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Legal & Ethical Requirements

Centre of Health, Community and Wellbeing

Implement and Monitor Compliance with
Subject Name: Legal and Ethical Requirements

Subject Number: LEGL 124 / CRN 81677

Prerequisites: Nil


Subject Teacher / Coordinator: Keith Foley-Chell

Phone: 02 62073737

Office: A104, Bruce CIT

Email: [email protected]

Class Day and Times: Thursdays 14.30 – 16.30 Room B10

1. Subject Purpose

The purpose of this subject is to introduce you as a student to the legal and ethical factors that are relevant to
massage therapists or naturopathy practitioners.

On completion of this subject you will be able to:

1. Explain the term ethics and differentiate between law and ethics

2. Identify and discuss areas of law relevant to massage or naturopathy practice

3. Identify and discuss the rights of clients

4. Discuss the duties and responsibilities of soft tissue practitioners in relation to ethics and a code
of practice.

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2. Study Schedule

Date Topic / Activity / Assessment

17/2/11 Introduction / Regulation of Health Professionals

24/2/11 Ethics – your belief system

3/3/11 Ethics – values and emotions

10/3/11 Home Research (No attendance): State or Territory Regulations

17/3/11 Ethics – Code of Ethics

24/3/11 Legal Process / Liability

31/3/11 Client Records / Scope of Practice

7/4/11 Home Research (No attendance): Codes of Ethics

14/4/11 Negligence / Duty of Care

21/4/11 Mid-Semester Break

28/4/11 Boundaries

5/5/11 Home Research (No attendance): Associations & Insurance

12/5/11 Client Therapist Relationship

19/5/11 Assignment Due

26/5/11 Open Discussion and Feedback

Required Text:

Weir, M (2000) Complementary Medicine: Ethics and Law 2 nd Edition. Prometheus Publications,

3. Learning Resources
 All learning materials will be available on WebCT.

The CIT Online Campus can be accessed at

Access trouble-shooting information on the Online Campus help page where common help requests are answered.

You can call for help on 1800 111 443 in the first six weeks of semester (9am to 5pm) with an additional
voicemail service available during this period outside these hours.

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4. Subject Workload

To be successful in this subject, you are expected to engage in a range of activities such as attending
classes, reading and research, applying your skills and knowledge in a workplace or simulated
environment, participating in team activities or project based work, or interacting with others face-to-face
or using eLearn, CIT’s online campus.

Class attendance is 2 hours per week for the first six weeks. It is anticipated that at least 2 hours per
week will be required for home study and research during this time, and approximately 4 hours per week

5. Assessment

Assessment strategy
Assessment of competence may be via a range of pathways to accommodate different learner needs
and circumstances. For example, oral presentations, visual displays or role-plays may be used as
alternatives to formal essays. The rigour applied will be the same, regardless of the mode of
assessment, so as to ensure competency/learning outcomes have been clearly demonstrated. 

Your assessment will reflect the contexts and situations in which you may find yourself working. All CIT
Vocational Education and Training (VET) assessment is criterion referenced. Any changes to the
assessment will be provided to you in writing.

Summary of Assessment Tasks

Task Assessment Learning Due
Description Method Outcomes Date

Contribute to class discussions Weekly
all to
Submit Final
Submit written assignment all 12/5/11

Detailed Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1
Effectively contribute to weekly class discussions.

Assessment Task 2
Submit required assignment (see next page).

This module is graded Pass / Fail.

Pass Student has demonstrated adequate comprehension of material
covered in this module & there is evidence of competent performance
in the Learning Outcomes.
Fail Student has demonstrated insufficient comprehension of material
covered in this module & has not adequately addressed Learning

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Assignment: due 12th May 2011

No extensions given without valid documented application (eg Medical Certificate).

Part 1
Research and describe acts, ordnances and standards that may apply to the practice of Remedial
Massage in Australia as defined by either:
a) ACT government
b) NSW government
Name the regulation and give a one paragraph explanation of its purpose and potential impact on your
clinical practice.

Part 2
Research and describe the Code of Ethics from any two professional associations which include
remedial massage members (AMT, AAMT, ATMS etc.).

Part 3
Describe the criteria to qualify for professional indemnity insurance, as a naturopath or remedial
massage therapist, from any accredited insurance company.

Other Assessment Information

Your tasks will be assessed against the assessment criteria and your teacher will give you feedback
usually within two weeks.

At CIT, your assessment should be all your own work, other than when you quote and reference the
work of others. Using the work of others in any other manner (plagiarism) will not be accepted, and may
result in a fail grade in the subject. For information or help, contact the Learning Centre, and consider
the free drop-in study support program CIT offers. The Learning Centre publication, Acknowledging the
Source, outlines how to correctly reference your work. It is available from the Learning Centre for a
small fee or can be downloaded free of charge from

Guidelines and Expectations

You will be required to complete assessment tasks to demonstrate your competency in the learning
outcome/s of each course of study.

While assessment tasks are normally set by teachers, sometimes there is room for negotiation. 

Think carefully about the support you will request of the teacher, because to be awarded a grade of
credit or higher, the task should be achieved with little or no assistance or need for repetition.

In the case of workplace learning, consideration of your workplace options for activities, projects,
research, essays and other assessable tasks.

If the assessment feedback you receive indicates that you have not achieved competency in any aspect
of the assessment, you will be given one opportunity to be re-assessed at a time to be negotiated with
your teacher.

Note that if you are required to resubmit your work in a graded subject, you will be disqualified from
receiving a grade higher than pass level when your work is re-marked.

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Academic Appeal
You have the right to appeal against decisions on your assessment. It is best to first discuss any issues
with your teacher. Most issues can be successfully resolved at this level. If no resolution is achieved
then make an appointment with the Education Manager or Centre Director. Most issues can be resolved
at this level. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can take the issue to the Student Services
Hub. Further information is available in the CIT Student Information Book.

6. Skills Recognition

Skills Recognition is an acknowledgement of your skills using your work and life experience or any
previous training. Through Skills Recognition, you can save time in achieving a qualification, change
your career, build your capabilities, advance to a higher qualification, and much more! To find our more
phone the CIT Info Line on (02) 6207 3188 or visit the Student Services Hub at Reid, Fyshwick,
Southside or Bruce Campuses. You can also visit the CIT website at

7. Study and Assessment Support

eLearn - the CIT Online Campus can be accessed at

Access trouble-shooting information on the Online Campus help page where common help requests are answered.

You can call for help on 02 6207 3833 during the semester (9am to 5pm) with an additional voicemail
service available outside these hours, or seek help via the online help form

Drop into any of CIT's Learning Centres for assistance with your study, or with preparing and writing

8. Useful CIT and Centre Information

Details of CIT policies can be found in the CIT Student Information Book. You should have been
provided a copy of this book at enrolment time. The book can also be downloaded from the CIT website

This book provides details of many CIT policies including Rights and Responsibilities of Students,
appeals, complaints, Banner Web, Security on Campus and how to add or withdraw from subjects.

Details of Centre and Program information can be obtained from the Centre website at <web address>.

9. Student Feedback

To ensure that our subjects meet the needs of our students and industry we value your feedback on all
aspects of the subject. This may be in the form of informal discussions or suggestions, specific focus
groups, completion of evaluation forms or through your responses to formal surveys. We endeavour to
take your feedback into account when reviewing our subjects.

You will be asked to provide feedback via a survey at the end of each course. If you would like to
provide feedback before the end of the course please discuss with your teacher or click on the “Contact
Us” link at the very bottom of the CIT website.

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