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Industrial Organization 05


Marc Bourreau

Telecom ParisTech

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1 Definition of informative and persuasive advertising

2 Examples measuring advertising intensity by sector
3 Advertising spending by a monopoly
4 Effects of advertising on competition

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Informative and Persuasive Advertising

Information and Persuasion

We distinguish two types of goods (Nelson, 1970 and 1974):

"Research goods"
"Experience goods"

Research goods
Goods whose quality can be certified before purchase.

Experience goods
Goods whose quality characteristics cannot be observed before purchase (or it
would be too costly).

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Informative and Persuasive Advertising

Information and Persuasion

According to Nelson, the nature of an "experience good" depends on the cost

for a consumer to research information on the product quality.

We distinguish two types of information:

Hard information: existence of the product, its price, the retailers distribut-
ing it, its characteristics (direct information).
Soft information: indirect information.

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Informative and Persuasive Advertising

Information and Persuasion

The distinction between research goods and experience goods leads to distin-
guish two types of advertising:
Informative advertising
Persuasive advertising

Informative advertising
Provides information on the product characteristics, to reveal an objective dif-

Persuasive advertising
Seeks to modify consumers preferences, to create a subjective differentiation.

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Informative and Persuasive Advertising

Information and Persuasion

Which form of advertising is the most common?

→ The ratio advertising to sales is 3 times superior for experience goods than
for research goods (according to Nelson, 1976).

What is a priori the difference between informative advertising and persuasive

advertising in terms of social welfare?

Informative advertising: some value a priori

Persuasive advertising: value less clear

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Informative and Persuasive Advertising

Information and Persuasion

For example, we have studied the impact of advertising on "Yoplait 150", intro-
duced in the US in 1987.

The data (sales, advertising) have shown that

The probability of purchasing Yoplait 150 = 1,85 x advertising exposition

- 0,24 x advertising exposition x number of previous purchases + (other
control variables).

Where advertising exposition = number of 30-seconds ads watched by the

consumer within a week.

→ Consistent with the idea of informative advertising.

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Informative and Persuasive Advertising

Information and Persuasion

In 1984, The American Congress has implemented an accelerated authorization

process for generic drugs.

Between 1984 and 1998, their market share has varied from 18% to 42%.

And yet, the branded drug price hasn’t decreased, on the contrary, it has

This is explained, in particular, by the intensive advertising campaigns con-

ducted by the labs distributing these branded drugs.

→ Consistent with the idea of pervasive advertising.

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Informative and Persuasive Advertising

Advertising as a Signal

For experience goods it could be difficult to make informative advertising.

Nonetheless, advertising can act as a signal send to consumers to indicate that

quality is high.

Let’s assume that there are low quality (experience) goods and high quality
goods and that the purchases are repeated.

High-quality providers can have incentives to spend a large amount of money

in advertising to signal themselves as providers of high-quality goods.

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Informative and Persuasive Advertising

Advertising as a Signal

Idea: It is only rational to spend a lot if the firm offers a high-quality product.

Conditions for this strategy to be credible?

→ A high quality firm should have a higher interest in making consumers try
its product than low quality firms.

Is this type of advertising a waste?

→ Not necessarily, the equilibrium with advertising could be more efficient

than the equilibrium without.

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

We observe that the ration of advertising on sales (or turnover) varies between
Salt: 0 to 0.5%
Breakfast cereals: 8 to 13%

A simple formula (the Dorfman-Steiner formula) provides an explanation:

a p − C0 η
= η=
R p 

η denotes the advertising spending elasticity of demand
 denotes the elasticity of demand
a the advertising investments
R the revenues

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

Let’s consider a monopoly firm.

The demand function is q = D p, a .

The monopoly maximizes its profit

pD p, a − C D p, a − a,

with respect to p and a.

The first order conditions are:

D p, a + pDp p, a = C0 D p, a Dp p, a ,

pDa p, a = C0 D p, a Da p, a + 1.

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

The first FOC is given by

D p, a + pDp p, a = C0 D p, a Dp p, a ,

If we denote 
pDp p, a
ε=−  ,
D p, a

we find the inverse price elasticity rule:

p − C0 1
= .

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

The second FOC is

pDa p, a = C0 D p, a Da p, a + 1,

p − C0 Da = 1.

We define: 
aDa p, a
D p, a
D p, a
Da p, a = η ,

p − C0 ηD p, a = a.

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

We have
p − C0 ηD p, a = a.

p − C0 η

a a
η= = = .
p pD p, a R 

For the monopoly, the optimal ratio between Advertising spending and
turnover is equal to the relation of the elasticity of demands with respect to the
Advertising and the price.

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

Some examples (according to Metwally, 1975):
Instant coffee: η/ = 0, 019 and a/R = 0, 020
Bottles of beer: η/ = 0, 008 and a/R = 0, 011
Cigarettes: η/ = 0, 019 and a/R = 0, 046
Soap: η/ = 0, 013 and a/R = 0, 012
Washing powder: η/ = 0, 019 and a/R = 0, 030
Toothpaste: η/ = 0, 024 and a/R = 0, 059
Engine oil: η/ = 0, 017 and a/R = 0, 016

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

Dorfman-Steiner formula:
a η

We can apply the D-S formula to get an intuition on the effect of the market
structure on advertising spending.

How does the firm’s price elasticity vary in function of the number of competi-
→ It tends to increase.
→ And therefore the advertising intensity tends to decrease.

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

What is the effect of an increase in the number of firms on η ?

If advertising is a public good? = the advertising increases each firm’s demand

→ Therefore, the elasticity of adver-

tising (and as such the advertising in-
tensity) decreases with the number of

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

If, on the contrary, the only effect of advertising is to make consumers switch
from a firm to another?
→ A priori, the elasticity of advertising (and as such the advertising intensity)
can increase with the number of firms (the incitations to capture competitors’
market increases with the number of competitors).

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Intensity of Advertising for a Monopoly

Advertising Spendings Intensity

This analysis suggests an ambiguous relationship between the intensity of

advertising spending and the number of firms.

Empirical studies suggest that:

Starting with a small number of firms: increasing the number of firms will
increase advertising intensity
Starting with a large number of firms: increasing the number of firms will
decrease advertising intensity

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Effects of Advertising on Competition

Price Competition and Advertising

General intuition
Advertising is an instrument of competition, like prices.

For example, what would happen if the only effect of advertising were to shift
market shares?

→ We would have a mechanism "à la Bertrand": increase of advertising spend-

ing until the profits reach zero.

But advertising expenses differ from prices:

Interactions are less frequent
Advertising is an investment and may have long-term effects

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Effects of Advertising on Competition

Advertising Can Soften Price Competition

Let’s assume a competitive framework à la Hotelling (linear differentiation)

The two firms are located at the two extremes of the varieties interval
The consumers are uniformly distributed on the interval
But we assume that they ignore the differences between the goods of the
two firms

What happens? → we have a competition "à la Bertrand" and therefore

the firms obtain zero profits

If firms can make informative advertising, what happens? → We have

a competition "à la Hotelling" and therefore firms make strictly positive

Conclusion: Informative advertising can increase the differentiation and de-

crease the intensity of price competition.

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Effects of Advertising on Competition

Advertising Can Strengthen Price Competition

Two firms sell homogeneous (identical) goods

Consumers are willing to pay v for the good
But they ignore the existence and the prices of firms, they have to carry
out a research step
Let’s suppose they can only make one research

What is the equilibrium price? → the equilibrium price is p = v

If firms can make informative Advertising, what happens? → the equilib-

rium price is p = c

Conclusion: Informative advertising can increase the intensity of price compe-


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Effects of Advertising on Competition

Advertising as an Entry Barrier

Theory of John Sutton (1991)

In markets where it is possible to differentiate in the eyes of consumers, we
observe important advertising spending levels and a high degree of concentra-

→ Advertising as an entry barrier.

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Effects of Advertising on Competition

Advertising as an Entry Barrier

RealLemon example (1978), lemon juice brand:
The brand RealLemon of Borden dominated the US markets for several
Entry of a competitor Golden Crown, with an identical good
But intensive advertising campaigns from RealLemon → GC had to set a
price 15 to 25% lower
Leading to a price war
Complaint against Borden in front of the FTC which concluded on a abuse
of dominant position from Borden (complaint withdrawn in appeal)

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There are two types of advertising: informative advertising (provides

information on product characteristics) and persuasive advertising (seeks
to create a subjective differentiation).
The monopoly invests in advertising such that the ratio of its spending on
its turnover is equal to the ratio of the demand elasticity to advertising on
the price elasticity of demand.
Advertising on product characteristics tends to soften competition, as it
increases the possibility of differentiation for firms.
Advertising on prices tends to increase price competition.

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