Grammar Revision Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With Answers) 1

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Grammar Revision Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With Answers) 1

This first gap fill test contains 25 multiple choice questions

on the topic of grammar revision. Both English learners 5. 5. While experts question _____ impact lifestyle
and ESL teachers can use this online exercise as a general changes can have on developing certain diseases,
revision to check the knowledge of English grammar. they agree there’s a growing desire among
consumers_____more about their DNA.

1. 1._____ his life tragically was cut short, Dean’s short A) what / to learn
passage across the cinema screen and in movies is B) when / being learned
C) that / to learn
A) Since D) what/learning
B) Although E) whether / to be learned
C) Once
D) While
E) As long as
6. 6. After _____ my life as an environmentalist, I
declared in 2004 that environmentalism was dead,
unable to effectively work at the scale of the
problems we _____ .
2. 2. Marquez dominated the first two rounds_____
Pacquiao almost______ his balance. A) having spent / will face
B) spending / were faced
A) making / to lose
C) spending / faced
B) made / losing
D) being spent / face
C) making / lose
E) having spent / can face
D) made / lose
E) to make / lost

7. 7. Chemotherapy given at the same time as radiation

therapy can help patients with a certain type of lung
3. 3. _____ returning to Holland with nothing to report, cancer live nearly 50 percent longer than they _____
the crew voted to look for the Northwest Passage, a otherwise if the same treatment _____ differently.
legendary waterway that would carry a ship all the
way from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. A) could have / gave
B) may have / will be given
A) Instead
C) might have / was given
B) Much as
D) could have had / would be given
C) Might as well
E) would have had / would have been given
D) Rather than
E) Still

8. 8. Some people argue_____ is a major reason our

ancestors____ .
4. 4. The risks and benefits of treating patients with
medicines that combat mental illnesses _____ with A) to run / were survived
the highest degree of medical training _____ any B) run / had survived
harmful effects.
C) to run / were surviving
A) should approach / to be prevented D) running / survived
B) could have approached / to prevent E) running / surviving
C) must be approached / to prevent
D) may approach / to have prevented
E) need to be approached / prevent

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Grammar Revision Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With Answers) 1

9. 9. New measurements of brain activity in individuals 13. 13. Former president, a woman who is a world icon
addicted to cocaine confirm that addicted individuals for democracy, _____ to the hospital_____ colon
_____ sensitivity to monetary rewards. cancer.

A) will be compromised A) rushed / despite

B) compromised B) is rushed / on account of
C) have compromised C) has rushed / as
D) had compromised D) is rushing / regarding
E) had been compromised E) was rushed / due to

10. 10. As a global company, we recognize that people 14. 14 ._______ the strike has not being settled surprises
_____ different perspectives or interpret our ads in a me.
different way than _____ in the market.
A) Whether
A) are lent / is intended B) Whenever
B) had to lend / intends C) Wherever
C) could lend / has intended D) The fact that
D) may lend / was intended E) Whomever
E) should lend / will intend

15. 15. Rarely does she go to the cinema, _____?

11. 11. ______ the dispute, families and relatives and
friends_____ for a long time. A) does she
B) did she
A) Due to / separated
C) doesn’t she
B) Inspite of / have been separated
D) is she
C) Because of / were separated
E) isn’t it
D) Thereby / had been separated
E) Lest / were separated

16. 16 ._____ screens in Albert Square did show the

game, the one in Piccadilly Gardens failed about 15
12. 12. China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam _____ minutes before kick-off.
major rice exporters have controlled their rice
exports to sustain their country’s needs of rice. A) Whatever
B) The fact that
A) like
C) While
B) despite
D) The moment
C) such
E) How many
D) as
E) rather than

17. 17. The restaurants are similarly noisy but the food is
delicious,_____ the yoghurts which seem to be a

A) comprehensively
B) similarly
C) particularly
D) conversely
E) consequently

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21. 21. The city______by the massive city walls, which cut
the peninsula from the mainland,_____ all the way
from the Golden Horn to the Sea of Marmara.
18. 18. In 1453, the Ottomans adopted Hagia
Sophia_____ their principal place of worship and it A) has been protected J run
was converted_____ a mosque.
B) has protected / running
A) such / as C) protected / runs
B) as / into D) was protected / running
C) for / rather than E) was protected / has run
D) like/for
E) as to / regarding

22. 22. In their eagerness____ fast results, many people

set unrealistic fitness goals and, by overtraining,
suffer injuries which worsen their health _____
19. 19. The credit for making Franz Kafka internationally improving it.
famous as a writer belongs to his friend, novelist Max
Brod, _____ Kafka’s dying wishes, edited Kafka’s A) to get / instead of
unpublished manuscripts and then had them______.
B) to have got / rather than
A) despite / published C) getting / due to
B) in view of / publish D) to be getting / as
C) as for/publishing E) having got / such
D) in addition to / to publish
E) besides / publish

23. 23. The forum reflects the cutting-edge investment

expertise,____ provides new ideas and insights
into_____ the economy and financial markets are
20. 20. I’ve not ever been in a riot, but it ______to me as developing in Turkey.
if one ______about to happen there at the cinema
A) which / how
A) had felt / was B) who / what
B) felt / was C) that / why
C) is feeling / was D) where / whose
D) felt / had been E) what / the fact that
E) feels / is

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24. 24. The report contains recommendations 25. 25. Perhaps no actress in decades has _____ assumed
______charges, if any, should be filed in the March 9 a role than has Theron in “Monster” _____ she
crash. actually seems to become the psychopathic.

A) in which A) more / in which

B) at whose B) so / what
C) on what C) rather / as
D) for which D) as / which
E) of whom E) much / that

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