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EXCEL EXERCISE #11: Bivariate Regression

1. Enter the data on the attached page for STATE, ROBBERY (robberies per million
residents), and POLICE (police employees per 100,000 population) into cells A1:C52.

1 State Crime Data Set
3 AL 230 1321
4 AK 350 900
5 AZ 310 1936
6 AR 190 809
7 CA 270 3842
8 CO 270 1601
9 CT 260 2180
10 DE 280 1370
11 FL 300 3555
12 GA 240 1976
13 HI 290 1902
14 ID 240 468
15 IL 320 2170
16 IN 210 1414
17 IA 200 549
18 KS 230 1131
19 KY 200 952
20 LA 290 1970
21 ME 200 308
22 MD 310 3927
23 MA 290 2355
24 MI 250 2440
25 MN 190 991
26 MS 200 810
27 MO 280 2236
28 MT 240 340
29 NE 220 822
30 NV 360 4606
31 NH 240 420
32 NJ 350 3037
33 NM 280 1279
34 NY 370 6413
35 NC 220 823
36 ND 180 77
37 OH 210 2237
38 OK 230 1049
39 OR 240 1524
40 PA 240 1779
41 RI 280 1186
42 SC 240 1181
43 SD 200 201
44 TN 210 1806
45 TX 240 2085
46 UT 240 802
47 VT 200 389
48 VA 230 1201
49 WA 210 1351
50 WV 180 485
51 WI 240 707
52 WY 310 444
Regression Coefficients

2. Regress ROBBERY (Y) on POLICE (X). Enter the following labels.
A54: Sum =
A55: N =
A56: Mean =
E2: (Yi-Ybar)
F2: (Xi-Xbar)
G2: (Yi-Ybar)(Xi-Xbar)
H2: (Xi-Xbar)2
I2: (Xi-Xbar)2
F54: Sum =

3. Enter the following formulas.

B54: =sum(b3:b52)
C54: =sum(c3:c52)
B55: =count(b3:b52)
C55: =count(c3:c52)
B56: =average(b3:b52)
C56: =average(c3:c52)

4. Enter the following formula.

E3: =c3-c$56

5. Copy the formula in cell E3 to cells E4 to E52.

6. Enter the following formula.

F3: =b3-b$56

7. Copy the formula in cell F3 to cells F4 to F52.

8. Enter the following formula.

G3: =f3*e3

9. Copy the formula in cell G3 to cells G4 to G52.

10. Enter the following formula.

H3: =f3^2

11. Copy the formula in cell H3 to cells H4 to H52.

12. Enter the following formula.

I3: =e3^2

13. Copy the formula in cell I3 to cells I4 to I52.

14. Enter the following formulas.
G54: =sum(g3:g52)
H54: =sum(h3:h52)
I54: =sum(i3:i52)

15. Enter the following labels.

A60: Slope =
A61: Intercept =
B59: Coefficient

16. Enter the following formulas.

B60: =g54/h54
B61: =c56-b60*b56

Your spreadsheet should look similar to the one below.

1 State Crime Data Set
2 2
2 STATE POLICE (X) ROBBERY (Y) (Yi-Ybar) (Xi-Xbar) (X i-Xbar)(Yi-Ybar) (X i-X bar) (Yi-Ybar)
3 AL 230 1321 -266.14 -21.2 5642.168 449.44 70830.4996
4 AK 350 900 -687.14 98.8 -67889.432 9761.44 472161.3796
5 AZ 310 1936 348.86 58.8 20512.968 3457.44 121703.2996
6 AR 190 809 -778.14 -61.2 47622.168 3745.44 605501.8596
7 CA 270 3842 2254.86 18.8 42391.368 353.44 5084393.62
8 CO 270 1601 13.86 18.8 260.568 353.44 192.0996
9 CT 260 2180 592.86 8.8 5217.168 77.44 351482.9796
10 DE 280 1370 -217.14 28.8 -6253.632 829.44 47149.7796
11 FL 300 3555 1967.86 48.8 96031.568 2381.44 3872472.98
12 GA 240 1976 388.86 -11.2 -4355.232 125.44 151212.0996
13 HI 290 1902 314.86 38.8 12216.568 1505.44 99136.8196
14 ID 240 468 -1119.14 -11.2 12534.368 125.44 1252474.34
15 IL 320 2170 582.86 68.8 40100.768 4733.44 339725.7796
16 IN 210 1414 -173.14 -41.2 7133.368 1697.44 29977.4596
17 IA 200 549 -1038.14 -51.2 53152.768 2621.44 1077734.66
18 KS 230 1131 -456.14 -21.2 9670.168 449.44 208063.6996
19 KY 200 952 -635.14 -51.2 32519.168 2621.44 403402.8196
20 LA 290 1970 382.86 38.8 14854.968 1505.44 146581.7796
21 ME 200 308 -1279.14 -51.2 65491.968 2621.44 1636199.14
22 MD 310 3927 2339.86 58.8 137583.768 3457.44 5474944.82
23 MA 290 2355 767.86 38.8 29792.968 1505.44 589608.9796
24 MI 250 2440 852.86 -1.2 -1023.432 1.44 727370.1796
25 MN 190 991 -596.14 -61.2 36483.768 3745.44 355382.8996
26 MS 200 810 -777.14 -51.2 39789.568 2621.44 603946.5796
27 MO 280 2236 648.86 28.8 18687.168 829.44 421019.2996
28 MT 240 340 -1247.14 -11.2 13967.968 125.44 1555358.18
29 NE 220 822 -765.14 -31.2 23872.368 973.44 585439.2196
30 NV 360 4606 3018.86 108.8 328451.968 11837.44 9113515.7
31 NH 240 420 -1167.14 -11.2 13071.968 125.44 1362215.78
32 NJ 350 3037 1449.86 98.8 143246.168 9761.44 2102094.02
33 NM 280 1279 -308.14 28.8 -8874.432 829.44 94950.2596
34 NY 370 6413 4825.86 118.8 573312.168 14113.44 23288924.74
35 NC 220 823 -764.14 -31.2 23841.168 973.44 583909.9396
36 ND 180 77 -1510.14 -71.2 107521.968 5069.44 2280522.82
37 OH 210 2237 649.86 -41.2 -26774.232 1697.44 422318.0196
38 OK 230 1049 -538.14 -21.2 11408.568 449.44 289594.6596
39 OR 240 1524 -63.14 -11.2 707.168 125.44 3986.6596
40 PA 240 1779 191.86 -11.2 -2148.832 125.44 36810.2596
41 RI 280 1186 -401.14 28.8 -11552.832 829.44 160913.2996
42 SC 240 1181 -406.14 -11.2 4548.768 125.44 164949.6996
43 SD 200 201 -1386.14 -51.2 70970.368 2621.44 1921384.1
44 TN 210 1806 218.86 -41.2 -9017.032 1697.44 47899.6996
45 TX 240 2085 497.86 -11.2 -5576.032 125.44 247864.5796
46 UT 240 802 -785.14 -11.2 8793.568 125.44 616444.8196
47 VT 200 389 -1198.14 -51.2 61344.768 2621.44 1435539.46
48 VA 230 1201 -386.14 -21.2 8186.168 449.44 149104.0996
49 WA 210 1351 -236.14 -41.2 9728.968 1697.44 55762.0996
50 WV 180 485 -1102.14 -71.2 78472.368 5069.44 1214712.58
51 WI 240 707 -880.14 -11.2 9857.568 125.44 774646.4196
52 WY 310 444 -1143.14 58.8 -67216.632 3457.44 1306769.06
54 Sum = 12560 79357 Sum = 2008311.6 116728 73958300.02
55 N = 50 50
56 Mean = 251.2 1587.14
59 Coefficient
60 Slope = 17.20505
61 Intercept= -2734.77

Predicted Values and Model Goodness of Fit Measures

17. Enter the following labels.

K2: Yhat
L2: (Yi-Ybar)2
M2: (Yi-Yhati)2
N2: (Yhati-Ybar)2

18. Enter the following formula.

K3: =$b$61+$b$60*b3

19. Copy the formula in cell K3 to cells K4 to K52.

20. Enter the following formula.

L3: =(c3-c$56)^2

21. Copy the formula in cell L3 to cells L4 to L52.

22. Enter the following formula.

M3: =(c3-k3)^2

23. Copy the formula in cell M3 to cells M4 to M52.

24. Enter the following formula.

N3: =(k3-c$56)^2

25. Copy the formula in cell N3 to cells N4 to N52.

26. Enter the following formulas.

L54: =sum(l3:l52)
M54: =sum(m3:m52)
N54: =sum(n3:n52)

This portion of your spreadsheet should look similar to what is below.

2 2 2
2 Yhat (Yi-Ybar) (Yi-Yhati) (Yhati-Ybar)
3 1222.393 70830.5 9723.371 133040.49
4 3286.999 472161.4 5697766 2889521.9
5 2598.797 121703.3 439300.1 1023450.3
6 534.1907 605501.9 75520.17 1108702.3
7 1910.595 5084394 3730325 104623.15
8 1910.595 192.0996 95849.08 104623.15
9 1738.544 351483 194883 22923.316
10 2082.646 47149.78 507863.7 245525.77
11 2426.747 3872473 1272956 704939.34
12 1394.443 151212.1 338208.1 37131.984
13 2254.696 99136.82 124394.5 445631.17
14 1394.443 1252474 858297.4 37131.984
15 2770.848 339725.8 361018 1401164
16 878.2918 29977.46 286983.3 502465.83
17 706.2412 1077735 24724.8 775982.68
18 1222.393 208063.7 8352.652 133040.49
19 706.2412 403402.8 60397.38 775982.68
20 2254.696 146581.8 81051.88 445631.17
21 706.2412 1636199 158596.1 775982.68
22 2598.797 5474945 1764123 1023450.3
23 2254.696 589609 10060.87 445631.17
24 1566.494 727370.2 763012.8 426.26002
25 534.1907 355382.9 208674.8 1108702.3
26 706.2412 603946.6 10765.89 775982.68
27 2082.646 421019.3 23517.58 245525.77
28 1394.443 1555358 1111851 37131.984
29 1050.342 585439.2 52140.21 288151.77
30 3459.05 9113516 1315494 3504046.8
31 1394.443 1362216 949539.9 37131.984
32 3286.999 2102094 62499.69 2889521.9
33 2082.646 94950.26 645846.2 245525.77
34 3631.1 23288925 7738965 4177774.4
35 1050.342 583909.9 51684.52 288151.77
36 362.1401 2280523 81304.89 1500624.7
37 878.2918 422318 1846088 502465.83
38 1222.393 289594.7 30065.08 133040.49
39 1394.443 3986.66 16784.92 37131.984
40 1394.443 36810.26 147883.8 37131.984
41 2082.646 160913.3 803973.3 245525.77
42 1394.443 164949.7 45558.08 37131.984
43 706.2412 1921384 255268.7 775982.68
44 878.2918 47899.7 860642.6 502465.83
45 1394.443 247864.6 476868.4 37131.984
46 1394.443 616444.8 350989.2 37131.984
47 706.2412 1435539 100642 775982.68
48 1222.393 149104.1 457.6538 133040.49
49 878.2918 55762.1 223453.1 502465.83
50 362.1401 1214713 15094.55 1500624.7
51 1394.443 774646.4 472578.4 37131.984
52 2598.797 1306769 4643151 1023450.3
54 73958300 39405190 34553111

27. Enter the following labels.
A65: Error =
A66: Regression=
A67: Total =
A68: F =
A69: Prob F =
A70: R2 =
B64: df
C64: Sum Square
D64: Mean Square
E64: Sigma

28. Enter the following formulas.

B65: =b55-2
B66: 1
B67: =b65+b66
C65: =m54
C66: =n54
C67: =l54

29. Enter the following formulas.

D65: =c65/(b55-2)
D66: =c66
E65: =sqrt(d65)
B68: =d66/d65
B69: =fdist(b68,b66,b65)
B70: =(l54-m54)/l54

This portion of your spreadsheet should look like below.

64 df Sum Square Mean Square Sigma
65 Error = 48 39405190 820941.448 906.0582
66 Regression= 1 34553111 34553110.5
67 Total = 49 73958300
68 F= 42.08962
69 Prob F = 4.49E-08
70 R = 0.467197

Tests of Statistical Significance for Coefficients

30. Enter the following label.

D2: Xi2

31. Enter the following formula.

D3: =b3^2

32. Copy the formula in cell D3 to cells D4 to D52.

33. Enter the following formula.

D54: =sum(d3:d52)

34. Enter the following labels.

C59: Std Error
D59: t
E69: df
F59: Prob 1-tail
G59: Prob 2-tail

35. Enter the following formulas.

C60: =sqrt(d65/h54)
C61: =(sqrt(d54/(b55*h54)))*e65
D60: =b60/c60
D61: =b61/c61
E60: =b55-2
E61: =b55-2
F60: =tdist(abs(d60),e60,1)
F61: =tdist(abs(d61),e61,1)
G60: =tdist(abs(d60),e60,2)
G61: =tdist(abs(d61),e61,2)

This portion of your spreadsheet should look similar to what is below.

59 Coefficient Std Error t df Prob 1-tail Prob 2-tail
60 Slope = 17.20505 2.6519698 6.48765106 48 2.25E-08 4.4925E-08
61 Intercept= -2734.77 678.3861 -4.0312879 48 9.87E-05 0.000197435

Your completed spreadsheet should look similar the one below.

1 State Crime Data Set
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 STATE POLICE (X) ROBBERY (Y) Xi (Yi-Ybar) (Xi-Xbar) (Xi -Xbar)(Yi-Ybar) (Xi-Xbar) (Yi-Ybar) Yhat (Yi-Ybar) (Yi-Yhati) (Yhati-Ybar)
3 AL 230 1321 52900 -266.14 -21.2 5642.168 449.44 70830.4996 1222.393 70830.5 9723.371 133040.49
4 AK 350 900 122500 -687.14 98.8 -67889.432 9761.44 472161.3796 3286.999 472161.4 5697766 2889521.9
5 AZ 310 1936 96100 348.86 58.8 20512.968 3457.44 121703.2996 2598.797 121703.3 439300.1 1023450.3
6 AR 190 809 36100 -778.14 -61.2 47622.168 3745.44 605501.8596 534.1907 605501.9 75520.17 1108702.3
7 CA 270 3842 72900 2254.86 18.8 42391.368 353.44 5084393.62 1910.595 5084394 3730325 104623.15
8 CO 270 1601 72900 13.86 18.8 260.568 353.44 192.0996 1910.595 192.0996 95849.08 104623.15
9 CT 260 2180 67600 592.86 8.8 5217.168 77.44 351482.9796 1738.544 351483 194883 22923.316
10 DE 280 1370 78400 -217.14 28.8 -6253.632 829.44 47149.7796 2082.646 47149.78 507863.7 245525.77
11 FL 300 3555 90000 1967.86 48.8 96031.568 2381.44 3872472.98 2426.747 3872473 1272956 704939.34
12 GA 240 1976 57600 388.86 -11.2 -4355.232 125.44 151212.0996 1394.443 151212.1 338208.1 37131.984
13 HI 290 1902 84100 314.86 38.8 12216.568 1505.44 99136.8196 2254.696 99136.82 124394.5 445631.17
14 ID 240 468 57600 -1119.14 -11.2 12534.368 125.44 1252474.34 1394.443 1252474 858297.4 37131.984
15 IL 320 2170 102400 582.86 68.8 40100.768 4733.44 339725.7796 2770.848 339725.8 361018 1401164
16 IN 210 1414 44100 -173.14 -41.2 7133.368 1697.44 29977.4596 878.2918 29977.46 286983.3 502465.83
17 IA 200 549 40000 -1038.14 -51.2 53152.768 2621.44 1077734.66 706.2412 1077735 24724.8 775982.68
18 KS 230 1131 52900 -456.14 -21.2 9670.168 449.44 208063.6996 1222.393 208063.7 8352.652 133040.49
19 KY 200 952 40000 -635.14 -51.2 32519.168 2621.44 403402.8196 706.2412 403402.8 60397.38 775982.68
20 LA 290 1970 84100 382.86 38.8 14854.968 1505.44 146581.7796 2254.696 146581.8 81051.88 445631.17
21 ME 200 308 40000 -1279.14 -51.2 65491.968 2621.44 1636199.14 706.2412 1636199 158596.1 775982.68
22 MD 310 3927 96100 2339.86 58.8 137583.768 3457.44 5474944.82 2598.797 5474945 1764123 1023450.3
23 MA 290 2355 84100 767.86 38.8 29792.968 1505.44 589608.9796 2254.696 589609 10060.87 445631.17
24 MI 250 2440 62500 852.86 -1.2 -1023.432 1.44 727370.1796 1566.494 727370.2 763012.8 426.26002
25 MN 190 991 36100 -596.14 -61.2 36483.768 3745.44 355382.8996 534.1907 355382.9 208674.8 1108702.3
26 MS 200 810 40000 -777.14 -51.2 39789.568 2621.44 603946.5796 706.2412 603946.6 10765.89 775982.68
27 MO 280 2236 78400 648.86 28.8 18687.168 829.44 421019.2996 2082.646 421019.3 23517.58 245525.77
28 MT 240 340 57600 -1247.14 -11.2 13967.968 125.44 1555358.18 1394.443 1555358 1111851 37131.984
29 NE 220 822 48400 -765.14 -31.2 23872.368 973.44 585439.2196 1050.342 585439.2 52140.21 288151.77
30 NV 360 4606 129600 3018.86 108.8 328451.968 11837.44 9113515.7 3459.05 9113516 1315494 3504046.8
31 NH 240 420 57600 -1167.14 -11.2 13071.968 125.44 1362215.78 1394.443 1362216 949539.9 37131.984
32 NJ 350 3037 122500 1449.86 98.8 143246.168 9761.44 2102094.02 3286.999 2102094 62499.69 2889521.9
33 NM 280 1279 78400 -308.14 28.8 -8874.432 829.44 94950.2596 2082.646 94950.26 645846.2 245525.77
34 NY 370 6413 136900 4825.86 118.8 573312.168 14113.44 23288924.74 3631.1 23288925 7738965 4177774.4
35 NC 220 823 48400 -764.14 -31.2 23841.168 973.44 583909.9396 1050.342 583909.9 51684.52 288151.77
36 ND 180 77 32400 -1510.14 -71.2 107521.968 5069.44 2280522.82 362.1401 2280523 81304.89 1500624.7
37 OH 210 2237 44100 649.86 -41.2 -26774.232 1697.44 422318.0196 878.2918 422318 1846088 502465.83
38 OK 230 1049 52900 -538.14 -21.2 11408.568 449.44 289594.6596 1222.393 289594.7 30065.08 133040.49
39 OR 240 1524 57600 -63.14 -11.2 707.168 125.44 3986.6596 1394.443 3986.66 16784.92 37131.984
40 PA 240 1779 57600 191.86 -11.2 -2148.832 125.44 36810.2596 1394.443 36810.26 147883.8 37131.984
41 RI 280 1186 78400 -401.14 28.8 -11552.832 829.44 160913.2996 2082.646 160913.3 803973.3 245525.77
42 SC 240 1181 57600 -406.14 -11.2 4548.768 125.44 164949.6996 1394.443 164949.7 45558.08 37131.984
43 SD 200 201 40000 -1386.14 -51.2 70970.368 2621.44 1921384.1 706.2412 1921384 255268.7 775982.68
44 TN 210 1806 44100 218.86 -41.2 -9017.032 1697.44 47899.6996 878.2918 47899.7 860642.6 502465.83
45 TX 240 2085 57600 497.86 -11.2 -5576.032 125.44 247864.5796 1394.443 247864.6 476868.4 37131.984
46 UT 240 802 57600 -785.14 -11.2 8793.568 125.44 616444.8196 1394.443 616444.8 350989.2 37131.984
47 VT 200 389 40000 -1198.14 -51.2 61344.768 2621.44 1435539.46 706.2412 1435539 100642 775982.68
48 VA 230 1201 52900 -386.14 -21.2 8186.168 449.44 149104.0996 1222.393 149104.1 457.6538 133040.49
49 WA 210 1351 44100 -236.14 -41.2 9728.968 1697.44 55762.0996 878.2918 55762.1 223453.1 502465.83
50 WV 180 485 32400 -1102.14 -71.2 78472.368 5069.44 1214712.58 362.1401 1214713 15094.55 1500624.7
51 WI 240 707 57600 -880.14 -11.2 9857.568 125.44 774646.4196 1394.443 774646.4 472578.4 37131.984
52 WY 310 444 96100 -1143.14 58.8 -67216.632 3457.44 1306769.06 2598.797 1306769 4643151 1023450.3
54 Sum = 12560 79357 3271800 Sum = 2008311.6 116728 73958300.02 73958300 39405190 34553111
55 N= 50 50
56 Mean = 251.2 1587.14
59 Coefficient Std Error t df Prob 1-tail Prob 2-tail
60 Slope = 17.20505 2.6519698 6.48765106 48 2.25E-08 4.4925E-08
61 Intercept= -2734.77 678.3861 -4.0312879 48 9.87E-05 0.000197435
64 df Sum Square Mean Square Sigma
65 Error = 48 39405190 820941.448 906.0582
66 Regression= 1 34553111 34553110.5
67 Total = 49 73958300
68 F = 42.08962
69 Prob F = 4.49E-08

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