Pchs English I Syllabus 20-21 Wolos

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Contact Information:

Teacher: Mrs. Melodyanne Wolos, M.A.

Website: ​www.pchs-wolos.weebly.com
Email: ​[email protected]
Phone: (336) 897-1128
Room: 134

Course Description:
This course will be devoted to the formal development of speaking and writing skills through the use of Standard English (Grammar).
Students will also study various works in World Literature that will coordinate with the times and places students will encounter in World
History. These works may include, but are not limited to, ​Night, Things Fall Apart, Nectar in a Sieve, ​and a Shakespeare play. Students will
be challenged and asked questions that require them to refer to what they have read which will foster critical-thinking, problem-solving, and
analytical skills. Students will also practice cursive writing and journaling. Along with these skills, students will be presented with study skill
tools to enhance their learning and to help them be more successful in and out of the classroom. This course will also investigate MLA
format and an in-depth look at plagiarism. Writing skills will be practiced through the use of the writing process and through various writing
genres and techniques. ​Honors students will be expected to take greater responsibility for their own learning (including more independent
reading outside of the classroom) and meet the rigor of the course through writing and presentations.

Course of Study:

Cursive Writing
Note-taking & Study Skills
Summer Reading
Collection 1: The Ancient Middle East

Collection 2: Ancient Greek and Roman Literature
Collection 3: Literature of India, China, and Japan

Collection 4: Literature of Africa and the Middle East

Collection 5: European Literature from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment

Collection 6: European Literature in the Nineteenth Century

Collection 7: Modern and Contemporary World Literature 1900-Present

​Required Materials:

❏ 2 writing utensils (pens and/or pencils) - no neon, please!

❏ 3-ring binder (You may share with other classes, but please use dividers!)
❏ Loose leaf paper (college-ruled only)
❏ Folder

Suggested Materials:
❏ Highlighters
❏ Extra writing utensils
❏ Post-it notes

Classroom Rules and Procedures:

1. ​Respect the classroom and its contents​—including your classmates and your teacher. There is a reason this rule is listed as #1. In
order for our class and group discussions to be effective, we will all need to be respectful of each other, and the classroom, in every way

2. ​Bullying will NOT be tolerated! ​Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived
power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats,

spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Anyone participating in
bullying will be referred to Mr. Ward, Mrs. Wade, or Mr. Walker. For more information on bullying, visit the link below.


3. Be on time and in your seat busy with the “Do Now” when the bell rings. The Do Nows are on the board every day. ​Note: If you are not in
your seat when the bell finishes ringing, you are tardy. ​Excessive tardiness disrupts classroom instruction and exhibits disrespect to me
and the other students in class. Three or more tardies to my class in one quarter will be considered excessive. Parents will be notified if
tardiness becomes excessive and Mr. Ward, Ms. Wade, or Mr. Walker will be notified. Class time missed due to excessive tardies may need
to be made up.

4. If you are absent for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed during class each day you were absent. If you miss
more than 50% of the class, you will be marked absent for the day. Please check the absent folders, my website, Google Classroom, and/or
ask a peer to gather any work you can complete. ​You must schedule any quizzes or tests with your teacher as completing them
during class time or as homework will not be permitted.​ Students will have ​3 days​ starting on the day they return from an absence to
complete missing work before it will be counted as late. Failure to complete assignments from absences will result in a ZERO.

5. Be prepared for class. You should have all materials when you walk into the classroom (homework, handouts, pencils, etc.). ​Please refer
to “Required Materials” to determine what you need for this class​. Please sharpen pencils before class begins. If there is a trend of
borrowing materials, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted. ​DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT THAT

6. Permission to leave the classroom, for any reason, must be granted by the teacher. When students leave the room, they must take a
pass. Students may use the restroom as needed, but excessive restroom breaks without a doctor’s note will result in appropriate
consequences (conferencing, disciplinary actions).

7. ​All electronic devices must be silenced and put away unless permission has been granted by the teacher​. If a device is seen or
heard without permission, I will ask for the device and it will be given back at the end of class. If any device becomes a recurring issue (more
than once), the device will be given to the office and appropriate consequences will follow. Please refer to the student handbook regarding
these consequences.

8. Hats and bandanas are NOT to be worn in the building under any circumstances.

9. Follow directions the first time they are given. If you are unsure of an assignment, please ask! I will be more than happy to provide further

10. ​Cheating will not be tolerated​. Any form of cheating will automatically result in a ZERO without the opportunity for extra credit, retakes,
or make-up work. This includes, but is not limited to, copying answers, talking during independent work, writing down answers or information
when it is not permitted, plagiarizing, looking at others’ work, lending your work to be copied, etc.

11. It is critical that students are active in this class. You may lose points for being off task, distracting others, blurting out, etc.

12. Expect various types of assessments on reading, writing, vocabulary, and language use. These assessments will cover details to
determine whether or not you are understanding the material.

13. Expect homework practice and independent assignments. (Honors classes will be held at a higher standard and will be expected to
complete more independent work.) The students’ ability to engage in classroom activities will be directly linked to these assignments.
Homework and other assignments are due ​at the start of class whether prompted by the teacher or not​. All work should be placed in the
appropriate basket for your class and should not be removed once placed.

14. Classwork/homework is considered ​“late” (50%)​ if not ready at the time requested. Late classwork/homework can be handed in for late
credit up to 3 days after the due date ​unless the answers are reviewed in class​. Project/essay graded assignments are considered ​late
(-10 points per day from grade earned)​ if not ready at time requested. After four days, students may earn no higher than a 50%.

15. Do not pack up early—wait to be instructed to do so. Once the first bell rings, students will assist in thoroughly cleaning desks and chairs
while practicing social distancing. Students must wait for the second bell at which point I will dismiss you from the classroom. If an
assignment is due “by the end of class,” be sure to place your work in the appropriate basket before leaving the classroom.

16. ​Pay attention and stay positive!​ This class is meant to challenge you. Remember: I do not give grades, you earn them. However, I am
always here to help you with any challenges you may face. Please schedule a tutoring session with me, another English I teacher, or seek
other tutoring opportunities if you need extra help. School looks much different this year, but we can all be successful if we work together!

Classroom Consequences
Students who do not meet the behavior expectations as outlined in this syllabus and in the student handbook will be subject to the following
disciplinary actions. ​These disciplinary actions are subject to change up to the teacher’s discretions and contingent on the severity of the

1st offense: Verbal Warning 2nd offense: Parent Contact 3rd offense: Office Referral

Cheating is a serious offense that will carry heavy consequences. Any student ​giving or receiving​ answers on independent classwork,
homework, projects, tests, essays, or quizzes will receive a zero for that assignment and parent contact will be made. Assignments that are
copied from an Internet or print source will result in similar consequences. Students will be learning proper parenthetical citation this year
and will be expected ​to cite their work properly to receive full credit​.

"Our problem is that we make the mistake of comparing ourselves with other people. You are not inferior or superior to any human being.
You don't determine your success by comparing yourself to others,​ rather you determine your success by comparing your
accomplishments to your capabilities." ​ -Zig Ziglar

**We expect students to regularly access their PowerSchool grades; please ensure they have log-in information**
Grading Policy: Grading Scale:
● Engagement= 60% A= 90-100 B= 80-89
● Tests/Projects/Major Essays= 25% C= 70-79 D= 60-69
● Quizzes/Minor Essays= 15% F= ​<​ 59
Quizzes, classwork, and homework that is turned in on time will be updated weekly in the gradebook. Please allow more time to see tests,
projects, essays, and larger assessments reflected in PowerSchool. I strive for accuracy and quality in my grading and will notify the student
of expected grade inputs for these larger assignments and/or if the weekly deadline cannot be met due to extenuating circumstances.

All students will be permitted to make test corrections. In order to earn points back, a student must review the material and conference with
me and demonstrate understanding of the material in question. No more than 10 points can be earned back; therefore, it is imperative that
students study and understand the materials by the test date. This process must be initiated within three days of receiving the test grade.

Please feel free to contact me any time throughout the year with questions, comments, or concerns you may have concerning your student,
this syllabus, lessons, assignments, grades, etc. Please also visit my website as I update it frequently to reflect what is going on in the
classroom including assignments, important information, helpful links, and projects.

I look forward to working with you and your student this year! ​***Please note that this syllabus is subject to change especially with the
uncertainties of COVID-19.***

English 1 / Honors English 1 (Wolos)
Receipt of Syllabus

Please return the ​Receipt of Syllabus​ and ​Student Information Sheet ​tomorrow with the following signatures to let me know that you have
read and understood the information in the syllabus. If you have any comments or questions, please add them at the bottom of this Receipt
of Syllabus.

To be completed by the parent or guardian

Please read and initial the statement below:

I have read and discussed the English classroom rules and procedures with my child.
I understand the consequences that my child will incur if he or she does not abide by
the classroom rules and procedures.


Parent/Guardian name (printed):


Parent/Guardian signature:

(Signature acknowledges you have read and understood the requirements for English I/Honors English I)

Student signature:

(Signature acknowledges you have read and understood the requirements for English I/Honors English I)

Student Information Sheet – Mrs. Wolos/ English 1 & H. English I

Student Name: ___________________________________________________________

Name you prefer to be called: ___________________________________

Class Period #: ________

Check Parent/Guardian Name: Best Phone # Best Email Relationship to student


Do you have access to the internet at home (circle one)? Yes No

Are you able to print documents at home (circle one)? Yes No

What extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, worship, etc.) are you involved with or interested in?

What are you currently interested in doing after high school (college, work, armed forces, etc)?

Is there anything else I should know in order to help you be successful in this class? Or classroom preferences such as seating (near board,
away from walls, etc.), medical requirements (restroom breaks, eat in classroom, etc.), allergies? :

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