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Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 1 of 39



JANE DOE, as guardian, on behalf of JOHN

DOE No. 1, a minor, and JOHN DOE No. 2,


v. Case No.




John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2 are the biological sons (“Nygard’s Sons”) of Peter

Nygard, and they bring this action to shine the light of truth on their father’s sexual abuse. Each

of the sons has experienced, first-hand, the destruction caused by Peter Nygard’s sex trafficking

venture and, through their truth, stand for accountability and justice.

In addition to sex trafficking his own sons, Peter Nygard lied about the sexual abuse and

attempted to intimidate his sons into remaining quiet. But plaintiffs in this case refuse to be

silenced and, following investigation in the last several months, Nygard’s Sons have come to

realize the lies and corruption of Peter Nygard, including sex trafficking, intimidation, and

destruction of countless innocent victims.

Nygard’s Sons bring this case to shed the light of truth for their own justice and to help

provide a voice for other innocent victims of violence and sexual abuse by their father. They stand

now for their own truth and justice, guided by the ethos that silence cannot be countenanced;

silence is complicity; now is the time to speak – to speak the truth for all victims. This case and

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the other cases brought against Peter Nygard are not some grand conspiracy orchestrated by a

hedge fund rival, but rather, these cases speak the truth about Peter Nygard’s sex trafficking that

has devastated so many lives, that has ripped away dignity and instilled shame. Bringing forth this

truth is the path to justice, accountability, and healing. That is the reason for bringing this case.

John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2, the biological sons of Peter Nygard, were both

statutorily raped by the same “girlfriend” of Peter Nygard, at the direct instruction of Peter Nygard,

approximately 14 years apart. This is a civil action for damages under the United States Federal

sex trafficking statute, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1591, et seq., on behalf of John Doe No. 1, a minor, brought

by his guardian, Jane Doe, as well as John Doe No. 2, another son of Nygard. Defendants Nygard

Inc. and Nygard International Partnership (“Nygard International”), which have global

headquarters near Times Square in New York City, and Nygard Holdings Limited (“Nygard

Holdings”) (collectively, the “Nygard Companies”) were instrumental in knowingly aiding,

abetting, facilitating, conspiring, and participating in Defendants’ trafficking of John Doe No. 1

and John Doe No. 2, while knowing that both were younger than eighteen years old, to engage in

a commercial sex act in violation of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act

(“TVPRA”). Nygard owned, directly or indirectly, all of these companies, controlled them,

commingled funds, disregarded all corporate formalities, and used them to commit his unlawful


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1. The Nygard Companies, through Nygard and a close ring of upper-level executives

and employees, know that Nygard is a sexual predator and/or sex trafficker.

2. The Nygard Companies have knowingly conspired with Nygard to enable, act as a

front, and conceal Nygard’s criminal activity.

3. In turn, the Nygard Companies, through their executives and employees, have

participated in and covered-up his crimes for decades so that they can continue to benefit

financially and professionally from Nygard’s name, brand, and money.1

4. Despite knowledge of Nygard’s illegal sexual activity, including with minors, the

Nygard Companies, in 2018, arranged and paid for John Doe No. 1—Nygard’s biological son who

was just fourteen-years-old at the time—to be transported from California to Nygard’s residence,

a property owned and/or paid for by the Nygard Companies, in Winnipeg, Canada where Nygard

had pre-planned and instructed that his long-time “girlfriend,” a known sex worker (hereinafter

“Jane Roe”) would rape Nygard’s 14-year old son, John Doe No. 1.

5. Nygard engineered the rape, instructing Jane Roe to “make a man” out of his 14-

year old son. After the rape, Jane Roe told Nygard that she had, indeed, followed his instructions

to rape John Doe No. 1.

6. But this wasn’t the first time Nygard had orchestrated the rape of one of his sons.

In 2004, Nygard choreographed a similar scenario—instructing the same Jane Roe to rape John

Doe No. 2, Nygard’s son who was then only fifteen years old.

See Jane Does Nos. 1-57 v. Nygard, et al., No. 20-cv-01288 (ER), Doc. Nos. 1, 30, 51 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 13,

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Nygard Controls His Companies and Has Dozens of Facilitators in his Sex Trafficking Venture.

7. Nygard is, in his own words, a world-renowned fashion designer. By others,

Nygard “has been accused of abusive labor practices, tax evasion, sexual harassment and rape.”2

8. Nygard is the founder, chairman, figurehead, chief executive, and icon of the

Nygard Companies.3

9. Nygard is the Nygard Companies; the Nygard Companies are Nygard.

10. Indeed, Nygard proclaims in public filings that he and his businesses are “closely

associated in the public eye.”4

11. The Nygard Companies’ promotional materials and advertisements also make the

companies synonymous with “one man,” Nygard, who is featured individually on almost all

promotional materials and advertisements.5

12. Nygard and his businesses are “closely identified in the public mind, similar to

other fashion houses.”6

13. Directly or indirectly, Nygard owned 100% of the Nygard Companies at the time

of the acts detailed in this Complaint.

14. Nygard entirely controls each of the Nygard Companies. He calls all the shots and

is accountable to no one. His Board consists of himself and two division presidents.7

Unless otherwise specified, all of the allegations in Plaintiffs’ First Amended Complaint pertain to the
time period in which the acts detailed in the Complaint occurred.
Complaint at ¶ 31, Nygard, et al. v. Dipaolo, et al., No. 17-cv-60027 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 5, 2017), at ¶¶ 1, 31.
See, e.g., video at
See Complaint at ¶ 31, Nygard, et al. v. Dipaolo, et al., No. 17-cv-60027 (S.D. Fla. Jan. 5, 2017).

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15. Although Nygard has publicly stepped down from the Nygard Companies, he has

not divested his ownership interest in the Nygard Companies, and he continues to run and direct

the Nygard Companies from behind the scenes. A Canadian judge, in connection with the Nygard

Companies’ bankruptcy proceedings, has recently found that “[t]here is no evidence that Mr.

Nygard has indeed resigned, and 100 percent of the shares of the Nygard Group” are still owned

by him. Another source has confirmed that he is still running the Nygard Companies from his

Winnipeg home.

16. At Nygard’s direction, the Nygard Companies commingle funds and do not observe

corporate formalities.

17. Nygard Inc. and Nygard International have their global headquarters near Times

Square in New York City.

18. Nygard and his companies have repeatedly invoked the jurisdiction of the United

States courts by filing lawsuits in multiple United States courts, including this District.8

19. Nygard has a residence in New York City, which is above his flagship store near

Times Square. Witnesses with first-hand knowledge have spent the night multiple times in

Nygard’s residence on the 6th floor of the Times Square building. Pictured below is Nygard’s

residence with multiple bedrooms, kitchen, etc.

See, e.g., Nygard, et al. v. Bacon, No. 1:19-cv-01559-LGS-KNF (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 19, 2019); Nygard, et al.
v. Dipaolo, et al., No. 17-cv-60027, 2017 WL 4303825 (S.D. Fla. Jan. 5, 2017); Nygard International
Partnership v. Feralio, No. B266683, 2017 WL 4784925 (Cal. Ct. App. Oct. 24, 2017); Nygard v. Jasper,
No. 8:15-cv-1939-T-33EAJ, 2016 WL 9526666 (M.D. Fla. Jan. 4, 2016); Nygard, Inc. v. Uusi-Kerttula,
159 Cal.App.4th 1027 (Cal. Ct. App. 2008); Nygard, Inc. v. Kustannusosakeyhtio Iltalehti, No. B192639,
2007 WL 1775963 (Cal. Ct. App. June 21, 2007).

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20. Nygard owns the companies, Nygard NY Retail, LLC, Nygard Partners, LLC, and

Orion Asset Management, Inc., each of which is a New York corporation.

21. The Nygard Companies have actual knowledge of Nygard’s sex trafficking of John

Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2 through Nygard, as he was, during the relevant time periods herein,

the founder, chairman, and 100% owner of the Nygard Companies.

22. Further, the Nygard Companies knowingly conspired, aided and abetted,

facilitated, and/or participated in Nygard’s illegal sex trafficking of John Doe No. 1 and John Doe

No. 2 by providing company money and resources in at least the following ways:

a. Nygard used the Nygard Companies’ money and resources to transport John Doe

No. 1 from California to his residence in Winnipeg, Canada with the pre-planned

intention of Jane Roe raping John Doe No. 1.

b. Nygard used the Nygard Companies’ money and resources to transport John Doe

No. 2 from California to Nygard’s residence in the Bahamas with the pre-planned

intention of Jane Roe raping John Doe No. 2.

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c. The Nygard Companies owned and paid for Nygard’s residences in Winnipeg,

Canada and the Bahamas where John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2 were

statutorily raped at Nygard’s instruction.

d. The Nygard Companies provided money and resources to Jane Roe, a full-time sex

worker, which enabled her to engage in unlawful commercial sex acts with John

Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2. Jane Roe would have been punished, including

loss of pay and benefits, had she not followed Nygard’s instructions to rape his


e. Travel arrangements for John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2 were made and paid

for through Nygard’s corporate travel department, which is headquartered in the

United States.

f. Nygard and the Nygard Companies have made a concentrated and deliberate effort

to protect and conceal Nygard’s criminal activities, including his sex trafficking of

John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2, including instructing witnesses to lie about

the incidents in question.

g. Nygard and the Nygard Companies, with knowledge of his criminal activity, also

force employees to sign mandatory non-disclosure agreements to attempt to prevent

them from reporting his illegal activity. Nygard and the Nygard Companies also

threaten to sue or sue anyone who goes public with accusations against him.9

See, e.g., Nygard, Inc. v. Uusi-Kerttula, 159 Cal. App. 4th 1027 (2008); Nygard, Inc. v.
Kustannusosakeyhtio Iltalehti, No. B192639, 2007 WL 1775963 (Cal. Ct. App. June 21, 2007);

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h. The Nygard Companies promoted and/or furthered the careers of employees who

facilitated, aided and abetted, and covered-up Nygard’s sex crimes so they could

benefit from Nygard’s name, brand, and work.

23. The Nygard Companies knowingly benefited from Nygard’s sex trafficking of John

Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2. By facilitating and covering-up Nygard’s sex trafficking of John

Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2, the Nygard Companies enjoyed the promotion and promulgation

of the Nygard Companies’ projects internationally. Nygard is the face of the Nygard Companies,

and his presence and promotion in foreign commerce brought exposure and prestige to the Nygard


24. The Nygard Companies also facilitated Nygard’s sex trafficking of John Doe No.

1 and John Doe No. 2, in foreign commerce, to obtain the enormous publicity that Nygard garnered

by promoting the Nygard Companies’ products internationally.

25. Nygard Companies officials also benefitted by being complicit because they were

able to retain their employment and benefits.

26. Nygard’s conduct, as outlined above, violates the TVPRA, which outlaws using

means of interstate or foreign commerce to recruit, entice, obtain, or lure a person and force or

coerce that person, or knowing that the person is younger than eighteen years old, to engage in

commercial sex acts. Nygard’s conduct also violates California, Canadian, and Bahamian law.

The Nygard Companies are guilty of aiding and abetting Nygard’s crimes and conspiring with

Nygard to violate the TVPRA and these other state and foreign laws by knowingly agreeing to

facilitate and enable his illegal conduct for their own gain and their employees’ gain.

27. The Nygard Companies also directly violated the TVPRA and these other state and

foreign laws because they knowingly benefitted from their conspiracy and/or participation in

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Nygard’s venture with knowledge, or in reckless disregard of the fact, that Nygard sex trafficked

John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2 while each was younger than eighteen years old.


28. This Court has federal question subject-matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §

1331, because Plaintiff brings this action under the federal TVPRA statute.

29. This Court also has supplemental jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367(a),

because all claims alleged herein arise out of the same series of transactions or occurrences and

form part of the same case or controversy.

30. This Court is “an appropriate district court of the United States” in accordance with

18 U.S.C. § 1595, as venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(2), because Nygard

Inc. and Nygard International, both headquartered near Times Square in New York City, also

conduct substantial activities in this District and knowingly conspired, aided and abetted,

facilitated, and directly participated in Nygard’s illegal conspiracy and/or venture through actions

that originated in this District. Venue is also proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(3),

because all Defendants conduct substantial activities in this District and are subject to personal

jurisdiction in this District and there is no other district where the action may be brought.


A. Plaintiffs
i. John Doe No. 1, a minor son of Peter Nygard

31. John Doe No. 1 is a minor and is the biological son of Peter Nygard. He is using a

pseudonym because of the highly personal nature of this matter.

32. Plaintiff is also at serious risk of retaliatory harm because Defendants have

tremendous wealth and power and have used it to retaliate against others who have attempted to

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come forward, including by means of arson, property destruction, threats of physical violence, and

threats of legal action.

33. Plaintiff is also particularly vulnerable because of his status as a minor, the trauma

that he has been subjected to, Defendants’ wealth and influence in Canada and the United States,

and the corruption of law enforcement by Defendants through bribery and political influence.10

34. Plaintiff’s safety, right to privacy, and security outweigh the public interest in his


35. Plaintiff’s legitimate concerns outweigh any prejudice to Defendants by allowing

Plaintiff John Doe No. 1 to proceed anonymously.

36. John Doe No. 1, a minor, is a United States citizen.

37. In the summer of 2018, when John Doe No. 1 was fourteen years old, Nygard pre-

planned and arranged for the sex trafficking of John Doe No. 1 to Jane Roe at Nygard’s residence

in Winnipeg, Canada.

38. Jane Roe (Nygard’s “girlfriend”), at Nygard’s explicit instructions and directions,

raped John Doe No. 1. Nygard instructed Jane Roe to “make a man” out of John Doe No. 1.

39. Jane Roe followed Nygard’s instructions and raped John Doe No. 1. Both Nygard

and Jane Roe knew that John Doe No. 1 was fourteen years old.

ii. John Doe No. 2, son of Peter Nygard

40. John Doe No. 2 is an American citizen and is the biological son of Peter Nygard.

See, e.g.,;;;

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41. In 2004, when John Doe No. 2 was fifteen years old, Nygard pre-planned and

arranged for the sex trafficking of John Doe No. 2 to Jane Roe at Nygard’s residence in the


42. Jane Roe (Nygard’s “girlfriend” at the time also), at Nygard’s explicit instructions

and directions, raped John Doe No. 2. Both Nygard and Jane Roe knew that John Doe No. 2 was

fifteen years old.

B. Defendants

43. Defendant Peter J. Nygard is a Finnish and Canadian citizen with permanent

residences in the United States, including in New York City and Los Angeles. He is the founder,

chairman, figurehead, icon, and, directly or indirectly, the 100% owner of the Nygard Companies.

44. Through the Nygard Companies, as Nygard himself alleged in United States federal

court, he “carries on business at various locations around the world as a designer, manufacturer,

distributor, and seller of women’s clothing and accessories. Mr. Nygard and his business are

closely associated in the public eye.”11 Nygard regularly travels to the United States, spends

substantial time at his residence in this District, and, at the time relevant to Plaintiff’s Complaint,

conducted substantial business in this District through his global headquarters and flagship store,

which are located in this District.12

45. Defendant Nygard Inc. is a Delaware corporation that distributes women’s apparel

with its global headquarters in New York City.

46. Nygard Inc. conducts substantial business in this District and at various other

locations in the United States and around the world.

See Complaint at ¶¶ 1, 31, Nygard, et al. v. Dipaolo, et al., No. 17-cv-60027 (S.D. Fla. Jan. 5, 2017); see
also Complaint at ¶ 1, Nygard, et al. v. Bacon, No. 1:19-cv-01559-LGS-KNF (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 19, 2019).

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47. Defendant Nygard International is a Canadian corporation that has its

administrative offices in Winnipeg, Canada and its global headquarters in New York City.13

48. Nygard International conducts substantial business in this District and various other

locations in the United States and around the world.14

49. Defendant Nygard Holdings is a Bahamian shell corporation registered in the


50. Nygard uses Nygard Holdings as a depository for funds from Nygard International,

from which Nygard pays for Defendants’ conspiracy and/or illegal sex trafficking venture.

51. There is no corporate distinction between or among the Nygard Companies. At all

times relevant herein, Nygard was the sole owner and executive of the Nygard Companies, their

funds were commingled, and the companies do not observe any corporate formalities.

52. Every aspect of the Nygard Companies’ business is controlled exclusively by

Nygard, and nothing can happen without his express direction or authorization.

53. Although Nygard has publicly claimed to have stepped down from the Nygard

Companies, he has not divested his ownership interest in the Nygard Companies, and he continues

to run and direct the Nygard Companies from behind the scenes. A Canadian judge also recently

found that there is no evidence that Nygard has resigned from the Nygard Companies and he still

owns 100% of the Nygard Companies’ stock.

13 (“Along with its corporate headquarters located in the
heart of Times Square, the company lays claim to complete design, production and distribution facilities
in Los Angeles, Toronto and Winnipeg, superb research and design studios in New York and Shanghai, and
sales offices throughout Canada and the U.S.”);
international/about/ (“Along with its new World Headquarters located in the heart of Times Square,
the company lays claim to complete design, production & distribution facilities in Los Angeles, Toronto &
Winnipeg and superb research & design studios worldwide.”);'s_parade/page1.asp.

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 15 of 39

54. Nygard also regularly invokes the jurisdiction of the United States courts, including

this District, in his personal capacity and through his companies, by regularly filing lawsuits


55. The Nygard Companies knowingly conspired, aided and abetted, facilitated, and

directly participated in Nygard’s sex trafficking of John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2 by, among

other actions, providing company money and resources to transport John Doe No. 1 and John Doe

No. 2 to Nygard’s Winnipeg, Canada residence, and Bahamas residence, respectively, making

travel arrangements for John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2 through the corporate travel

department, providing the property where John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2 were sex trafficked,

providing money and resources to Jane Roe, and full-time sex worker, that enabled her commercial

sex acts with John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2, and actively covering-up his crimes.

56. The Nygard Companies also promoted and/or furthered the careers of employees

who facilitated, aided and abetted, and covered-up Nygard’s sex crimes so they could benefit from

Nygard’s money, name, and brand.

57. The Nygard Companies paid, promoted, and otherwise rewarded a close ring of

upper-level executives and employees of the Nygard Companies to actively participate in Nygard’s

conspiracy and/or illegal sex trafficking venture, to turn a blind-eye to his sexual abuse, and to

cover-up his crimes.

See, e.g. Nygard, et al. v. Bacon, No. 1:19-cv-01559-LGS-KNF (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 19, 2019); Nygard, et al.
v. Dipaolo, et al., No. 17-cv-60027, 2017 WL 4303825 (S.D. Fla. Jan. 5, 2017); Nygard International
Partnership v. Feralio, No. B266683, 2017 WL 4784925 (Cal. Ct. App. Oct. 24, 2017); Nygard v. Jasper,
No. 8:15-cv-1939-T-33EAJ, 2016 WL 9526666 (M.D. Fla. Jan. 4, 2016); Nygard, Inc. v. Uusi-Kerttula,
159 Cal.App.4th 1027 (Cal. Ct. App. 2008); Nygard, Inc. v. Kustannusosakeyhtio Iltalehti, No. B192639,
2007 WL 1775963 (Cal. Ct. App. June 21, 2007).

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58. The TVPRA outlaws sex trafficking activities that affect interstate or foreign

commerce or take place within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. It is to be construed

broadly because it serves a remedial purpose and uses intentionally broad language.

59. The TVPRA makes it unlawful for:

(a) Whoever knowingly—

(1) in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, or within the special

maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States recruits, entices,
harbors, transports, provides, obtains, advertises, maintains, patronizes, or
solicits by any means a person; or

(2) benefits, financially or by receiving anything of value, from participation

in a venture which has engaged in an act described in violation of paragraph

knowing, or, except where the act constituting the violation of paragraph
(1) is advertising, in reckless disregard of the fact, that means of force,
threats of force, fraud, coercion described in subsection (e)(2), or any
combination of such means will be used to cause the person to engage in a
commercial sex act, or that the person has not attained the age of 18 years
and will be caused to engage in a commercial sex act, shall be punished as
provided in subsection (b).16

60. As alleged herein, Defendants have knowingly used interstate and foreign

commerce to violate the TVPRA by enticing, luring, and/or transporting John Doe No. 1 and John

Doe No. 2 knowing, or in reckless disregard of the fact, that each was younger than eighteen years

old, to engage in commercial sex acts.

61. The TVPRA’s civil provision, 18 U.S.C. § 1596, applies extraterritorially to all

violations that occurred after December 19, 2003, wherein the alleged offender is a national of the

United States; an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence; or is present in the United

18 U.S.C. § 1591(a).

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States. The violations against John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2 occurred in Canada after

December 19, 2003, and the Defendants are lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent

residence and/or are present in the United States.

62. The TVPRA also applies to Nygard’s conduct abroad because the locus of the

Nygard Companies, which supplied money and resources to facilitate and enable the sex

trafficking of John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2, is in New York City.

63. Further, Nygard has substantial contacts with the United States, both individually

as well as through the Nygard Companies.

64. The Nygard Companies conspired with Nygard, aided and abetted, facilitated, and

directly participated in Nygard’s conspiracy and/or venture through conduct that originated and/or

occurred in the United States.

65. Nygard has a permanent residence in New York City, which is above his flagship

store on 40th Street and Broadway, near Times Square.

66. Nygard also has a permanent residence in Los Angeles, California and, upon

information and belief, owns property in the State of Florida.

67. Nygard also owns companies, Nygard NY Retail, LLC, Nygard Partners, LLC, and

Orion Asset Management, Inc., each of which is a New York corporation.

68. Defendants intentionally lured and enticed John Doe No. 1, knowing he was a

minor, to travel to Winnipeg, Canada from the State of California for the purpose of sex trafficking


69. Defendants intentionally lured and enticed John Doe No. 2, knowing he was a

minor, to travel to the Bahamas from the State of California for the purpose of sex trafficking him.

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70. Given these substantial and systematic contacts between the United States and

Nygard’s misconduct in Canada, it is neither arbitrary nor unfair to exercise application of the

TVPRA for Defendants’ activities that partially occurred in Canada and the Bahamas.

71. Application of the TVPRA is also consistent with international law by virtue of the

Palermo Protocols, which are three protocols adopted by the United Nations to supplement the

2000 Convention against transnational organized crime, including the Protocol to Prevent,

Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children.

72. In addition to violating the TVPRA, as alleged herein, Defendants conspired to

violate and/or violated the laws of the State of California, as well as the laws of Canada and the



A. Peter J. Nygard is Synonymous with the Nygard Companies.

73. Defendant Peter J. Nygard is a renowned fashion figure and executive in the

women’s apparel industry. He has an estimated net worth of approximately $750-900 million

through various business entities that he owns in the fashion industry.17

74. Nygard has a permanent residence in New York City. Nygard’s penthouse

apartment is located on the sixth floor of the Nygard Companies’ World Headquarters in New

York City. Nygard illegally converted the sixth floor into a private apartment with a jacuzzi and

disco room, according to a citation Defendants received from the City of New York in 2013.

Below is a photograph of the “disco room” in Nygard’s penthouse apartment in New York City:


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75. Defendant Nygard Inc. is a Delaware corporation that distributes women’s apparel

with its global headquarters in New York City, New York.

76. Defendant Nygard International is a Canadian corporation that is one of the largest

women’s clothing manufacturers and suppliers in the world, with annual sales exceeding $500

million. Nygard International has its administrative offices in Winnipeg, Canada and its global

headquarters in New York City, pictured below.18


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77. Defendant Nygard Holdings is a Bahamian shell corporation registered in the

Bahamas. It does not engage in active business or trading activities.

78. Nygard uses Nygard Holdings as a depository for funds from Nygard International,

from which Nygard pays for Defendants’ conspiracy and/or illegal sex trafficking venture.

79. Nygard, Nygard, Inc., and Nygard International have invoked the jurisdiction of the

United States courts by filing lawsuits in the United States courts, including this District, as well

as being “synonymous” with Nygard Inc. and using Nygard Inc. to participate in his conspiracy

and/or criminal venture for both his own benefit and the benefit of the Nygard Companies.19

80. Nygard is the founder, chairman, figurehead, icon, and was, directly or indirectly,

the 100% owner of the Nygard Companies at the time of the events described in this Complaint.20

81. Although Nygard has publicly claimed to step down from the Nygard Companies,

he has not divested his ownership interest in the Nygard Companies, and he continues to run and

direct the Nygard Companies from behind the scenes. Nygard publicly claimed to step down

solely as means to avoid bad publicity for the Nygard Companies.

82. He still controls every aspect of the Nygard Companies’ business, and nothing can

be done without his express authorization or direction. Nygard commingles the Nygard

Companies’ funds, uses the Nygard Companies as his own personal bank account, and does not

observe any corporate formalities. For example, Nygard uses the corporate account to pay for: (a)

See, e.g. Nygard, et al. v. Bacon, No. 1:19-cv-01559-LGS-KNF (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 19, 2019); Nygard, et al.
v. Dipaolo, et al., No. 17-cv-60027, 2017 WL 4303825 (S.D. Fla. Jan. 5, 2017); Nygard International
Partnership v. Feralio, No. B266683, 2017 WL 4784925 (Cal. Ct. App. Oct. 24, 2017); Nygard v. Jasper,
No. 8:15-cv-1939-T-33EAJ, 2016 WL 9526666 (M.D. Fla. Jan. 4, 2016); Nygard, Inc. v. Uusi-Kerttula,
159 Cal. App. 4th 1027 (Cal. Ct. App. 2008); Nygard, Inc. v. Kustannusosakeyhtio Iltalehti, No. B192639,
2007 WL 1775963 (Cal. Ct. App. June 21, 2007).
See Complaint at ¶ 1, Nygard, et al. v. Dipaolo, et al., No. 17-cv-60027 (S.D. Fla. Jan. 5, 2017).

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 21 of 39

hush money to victims of his abuse; (b) plastic surgery for his “girlfriends;” and (c) his extensive

medical treatments, including stem cell transplants.

83. Lawyers for the Canadian receiver, Richter, have recently accessed the Defendants’

computer systems and stated: “This company, the Nygard organization — and that’s more than

just the respondents — chose to carry on their business in such a way that they intermingle records,

electronic files for — it looks to be as many as 30 companies and they’ve done that for years.”

84. Nygard admits in public filings that he and his businesses are “closely associated

in the public eye.”21

85. The Nygard Companies’ promotional materials and advertisements also make the

companies synonymous with “one man,” Nygard, who is featured individually on almost all

promotional materials and advertisements.22

86. In addition, Nygard and his businesses are “closely identified in the public mind,

similar to other fashion houses,” as illustrated by the corporate billboard in the heart of Times


Id. at ¶¶ 1, 31.
See, e.g., video at
See Complaint at ¶ 31, Nygard, et al. v. Dipaolo, et al., No. 17-cv-60027 (S.D. Fla. Jan. 5, 2017).

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87. The Nygard Companies have also trademarked the name “Peter J. Nygard.”

88. That Nygard is a sexual predator and/or sex trafficker is an open secret at the

Nygard Companies. Over the course of decades, executives of the Nygard Companies as well as

the corporate HR Department were instructed by Nygard to pay off anyone who accused Nygard

of sexual misconduct and force them to sign nondisclosure agreements. These upper-level

executives and employees helped Nygard cover up his crimes and continued to facilitate and enable

his crimes so that they would receive financial benefits and career advancement.

89. Over the course of decades, scores of female employees of the Nygard Companies

have also accused him of sexual improprieties. These stories share striking similarities and are

well known throughout the Nygard Companies. Several examples are set forth below.

90. One woman was hired as a merchandiser for the Nygard Companies. She reported

to the corporate HR department that Nygard entered her hotel room, while they were on a corporate

business trip, and raped her. A few hours after she reported the incident to the Nygard Companies’

HR Department, a company executive arrived at her door with a check for $8,000 and a non-

disclosure agreement for her to sign.

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91. In 1995, another former female employee sued Nygard for having sex with her

“against her will.” Nygard and the Nygard Companies reached an undisclosed settlement with the

former employee that required her to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

92. Another female employee reported that she was forced to stand next to Nygard at a

meeting with company executives present. During the course of the meeting, Nygard rubbed his

foot up and down the woman’s thigh while the Nygard Companies’ executives watched. Many

former employees have described similar stories during company meetings.

93. In 1996, the Winnipeg Free Press wrote a front-page story detailing Nygard’s

sexual misconduct and relating to interviews with seven former and current female employees of

the Nygard Companies. Three female employees filed sexual harassment complaints with the

Manitoba Human Rights Commission against Nygard and the Nygard Companies. In that year

alone, the Nygard Companies paid out $20,000 in settlement over sexual assault claims by female

employees (the equivalent of $300,000 today).

94. The Nygard Companies’ former communications manager reported that she would

walk into meetings with Nygard and his pants would be down frequently, and he would be fondling

himself. On one occasion, she reported that she was instructed to open a closet door to get

something and she found a box full of pornographic photos of Nygard with various women. She

reported Nygard’s conduct to the Human Rights Commission and she received a $6,000 payoff

from the Nygard Companies.

95. The same employee was responsible for hiring a woman that became Nygard’s next

target. Nygard regularly made sexual advancements towards her at work in front of other

employees and executives of the Nygard Companies. She reported Nygard’s conduct to the

Human Rights Commission and the Nygard Companies paid her $8,000.

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 24 of 39

96. Another female employee of the Nygard Companies reported that she had walked

into Nygard’s office and he was stroking his genitals at his desk. When the woman turned away,

Nygard dropped his pants and began masturbating while looking at her. She reported Nygard’s

conduct to the Manitoba Human Rights Commission and the Nygard Companies paid her $4,500.

97. Former employees of the Nygard Companies have also stated that Nygard equips

the Nygard Companies offices in Winnipeg, Toronto, and Marina Del Rey with hidden rooms that

he uses as “sex dens.” The existence of these rooms is common knowledge among employees of

the Nygard Companies.

98. Rather than helping to create a professional work environment for female

employees, the Nygard Companies’ HR department and finance department, functioned to cover-

up his rapes, sexual assaults, and molestations of company employees and other woman who were

brought to the corporate offices under false pretenses of modeling and other career opportunities.

The corporate HR department and finance department regularly paid off Nygard’s accusers and

forced them to sign non-disclosure agreements so that Nygard could continue his pattern and

practice detailed below.

99. Despite this knowledge, the Nygard Companies arranged and paid for John Doe

No. 1—just fourteen years old at the time—to be transported from California to a property owned

and/or paid for by the Nygard Companies in Winnipeg, Canada where he would be alone with

Nygard and Jane Roe, a known sex worker.

B. Nygard Sex Trafficked John Doe No. 1 Using the Resources of the Nygard Companies.

100. In the summer of 2018, when John Doe No. 1was fourteen years old, Defendants

lured, enticed, and transported John Doe No. 1 from California to Nygard’s residence in Winnipeg,


Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 25 of 39

101. John Doe No. 1’s travel arrangements were arranged through the Nygard

Companies’ corporate travel department and paid for with money from the Nygard Companies.

102. Defendants knew that John Doe No. 1 was just fourteen years old because his

personal information was provided to them as part of his travel arrangements.

103. While in Canada, John Doe No. 1 stayed at Nygard’s residence with Nygard and

Jane Roe, who is a known sex worker and paid by the Nygard Companies for her services.

104. Nygard instructed Jane Roe to “make a man” out of his son. John Doe No. 1 was

a virgin, thus making the instructions to Jane Roe quite clear – she was being ordered to rape John

Doe No. 1.

105. Jane Roe first took a shower so that John Doe No. 1 could see her naked.

106. Jane Roe performed oral sex on John Doe No. 1.

107. Jane Roe then engaged in sexual intercourse with John Doe No. 1, knowing he was

only fourteen years old.

108. After having sexual intercourse with John Doe No. 1, Jane Roe told John Doe No.

1 that he “wasn’t bad” for a “baby.”

109. The next morning, Jane Roe brought John Doe No. 1breakfast and kissed him on

the lips, saying “mommy’s got you.”

110. Jane Roe reported back to Nygard that she had done as instructed – she had “made

a man” of John Doe No. 1; she had statutorily raped Nygard’s 14-year old son.

C. Nygard Sex Trafficked John Doe No. 2 Using the Resources of the Nygard Companies.

111. In 2004, when John Doe No. 2 was fifteen years old, Defendants lured, enticed, and

transported John Doe No. 2 from California to Nygard’s residence in the Bahamas.

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112. John Doe No. 2’s travel arrangements were arranged through the Nygard

Companies’ corporate travel department and paid for with money from the Nygard Companies.

113. Defendants knew that John Doe No. 2 was just fifteen years old because his

personal information was provided to them as part of his travel arrangements.

114. While in the Bahamas, John Doe No. 2 stayed at Nygard’s residence with Nygard

and Jane Roe, who is a known sex worker and paid by the Nygard Companies for her services.

115. Nygard instructed Jane Roe to have sex with his son, John Doe No. 2, a minor.

116. Jane Roe engaged in sexual intercourse with John Doe No. 2, knowing he was only

fifteen years old.

D. The Statute of Limitations Should Be Tolled for John Doe No. 2 Because Nygard Uses
Threats, Force, and Manipulation to Prevent His Children and Others From
Speaking Their Truth, and Thus, Prevented John Doe No. 2 from Pursuing His
Claims; Further, Nygard Engaged in a Continuing Conspiracy and Cover-Up With
the Nygard Companies.

117. Due to extraordinary circumstances and Defendants’ conduct, which prevented, to

the extent applicable, Plaintiff John Doe No. 2 from bringing his claims, the applicable statute of

limitations is equitably tolled.

118. The general rule is that statutes of limitations are subject to equitable tolling. See

United States v. Locke, 471 U.S. 84, 94 n.10 (1985) (”Statutory filing deadlines are generally

subject to the defenses of waiver, estoppel, and equitable tolling.”); Young v. United States, 535

U.S. 43, 49 (2002) (“It is hornbook law that limitations periods are customarily subject to equitable

tolling unless tolling would be inconsistent with the text of the relevant statute.”) (quotation marks

and citations omitted).

119. Plaintiff John Doe No. 2 pursued his rights diligently and was impeded because of

a combination of family influence and manipulation, shame, embarrassment, fear, political and

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 27 of 39

law enforcement corruption, weak laws that are rarely enforced to protect the victim, and bribery.

As a result, to the extent necessary, all applicable statutes of limitations should be equitably tolled.

120. John Doe No. 2 was legitimately and justifiably afraid that Nygard would harm

and/or retaliate against him if he pursued any claim against Nygard.

121. As discussed herein, Nygard uses his family influence and family manipulation,

including psychological and financial pressure, financial resources, political power, and influence

in the Bahamas and elsewhere, and threats of force to intimidate his victims, including John Doe

No. 2, and prevent him from coming forward.

122. In fact, before filing this Complaint, Peter Nygard, through his counsel, made a

transparent threat that if John Doe No. 2 were to speak his truth about his rape (ordered by his own

father), then the father-son relationship would be fractured.

123. Nygard’s illegal conduct also constitutes a recurring pattern and practice of rape,

sexual assault, and sex trafficking.

124. His rape, sexual assault, and sex trafficking have been occurring continuously,

consistently, and systematically since, at least, 1977 in violation of the TVPRA and various other

state and foreign laws.

125. Under the continuing violation doctrine, the statute of limitations is tolled for John

Doe No. 2, since he was subjected to Nygard’s recurring, uniform pattern and practice of sex


126. Additionally, Plaintiffs’ claims against Nygard and the Nygard Companies are

tolled because Defendants engaged in a continuing conspiracy to commit rape, sexually assault,

sex traffic, and subsequently cover up their crimes.

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127. Unnamed third-party recruiters and facilitators, and upper-level executives with the

Nygard Companies conspired with Nygard to conceal his crimes for the benefit of all Defendants.

128. Due to Defendants’ efforts in keeping their conspiracy secret, their conspiracy was

only discovered upon the filing of this class action lawsuit. Therefore, the statute of limitations

for Plaintiffs’ and the other Class members’ conspiracy claims is tolled under the discovery rule.



18 U.S.C. §§ 1591(a)

129. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations contained in

paragraphs 1-128, as if fully set forth in this Count.

130. Defendants knowingly used the instrumentalities and channels of interstate and

foreign commerce to facilitate violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1591(a)(1), occurring both in and outside

of the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

131. Defendants’ conduct was in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce for

purposes of the TVPRA.

132. Defendants knowingly recruited, enticed, harbored, transported, provided,

obtained, advertised, maintained, patronized, and/or solicited Plaintiffs for the purpose of causing

them to engage in commercial sex acts when each was a minor under the age of eighteen, pursuant

to 18 U.S.C. § 1591(a).

133. John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2, both minors, engaged were raped through

commercial sex acts by Jane Roe, who was acting on Nygard’s directions.

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134. Defendants provided or promised Jane Roe items of value in exchange for engaging

in the sexual acts with John Doe No. 1 and John Doe No. 2, both minors, including, but not limited

to, money, lodging, and continued employment.

135. Defendants’ conduct has caused Plaintiffs serious and permanent harm, including,

without limitation, physical, psychological, financial, and reputational harm, that is sufficiently

serious, under all the surrounding circumstances, to compel a reasonable person of the same

background and in the same circumstances to perform or to continue performing commercial

sexual activity, in order to avoid incurring that harm.




136. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations contained in

paragraphs 1-128, as if fully set forth in this Count.

137. Defendants participated in a venture together, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §


138. The Nygard Companies knowingly benefited from, and received value for, their

participation in the venture, in which Nygard, with the Nygard Companies’ knowledge, or in

reckless disregard of the fact, that Nygard would lure, entice, and transport Plaintiffs, both minors

under the age of eighteen years old, to engage in commercial sex acts.

139. The Nygard Companies knew, or were in reckless disregard of the fact, that it was

Nygard’s pattern and practice to use the channels and instrumentalities of interstate and foreign

commerce, as well as the Nygard Companies’ resources to entice, recruit or cause young and

underage individuals to engage in commercial sex acts, and offering something of value in

exchange for the sexual act.

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140. Nygard and other Nygard Companies’ employees had actual knowledge that they

were facilitating and participating in Nygard’s use of company resources to recruit, entice, harbor,

transport, provide, obtain, maintain, patronize, coerce, and/or solicit Plaintiffs and others, into

commercial sex acts, who, at the time, were under the age of eighteen years old.

141. Despite such knowledge, the Nygard Companies paid for, facilitated, and

participated in Nygard’s violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1591, where the Nygard Companies knew, or

were in reckless disregard of the facts that, Nygard would lure, entice, harbor, transport, provide,

obtain, maintain, patronize, coerce, and/or solicit Plaintiffs, both minors under the age of eighteen,

to engage in commercial sex acts.

142. Defendants also provided or promised Jane Roe items of value in exchange for

engaging in the sexual acts with Plaintiffs, both minors, including, but not limited to, money,

lodging and continued employment.

143. This affirmative conduct of the Nygard Companies was committed knowing, or in

reckless disregard of the facts that, Nygard would use Nygard Companies’ money and resources,

which were things of value, as a means of luring, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing,

obtaining, maintaining, patronizing, coercing, and/or soliciting Plaintiffs to engage in commercial

sex acts.

144. Upon information and belief, in exchange for facilitating and covering up Nygard’s

scheme, the Nygard Companies’ employees progressed in their careers at the Nygard Companies

and received financial benefits therefor.

145. Participating in and covering up Nygard’s sexual misconduct was a means of

obtaining success and growth within the Nygard Companies’ hierarchy.

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 31 of 39

146. The Nygard Companies, along with their officers and directors, knowingly

benefited financially from Nygard’s sex-trafficking venture.

147. By facilitating Nygard’s commercial sex acts in foreign commerce, the Nygard

Companies enjoyed the promotion and promulgation of the Nygard Companies’ projects


148. Nygard is the face of the Nygard Companies, and his presence and promotion in

foreign commerce brought exposure and prestige to the Nygard Companies.

149. The Nygard Companies facilitated Nygard’s commercial sex acts in foreign

commerce to obtain the enormous publicity that Nygard garnered by promoting the Nygard

Companies’ products internationally, which financially benefited the Nygard Companies.

150. The Nygard Companies’ conduct has caused Plaintiffs serious harm including,

without limitation, physical, psychological, financial, and reputational harm, that is sufficiently

serious, under all the surrounding circumstances, to compel a reasonable person of the same

background and in the same circumstances to perform or to continue performing commercial

sexual activity, in order to avoid incurring that harm.




151. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations contained in

paragraphs 1-128, as if fully set forth in this Count.

152. The Nygard Companies conspired, by agreement or understanding, to further

Nygard’s unlawful plan and/or purpose to commit illegal commercial sex acts with Plaintiffs.

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 32 of 39

153. The Nygard Companies committed overt acts in furtherance of the agreement or

understanding by playing an active role in transporting Plaintiffs to engage in commercial sex acts,

by arranging and paying for Plaintiffs to be transported to Nygard.

154. The Nygard Companies provided or promised Jane Roe items of value in exchange

for engaging in the sexual acts with John Doe No. 1, a minor, including, but not limited to, money,

lodging, and continued employment.

155. The Nygard Companies’ participation in the furtherance of Nygard’s illegal sex

trafficking plan and/or purpose was intentional and/or willful and, therefore, the Nygard

Companies intentionally and/or willfully caused Nygard’s facilitation of the sex acts with Plaintiffs

in its affirmative acts supporting and funding Nygard.

156. The Nygard Companies knew that their acts and conduct supporting and facilitating

Nygard would lead to unlawful commercial sex acts facilitated by Nygard involving Plaintiffs,

both minors.

157. The Nygard Companies’ conspired with Nygard through their affirmative acts and

provided substantial support to Nygard causing commercial sex acts upon Plaintiffs.

158. The Nygard Companies’ conduct has caused Plaintiffs serious harm, including,

without limitation, physical, psychological, financial, and reputational harm, that is sufficiently

serious, under all the surrounding circumstances, to compel a reasonable person of the same

background and in the same circumstances to perform or to continue performing commercial

sexual activity in order to avoid incurring that harm.

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159. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations contained in

paragraphs 1-128, as if fully set forth in this Count.

160. Defendants aided and abetted, facilitated, and enabled Jane Roe’s sexual battery of

John Doe No. 1 in Canada, in violation of Canadian law.

161. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Jane Roe’s conduct constituted a

breach of duty and/or tortious conduct.

162. Defendants knowingly gave substantial assistance or encouragement to Jane Roe

to commit a breach of duty and/or tortious conduct.

163. Defendants knowingly gave substantial assistance to Jane Roe in accomplishing

her breach of duty and/or tortious conduct and Defendants’ conduct, separately considered,

constitutes a breach of duty to John Doe No. 1.

164. Defendants, through Nygard, had actual knowledge that they were facilitating,

aiding and abetting, and enabling Nygard’s use of the Nygard Companies’ money and resources

to cause the sexual battery of John Doe No. 1.

165. Despite such knowledge, Defendants paid for, facilitated, and aided and abetted

Jane Roe’s sexual battery of John Doe No. 1.

166. The Nygard Companies’ employees facilitated and aided and abetted Nygard’s

scheme because they believed that they would be rewarded with substantial career-advancing

opportunities if they cooperated and acquiesced to Nygard’s demands.

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167. This affirmative conduct of the Nygard Companies was committed knowing, or in

reckless disregard of the facts that, Nygard would use the Nygard Companies’ money and

resources, to cause the sexual battery of John Doe No. 1.

168. In exchange for facilitating, aiding and abetting, and covering up Nygard’s

misconduct, the Nygard Companies’ employees progressed in their careers at the Nygard

Companies and received financial benefits therefor.

169. Participating in, aiding and abetting, and covering up Nygard’s sexual misconduct

was a means of obtaining success and growth within the Nygard Companies’ hierarchy.

170. John Doe No. 1 has been damaged as a direct result of the Nygard Companies’

conduct. Defendants’ conduct has caused John Doe No. 1 serious and permanent harm and/or

damages, including, without limitation, physical, psychological, emotional, financial, and

reputational harm.


171. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations contained in

paragraphs 1-128, as if fully set forth in this Count.

172. Defendants have participated in a conspiracy to cause the sexual battery of John

Doe No. 1.

173. Defendants formed a group of two or more persons and acted in concert, by

agreement, with a common design and intention to commit unlawful, acts including causing the

sexual battery of John Doe No. 1.

174. Defendants were aware of the relevant facts and intended to participate in the


Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 35 of 39

175. Defendants engaged in conduct that was unlawful by carrying out an underlying

tort, including causing the sexual battery of John Doe No. 1.

176. Defendants engaged in a course of conduct with the predominant purpose of

causing injury to John Doe No. 1, notwithstanding that the conduct might otherwise be legal.

177. Defendants committed wrongful and/or overt acts by knowingly luring, enticing,

and transporting John Doe No. 1 to a location in Canada where Defendants knew Nygard would

cause the sexual battery of John Doe No. 1.

178. The Nygard Companies also committed wrongful and/or overt acts by knowingly

providing Nygard with the resources to cause the sexually battery of John Doe No. 1.

179. The Nygard Companies’ employees carried out the acts and omissions constituting

the alleged conspiracy within their actual or ostensible authority with the Nygard Companies.

180. The acts and omissions of the Nygard Companies’ employees were carried out in

and during the course of their employment with the Nygard Companies.

181. Defendants’ conduct was directed towards John Doe No. 1 and cause the sexual

battery of John Doe No. 1 in Canada.

182. The Nygard Companies’ employees conspired with Nygard because they believed

that they would be rewarded with substantial career-advancing opportunities if they cooperated

and agreed to Nygard’s demands.

183. This affirmative conduct of the Nygard Companies was committed knowing, or in

reckless disregard of the facts that, Nygard would use the Nygard Companies’ money and

resources to cause the sexual battery of John Doe No. 1.

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 36 of 39

184. In exchange for facilitating and covering up Nygard’s sexual misconduct, the

Nygard Companies’ employees progressed in their careers at the Nygard Companies and received

financial benefits therefor.

185. Participating in and covering up Nygard’s sexual misconduct was a means of

obtaining success and growth within the Nygard Companies’ hierarchy.

186. Given the circumstances, Defendants should have known that injury was likely to

result to John Doe No. 1.

187. John Doe No. 1 was damaged as a direct result of Defendants’ agreement.

Defendants’ conduct has caused John Doe No. 1 serious and permanent harm, including, without

limitation, physical, psychological, emotional, financial, and reputational harm.

188. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations contained in

paragraphs 1-128, as if fully set forth in this Count.

189. Defendants and Jane Roe jointly participated in and caused the sexual assault and

battery of Plaintiff John Doe No. 2.

190. Defendants instructed Jane Roe to sexually batter and/or assaulted Plaintiff John

Doe No. 2 pursuant to a common design.

191. Defendants and Jane Roe engaged in concerted action to a common end in that Jane

Roe did in fact sexually assault and/or batter Plaintiff John Doe No. 2 as part of a common design

at the instruction of Nygard.

192. Given the circumstances, Defendants knew or should have known that injury was

likely to result to Plaintiff John Doe No. 2.

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 37 of 39

193. Plaintiff John Doe No. 2 was damaged as a direct result of Defendants’ joint

conduct and participation in the sexual assault and/or battery of Plaintiff John Doe No. 2.

Defendants’ conduct has caused John Doe No. 2 serious and permanent harm, including, without

limitation, physical, psychological, emotional, financial, and reputational harm.

194. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations contained in

paragraphs 1-128, as if fully set forth in this Count.

195. Defendants engaged in a conspiracy to sexually assault and/or batter Plaintiff John

Doe No. 2 in violation of Bahamian law.

196. Defendants entered an agreement with Jane Roe and the predominant intention was

to cause harm to Plaintiff John Doe No. 2 by committing sexual assault and/or battery on him.

197. Defendants and Jane Roe did engage in concerted action taken pursuant to their

agreement, which resulted in Jane Roe committing sexual assault and/or battery on Plaintiff John

Doe No. 2.

198. Defendants combination and/or agreement caused injury to Plaintiff John Doe No.

2 by lawful and/or unlawful means and the predominant purpose of Defendants was to injure

Plaintiff John Doe No. 2.

199. Given the circumstances, Defendants knew or should have known that injury was

likely to result to Plaintiff John Doe No. 2.

200. Plaintiff John Doe No. 2 was damaged as a direct result of Defendants’ joint

conduct and participation in the sexual assault and/or battery of Plaintiff John Doe No. 2.

Defendants’ conduct has caused John Doe No. 2 serious and permanent harm, including, without

limitation, physical, psychological, emotional, financial, and reputational harm.

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 38 of 39


Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court enter judgment in his favor, and against

Defendants, as follows:

a. That the Court grant permanent injunctive relief to prohibit Defendants from

continuing to engage in the unlawful acts and practices described herein;

b. That the Court award Plaintiff compensatory, consequential, general, and nominal

damages in an amount to be determined at trial;

c. That the Court award punitive or exemplary damages in an amount to be determined

at trial;

d. That the Court award to Plaintiff the costs and disbursements of the action, along

with reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses;

e. That the Court award pre- and post-judgment interest at the maximum legal rate;


f. That the Court grant all such other relief as it deems just and proper.


Plaintiffs demand a trial by jury on all claims so triable.

Dated: August 16, 2020

By: /s/ Greg G. Gutzler
Greg G. Gutzler
444 Madison Avenue, Fourth Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel.: 646-933-1000
[email protected]

Case 1:20-cv-06501 Document 1 Filed 08/16/20 Page 39 of 39

Adam J. Levitt
Amy E. Keller*
Ten North Dearborn Street, SixthFloor
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Tel.: 312-214-7900
[email protected]
[email protected]

Mark A. DiCello
Robert F. DiCello*
Justin J. Hawal*
7556 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Tel.: 440-953-8888
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Counsel for Plaintiff

* Pro Hac Vice applications pending


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