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13/11/2014 Anesthesia Exam


1-Atropine: except

a) may cause bradycardia

b) dilates the pupil in premedicant dose
c) has a shorter duration of action than glycopyrrolate
d) increases the physiological dead space
e) has both muscarinic and nicotinic effects

2-Regarding local anaesthetic agents (LA): except

a) the potency of LAs is proportional to their lipid solubility

b) the duration of action is dependent on protein binding
c) agents with low pKa have a faster onset of action
d) all local anaesthetics are vasodilators
e) the depth of local anaesthetic block is increased by increasing the dose

3-Aldosterone causes except:

a) a decrease in urine sodium concentration

b) weight gain
c) decreased serum chloride level
d) increased extracellular fluid volume
e) increased K+ excretion

4-Adrenaline except:

a) can be nebulised
b) is a bronchodilator
c) may elevate the blood sugar
d) has an almost equal effect on both alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors
e) tracheal administration of adrenaline should be used even in presence of IV access during
cardiopulmonary resuscitation

5- Methaemoglobinaemia:

a) may be caused by prilocaine

b) may be beneficial in cyanide toxicity
c) is effectively treated by methylene blue
d) will not change the partial pressure of oxygen in blood
e) is seen in carbon monoxide poisoning

6- A plasma sodium concentration of 120 mmol/L may be a consequence of:

a) Conn’s syndrome
b) prolonged unconsciousness
c) analgesic-induced nephropathy
d) diabetes insipidus
e) acutely decreased renal blood flow
 7- uterine blood flow decreased after injection:

a) thiopental 4mg/kg
b) propofol 2mg/kg
c)ketamine 1mg/kg
d) etomidate 0.3 mg/kg
e) Midazolam 0.1 mg/kg

8- Flumazenil is the antidote for which of the following drug ?

a) Midazolam 
b) Thiopental 
c) propofol 
d) ketamine 
e) Fentanyl 

9-The following increase the amount of calcium in cardiac muscle:

a) halothane
b) adrenaline
c) diltiazem
d) nifedipine
e) trimetaphan

10-Morphine except:

a) causes histamine release

b) has no active metabolites
c) undergoes extensive first-pass hepatic metabolism
d) has an elimination half-life of 3-4 hours
e) may be antagonized by pentazocine

11- Naloxone except:

a) is a derivative of oxymorphone 
b) has a reverse agonist effect 
c) can cause pulmonary oedema 
d) has a duration of effective antagonism of 30-45 minutes 
e) has an antanalgesic effect in individuals not given opioids

12- Functional residual capacity except:

a) increases in obstructive airways disease 

b) decreases in term pregnancy 
c) is increased by application of positive end-expiratory pressure 
d) is lower in morbidly obese patients 
e) is not altered after induction of anaesthesia with sevoflurane

13- Midazolam except

a) has a half-life of less than8 hours 

b) is water soluble at a pH 4 
c) has an active metabolite 
d) can have a prolonged effect if given with erythromycin 
e) can be given by the intranasal route

a) raises the plasma noradrenalin level 

b) can cause unpleasant side-effects in adults for 24 hours after administration 
c) is a depressant to denervated cardiac muscle 
d) produces a loss of consciousness in one arm-brain circulation time 
e) is a bronchodilator

15-The following drugs are mainly eliminated from the body by hepatic metabolism:

a) isoflurane
b) morphine
c) atracurium
d) suxamethonium
e) dopamine

16- Ketamine except:

a) has marked analgesic properties mediated by its binding to NMDA receptors 

b) causes a fall in cardiac output and a rise in heart rate 
c) is contraindicated in patients with raised intracerebral pressure 
d) has active metabolites 
e) causes postoperative dreaming and hallucinations which are less frequent in children

17- Concerning opioid-induced muscle rigidity:

a) it is commonly seen with very high doses of opioids

b) it is more commonly seen with concomitant use of nitrous oxide  
c) it is often seen in young patients  
d) it can be reversed by naloxone 
e) it is seen only in chest wall muscles 

18- The following are precursors of adrenaline:

a) tyrosine 
b) phenylalanine 
c) noradrenalin 
d) dopamine 
e) isoprenaline

19- which of the following drugs is an NMDA receptor antagonist ?

a) Thiopental 
b) Midazolam 
c) ketamine 
d) Etomidate
e) sevoflurane

20--Fluoride nephrotoxicity is implicated with usage of which volatile anesthetic agent ?

a) Halothane
b) Methoxyflurane
c) Sevoflurane
d) Desflurane
e) Enflurane 
21- All of the following can cause a fall in end tidal co2 except ?

a) hypotension 
b) decreased cardiac output 
c) circuit leak
d) malignant hyperthermia 
e) Emboli (air/blood /fat)

22- succinylcholine is contraindications for routine tracheal intubation in children

because ?

a) hyperkalemia
b) Malignant hyperthermia 
c) masseter spasm
d) sinus bradycardia
e) sever myalgia

23- 3 years old child scheduled for tonsillectomy take Apple juice ,must be fast before
operation for ?

a) 2 h
b) 4 h
c) 6 h
d) 8 h
e) any time before induction 

24- Malignant hyperthermia is believed to involve a generalized disorder of membrane

permeability to

a) sodium
b) potassium
c) calcium
d) magnesium
e) phosphate

25- The maximum benefit from preoperative smoking cessation occurs at approximately

a) 24h
b) 2 days
c) 2 weeks
d) 4 weeks
e) 8weeks

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