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GRADES 1 to 12
Teacher: LOVELY JOY A. APALLA Learning Area: ENGLISH
Acquisition Teaching Dates and Time: JUNE 18-22, 2018 Quarter: 1

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing,
assessing, summarizing information, word derivation and formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to
participate actively in a speech choir.
B. Performance Standards The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial
Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
C. Learning Competencies EN9OL-Ia-1.15: EN9OL-Ia-1.15: EN9G-Ia-1.6/1.7: Use EN9G-Ia-17: Use normal and EN9G-Ia-18: Use
Use the appropriate segmentals Use the appropriate appropriate punctuation marks inverted word order in creative interjections to convey
(sounds of English) and the segmentals (sounds of English) and capitalization to convey writing meaning
suprasegmentals or prosodic features and the suprasegmentals or meaning
of speech when delivering lines of prosodic features of speech
poetry and prose in a speech choir, when delivering lines of poetry
jazz chants and raps. and prose in a speech choir,
jazz chants and raps.
D. Learning Targets I can define content and function I can pronounce vowel sounds I can use appropriate I can use normal and inverted I can define
words. correctly. punctuation marks and word order in creative writing interjections.
capitalization to convey I can use interjections
meaning. to convey meaning.


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guides
2. Learner’s Material pages Yu, P. R., Essential English (2017) 9 pp. Yu, P. R., Essential English Yu, P. R., Essential English (2017) Yu, P. R., Essential English Yu, P. R., Essential
30-32 Rex Publishing Inc. Sampaloc, (2017) 9 pp. 30-32 Rex 9 pp. 30-32 Rex Publishing Inc. (2017) 9 pp. 30-32 Rex English (2017) 9 pp. 30-
Manila Publishing Inc. Sampaloc, Sampaloc, Manila Publishing Inc. Sampaloc, 32 Rex Publishing Inc.
Manila Manila Sampaloc, Manila
3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Reference from

Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Short video presentation about the Review about content and Review about content and Short exercises about What is importance of
presenting the new lesson importance of music in our life. function words. function words. punctuation marks and listening well for
capitalization. orders?
B. Establishing a purpose for the To be able to give more stress on To be able to read a poem To be able to familiarize oneself To be able to convert an To be able to use
lesson content words rather than function using correct stress and with the punctuation and inverted sentence into a normal interjections in
words. intonation. capitalization marks. sentence. appropriate situation.
C. Presenting examples/instances Group Activity. Arrange Me! Role Play Activity.
of the new lesson Read a short paragraph without Arrange jumbles pictures and What are the
punctuation marks and answer try say something about it. commonly used
the questions given. expressions of the
How do you view the world millennials? Present a
without order? role play presentation
using the expressions.
D. Discussing new concepts and Content words are the words that we A vowel is one class of a Comma (,) is used to separate In a normal sentence, the Interjections is one or
practicing new skill #1 give emphasis when we speak while speech sound which is ideas or elements within in a subject of a sentence comes two words uttered or
function words are the unstressed described by the breath sentence. directly in front of the verb. The written as an
ones. channel is not blocked and is Colon (:) is used after a word or direct object when there is one expression of emotion
not considered enough to case sentence to introduce a series, comes directly after it: or feeling of a writer or
audible, friction, and an explanation, and an example. Subject: Juan a speaker.
articulators. s etc. Verb: reads Ex.
Semicolon (;) is used to link Direct Object: the newspaper Ahh, Ahem, Boo, Eh
related independent clauses. every day.
E. Discussing new concepts and Capitalization is writing the first
practicing new skill #2 letter and the rest in lower case
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Determine if the word is a content Write 10 examples of vowel Give the correct punctuations Convert the inverted sentence Use the appropriate
Formative Assessment) word or a function word. sounds. marks the sentences given. into natural or normal order. interjections to the
sentences given.
G. Finding practical applications of Knowing the words to stress can help Knowing the words to stress Punctuation marks and Language is dynamic. It
concepts and skills in daily living in communicating your thoughts. can help in communicating our capitalization serves as a guide changes over the time.
thoughts. on how to read a text.
H. Making generalizations and Compare and contrast content and What is the essence of vowel What is the importance of How to convert a normal What is the function of
abstractions about the lesson function word. sounds in speaking? knowing and using punctuation sentence into an inverted one? interjections in our
marks when writing? society?
I. Evaluating learning Give 20 examples of content and Read a poem using correct Apply the rules of capitalization Write 5 examples of their own Use the listed
function words. stress and intonation. on the sentences given. fronting. interjection in their
own sentence.
J. Additional activities for Write in your diary about your
application or remediation experiences from last Monday to
Tuesday by observing the correct
punctuation marks and
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?


Lovely Joy A. Apalla _________________________________________ _______________________________________
Subject Teacher

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