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G.R. No.

226481, APRIL 18, 2018



Mola was charged with illegal sale of prohibited drugs. It was alleged by the
prosecution that Mola was arrested pursuant to a buy-bust operation and a sachet of white
crystalline substance was confiscated from him. After his arrest, he was brought to the
Police Community Precinct (PCP). SP04 Enrique Columbino testified that he marked the
seized items and prepared the confiscation/inventory receipt at the PCP; they then
proceeded to the Dagupan City Police Station, where he turned over Mola, the sachet of
shabu, the buy-bust money, and the confiscation/inventory receipt to Duty Investigator
SPO3 Dante Marmolejo; the following day, he took back the sachet of shabu from SPO3
Marmolejo and brought it to the PNP Crime Laboratory in Lingayen, Pangasinan, on the
basis of the letter-request prepared by SPO3 Marmolejo; and he returned to Cayabyab's
store, the place where he met Mola, to ask him to sign the confiscation/inventory receipt,
which the latter did by printing his name on it. In his defense, Mola denied the accusations.


Whether or not Mola is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.


No. To ensure an unbroken chain of custody, Section 21 (1) of R.A. 9165 specifies

that the apprehending team having initial custody and control of the drugs shall,
immediately after seizure and confiscation" physically inventory and photograph the same
in the presence of the accused or the person/s from whom such items were confiscated
and/or seized, or his/her representative or counsel, a representative from the media and
the DOJ, and any elected public official who shall be required to sign the copies of the
inventory and be given a copy thereof.

In this case, records yielded no justifiable reason for the prosecution's non-
compliance with the first link in the chain of custody of evidence, i.e., the marking by the
apprehending officer of the dangerous drug seized from the accused. The one advanced by
SPO4 Columbino as to why it was impractical for him to conduct the marking and inventory
of the sachet of alleged shabu at the place of arrest and seizure is unconvincing. His
assertion that he opted to go to the PCP, which was the nearest police station, because he
was "only one" and "there were many persons" is but a hollow excuse. The insinuation that
the safety and security of his person or of the items seized was under immediate or
extreme danger was self-serving as it was not substantiated or corroborated by evidence.
To note, it appears that his claim is contrary to his statement during the direct examination
that he was with the civilian asset and his companions from the PCP when he proceeded
to conduct the buy-bust operation. Thus, for failure to establish the integrity of the corpus
delicti, Mola was acquitted.

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