COVID-19 Data Analysis - Predicting Patient Recovery

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

COVID-19 Data Analysis –

Predicting Patient Recovery
Arnela Salkić, 2Nermina Durmić
Department of Information Technologies
International Burch University, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Abstract:- Aim of this paper is to give insight in Covid diabetes or cancer) are more likely to have serious
19 data and to try to predict whether individual person symptoms. However, anyone can get COVID-19 and
will recover from this virus. Furthermore, this paper become seriously ill. People of any age who have a fever
aims to give some answers how information like the and or cough associated with difficulty breathing / shortness
country, the age, and the gender of the patient, the of breath, chest pain / pressure, or loss of speech or
number of cases in their country and whether they’re difficulty getting around should see a doctor immediately. It
from or have visited Wuhan can be used to make that is recommended, if possible, to call the care provider or
prediction. Study uses Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) health facility in advance, so that the patient is referred to
epidemiological dataset. Logistic regression model and the appropriate service.[2]
Random Forest algorithm are used in order to make
prediction, and the Chi-Square test of independence is Data science will play a main role in the global
used to determine if there is a significant relationship response to the Covid-19 pandemic by analyzing data which
between two nominal (categorical) variables. Paper is collected daily and by searching patterns in those datasets
reveals that recovery/survival is supposed to depend on which would help humanity to fight pandemic.
the age of the patient, gender and country from which
patient come. Information whether the patient is from Aim of the study is to give insight into Covid-19
Wuhan or has visited Wuhan does not affect pandemic by bringing answers like whether information like
recovery/survival of patient. the country, the age, and the gender of the patient, the
number of cases in their country and whether they’re from
Keywords:- Covid 19; Pandemic; Logistic Regression; or have visited Wuhan can be used to predict whether a
Random Forest; Chi-Square Test. random patient whose data we have will recover from this
virus. The purpose of this study consists in providing
I. INTRODUCTION prediction model for future recovery trend which can be
used to specify additional measures which would help
Coronaviruses are frequent RNA viruses, from the fighting Covid 19 pandemic.
Coronaviridae family, which are responsible for digestive
and respiratory infections in humans and animals. The virus This paper is organized as follows: section 2. Where
owes its name to the appearance of its viral particles, several studies about Covid 19 topic have been reviewed
bearing growths which evoke a crown.[1] and where research question of this paper have been
introduced. In section 3. Used datasets and details have been
COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the last presented as well as methods which were used to get
coronavirus that was discovered. This new virus –and answers about Covid 19 which later lead to the final
disease- was unknown before the outbreak occurred in conclusion about research question. Results are presented in
Wuhan, China in December 2019. COVID-19 is now section 4. Using visualization for better understanding,
pandemic and affects many countries around the world. while last two sections 5. And 6. Are discussion and
conclusion about conducted study.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever,
dry cough, and fatigue. Other less common symptoms may II. LITERATURE REVIEW AND RESEARCH
also appear in some people, such as body aches and pains, QUESTION
nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat,
diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, rash, or discoloration of the Previous studies and data exploration have been made
fingers on the hand or foot. These symptoms are generally concerning this topic, however the goal of each study
mild and appear gradually. Some people, although infected, differs. For some data scientists on Kaggle, the model to
have only very mild symptoms.[2] develop was a regression model to predict the number of
cases each day in each country. These studies findings
Most patients (approximately 80%) recover without suggested that China and Italy, who were the first to contract
the need for hospitalization. About one in five people with the virus, didn’t record many cases during the month of
the disease have severe symptoms, including difficulty January and then skyrocketed to the top of the coronavirus
breathing. Older people and those with other health world meter list, which conveys that the virus spreads at a
conditions (high blood pressure, heart or lung problems, very high speed. The most affected countries were also in

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the northern hemisphere, hence the hope that the virus will reduce the number of cases to levels where
would disappear little by little as the weather around the individualized social contact tracing and quarantine may
globe gets calmer. The findings also included China’s become feasible.
astonishing results after lockdown which encouraged many
countries to also undergo a confinement mode. Models used The authors of [8] addressed the question about how
comprised of linear regressors and learning algorithms such the virus has spread from the epicenter of Wuhan city to the
as XgBoost. [3][4] whole world. They have also analyzed the impact of
preventive measures such as quarantine and city closure in
Nadia AL-Rousan and Hazem AL Najjar in their work mitigating the adverse impact of the spread. The authors
[5] are analyzing Covid-19 pandemic in South Korea based have demonstrated visual graphs and developed a
on recovered and death cases. Their study is based on mathematical model of the disease transmission pattern.
statistically analysis the effect of factors such as region, sex,
birth year, infection reasons and released or diseased date on Research question of this paper aims at studying the
the reported number of recovered and deceases cases. The chances that a patient diagnosed with Covid-19 must
X2 test is used to find the impact of the previous attributes recover from this illness. This research aimed to identify
on the number of recovered and deceases cases. Result of which information (variables) about patient are dependent
their work shows that confirmed date and infection reasons with patient recovery. Questions which are stated at the
do not affect deceased cases, while on the other side beginning of this study are: whether patient age is important
confirmed date and region variables are significant with in patient recovery/survival; whether patient gender is
recovered cases. Besides, the results found that multinomial important in patient recovery/survival; whether information
logistic regression could give initial indicator about the is patient from Wuhan or has visited Wuhan is important in
possibility to survive or die based on the collected data. It is patient recovery/survival; whether patient country from
found that the results of multinomial logistic are in line with which comes from is important in patient recovery/survival.
the results of the X2 test. It is a classification problem (target variable is a response
“Survived” 0 or 1) rather than a regression problem.
Dr. Anis Kouba in his work [6] aims to answer several
questions about Covid-19 pandemic: How does COVID-19 III. METHODOLOGY
spread around the world? What is its impact in terms of
confirmed and death cases at the continent, region and A. Data Collection
country levels? How does its severity compare with other With more than 10 million cases worldwide among
epidemic outbreaks, including Ebola 2014, MERS2012, and with only half have recovered while the other half remains
SARS 2003? Is there a correlation between the number of active, 500 000 deaths, the Coronavirus has become a
confirmed cases and death cases? Data analysis is based on pressing issue in every part of the world.
Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Data Repository provided by
Johns Hopkins University. Tableau Professional software Because no country knows precisely the number of
was used to analyze the collected data and to develop infected people among its citizens, the number of cases
visualization dashboards about the Coronavirus disease. relies on the tests that the country performs and provides for
Methodology consists in creating descriptive models of the the people.
Coronavirus outbreak using statistical charts to understand
the nature of the spread and its impact. Analysis was In the data-oriented world that we live in today, all
developed at three levels, namely, at the country-level, at countries have been keeping track of all tests that they’ve
region-level and continent-level. Each level provides done daily along with the results. Which fortunately enabled
different granularities towards understanding the distribution us to do this study.
of the disease around the world. The descriptive model
provides different types of statistical charts, including bar Both datasets that have been worked with have been
charts, geographic maps, heatmaps, box plot, and packed retrieved from Kaggle. The data set is the “Novel Corona
bubbles, to represent different features of the COVID-19 Virus (COVID-19) epidemiological dataset”. The data is
outbreak. Dr.Kouba also develop some predictive models compiled by the Johns Hopkins University Center for
using linear and polynomial regressions to predict the Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE) from
evolution of the outbreak, given the historical data.[6] various sources including the World Health Organization
(WHO),, BNO News, National Health Commission
In [7], the authors investigated the impact of of the People’s Republic of China (NHC), China CDC
preventive measures, such as social distancing, lockdown in (CCDC), Hong Kong Department of Health, Macau
the containment of the virus outbreak. They developed Government, Taiwan CDC, US CDC, Government of
prediction models that forecast how these measures can Canada, Australia Government Department of Health,
reduce the mortality impact of aged people. Mathematical European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
model is performed on the spread of the Novel dataset (ECDC), Ministry of Health Singapore (MOH), and others.
coronavirus that considers both, the age and social contact JHU CCSE maintains the data on the 2019 Novel
structure. Authors conclusion is that the three-week Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository on
lockdown will be insufficient in India. Their model suggests Github.[9]
that sustained periods of lockdown with periodic relaxation

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
This dataset contains 2 files, the first file D. Visualization
“time_series_covid_19_recovered.csv” which provides us
with daily information on the affected people in about 200  Plotting time series (number of cases by country)
countries from the 22nd of January 2020 to the 16th of April In the initial time series data frame, each day is a
2020, and the second data set variable and that is not a proper structure for visualizing
“COVID19_line_list_data.csv” that contains observations of time series. A series of steps is required to obtain a data
patients around the world where authorities have kept track frame that can be worked with:
of confirmed cases, recoveries and deaths.  The data frame was transformed to have a column where
each line is a day
B. Data Analysis Method  The header was removed and some variables that will
This study consists of exploring the two datasets not be used for this visualization
thoroughly, understanding the variables and seeing their  All variables were converted to numeric type
distributions, visualizing the evolution of numerical  The created column containing dates was set as date-
variables (time series of the numbers of cases in each time so that it is recognizable as such by R when dates
country) and relationships between categorical ones on the x-axis were plotted.
(statistical testing). Afterwards, a simple logistic regression
was performed to predict whether a patient recovers from The number of cases per country were chosen to be
Covid19 or not and some clustering techniques have been visualized continent by continent. Those graphs will enable
used to try to understand better recovery rates and how it is to follow a country’s covid-19 outbreak and perceive at
linked to the age of the patient. Logistic regression model what moment the exponential spread has started.
and Random Forest algorithm are used, and the Chi-Square
test of independence is used to determine if there is a  Plotting survival against other categorical data
significant relationship between two nominal (categorical) Using the ggplot2 library in R, data set has been
variables. grouped by category of the qualitative variable against
which Survival using the “group_by” method was plotted.
Author of the paper would have opted for Text
analysis of the columns “Summary” and “Symptoms” but The result is a histogram illustrating the counts of
were unable to do so due to lack of data (portion of Nas in Survival values (0 or 1) in each category.
the columns). However, other analysis methods have been
used such as descriptive data analysis for the time serial E. Chi-Square Test of Independence
evolution of the number of cases and inferential data This test is used to assess the existence or not of a
analysis when performing statistical tests to reveal the relationship between two characteristics within a population,
dependence between some variables. when these characteristics are qualitative or when one
characteristic is quantitative and the other qualitative, or
To conclude with predictive analysis with “Survived” even when the two characteristics are quantitative but that
as a target variable based on a percentage that conveys how the values have been combined. Note that this test makes it
much a patient is likely to be treated and survive the virus. possible to check the existence of a dependence but in no
case the direction of this dependence.
C. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
Some countries are divided into provinces/district in Like in any statistical test, there is a null hypothesis H0
both datasets. At first, it has been thought that each district that has to be tested – determine whether there is enough
has to be treated individually in order to join the two evidence to “reject” this hypothesis. For this study test there
datasets. But different regions exist in the two data frames, is:
most importantly some regions in the patients list do not
exist in the time series data frame and would therefore stay H0 : the two variables are independent
empty if this data frame was filled with the number of cases H1 : the two variables are not independent
by specific regions of a country. Which is why was decided α = 0.05 : tolerated risk
to eliminate regions and work with total numbers of cases in
a country.
The mathematical steps were hardcoded into R to
perform this test. The statistic that need to be calculated to
Taking care of Nas is a very important part of every
perform this test is the following:
data exploration process. Using the ggpubr library in R, the 𝑂−𝐸
number of Nas was visualized in each variable of the dataset X2 = ∑ (1)
and decide to get rid of all variables that contain more than
250 Nas (a little less than the 1/4th of the data). Following Where O is the observed score and E is the expected
variables were selected to continue this study: age, gender, score. [10]
number of cases in country, from Wuhan, visiting Wuhan,
death, recovery and country. The observed scores are in a table of the values that
already exist in our dataset and are already in our
disposition. The expected scores table is one of the same
dimensions as the observed scored. It is obtained by

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
multiplying each value of the observed values with the sum the X statistic that are higher than the real X2 statistic of the

of its row and dividing by the total number of observations. sample.

Once these two tables are set, it can be proceeded to If pvalue < 0.05 the null hypothesis is rejected, meaning that
calculating the chi-squared statistic. The pvalue is calculated the two qualitative variables are independent.
then. This is done by calculating the chi statistic for multiple If pvalue ≥ 0.05 the null hypothesis is accepted, meaning that
random samples of our data, the pvalue is the proportion of the two qualitative variables are dependent.


After cleaning and preprocessing the two datasets here are the resulting data frames that have been used for this study. There
are 85 countries in the first data frame and the number of cases that appear each day in that said country.

Table 1

After cleaning the observations file and removing the variables that contained too many NAs, the following variables were
decided to be kept: age, number of cases in country, gender, from Wuhan, visited Wuhan and the country of the patient. The two
datasets were also joined by summing the number of cases during each month that was available in the first time series dataset for
each country.

Table 2

By joining two datasets, plotting the evolution of cases in each country during these 4 months was also possible. Figure1
shows the results for the most popular countries during this pandemic (those that have been hit the most and most spoken of in the

Fig 1:- Countries affected the most with Covid-19

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
As it can be noticed, China, the epicenter of this pandemic, was the first to witness an exponential rise in the number of cases
early February. The other countries followed suite during the month of March.

To extract some insights from the data concerning the relationship between the survival of the patient and their gender and age
was also possible. As it might have been expected before, gender is independent of the survival of the patient, but age does play a
role in whether a patient will recover or not.

Fig 2:- Recovery by gender

Fig 3:- Recovery by age

Another thing that might have been suspected is that a person would be less likely to recover if they’re coming from Wuhan or
if they’ve visited Wuhan. Here are the illustrations from the data:

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 4:- Recovery dependency if patient visited Wuhan or not

To confirm these hypotheses, and because these are way the outcome of the observation - author expectations
categorical variables, it has been decided to do a Chi-square were otherwise.
test of independence to see whether survival was dependent
on any of those variables. Results are summarized in the In line with this research paper question testing,
following table: Survival is supposed to depend on the age of the patient as
all of us have witnessed during the previous months. The
death rates were particularly high for the elderly while
adults, teenagers and kids seemed to recover way more
successfully from the illness. The country is also supposed
to affect the outcome of the treatment since the latter
depends on the country’s means and dispositions to treat the

Table 3:- Categorical variables dependency This study can contribute to predict future pandemic
recovery trend by giving global picture of how many
patients could be recovered from this virus and based on that
The final step of the study was creating a classification
information define further measures which can be
model with the data that have been prepared and try to
predict whether a person would survive the virus or not.
Future studies should take into account some variables
The logistic regression model gave an accuracy of 84%
and random forest one of 91%. that were in the “COVID19_line_list_data.csv” dataset but
that couldn’t have been used because of the number of
Random forest gave a better result than logistic missing data in those columns, these columns include :
regression because the model weighs certain features as “cases_in_country”, “reporting_date”, “symptoms_on_set”,
“host_visit_date”, “exposure_start” and “exposure_end”.
more important than others (feature selection), the absence
of assumption of a linear relationship like regression This information would certainly have been valuable to
models do, and because random forest takes random predict the survival of the patient.
samples from the data set, forms many decision trees, and
then averages out the leaf nodes to get a clearer model VI. CONCLUSION
(ensemble learning).
This research aimed to identify which variables -pieces
V. DISCUSSION of information- about a patient is important to predict
whether a person diagnosed with covid19 would survive the
virus or not. Results conveyed that age, gender and country
The analysis confirms that it is indeed possible to
predict the recovery -or no- of a covid19 patient given some are the variables on which the target variable Survived
information about his situation such as age, gender, and the depends.
country it comes from. It is to author grand surprise that the
statistical tests indicate that the Survived variable is actually Further research is needed to determine the reliability
of these results since the dataset that have been worked with
dependent on the gender of the patient. Figure2 shows that
males are more likely to be infected than females, based on contains data until April 2020 only, while the pandemic is
data in our dataset. On the other hand, whether the patient is persisting and will still persist in the future.
from Wuhan or has visited Wuhan does not affect in any

Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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