of realistic strategies to reduce this risk

-For example, in the United States, found that 58 incarcerated youths involved in a four session
group AIDS education program were more likely to increase their condom use, increase positive
attitudes towards condoms, and decrease high-risk sexual partnerships, compared with 99 members of
a control group not involved in the program.
6.1.2. Drug and alcohol abuse

Related to HIV/AIDS prevention is substance misuse and abuse. Many offenders, due party their
dysfunctional backgrounds and learning environments, exhibit poor coping mechanisms sequently, self-
medication using licit and illicit drugs helps them tolerate and manage their affect espite etforts to contain
trafficking and abuse of illicit substances, offenders continue to obtainand e drugs in prison

-For example, a recent report by the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence 19981999 revealed
that the illicit drugs predominantly taken by offenders were cannabis, heroine, and amphetamines. It
has also been estimated that around 50% of violent offenders are under the influence of alcohol or
other drugs when the offence is committed. Although drug and alcohol education has been adequately
provided by professional services, it is unlikely that these programs are able to service all inmates and
curb the correctional drug problem. Offenders themselves may therefore be an additional force behind
effective prison-based substance abuse programs.

Sexual Assault/Offending

For many years, sexual offending has been recognized as a serious social problem, with sectional
resources continually being allocated to the development and implementation of alited sex offender
programs. However, the utility of peer-led programs addressing sexual Clending is only just beginning to
emerge Specifically, prison-based studies are relatively scarce. the majority of research stemming from
the college education literature

-These studies indicate that peer-education programs are beneficial, at least in the short term in
increasing awareness and reducing attitudes supportive of sexual offending. Specifically. these
programs adopt a preventative approach by reaching youth who may move on to become perpetrators
of sexual assault. With additional research, similar peer-led programs for both juvenile and adult sexual
offenders may also be useful in altering dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs. Offer preliminary evidence
on the efficacy of a professionally led peer group counseling program.

6.1.4. Prison orientation

Orienting new offenders to the policies, procedures and realities of prison life is another arenue for
peer education. Many offenders feel they have been cheated by the system and by society general often
fighting against the prison environment upon reception. This may result in perceived harassment by
prison officers or violent outbursts and periods in solitary confinement. Given their experiential
knowledge, information offered by like-minded peErs on the dos and don'ts of prison le particularly for
young offenders, may be more acceptable than that communicated by correctional staff.

-Naturally, such a procedure would require delicate handling so that offenders are not in effect,
policing themselves. While such orientation by peers occurs already through informal Peruse, it may be
worthwhile to assess the utility of an official program. To date, no documented studies have been found
that demonstrate the efficacy of peer-led orientation programa anecdotally, however, the authors are
aware of an Australian program currently insertion at toria's Port Phillip Prison.

Other Therapeutic Modalities

Once a person seeks treatment, whether voluntarily or voluntarily, the bus uptake done to assess his
financial needs. An intake is the therapist's first meeting with the The therapist gathers specific
information to address the client's immediate needs such as nting problem, the dient's support system,
and insurance status.

2. The therapist informs the client about confidentiality fees, and what to expect in treatment
Confidentiality means the therapist cannot disclose confidential communications o any third party unless
mandated or permitted by law to do so.

3 During the intake the therapist and client will work together to discuss treatment goals.

4. Then a treatment plan will be formulated, usually with specific measurable objectives


In individual therapy, also known as individual psychotherapy or individual counseling, the client
and clinician meet one on-one usually from 45 minutes 10 1 hour These meetings typically Occur weekly
or every other week, and sessions are conducted in a confidential and caring environment. The clinician
will work with clients to help them explore their feelings, work through life challenges, identify aspects of
themselves and their lives that they wish to change, and set goals to help them work towards these
changes A client might see a clinician for only a few sessions, or the client may attend individual therapy
sessions for a year or langer The amount of time spent in therapy depends on the needs of the client as
well as her personal goals.


A. In group therapy, a clinician meets together with several clients with similar problems. When children
are placed in group therapy. It is particularly important to match clients for age and problems. One benefit
of group therapy is that it can help decrease a client's shame and isolation about a problem while offering
needed support, both from the therapist and other members of the group.

B. Group therapy also has some specific limitations. Members of the group may be afraid to speak in
front of other people because sharing secrets and problems with complete strangers can be stressful and
overwhelming. There may be personality clashes and arguments amorig group members

C. Another benefit of group therapy is that members can confront each other about their patterns Group
treatment for this population is considered to have several benefits;

Group treatment is more economical than individual, couples, or family therapy. Sexual abusers
often feel more comfortable admitting and discussing their offenses in a treatment group where others
are modeling openness. Clients often accept feedback about their behavior more willingly from other
group members than from therapists. Finally, clients can practice social skills in group treatment settings.

D. Groups that have a strong educational component are called psychoeducational groups For example,
a group for children whose parents have cancer might discuss in depth whist cancer is, types of treatment
for cancer, and the side effects of treatments, such as hair loss Often, group therapy sessions with children
take place in school. They are led by a school counselor, a school psychologist, or a school social worker
Group might focus on test anxiety, social isolation, self-esteem, bullying, ar school failure, Whether the
group is tld ie hook or in a clinician's office, group therapy has Been found to be effective with children is
numerous kinds of challenges.
During a group session, the entire group could reflect on an individual's problem or Difficulties, and
others might disclose what they have done in that situation. When rian is facilitating a group, the focus
is always on making sure that everyone benefits and participates in the group and that no ane person is
the focus of the entire session Groups can he organized in various ways some have an overarching theme
or purpose, some are time limited, some have open membership that allows people to come and go, and
some are closed.


Couples therapy, involves two people in an intimate relationship who are having difficulties and are trying
to resolve them. The couple may be dating partnered, engaged or married. The primary therapeutic
orientation used in couples counseling is cognitive- behavioral therapy. Couples meet with a therapist to
discuss conflicts and/or aspects of their relationship that they want to change.


Family therapy is a special form of group therapy, consisting of one or more families. Although there are
many theoretical orientations In family therapy, one of the mast predominant is the systems approach.
The family is viewed as an organized system, and each individual within the family is a contributing
member who creates and maintains processes within the system that shape behavior. The goal of this
approach is to enhance the growth of each family member as well as that of the family as a whole.

6.2.6. Cultural Factors and Therapy

The sociocultural perspective looks context of your culture and background. at you, your behaviors,
and your symptoms in the

This therapeutic perspective integrates the impact of cultural and social norms. starting at the
beginning of treatment. Therapists who use this perspective work with clients to obtain and integrate
information about their cultural patterns into a unique treatment approach based on their particular
situation. Sociocultural therapy can include individual group, family, and couple's treatment modalities.

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