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Medical Technology Board Exam Reviewer 1: CLINICAL CHEMISTRY

1. Specimen collection and processing is under which part of the

quality assurance program?
a. Pre-analytical
b. Analytical
c. Post-analytical
d. None of the above

2. Mechanical hazards are caused by:

a. Centrifuges
b. Refrigerators
c. Both
d. Neither

2. What kind of quality control is important in maintaining long

term accuracy of the analytical methods?

a. Internal quality control

b. External quality control
c. Sensitivity
d. Specificity 

2. In statistics, this is used to determine whether there is a

statistically significant difference between the standard deviations
of two groups of data.

a. Mean
b. Median
c. F-test
d. T-test

2. It is a sample of known quantity with several analytes present.

a. Calibrator
b. Reagent
c. Standard
d. Control
2. This is the most widely used quality control chart in the
clinical laboratory.

a. Gaussian Curve
b. Cumulative Sum Graph
c. Youden/Twin Plot
d. Levey-Jennings Chart

2. This type of error which can be observed on a Levey-Jennings

chart is formed control values that distribute themselves on one side
or either side of the mean for six consecutive days.

a. Trend
b. Shift
c. Outliers
d. None of the above

2. The independent variable is plotted along the:

a. Horizontal axis
b. Vertical axis
c. Y-axis
d. Ordinate

2. A value of 11.2 g/dL thyroxine is equivalent to ___ in SI units.

a. 135 nmol/L
b. 135 mol/L
c. 145 nmol/L
d. 145 mol/L

2. Convert 4.5 g/dL albumin to SI units:

a.  45 g/L
b.  90 g/L
c.  0.45 g/L
d.  0.45 g/L
11. What is the conversion for bilirubin from conventional (mg/dL) to
SI (mol/L) unit?

a.  17.1
b.  0.357
c.  88.4
d.  0.0113

12. What anticoagulant is used for cardiopulmonary bypass?

a.  EDTA
b.  Heparin
c.  Citrate
d.  Oxalate

13. Glucose is metabolized at room temperature at a rate of ___

mg/dl/hour and at 4oC, the loss is approximately ___ mg/dl/hour.

a.  2, 7
b.  3, 8
c.  8, 3
d.  7, 2

14. Whole blood fasting glucose level is ___ than in serum or plasma.

a.  10-15% lower
b.  5-10% lower
c.  10-15% higher
d.  5-10% higher

15. The glycated hemoglobin value represents the blood glucose value
during the preceding:

a.  One to three weeks

b.  Three to six weeks
c.  Two to three weeks
d.  Eight to twelve weeks

16. Apolipoprotein B-100 is the primary component of:

a.  VLDL
b.  LDL
c.  IDL
d.  HDL

17. Intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) and Lipoprotein a (are)

considered as:

a.  Major lipoproteins
b.  Minor lipoproteins
c.  Abnormal lipoproteins
d.  Fatty acids

18. What age group has a moderate risk cut off value of >240 mg/dl
and high risk cut off value of >260 mg/dl for total cholesterol?

a.  2-19 years old

b.  20-29 years old
c.  30-39 years old
d.  40 years old and over

19. According to the NCEP Guidelines for Acceptable Measurement

Error, the coefficient of variation for HDL cholesterol should be on
what range?

a.  < 2%
b.  < 3%
c.  < 4%
d.  < 5%

20. This is considered as a one-step method for cholesterol


a.  Liebermann-Burchardt
b.  Abell-Kendall
c.  Schoenheimer Sperry
d.  Bloors

21. Cholesterol esterase is used in which method/s for chelesterol


a.  Chemical methods
b.  Enzymatic methods

22. LDL can be calculated from measurements of the following except:

___ by the Friedewald formula:

a.  Total cholesterol
b.  VLDL
c.  HDL
d.  Triglyceride

23. Which method for the assay of uric acid is simple and

a.  Colorimetric: kinetic
b.  Colorimetric: end point
c.  Enzymatic: UV
d.  Enzymatic: H2O2
24. This approach to the assay for urea nitrogen has a greater
specificity and more expensive.

a.  Colorimetric: diacetyl
b.  Caraway
c.  Kinetic
d.  Enzymatic: NH3 formation

25. The most simple method for creatinine determination but is

nonspecific is:

a.  Colorimetric: end point

b.  Colorimetric: kinetic
c.  Enzymatic: UV
d.  Enzymatic: H2O2

26. Proteins that migrate in the alpha-2 globulin band in serum

protein electrophoresis except:

a.  Transferring
b.  Haptoglobin
c.  AMG
d.  Ceruloplasmin

27. This condition shows a beta-gamma bridging effects as the serum

protein electrophoretic pattern:

a.  Multiple myeloma
b.  Nephrotic syndrome
c.  Hepatic cirrhosis
d.  Pulmonary emphysema

28. In hemolytic disease of the newborn, which form of bilirubin is

elevated in plasma?

a.  Conjugated bilirubin
b.  Unconjugated bilirubin
c.  Delta bilirubin
d.  B and C

29. Creatine kinase is under what enzyme category?

a.  Oxidoreductases
b.  Hydrolases
c.  Lyases
d.  Transferases

30. It is the only enzyme whose clinical significance is not

increased, but decreased levels.
a.  Pseudocholinesterase
b.  Ceruloplasmin
c.  5’ Nucleotidase
d.  Glucose-6-Phospate Dehydrogenase

31. For each degree of fever in the patient, pO2 will fall ___ &
pCO2 will rise ___%.

a.  7,3
b.  3,7
c.  2,5
d.  5,2

32. Confirmatory test for acromegaly:

a.  Physical activity test

b.  Insulin tolerance test
c.  Somatomedin C
d.  Glucose suppression test

33. It is the most potent of the estrogens.

a.  Estriol
b.  Estrone
c.  Estradiol
d.  Testradiol

34. An individual with hyperthyroidism will manifest ___ triglyceride


a.  Increased
b.  Decreased

35. An individual with hypothyroidism will manifest ___ T3 uptake


a.  Increased
b.  Decreased

36. This tumor marker is helpful in the diagnosis of urinary bladder


a.  CA 19-9
b.  Calcitonin
c.  HER-2/neu
d.  NMP

37. The primary product of hepatic metabolism of cocaine is:

a.  Morphine
b.  NAPA
c.  Benzoylecgonine
d.  Primidone

38. Which of the following drugs is a barbiturate?

a.  Cyclosporine
b.  Methotrexate
c.  Phenobarbital
d.  Acetaminophen

39. The signs and symptoms of this blood alcohol level in %w/v are
mental confusion, dizziness and strongly impaired motor skills
(staggering, slurred speech).

a.  0.09-0.25
b.  0.18-0.30
c.  0.27-0.40
d.  0.35-0.50

40. This pipette, commonly used in laboratories, is the considered

the most basic pipette.

a.  Automatic pipette
b.  Air displacement pipette
c.  Glass pipette
d.  Positive displacement pipette

41. The BMI of an obese individual in kg/m2 is:

a.  18.5
b.  25
c.  29.9
d.  30

42. Which of the following is true about Fahey and McKelvey method?

a.  Kinetic method
b.  Measured after 18 hours
c.  Diameter = log of concentration
d.  All of the above

43. Which correctly describes when there is damaged in the


a.  Increased AST
b.  Increased ALT
c.  Direct bilirubin ratio to total bilirubin is greater than 1:2
d.  Increased CK
44. Which correctly describes when there is decreased in the potency
of the biliary epithelium?

a.  Increased AST
b.  Increased ALT
c.  Direct bilirubin ratio to total bilirubin is greater than 1:2
d.  Increased CK

45. Which test are routinely used to asses the kidney function (Dean
Rodriguez’s Lectures)

a.  K and crea

b.  Na and crea
c.  Cl and urea
d.  K and urea

46. Which enzyme has a moderate specificity for heart, liver and
skeletal muscle?

a.  AST
b.  LDH
c.  ALT
d.  CK

47. Who can perform POCT for glucose?

a.  Med Techs only

b.  Nurses
c.  Non-lab personnel and diabetic patients
d.  All of the above

48. Considered as the risk factor for coronary heart disease

a.  HDL
b.  Triglycerides
c.  Cholesterol
d.  Phospholipids

49. Physician asks in asymptomatic DM patients

a.  History of vascular disease

b.  History of insulin resistance
c.  Hypertension

d.  All of the above

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