Particleboards From Peanut-Shell Flour: Leonel Batalla, Adria N J. Nun Ez, Norma E. Marcovich

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Particleboards from Peanut-Shell Flour

Leonel Batalla, Adrián J. Nuñez, Norma E. Marcovich

Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de Materiales (INTEMA), Facultad de Ingenierı́a, Universidad
Nacional de Mar del Plata, Juan B. Justo 4302, (7600) Mar del Plata, Argentina

Received 30 June 2004; accepted 28 December 2004

DOI 10.1002/app.21847
Published online in Wiley InterScience (

ABSTRACT: Peanuts have been cultivated worldwide for mined and used in an attempt to predict the mechanical
hundreds, if not thousands, of years. However, most pea- response of the panels. The stiffness of the particleboard
nuts are sold without the shell, and so large quantities of could be greatly improved by a reduction of the porosity,
peanut shells remain as byproducts in the field, not being but even a low void content had a critical effect on the
used properly. In this work, the feasibility of making parti- strength of the composites. The stiffness of the composites
cleboard from milled peanut shells was studied. To obtain could only be reasonably represented with simple theoreti-
medium-density panels, a low compaction pressure and a cal models when the effect of the porosity was incorporated.
high fiber content were used. The physical and mechanical © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 97: 916 –923, 2005
properties of the panels were similar to those reported for
wood-based particleboard when 80 wt % filler was used. Key words: composites; fillers; mechanical properties; ther-
The void content of the panels was experimentally deter- mosets

INTRODUCTION gated the technical feasibility of making single-layer

experimental particleboards from mixtures of flax shiv
Particleboard is a panel material manufactured under
(the woody core generated as a waste byproduct from
pressure, essentially from particles of wood, other
lignocellulosic fibrous materials, or both combined the flax-fiber/linen industry) and wood chips. Nemli
with synthetic resins and bonded together under heat et al.6 analyzed the suitability of kiwi prunings for
and pressure in a hot press.1 The past 40 years have particleboard manufacturing, and Gerardi et al.7 stud-
seen successful developments within the forest prod- ied the feasibility of using steam-treated rice-industry
uct industry, especially in products generally called residues as an alternative feedstock for the wood-
particleboards. Much of this success can be attributed based particleboard industry in Italy. Moreover, Mo et
to the decided economic advantage of low-cost wood al.8 studied the physical properties of medium-density
raw materials and inexpensive processing with bind- wheat-straw particleboard with different adhesives.
ers.1 The construction and furniture industries are the Particleboard with a density range of 0.59 – 0.8
largest markets for the board. Particleboards have g/cm3 is designated as medium-density (ASTM D
found applications in floor, wall, and ceiling panels, 1554-86). It has broad applications for both structural
office dividers, bulletin boards, furniture, cabinets, and nonstructural uses. Several types of adhesives
countertops, and desk tops.2,3 have been applied in producing particleboard. The
The potential for using lignocellulosics from agri- most commonly used resins are urea formaldehyde,
cultural residues and annual fiber crops in place of phenol formaldehyde (PF), and methylene diphenyl
wood as raw materials or panel products has received diisocyanate.8,9
considerable attention in recent years. Ntalos and PF resins provide high strength and are extremely
Grigoriou4 studied the effectiveness of vine prunings, resistant to moisture; this prevents delamination and
a lignocellulosic agricultural residue from vines, as a gives excellent temperature stability, in part because
replacement for wood as the raw material for particle- of the flexible nature of these resins.1,10 In addition,
board production. Papadopoulos and Hague5 investi- they exhibit excellent thermal and chemical resistance
with low flammability, smoke density, and tox-
icity10,11 and can generate chemical bonding with the
Correspondence to: N. E. Marcovich (marcovic@fi.mdp. lignocellulosic reinforcements, leading to strong forces
Contract grant sponsor: National Research Council of Re- between the fiber and resin.12,13 Thus, a high compat-
pública Argentina; contract grant number: PEI 1146. ibility in the vegetable-fiber/polymer system is
Contract grant sponsor: Antorchas Foundation (Argen- achieved.
tina); contract grant number: 14116/177.
During the processing of phenolic resins, the by-
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 97, 916 –923 (2005) product of the polycondensation reaction is mostly
© 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. water. Hence, the evaporation of this byproduct dur-

ing the curing of the polymer can lead to voids in the matrix is proposed. Under this assumption, when a
final material. The most liquid and castable resol con- uniform stress is applied at the boundary, the elastic
tains methylene and ether bonds, which have reactive modulus of the composite is given by
methyl end groups and thus can be cured via acid or
the application of heat. In practical applications, the
most frequent method for conversion is heat-activated
curing. At higher temperatures, the ether bonds be-
Ec ⫽ Em 冋 1 ⫹ 共E f /E m ⫺ 1兲V f 2/3
1 ⫹ 共E f /E m ⫺ 1兲共V f 2/3 ⫺ V f 冊 (3)

tween the resol links shift to methylene bonds by

Applying the same model, but assuming a uniform
producing formaldehyde. This formaldehyde can re-
displacement at the boundary, Ishai and Cohen ob-
act once again with the phenol (or eventually with the
tained the following equation:
OH groups present in the natural reinforcement). The

冋 册
relatively short branched connections via methylene
bonds in phenolic resins result in brittle mechanical Vf
Ec ⫽ Em 1 ⫹ (4)
properties that can be slightly improved by the addi- 共E f /E m 兲/共E f /E m ⫺ 1兲 ⫺ V f 1/3
tion of fillers.11
Peanuts have been cultivated worldwide for hun- Another interesting approach is the simple model pro-
dreds, if not thousands, of years. However, most pea- posed by Counto,14 which assumes perfect bonding
nuts are sold without the shell, and so large quantities between the particles and the matrix. In this case, the
of peanut shells remain as byproducts in the field, not modulus of the composite is given by
being used properly.
The aim of this work is to study the feasibility of 1 1 ⫺ V f 1/2 1
making experimental particleboards from milled pea- ⫽ ⫹ (5)
Ec Em 共1 ⫺ V f 1/2 兲/V f 1/2 E m ⫹ E f
nut shells. To obtain medium-density panels, a low
compaction pressure and high fiber content were Even though these models have proved to be a good
used. The particleboards were physically and mechan- approximation to composite properties, all of them
ically characterized. The void content of the panels assume that the composite porosity content is equal to
was experimentally determined and used in an at- zero.14 Besides the effect of lowering the composite
tempt to predict the mechanical response of the pan- load-bearing volume, the porosity also affects the
els. composite mechanical properties by introducing stress
concentrations into the material.14 Therefore, as these
effect were not included in the derivation of eqs. (1)–
PARTICULATE POLYMER COMPOSITES (5), they will not be able to represent the stiffness of a
In conventional unidirectional and continuous com- One alternative to including the effect of porosity in
posites, the traditional way of predicting composite calculating the stiffness of a composite material con-
stiffness is to apply the simple rule of mixtures.14 For sists of attributing all the voids to the matrix phase
a random distribution of the individual phases (par- through the calculation of an effective matrix Young’s
ticulate composite), the model is also useful, simplify- modulus and then using it instead of the true matrix
ing the arrangement to a two-phase model in which modulus in conventional models. This approach was
average stresses and strains are considered to exist in successfully applied previously.16
each of the phases.15 The upper and lower bounds for Alternatively, Madsen and Lilholt14 proposed that
this model are given by eqs. (1) and (2), respectively: the effect of porosity on material stiffness can be ap-
proximated by
E c ⫽ V f E f ⫹ 共1 ⫺ V f 兲E m (1)
E v ⫽ E d 共1 ⫺ V v 兲 2 (6)
E fE m
Ec ⫽ (2)
共1 ⫺ V f 兲E f ⫹ V f E m where the subscripts d and v denote the fully dense
material and the porous material, respectively.
where E is the elastic modulus and V is the volumetric On the other hand, the effect of porosity on the
fraction. The subscripts c, f, and m indicate the com- mechanical properties has been extensively studied
posite, fiber, and matrix, respectively. for ceramic materials. Ceramics have inherently ran-
Improved bounds for the modulus of two-phase dom microstructures, and the pores in these materials
media were obtained by Paul and by Ishai and Co- have random shapes, sizes, and distributions;17 this is
hen.15 In the approximate solution obtained by Paul, the same behavior expected in particleboards. A rela-
the constituents are assumed to be in a state of mac- tion of the form
roscopically homogeneous stress. Perfect adhesion at
the interface of a cubic inclusion embedded in a cubic E v ⫽ E d 共1 ⫺ V v 兲 n (7)

TABLE I ature.20 The mechanical properties were determined

Physical and Mechanical Properties of Resol with flexural tests (ASTM D 790) because of the inher-
Density (g/cm3) 1.2433 ⫾ 0.04 ent brittleness of the matrix, and the density was
Strength (MPa) 94 ⫾ 10.5 determined by pycnometry.
Elongation at break (%) 0.03 ⫾ 0.007 Peanut shells (Manisur S.A., Provincia de Córdoba,
E (GPa) 2.58 ⫾ 0.46
Argentina) were milled with an IKA Labortechnick
250-mL mill (Staufen, Germany), and the obtained
powder was sieved. Particles greater than 370 ␮m
where the constant n is the stress concentration factor were rejected. Before being used, peanut shells were
due to the presence of pores in the material and is dried at 70°C in a vacuum oven until a constant
dependent on the pore geometry, has been success- weight was achieved. Figure 1 shows the particle size
fully applied to describe all the data over the entire distribution used in this work, presented as a percent-
range of porosity.18 age of the weight (dry base) versus the average diam-
The models for predicting the strength of filled sys- eter.
tems are less developed than the models for predicting
the moduli. However, the Nielsen equation,15 which Particleboard preparation
was derived for the case of perfect adhesion between
the phases, assuming rigorous Hookean behavior up To obtain medium-density particleboards, the resol
to breaking strains, seems to be useful in this work was added drop by drop to the peanut-shell powder,
because the tensile behavior of our particleboards ful- and manual premixing was performed. After the paste
fills the assumptions (where ␴ ⫽ strength): was homogenized, it was added to the IKA Labortech-
nick 250-mL mill, and a 3-min mixing step was real-
Ec ized. The paste was finally dried at 37°C during 3– 6 h
␴c ⫽ ␴m 共1 ⫺ V f 1/3 兲 (8) (depending on the concentration of resol) to obtain a
dried powder through the evaporation of the ethylic
Finally, Danusso and Tieghi19 suggested for cases of alcohol that came with the commercial resol. After
interfacial adhesion between the phases, on a purely that, the mixture was placed in an aluminum mold
empirical basis, the following estimation with three (145 mm and ca. 3 mm thick), and a pressure of 6
fitting parameters (a, b, and c): kg/cm2 was applied to preform the paste. The curing
process was carried out without pressure, with the

␴c ⫽ ␴m 冉 1 ⫺ Vf
a ⫹ bV f ⫹ cV f 2 冊 (9)
following thermal schedule: 30 min at 90°C, 60 min at
140°C, and 10 min at 160°C.
High-density particleboards were prepared for
comparison. In this case, resol and peanut shells were
EXPERIMENTAL mixed in a Brabender-type mixer (volume capacity
⫽ 250 cm3) for about 15 min. The paste was filled in
the metal mold, and the reaction was carried out un-
A commercial alcoholic solution, liquid resol (R472,
Atanor, Buenos Aires, Argentina), with 60.6 wt %
solids, a viscosity of 230 cp at 19°C, a pH of 8.0 – 8.6 at
25°C, and a water concentration of 12–20 wt %, was
used as the matrix. The resol was produced by the
condensation reaction of phenol with formaldehyde in
a basic medium. The first step of the reaction was the
formation of addition compounds known as methylol
derivatives (the reaction taking place at the ortho or
para position). In the presence of alkaline catalysts and
with more formaldehyde, the methylol phenols con-
densed either through methylene linkages or through
ether linkages. In the latter case, the subsequent loss of
formaldehyde could occur with methylene bridge for-
mation. This type of product was soluble and fusible
but contained alcohol groups. When the reactions
leading to their formation were carried out further,
large numbers of phenolic nuclei could condense to
form networks.
The mechanical and physical properties of the pure
resol, shown in Table I, were obtained from the liter- Figure 1 Particle size distribution of peanut-shell flour.

der pressure (2.2 kg/cm2) according to the following

schedule: 1 h at 90°C, 1.5 h at 140°C, and finally 0.5 h
at 175°C. The pressure was also maintained during the
cooling step (20 min to room temperature).

The theoretical value for the volume fraction of the
filler, Vft, was calculated as follows:

V ft ⫽ 共W f / ␳ f 兲关共W f / ␳ f 兲 ⫹ 共W m / ␳ m 兲兴 (10)

where Wi is the weight fraction, ␳i is the density, and

subscripts f and m denote the fiber and matrix, respec-
The theoretical density of the composites, ␳t, was
calculated from the individual phases densities, based
Figure 2 Thermogravimetric curves of the filler and parti-
on the mass fraction of each: cleboard. The peanut-shell-flour concentration was (—) 100,
( 䡠 䡠 䡠 ) 60, and (– – –) 50 wt %.
1 Wf Wm
⫽ ⫹ (11)
␳t ␳f ␳m
The density of the composites, ␳c, was measured by Phenolic resins are excellent flame-retardant and heat-
pycnometry in distilled and degassed water at 20°C. resistant thermosets, in comparison with other poly-
Then, the void volume fraction, VV, was calculated as meric materials. They are more difficult to burn, re-
follows: lease less smoke and toxic gas, and generate the high-
est amount of carbon residues.21,22 The thermal
␳c decomposition of phenolic resins has three stages.12
Vv ⫽ 1 ⫺ (12) Before 300°C, there is a small weight loss mainly due
to excess phenol, aldehyde, oligomer, and water,
which are released. The thermal decomposition within
Finally, the actual volume fraction of filler was calcu-
the range of 300 – 600°C presents products such as CO,
lated as follows:
CO2, benzaldehyde, phenol, and its polymers, with
random chain scission and the initial formation of
V f ⫽ V ft /共1 ⫹ V v 兲 (13) char. It is thought to be the temperature range in
which major decomposition takes place. For tempera-
Tensile and three-point-bending tests were performed tures above 600°C, dehydration occurs, and a carbon-
with an Instron 8501 (Buckinghamshire, England) uni- like structure, char, is gradually formed, with carbon
versal testing machine according to ASTM D 638 and monoxide as a byproduct. Beyond this temperature,
ASTM D 790M (procedure A), respectively. Specimen the curve is flat.22
type IV was used for the tensile tests. At least five Figure 2 shows the thermogravimetric curves for
specimens for each condition were tested. peanut-shell flour and composites made with 50 and
The thickness swelling and water absorption were 60 wt % reinforcement. In general, a loss of water can
determined according to ASTM D 570 after 24 h of be observed below 120°C, and further thermal degra-
immersion in distilled water. dation appears to take place as a two-step process
Thermogravimetric tests were performed with a because the tests were not continued beyond 450°C.
Seiko Instruments SII Exstar 6000 thermogravimetric From the thermograms, several parameters were
analyzer (Chiba, Japan). The measurements were car- evaluated: (1) the amount of desorbed water (as the
ried out in an air atmosphere from room temperature percentage of mass lost below 120°C), (2) the onset of
to 450°C at a heating rate of 10°C/min. The sample thermal degradation (Td), (3) the temperature at which
weight was about 10 mg. half of the initial mass of the sample was lost (Tb), and
The fractured surfaces of the tensile-tested compos- (4) the residual char at 450°C (as a percentage). Be-
ites were observed by scanning electron microscopy cause the samples presented different amounts of ab-
(SEM) with a Philips JEOL 35 CF microscope (Ak- sorbed water and the rate of weight loss was different
ishima, Japan). The surfaces were previously coated from sample to sample, Td was taken as the tempera-
with gold to avoid charging under the electron beam. ture at which the sample lost 5% of its initial weight,

Thermal Degradation Data of Peanut-Shell Flour and
Composites at 10°C/min in Air
Peanut Desorbed
shell (%) water (%) Td (°C) Tb (°C) Char (%)

50 1.56 238.90 474.30 56.3

60 1.728 239.70 458.60 51.6
100 8.725 256.80 342.00 31.1

based in the weight of the dry sample, that is, after

water desorption. The same basis was adopted for
items 3 and 4. From these results, summarized in
Table II, it can be seen that the onset of degradation
occurs at lower temperatures as the concentration of
peanut shells increases, but the opposite behavior was Figure 3 SEM micrograph of 50 wt % particleboard.
noticed for Tb. This indicates that degradation of the
matrix begins at lower temperatures, but with a lower
rate of decomposition than that of the neat peanut 23). In this case, the density of the reinforcement being
shell. Moreover, the percentage of residual char left at higher than that of the matrix, an increase in the
450°C decreases with the filler content because the density of the samples with the filler content would be
amount of resol decreases. Vegetable fillers, including expected if there were no voids.24 Thus, the void con-
peanut shells, are formed mainly of cellulose, hemi- tent of each sample was calculated with eq. (12) and is
cellulose, and lignin. The cellulose almost decomposes reported in Table III. As expected, the porosity of the
fully into volatile products,22 leaving behind only a particleboards increases with the filler content. On the
very small percentage of char, and thus only the hemi- other hand, it is possible to obtain medium-density
cellulose and lignin (minor components) contribute to particleboards from peanut shells, and a density sim-
the char production. ilar to that of particleboards made from wood (650
Moreover, the amount of water absorbed by the kg/m3, ref. 7) was obtained when 80 wt % filler was
peanut-shell flour is highly reduced when it is com- used.
pounded to form a particleboard because of the re- An SEM micrograph of the fracture surface of the
stricted diffusion of water into the thermoset. composite made from 50 wt % is shown in Figure 3. It
Isothermal thermogravimetric tests (not shown) is difficult to differentiate the filler from the matrix
were also performed for 2 h on peanut-shell flour at because there are no gaps (separations) between them.
180 and 190°C, temperatures higher than those used in This confirms the high compatibility between both
the curing process of the composites. In both cases, the phases. The matrix zone is revealed by the brittle
mass lost during the whole run was less than 9%, and fracture, as indicated by the arrows, and by the pres-
this indicates that only the moisture adsorbed by the ence of voids, which were produced by the evapora-
flour was eliminated. This behavior ensures that no tion of water during curing. As mentioned previously,
thermal degradation will occur in the filler during the addition of filler leads to more ductile behavior
composite preparation. during fracture, which can be observed in the upper
Table III shows the experimentally determined par- right part of the photograph.
ticleboard density. The density of the composites de- The weight gain and thickness swelling due to wa-
creases as the peanut-shell concentration increases. If ter absorption are also reported in Table III. Both
all the capillaries of the peanut shell were filled with increase with the filler content because the porosity
resin, the density of the filler in the composite would content also increases. As the porosity increases, the
approach the density of the cell wall (1.53 g/cm3, ref. water finds less resistance to penetration into the sam-

Physical Properties of Peanut-Shell Composites
Fiber content Void content Water absorption Thickness swelling
(wt %) Density (kg/m3) (vol %) (wt %) (%)

50 1040 ⫾ 20 19.5 27.36 ⫾ 1.59 2.70 ⫾ 0.22

60 1030 ⫾ 20 20.9 30.74 ⫾ 2.81 2.74 ⫾ 0.091
70 840 ⫾ 22 29.2 54.30 ⫾ 2.25 4.54 ⫾ 0.42
80 690 ⫾ 31 34.6 76.72 ⫾ 12.08 5.27 ⫾ 0.42

Mechanical Properties of Peanut-Shell Medium-Density Particleboards
Fiber content Tensile modulus Tensile maximum Flexural modulus Flexural maximum
(wt %) (GPa) stress (MPa) (GPa) stress (MPa)

50 1.485 ⫾ 0.12 11.40 ⫾ 3.00 2.600 ⫾ 0.290 14.06 ⫾ 2.56

60 1.209 ⫾ 0.11 8.00 ⫾ 1.04 2.215 ⫾ 0.208 12.98 ⫾ 1.873
70 0.546 ⫾ 0.035 3.00 ⫾ 0.38 1.226 ⫾ 0.087 7.00 ⫾ 0.35
80 0.206 ⫾ 0.042 0.96 ⫾ 0.14 0.425 ⫾ 0.065 1.70 ⫾ 0.158

ple, or in other words, water diffusion is more difficult exhibit much higher moduli than the corresponding
as the density of the particleboard increases.6 The medium-density ones, and this indicates that the stiff-
measured values are comparable to those of other ness of the composites could be greatly improved by
particleboards made from vegetable reinforcements.5 the reduction of the void content.
On the other hand, the thickness swelling is very low,
compared with moisture sorption, because it is more
affected by the bond quality25 and adhesive proper-
Modeling the particleboard mechanical behavior
ties, and as discussed previously, the compatibility
between the filler and the matrix is excellent in this Because of a lack of information about peanut-shell
case. stiffness, the range of 4.9 –14 GPa, suggested by But-
Table IV shows the mechanical properties of par- trey26 for the modulus of saw dust, was adopted.
ticleboards determined in tensile and flexural tests. Therefore, in the following calculations, a value of 10
Both the moduli and strengths decrease as the filler GPa was taken as Young’s modulus of the peanut-
content increases because the void content also in- shell flour. However, the effect of the filler modulus
creases. The porosity reduces the load-bearing volume on the composite predictions will be discussed later.
of the sample and introduces stress concentrations, Equations (1)–(5) were used to model the experi-
which make the material less stiff and resistant. How- mental modulus as a function of the filler volume
ever, even the tensile strength of the 80 wt % particle- fraction. First, all the selected theoretical models pre-
board is in the range of those found in wood particle- dict a continuous increase in the composite modulus
boards (ⱖ0.35 MPa, ref. 7). with the filler concentration if Young’s modulus of the
Selected properties of high-density composites from fiber is higher than that of the matrix, yet the opposite
resol and peanut-shell flour prepared for comparison behavior was experimentally observed. Thus, to re-
are reported in Table V. First, it was not possible to verse this tendency, two different approaches were
obtain a composite with no voids because the evapo- used.
ration of water and solvents from the resol during Figure 4 shows the experimental tensile and flexural
curing led to porous systems, although pressure was moduli together with the fitting curves obtained with
applied. Both the modulus and strength increase with the effective matrix modulus as a function of the ac-
the filler content because the porosity of these com- tual fiber volume fraction. In all cases, eqs. (1)–(5)
posites is relatively low, and thus the reduction of the were applied two times: first to calculate an effective
load-bearing volume is not as important as it is for matrix modulus with the void volume fraction as the
medium-density particleboards. Moreover, the tensile filler concentration with the modulus equal to zero
strength of the high-density composites is in the same and second to calculate the composite modulus with
range as that of the medium-density one, and this the effective matrix modulus as the modulus of the
indicates that even a low void concentration has a matrix. An exception was made with eq. (2), for which
critical effect on the strength of the composites be- the effective matrix modulus was calculated with the
cause of the stress concentrations introduced by po- upper bond of the rule of mixtures [eq. (1)]. The use of
rosity. On the other hand, high-density particleboards a matrix modulus corrected by porosity is not suffi-

Physical and Mechanical Properties of Peanut-Shell High-Density Particleboards
Fiber Density (kg/m3)
content Tensile modulus Tensile maximum Void content
(wt %) (GPa) stress (MPa)) Experimental Theoretical (vol %)

40 1.36 ⫾ 0.13 11.20 ⫾ 6.9 — — —

50 1.96 ⫾ 0.26 8.04 ⫾ 3.6 1279 ⫾ 14.9 1372 6.8
60 3.15 ⫾ 0.65 15.37 ⫾ 7.82 1296 ⫾ 9.65 1401 7.5

Figure 4 Experimental (F) tensile and (■) flexural moduli Figure 6 Fitting curves with the lower bound corrected by
and fitting curves (lines) obtained with the effective matrix eq. (7) as a function of Ef: (– – –) 14, (- - -) 10, and (—) 4.9 GPa
modulus approach as a function of the actual fiber volume and (F) experimental tensile modulus.
fraction (Vf): (– 䡠 –) upper bound, (– – –) lower bound, (- 䡠 -)
Ishai–Cohen, ( 䡠 䡠 䡠 ) Paul, and (–) Counto models.
successfully represent them. The lower bond of the
rule of mixtures is, as expected, the model that gives
cient to obtain good agreement, especially at high filler
the lowest values and thus the best fit.
(high void) contents.
The inability of both approaches to accurately
In the second method, the correction derived by
model the experimental data, especially at higher filler
MacKenzie27 and successfully applied by Madsen and
contents, can be attributed to different facts that were
Lilholt14 in a recent publication was used. Figure 5
not considered in the development of the equations. In
shows the predictions of eqs. (1)–(5), corrected by eq.
practice, the particle distribution may be less homo-
(6), as well as the experimental values as a function of
geneous as the particles may not be completely sepa-
the actual fiber volume fraction. The fittings get closer
rated from one another (e.g., aggregates of smaller
to the experimental data, although none of the models
particles may be present). Thus, the applied stress will
then not be distributed evenly between the particles
and the aggregates, and the assumption of either
isostress or isostrain will not be valid.28 In addition,
the amount of the binder would be not enough to
bound the filler particles together, and hence only part
of the filler would act as a reinforcement.
The correction proposed in eq. (7), which was
proved to be useful for calculating the modulus of
porous ceramic materials, was also used. The solid
line in Figure 5 represents the fitting calculated with
the lower bond of the rule of mixture corrected by eq.
(7). The constant n must be equal to 4 to obtain the best
agreement with the experimental data. This value was
in the range of those found for porous ceramics17 and
represents the stress concentration factor due to the
presence of pores in the material. A factor higher than
2 is necessary to obtain a reasonable agreement with
experimental results.
Finally, Figure 6 shows the predictions obtained
Figure 5 Experimental (F) tensile and (■) flexural moduli with eq. (2) corrected by eq. (7) when different values
and fitting curves (lines) obtained with the void correction are used as the peanut-shell Young’s modulus. Al-
approach as a function of the actual fiber volume fraction though the upper limit (14 GPa) represents properly
(Vf). The following models were corrected with eq. (6): (– 䡠 –)
upper bound, (– – –) lower bound, (- 䡠 -) Ishai–Cohen, the data at lower filler volume fractions, the lower
(䡠 䡠 䡠) Paul, and (–) Counto. (—) The lower-bound model was limit (4.9 GPa) prediction is closer to the experimental
corrected with eq. (7). points for higher filler concentrations. However, the

the composites. On the other hand, the stiffness of the

panels could only be reasonably represented with sim-
ple theoretical models when the effect of the porosity
was incorporated.


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