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Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 11 - 2018

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút;
(40 câu trắc nghiệm)
Mã đề thi 132

A. PHONETICS: ark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Câu 1: A. approached B. sacrificed C. unwrapped D. obliged
Câu 2: A. achieves B. shakes C. plans D. draws

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 3: A. extinction B. animal C. classify D. primary
Câu 4: A. stressful B. prepare C. future D. pressure

B. VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Câu 5: If the government ___________ the use of fossil fuels, our city will become a more liveable place.
A. reduce B. reduces C. to reduce D. reducing
Câu 6: He reminded Lan ___________ some groceries on the way home.
A. buying B. buys C. to buy D. to bought
Câu 7: If you freeze water, it ________ to ice.
A. turns B. will turns C. would D. turned
Câu 8: The original ___________ of this island lived a very simple life.
A. inhabitance B. inhabit C. inhabitable D. inhabitants
Câu 9: I thought you said she was going away the next Sunday,_______ ?
A. wasn't it B. didn't I C. wasn't she D. didn't you
Câu 10: John and Max admitted ___________ to submit the assignments the day before.
A. forgetting B. forget C. to forget D. forgot
Câu 11: Mary’s father said that she ________ quickly if she followed the doctor’s advice.
A. recovers B. to recover C. would recover D. will recover
Câu 12: Many of the pictures ___________ from outer space are presently on display in the public library.
A. were sent B. having sent C. sent D. sending
Câu 13: They now regret ___________ their son by providing too many material possessions.
A. having spoiled B. spoiled C. to have spoiled D. to have been spoiled
Câu 14: A taxi __________ us to Hoi An Ancient broke down
A. taking B. was taking C. takes D. which taking
Câu 15: Everybody is tired of watching the same commercials on TV every night, ___________ ?
A. don’t they B. are they C. aren’t they D. haven’t they
Câu 16: Mary’s lawyer advised her _________ anything further about the accident.
A. not tell B. telling C. not to say D. not saying
Câu 17: Jane apologized for ___________ what her teacher had said.
A. not doing B. not to do C. doing not D. don’t do
Câu 18: No one died in the accident, ________ ?
A. did they B. didn’t they C. did he D. didn’t he
Câu 19: Why are your hands so dirty?- I ___________ my bike.
A. have been repaired B. repaired C. have been repairing D. has been repaired

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Câu 20: One of the easiest ways to increase your life ___________ is to eat a healthy diet.
A. expectant B. expecting C. expect D. expectancy
Câu 21: Your body may not be able to fight infections naturally if your ___________ system is weakened
A. immunize B. immunizing C. immunized D. immune
Câu 22: If there is no pollution, so our city will be sustainable and more___________.
A. lives B. liveable C. living D. livelihood

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Câu 23: “Let’s go to Ba Vi next weekend “ ,Mai said .
A. Mai dreamed of going to Ba Vi the next weekend
B. Mai wanted to go to Ba Vi the next weekend .
C. Mai insisted on going to Ba Vi next weekend .
D. Mai suggested going to Ba Vi the next weekend
Câu 24: People start using more solar energy. There will be less pollution.
A. If people started using more solar energy, there will be less pollution.
B. If people start using more solar energy, there will be less pollution.
C. If people start using more solar energy, there will be more pollution.
D. If people will start using more solar energy, there will be less pollution.
Câu 25: The fence is made of wood. It surrounds our house
A. The fences which surrounding our house are made of wood
B. The fence which surrounding our house is made of wood
C. The fence surrounds our house is made of wood
D. The fence surrounding our house is made of wood
Câu 26: Mary said to Peter: “ I’ve heard that you passed the examination, congratulations! ”.
A. Peter congratulated Mary on passing the examination!
B. Mary congratulated Peter to pass the examination, Peter!
C. Mary congratulated Peter on passing the examination!
D. Mary congratulated Peter on passing the examination, Peter!
Câu 27: The boy said :” I won’t be late again, I promise.”
A. The boy promised not be late again. B. The boy promised to be late again.
C. The boy promised not to be late again. D. The boy promised not being late again.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Câu 28: Let’s save by using both sides of the sheet, shall you?
A. by using B. shall you C. save D. of the street
Câu 29: Her mother prevented her from going out tonight.
A. to night B. from going out C. her mother D. prevented
Câu 30: If we have solar panels on our roofs, we’ll be able to generating our electricity
A. to generating B. solar panels C. be able D. our roofs

C. READING: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from. 31 to 35.

One of the most urgent environment problems in the world today is the shortage of clean water. Having
clean drinking water is a basic human right. But acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage have made many
sources of water undrinkable. Lakes and even entire seas have become large pools of poison. Lake Baikal in
Russia is one of largest lake in the world. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants, including 1,300
rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world. But they are being destroyed by the massive

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volumes of industrial pollutants which pour into the lake everyday. Even where law existed, the government
did not have the power to enforce them. Most industries simply ignore the regulations. The Mediterranean
Sea occupies 1% of the world's water surface. But it is the dumping ground for 50% of all marine pollution.
Almost sixteen countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles off shore. Water is free to everyone.
A few years ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the world was limitless. Today, many water
supplies have been ruined by pollution and sewage. Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginning
to respect this precious source. We should do something now.

Câu 31: What is a serious problem of Lake Baikal in Russia?

A. It has 1,300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world.
B. It is polluted by massive volumes of industrial wastes discharged into it.
C. The government did not have the power to enforce laws and regulations.
D. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants.
Câu 32: How many countries throw industrial wastes into the Mediterranean Sea regularly?
A. nearly 16 B. exactly 15 C. exactly 16 D. less than 15
Câu 33: What is the message to the readers?
A. We should use a lot of clean water.
B. We should limit the clean water in the world.
C. We should encourage people to use safe water.
D. We should do something protect our water resources.
Câu 34: Many sources of water are not drinkable because of ____________ .
A. acid rain B. garbage
C. acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage D. industrial pollution
Câu 35: One environment problem in the world today is ____________ .
A. industrial pollution B. the fresh water shortage
C. acid rain D. population explosion

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 40.

Global warming is the biggest...( 36)... in the world today. Everyone knows about it but not everyone is
trying to stop it. Many world leaders are more interested in blaming other ...( 37)... for the crisis. Countries
like China, India and Russia say they will not act unless America takes more action. America says it will not
act until other countries ...( 38)... more action. It seems a little childish that leaders are acting in this way.
The future of our world is ...( 39)... risk and governments can only argue with each other. Many presidents
and prime ministers tell us that technology is the answer. They say future ...( 40)... will find solutions to save
the planet. This is a big gamble. I hope they are right. I don’t believe them, so I’ll continue switching off
lights and recycling.
Câu 36: A. consequences B. problems C. solutions D. influences
Câu 37: A. organizations B. countries C. associations D. companies
Câu 38: A. make B. do C. give D. take
Câu 39: A. in B. on C. to D. at
Câu 40: A. scientific B. science C. scientists D. scientifically

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Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 11 - 2018
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút;
(40 câu trắc nghiệm)
Mã đề thi 132

A. PHONETICS: ark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Câu 1: A. approached B. sacrificed C. unwrapped D. obliged
Câu 2: A. achieves B. shakes C. plans D. draws

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 3: A. extinction B. animal C. classify D. primary
Câu 4: A. stressful B. prepare C. future D. pressure

B. VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Câu 5: If the government ___________ the use of fossil fuels, our city will become a more liveable place.
A. reduce B. reduces C. to reduce D. reducing
Câu 6: He reminded Lan ___________ some groceries on the way home.
A. buying B. buys C. to buy D. to bought
Câu 7: If you freeze water, it ________ to ice.
A. turns B. will turns C. would D. turned
Câu 8: The original ___________ of this island lived a very simple life.
A. inhabitance B. inhabit C. inhabitable D. inhabitants
Câu 9: I thought you said she was going away the next Sunday,_______ ?
A. wasn't it B. didn't I C. wasn't she D. didn't you
Câu 10: John and Max admitted ___________ to submit the assignments the day before.
A. forgetting B. forget C. to forget D. forgot
Câu 11: Mary’s father said that she ________ quickly if she followed the doctor’s advice.
A. recovers B. to recover C. would recover D. will recover
Câu 12: Many of the pictures ___________ from outer space are presently on display in the public library.
A. were sent B. having sent C. sent D. sending
Câu 13: They now regret ___________ their son by providing too many material possessions.
A. having spoiled B. spoiled C. to have spoiled D. to have been spoiled
Câu 14: A taxi __________ us to Hoi An Ancient broke down
A. taking B. was taking C. takes D. which taking
Câu 15: Everybody is tired of watching the same commercials on TV every night, ___________ ?
A. don’t they B. are they C. aren’t they D. haven’t they
Câu 16: Mary’s lawyer advised her _________ anything further about the accident.
A. not tell B. telling C. not to say D. not saying
Câu 17: Jane apologized for ___________ what her teacher had said.
A. not doing B. not to do C. doing not D. don’t do
Câu 18: No one died in the accident, ________ ?
A. did they B. didn’t they C. did he D. didn’t he
Câu 19: Why are your hands so dirty?- I ___________ my bike.
A. have been repaired B. repaired C. have been repairing D. has been repaired

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Câu 20: One of the easiest ways to increase your life ___________ is to eat a healthy diet.
A. expectant B. expecting C. expect D. expectancy
Câu 21: Your body may not be able to fight infections naturally if your ___________ system is weakened
A. immunize B. immunizing C. immunized D. immune
Câu 22: If there is no pollution, so our city will be sustainable and more___________.
A. lives B. liveable C. living D. livelihood

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Câu 23: “Let’s go to Ba Vi next weekend “ ,Mai said .
A. Mai dreamed of going to Ba Vi the next weekend
B. Mai wanted to go to Ba Vi the next weekend .
C. Mai insisted on going to Ba Vi next weekend .
D. Mai suggested going to Ba Vi the next weekend
Câu 24: People start using more solar energy. There will be less pollution.
A. If people started using more solar energy, there will be less pollution.
B. If people start using more solar energy, there will be less pollution.
C. If people start using more solar energy, there will be more pollution.
D. If people will start using more solar energy, there will be less pollution.
Câu 25: The fence is made of wood. It surrounds our house
A. The fences which surrounding our house are made of wood
B. The fence which surrounding our house is made of wood
C. The fence surrounds our house is made of wood
D. The fence surrounding our house is made of wood
Câu 26: Mary said to Peter: “ I’ve heard that you passed the examination, congratulations! ”.
A. Peter congratulated Mary on passing the examination!
B. Mary congratulated Peter to pass the examination, Peter!
C. Mary congratulated Peter on passing the examination!
D. Mary congratulated Peter on passing the examination, Peter!
Câu 27: The boy said :” I won’t be late again, I promise.”
A. The boy promised not be late again. B. The boy promised to be late again.
C. The boy promised not to be late again. D. The boy promised not being late again.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Câu 28: Let’s save by using both sides of the sheet, shall you?
A. by using B. shall you C. save D. of the street
Câu 29: Her mother prevented her from going out tonight.
A. to night B. from going out C. her mother D. prevented
Câu 30: If we have solar panels on our roofs, we’ll be able to generating our electricity
A. to generating B. solar panels C. be able D. our roofs

C. READING: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from. 31 to 35.

One of the most urgent environment problems in the world today is the shortage of clean water. Having
clean drinking water is a basic human right. But acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage have made many
sources of water undrinkable. Lakes and even entire seas have become large pools of poison. Lake Baikal in
Russia is one of largest lake in the world. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants, including 1,300
rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world. But they are being destroyed by the massive

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volumes of industrial pollutants which pour into the lake everyday. Even where law existed, the government
did not have the power to enforce them. Most industries simply ignore the regulations. The Mediterranean
Sea occupies 1% of the world's water surface. But it is the dumping ground for 50% of all marine pollution.
Almost sixteen countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles off shore. Water is free to everyone.
A few years ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the world was limitless. Today, many water
supplies have been ruined by pollution and sewage. Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginning
to respect this precious source. We should do something now.

Câu 31: What is a serious problem of Lake Baikal in Russia?

A. It has 1,300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world.
B. It is polluted by massive volumes of industrial wastes discharged into it.
C. The government did not have the power to enforce laws and regulations.
D. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants.
Câu 32: How many countries throw industrial wastes into the Mediterranean Sea regularly?
A. nearly 16 B. exactly 15 C. exactly 16 D. less than 15
Câu 33: What is the message to the readers?
A. We should use a lot of clean water.
B. We should limit the clean water in the world.
C. We should encourage people to use safe water.
D. We should do something protect our water resources.
Câu 34: Many sources of water are not drinkable because of ____________ .
A. acid rain B. garbage
C. acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage D. industrial pollution
Câu 35: One environment problem in the world today is ____________ .
A. industrial pollution B. the fresh water shortage
C. acid rain D. population explosion

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 40.

Global warming is the biggest...( 36)... in the world today. Everyone knows about it but not everyone is
trying to stop it. Many world leaders are more interested in blaming other ...( 37)... for the crisis. Countries
like China, India and Russia say they will not act unless America takes more action. America says it will not
act until other countries ...( 38)... more action. It seems a little childish that leaders are acting in this way.
The future of our world is ...( 39)... risk and governments can only argue with each other. Many presidents
and prime ministers tell us that technology is the answer. They say future ...( 40)... will find solutions to save
the planet. This is a big gamble. I hope they are right. I don’t believe them, so I’ll continue switching off
lights and recycling.
Câu 36: A. consequences B. problems C. solutions D. influences
Câu 37: A. organizations B. countries C. associations D. companies
Câu 38: A. make B. do C. give D. take
Câu 39: A. in B. on C. to D. at
Câu 40: A. scientific B. science C. scientists D. scientifically

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