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The Plastics Experts.
The AGRU success story already spans seven decades. Founded in 1948 by Alois Gruber sen., the
company is now counted among the most important comprehensive suppliers for piping systems,
semi-finished products, protective liners for concrete and geomembranes made of engineering plas-
tics. The fact that we provide everything as a single source supplier distinguishes us from many
competitors. We process exclusively high-quality thermoplastic materials. And when it comes to
problem-solving expertise for material selection and installation, we are your best partner.

More than 30 years ago, AGRU was already setting new standards by starting to manufacture calen-
dered geomembranes with a width of 5 m. Since then, the company has constantly developed its
product range and now offers an economical and safe solution for almost every application. AGRU
Kunststofftechnik GmbH’s state-of-the-art production facilities enable coextruded geomembranes
to be manufactured, reinforcing elements to be integrated, and the laminating of non-wovens, in
addition to the production of smooth and structured geomembranes. Geomembranes with widths
of up to 7 m and thicknesses of between 0.5 mm and 4.0 mm are offered. The materials avail-
able include HDPE (high-density polyethylene), LLDPE (linear low-density polyethylene), VLDPE (very
low-density polyethylene) and FPP (flexible polypropylene).

At AGRU, customer satisfaction comes first. Technical consultations, training courses, welding
instruction and expert supervision on-site are essential for this. The AGRU quality assurance
system is compliant with ISO 9001:2015 and its environmental management system fulfils
ISO 14001:2015. This in turn ensures that the products comply with international norms, as moni-
tored and evaluated on an ongoing basis by independent testing agencies.

The start-to-finish attention to quality ensures that the products meet the strictest technical require-

The Plastics Experts. 2

Universally deployable
AGRU Lining Systems offer the right solution for every application through an array of products made of many
different combinations of surfaces and materials while being supported by an extensive range of accessories.
AGRU Lining Systems are found wherever geomembranes are used, such as in landfill and hydraulic engi-
neering, groundwater protection, and building and tunnel sealing.

Soil and groundwater protection

with geomembranes for mining, hydraulic and landfill engineering, and liquid manure and retention basins
AGRU LINING SYSTEMS offer solutions for every requirement
• available in the materials HDPE, LLDPE, VLDPE and FPP
• availability of different surface structures (smooth, anti-slip or structured)
• signal layers enable visual control of the sealing system

Efficient corrosion protection in tunnels

AGRUFLEX protects the inner concrete shell
AGRUFLEX made of VLDPE is the optimum solution
• for bored and cut-and-cover tunnels
• provides protection from aggressive mountain water
• perfectly matches the tunnel shape thanks to high flexibility

Excellent product properties

thanks to the use of the chemically resistant* materials PE and PP
AGRU LINING SYSTEMS will last decades
• plasticiser-free plastics guarantee long-term performance
• high tensile strength, elasticity and flexibility
• excellent static puncture resistance

Economic installation
simple and permanent welding technologies
Suitable for any application
• physiological safe welding
• innovative installation methods (e.g. induction welding)
• the membranes are easy to install thanks to excellent elongation and flexibility

One stop shopping

Liner, water stop profiles, discs and drainage pipes
A complete system for the perfect watertight sealing
• welding rods, waterstop profiles and cleaner
• drainage systems in PE and PP for area and strip drainage
• compatible with concrete protective liners, semi-finished products and piping systems made by AGRU

* according to media resistance list

Excellent product properties
Chemical and mechanical resistance

Lining material attributes are produced to meet the specific requirements of each application. Various types of PE and
PP are available. AGRU application engineers with many years of experience will be happy to advise you on finding the
solution that meets your needs.

High-density polyethylene (HDPE)

The ongoing development of HDPE molding compounds in the
recent years has improved the performance of HDPE geomem-
branes significantly. AGRU HDPE geomembranes meet sealing
technology requirements, providing best-in-class flexibility, good
strength, and good elongation behavior. Additionally, the liner
offers high chemical resistance and proven long-term durability.
This state-of-the-art lining material is able to meet the project
requirements of a variety of applications.

Low density PE (LLDPE)

LLDPE has a higher proportion of comonomers than HDPE, which
means a higher degree of branching in the main chain. As a result,
the crystalline content and the density are lower than those of
HDPE. Plastic geomembranes made of LLDPE are more flexible
than HDPE membranes and have a higher elongation at break
under biaxial stresses. Plastic geomembranes made of LLDPE are
used in hydraulic engineering and also for applications that are
sensitive to setting, such as the surface sealing of landfill sites.

The Plastics Experts. 4

Very low-density PE (VLDPE)
The PE product line is complemented by the AGRUFLEX VLDPE
geomembranes. These combine the advantages of a HDPE
geomembrane with a high degree of flexibility. Due to its excel-
lent chemical, physical and biological properties, this product is
suitable for a wide range of applications. Its main applications are
in tunnel and pond construction.

High-temperature-resistant geomembranes
Due to its improved durability at elevated temperatures, the
HTRPE geomembrane has created new possibilities for industry
and other applications where processes are carried out at higher

• energy production from renewable sources (solar thermal,

biomass and geothermal energy)
• hot-water tanks
• bioreactors
• leaching ponds
• oil and gas industry
• industrial water and waste water

Flexible polypropylene (FPP)

FPP is the latest polyolefin material and was only introduced at
the end of the last millennium. Because FPP does not need to be
manufactured with plasticizers, it is completely homogenous with
very low crystallinity, high strength, and maximum flexibility. In
addition, FPP has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than
PE-based materials. Thanks to these properties, AGRUFLEX FPP
membranes adapt to the substrate perfectly and are therefore
ideally suited to pond construction.

Soil, groundwater and corrosion protection

AGRU LINING SYSTEMS are suitable for virtually any application are designed to last a long time.

Groundwater protection
In mining, stockpile leaching is often used to extract low grade
ores such as gold. For this purpose, the only coarsely crushed ore
extracted in open-cast mining is piled up on sealing sheets and
sprinkled with cyanide solution. The gold finely dispersed in the
rock is dissolved as a cyanide complex. The gold-enriched solu-
tion is collected in tanks and the gold is precipitated adsorptively
on activated carbon particles. To protect the groundwater from
contamination, high-quality geomembranes from AGRU are the
best solution.

Corrosion protection
Waterproofing ground-contact constructions involve the protec-
tion of buildings from moisture and water. For example, the foun-
dation slab can be protected from damp and water rising from
the ground by means of a horizontal seal with AGRU geomem-
branes. This durable material is root- and rodent-resistant, resis-
tant to aggressive groundwater, and suitable for use in the supply
of drinking water.

The Plastics Experts. 6

Water reservoirs
Protecting the most important resource for our future
Water reservoirs with steep embankments are reliably and permanently sealed with plasticiser-free, textured geomembranes from
AGRU. Thanks to their excellent UV resistance and resistance to root penetration and rodents, these geomembranes are destined for
a long service life.

Storage ponds in alpine terrain secure the water supply for snow-making systems.

Hydraulic engineering with MICROSPIKE

The AGRU MICROSPIKE HighGrip liner is a further development
of the MST+/MSB liner that has proven reliability over the last
decade. The position of the spikes were relocated and optimised
on the one side and a total new form was developed on the other
side. It is a promising product with more than 20,000 spikes per
square meter on each side.

• Homogeneous surfaces structure
• Structure on both sides ≥ 0.9 mm
• Mikrostructure between spikes for enhanced friction
• > 20,000 spikes per m²

MICROSPIKE HighGrip has its texture embossed during the
manufacturing process and the spikes are an integral part of the
geomembrane. This leads to a uniform, consistent surface with
high friction values with many typical interface mat­erials such as
geocomposite, geotextiles, GCL´s and soils. The excellent shear
strength is already verified by tests. Due to the new structure the
practicable slope angles are higher and the storage capacity of
landfill and artificial ponds can be increased accordingly.

Landfill engineering
Effective groundwater protection

Landfill lining systems are chosen depending on the materials expected to be stored on site. In some cases, a second layer
of HDPE or LLDPE geomembranes is installed alongside other geosynthetics. In every case, however, the geomembrane
is always the primary lining element at a landfill to prevent rainwater penetration when the surface of the cell is being
lined, and to prevent groundwater from being contaminated via the landfill cell’s base liner.

Landfill capping
A landfill body consists of highly contaminated waste that should
be prevented from leaching into groundwater and the surrounding
environment. To keep rainwater from permeating into the landfill
body, the site must be covered promptly after the landfill cell has
been closed. Closure can only be postponed where further settling
is expected as a result of insufficient compaction. Depending on
the degree of contamination of the deposited materials, geosyn-
thetic composite systems are used for the surface closure.

Landfill base sealing

Pollutants must be prevented from leaching out of the landfill cell
in order to protect the surrounding soil and groundwater from
contamination. Geosynthetic composite systems are also used at
the base of the cell, which significantly reduces the work involved
and costs compared with traditional systems.

The Plastics Experts. 8

Drainage pipes
The drainage of a landfill body means the material has to meet
special resistance requirements during the construction phase,
because the drainage pipes are in continuous contact with the
aggressive dissolved media. Once the landfill cell has been closed,
no water is expected to flow in; the drainage therefore acts as
control drainage and the pipes are exposed to concentrated
amounts of landfill leaching.

PE 100-RC pipes
The landfill leachate has to be transported from the outlet
structures to the treatment units in order to be treated. AGRU
PE 100-RC pipes of the highest quality are used here to prevent
contamination of the environment.

Pipe penetration
The combination of AGRU pipes, fittings and sheets with our
HDPE and LLDPE geomembranes ensures that they all can be
welded to the landfill body permanently with stable, leakproof
joints. As a one-stop system supplier, AGRU is able match the
various components optimally in terms of welding capability.

Temporary sealing
Landfill cells cannot always be filled in time and handed over for As a result, temporary sealing systems that fit in well with the
follow-up maintenance. Sometimes, settlements have to take surrounding landscape are often required. AGRU offers a variety
place before the final cover can be installed. of colours for this purpose on request.

AGRUFLEX tunnel liners
Efficient corrosion protection for tunnel constructions

Tunnels are intended to be used for a very long time. For this reason, the sealing system requirements set by authorities
are very strict. AGRUFLEX tunnel liners are made of highly flexible VLDPE with thicknesses ranging from 1.2 mm to 4.2
mm and widths between 2 m and 5 m and can also be laminated with non-woven textiles if required. This tunnel liner
possesses excellent flexibility, high chemical resistance, and is suitable for drinking water applications. With its superb
light-reflecting properties, the white signal layer not only enhances safety in a tunnel, but also offers an easy visual
inspection to identify and remedy damage.

New Austrian Tunnel method

With the boring approach, the rock is secured with rock bolts,
steel arches or other construction elements after excavation.
These are then covered with shotcrete and the tunnel shape is
created. The seal carrier, which is a „finely graded“ shotcrete,
forms the surface for the interior construction work. To protect
the liner and for drainage purposes, non-wovens are often
installed between the shotcrete and the liner.

Cut-and-cover approach
With the cut-and-cover method, either a HDPE geomembrane
or the flexible VLDPE tunnel membrane is used, depending on
the project requirements. In most cases, the liner can simply be
spread over the tunnel without being attached, but in certain
cases, it is fixed to the outer wall of the tunnel. Fastening by
means of water stop profiles is a cheap and technically sophisti-
cated option in such cases.

The Plastics Experts. 10

Standard installation
The protection and drainage non-woven is fastened to the wall
of the tunnel using mounting discs anchored to the seal carrier
in a specified pattern. Following this, the liner is attached to
the mounting discs using the penetration-free hot-air welding
method. The VLDPE tunnel membranes are joined using
hot-wedge welding. The white signal layer reliably indicates any
damage that occurs during the installation. The tunnel can be
segmented by partitioning off the block joints using the AGRU
water stop profile.

Installation using EASYFIX

AGRUFLEX EASYFIX tunnel membranes are manufactured with a
protective non-woven layer. This protects the tunnel membrane
against point loads and damage, and is quickly and easily installed
using hook-and-loop discs.

Installation using Induktofix

The AGRU Induktofix system was developed so that thermoplastic
linings could be fastened to concrete structures using electro-
magnetic induction without the lining system being penetrated.
In a tunnel, this enables wider membranes to be installed, which
in turn offers speed benefits and increased system safety during
installation by reducing the number of welds required.

The membranes are normally welded using hot-wedge welding.
In case of penetration, defects that have to be repaired or diffi-
cult geometrics, extrusion welding is also possible. Subsequent
pressure testing of the hot-wedge welds using a test channel is
carried out in accordance with the national requirements or the
sealing solution.

Water stop profiles
Tunnel construction and concrete
structure connection accessories.

To supplement its geomembranes, AGRU also offers external water stop profiles. These are made of specially selected,
highly flexible VLDPE materials. The arrangement of the anchor studs allows them to be anchored optimally in concrete.
The main application for water stop profiles is sealing construction joints and block joints in concrete structures.

Advantages of AGRU water stop profiles

• Comply with DIN V 18197:2018, DIN 18541-1:2014 and DIN 18541-2:2014
• Certified according the ZTV-Ing (Germany) and ÖBV directive (Austria)
• Contain no plasticisers or halogens
• Integrated support for injection hoses
• Excellent flexibility

The Plastics Experts. 12

Product range
(Dimensions in mm)

SAA 600/6

55 70 70 210


SAA 500/6

55 55 55 170


SDA 500/6

55 55 55 170



SAA 500/3

55 55 55


SAA 240/4

23 45 104



SAA 250/3

55 55 55


SAA 120/2

23 45 52



AGRUFLEX pond liners

AGRUFLEX pond liners made of FPP and VLDPE meet the highest
ecological sustainability standards. This applies to their produc-
tion, installation and throughout their service life.

As a one-stop system supplier, AGRU offers accessories for every

challenge. Thanks to AGRU’s wide product portfolio, we are able
to provide for large public projects membrane widths of up to
5 m.

All our geomembranes are free of diffusing plasticisers and there-

fore allow you to enjoy a swim without any worries.

The Plastics Experts. 14

Product range
A liner thickness of 1.5 mm is recommended for pond liners.
We offer the following products:

• Roll size: 5 m x 100 m - colour: black
• Roll size: 2 m x 25 m - colour: turquoise
(turquoise signal layer on black base membrane)

• Roll size: 5,15 m x 100 m - colour: black
• Roll size: 2 m x 25 m - colour: emerald green on both sides
• Roll size: 2 m x 25 m - colour: chromium oxide green*

Other thicknesses, widths, roll lengths and colours are available

on request! FPP

* Signal layer on black base membrane with glass-fibre fabric for

optimal dimensional stability.

RELAX pool liners

The visually appealing pool liner made of TPO (thermoplastic

polyolefin) with a PE basis is physiologically safe, environmen-
tally friendly, plasticiser-free and recyclable. Compared to PVC,
no gases that are hazardous to health are released during the
welding of the material. A particular advantage is the high life
expectancy of RELAX pool liners, which is achieved thanks to a
special UV-stable compound.

Due to this (compound), the material retains its original flexi-

bility over the entire usage period. The TPO pool liner is outfitted
with glass fleece on the inside, which has a stabilising effect and
increases resistance against mechanical strain.

The surface of the RELAX pool liner is easy to clean. The material
is resistant to conventional water treatment methods and guar-
antees long-lasting enjoyment of your pool.

The Plastics Experts. 16

High-tech TPO plastic
The material advantages that plastic is known to have, such as
high resilience, flexibility and high breaking strain, are especially azure blue
unbeatable in swimming pool construction. The AGRU RELAX
pool liner has all of these advantages because it consists of ther-
moplastic polyolefins (TPO). Thanks to excellent welding prop-
light blue
erties, adaptability and low weight, installation is easy, safe and

The look plays an important role for any pool. The colour of the white
lining gives the water its final colour. That’s why AGRU offers
the RELAX pool liners in azure blue, light blue, white, grey and
anthracite. For pool landscapes with an attractive look that lasts. grey

Welding Accessories
Installation is essential for permanently leakproof swimming • Coated steel sheets
ponds. The following methods are used for welding: • Welding rod
• Hot-wedge welding • Drainage pipes
• Hot-air welding • Homogeneous membranes with a non-slip surface and a
• Extrusion welding width of 2.0 m available in FPP and VLDPE

In order to ensure professional installation of the geomembranes,

AGRU offers welding training with experienced and certified
welders. Our trained personnel is happy to advise you on any
questions regarding your project.

Geomembranes and accessories
from a single source

Whether you need welding accessories, drainage pipes,

water stop profiles, or interlocking profiles, AGRU provides
all the components you need to install permanently leak-
proof AGRU Lining Systems quickly.

This vertical sealing system is ideal for the seperation off contam-
inated groundwater. AGRULOCK is also the product of choice for
construction sites where the groundwater level must be kept at a
certain level. The water-impermeable barrier is easy to install. The
profiles can be welded to the geomembrane using conventional
welding machines.

The Plastics Experts. 18

Electrically conductive geomembranes
Coextrusion techniques can be used to produce HDPE, LLDPE and
VLDPE geomembranes with electrically conductive signal layers.
On the one hand, this can help prevent static charging so that
the membranes can be used in explosion-protected areas. On the
other hand, these membranes are used as part of leakage detec-
tion systems.

Studded Drain Liner

In the case of double seals or controlled drainage, a three-layer
system consisting of two smooth geomembranes and a drainage
product is typically used. The use of AGRU studded Drain Liner
makes it possible to reduce the system to two components, which
saves material and installation costs. In addition, the system
remains stable at high loads.

Drainage pipes
Drainage is especially essential in tunnel and landfill cell construction. Our piping system does not only consist of full pipes, we can also offer
perforated or slotted pipes made of PE or PP. Dimensioning is project-specific. You can choose bright, inspection-friendly interior surface if
you wish. For reproducible welding results, AGRULINE E-fittings round off the range of products here.


Storage pond in Tulfes

A storage pond with a capacity of 45,000 m³, which is lined with AGRU sealing membranes. A 50 cm thick gravel bed covers the
geomembrane and protects it permanently against UV radiation and mechanical damage.

The Plastics Experts. 20

Waste water basin for Kashstan
AGRU sealing membranes for the sealing of „tailings dams“, which provide groundwater protection.
Wastewater from the mining industry that is no longer required is stored in these basins.


Airport seal
Germany’s Berlin Brandenburg Airport, commonly known as Willy Brandt Airport, was the largest airport construction site in
Europe. AGRU LINING SYSTEMS were used here for various purposes.

HDPE geomembranes act as a seal for central ground filters that collect rain water from flight operation areas with contamination from
surface de-icing.

Local ground filters are also being made from HDPE geomembranes to go next to the runways and taxiways. These are being used to
treat rainwater with impurities from flight operations and surface de-icing before it is transferred to the central ground filters.

The Plastics Experts. 22

Landfill base liner
AGRU supplied the landfill base seal for a community landfill. More than 50,000 m2
of 2.00 mm HDPE geomembranes, both smooth and textured, were installed here.

Landfill capping
HDPE geomembranes with a thickness of 2.5 mm and BAM (Germany’s Federal Institute for Materials
Research and Testing) approval were used to seal the surface of this landfill.

Your distributor

Subject to errors of typesetting, misprints and modifications.

Illustrations are generic and for reference only.


agru Kunststofftechnik Gesellschaft m.b.H. T. +43 7258 7900

Ing.-Pesendorfer-Strasse 31 F. +43 7258 790 - 2850
4540 Bad Hall, Austria [email protected]

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