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1. Bacillus antracis is a
A. Spore former gram positive rod
B. Spore former gram positive coccus
C. Non spore former gram positive rod
D. Non spore former gram negative rod
Correct - A
2. Risus sardonicus and Opistotonus are characteristic for the infection caused
by the
A. Clostridium botulinum
B, Clostridium perfrigens
C. Clostridium tetani
D. Clostridium difficile
Correct - C
3 . Risus sardonicus is a
A. Contraction of the facial muscles
B. Persistant spasms of the back muscles
C. Contraction of arms
D. Persistant spasms of the respiratory muscles
Correct - A
4. DPT vaccine is a
A. Diphtheria and pertussis antigens preparation
B. Diphtheria , pertusis and tetani antigens preparation
C. Diphtheria and tetanus antigens preparation
D. Non of them
Correct - B
5. Most of the cases of the foodborne botulism are associated with the consumption
A. Rice
B. Home-canned foods
C. Carrots
D. Potatoes
Correct - B
6. Infant botulism is associated with the consumption of
Correct - B
7. Clinical presentation of clostridium difficile
C.Pseudomembranous colitis
Correct - C
8.Exudative pharyngitis (pseudomembrane firmly adheres to the underlying tissue
and is difficult to dislodge without making the tissue bleed) is unique to
A. Antrax
B. Pertusis
C. Diphtheria
D. Adenovirus
Correct - C
9.Coagulase test is used for
Correct - B
10.Toxic shock syndrome is caused by
A.Staphylococcus aureus
B.Staphylococcus albus
C.Streptococcus viridians
D.None of them
Correct - A
11. Staphylococcus aureus is a
A.Catalase-positive, gram-positive cocci
B.Catalase-positive, gram-negative cocci
C.Catalase-negative, gram-negative cocci
D.Catalase-positive, gram-positive rods
Correct - A
12. The family Enterobacteriaceae is the largest, most heterogeneous collection of
medically important
A. Gram-negative, facultative anaerobe rods
B. Gram-positive rods
C. Gram-positive coccus
D. Anaerobe coccus
Correct - A

13.Which of the following microbes are: Gram positive and cocci shaped?

A.Clostridium difficile
B.Streptococcus pneumoniae
C.Bacillus anthracis
D.Vibrio cholera
Correct- B

14. Bacteria from genera of Clostridia are

A. Obligate aerobe
B. Obligate anaerobe
C. Facultative anaerobe
D. All of these
Correct – B
15.The ability to ferment lactose ( for identification common members of the family
Enterobacteriaceae) detected by color changes in lactose-containing media such as the
commonly used
A.Blood agar
B. Lewenshtein-Jensen media
C,MacConkey agar
D.Mannitol salt agar
Correct- C

16.Common medically important Enterobacteriaceae

A. Esherichia coli
B.Shigelle sonney
C.Salmonella enteric
D. All of above
Correct- D

17. Type ||| Secretion System of the family Enterobacteriaceae is a

A. Molecular syringe for delivering their virulence factors into the target eukaryotic cells
B. Slyme layer
C. Capsule
D. Exotoxin
Correct -A

18.The epidemiologic (serologic) classification of the Enterobacteriaceae is based on the

A .Three major groups of antigens ( somatic O, capsular K, flagellar H)
B.Two major groups of antigen
C. Presence of capsule
D. Presence of slyme layer
Correct –A

19. Coagulase is an enzyme that

A. Converts fibrinogen to fibrin, resulting in the formation of a clot
B. Converts sulfide
C.Converts dioxide
D. Has no value
Correct- A

20.Staphylococcus aureus can survive on dry surfaces for long period

A.Owing to thickened peptidoglycan layer and absence of outer membrane
B.Owing LPS
C.Owing outer membrane
D.Owing thin peptidoglycan layer
Correct -A
21. Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS)
A. Also called Ritter disease
B.Characterized by the abrupt onset of a localized perioral erythema
C.Characterized by the bullous exfoliative dermatitis
D.All of above
Correct –D

22.Explain the mode of action of the diphtheria exotoxin

A. It inhibits protein synthesis
B. Inactivates proteins that regulate release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter (gamma-
aminobutiric acid)
C. Inactivates proteins that regulate release of acetylcholine
D. Chemotactic for neutrophils, stimulating the infiltration of polymorphonuclear
neutrophils into the ileum
Correct –A

23.Metachromatic granules (granules that stain a color different from the primary dye color)
observed in
A.Bacillus antracis
B. C.diphtheria and other corynebacteria
C. Clostridium tetani
D. Clostridium difficile
Correct –B

24.. The risk of exposing a large population to the dangerous pathogen has increased
dramatically in this era of bioterrorism. Which pathogens can be used for this purposes
( as a biology weapon )
A .Bacillus antracis and Clostridium botulinum
B. Bacillus cereus and clostridium perfrigens
C. Clostridium perfrigens and clostridium difficile
Correct- A

25. Streptolysin O is inactivated by

B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
Correct- B

26.Streptolysisn S is
A.Oxygen unstable
B.Oxygen stable
D. None of them
Correct – B

27.Shigella are a family of bacteria that

A. Cause an infectious intestinal disease known as shigellosis.
B. It is mainly transmitted through contact with an infected person and contaminated food and
C.Shigellosis can occur in any age group but is more commonly seen in children. It is one of the
common causes of outbreaks of bacillary dysentry.
D. All 0f above are true
Correct –D

28,Differences and Similarities Salmonella and Shigella

A.Both Salmonella and Shigella can be transmitted through contaminated food and water,
personal contact or even from animals and objects (fomites).
B.The most common way Shigella is transmitted is through direct person-to-person contact
whereas ingesting contaminated raw food is the most common route of transmission of
C.Salmonella infection requires a larger infective dose than for Shigella infection. This
means that more bacterial cells need to be ingested for salmonellosis than for shigellosis.
D. All of above are true
Correct - D

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