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from the St.

Sulpice religious order started brought

the Eucharistic Crusade to Vietnam. Although our
organization uses a different name today, the start of
The Eucharistic Crusade in 1929 is the official birth
of TNTT. In the years following its creation, the
Eucharistic Crusade spread to parsishes throughout
Nguồn Gốc Phong Trào Phong Trào Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể
The Eucharistic Crusade continued to grow in
Objective Vietnam for more than three decades. However, its
Understand how earlier organizations and historical leaders observed a need to adapt with the social and
events contributed to the creation and development of cultural changes in Vietnam. There was a need for
TNTT. youths to not only have a deep spiritual life, but to
also be successful as citizens of a society. In 1964,
Fact Finding The Eucharistic Society published its first regulations
handbook (Nội Quy), outlining its foundation, goals,
From Pope Pius X, “Tông Đồ Cầu Nguyện”, and and rules. It also adopted a new name: The
Đạo Binh Thánh Giá Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society (Phong Trào
The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society was Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam). TNTT still kept
officially founded in 1929. However, its roots and Communion at the center of its teachings but also
origins can be traced to the early 20th century. added activities such as singing, games, camping, and
other less conventional methods of religious
1910. Pope Pius X released a decree known as “Quan education.
Singulari” which stated that children can receive
Holy Communion when they are old enough to The VEYS in the USA
reason. Parents and pastors were given the duty of TNTT would endure some of its toughest challenges
assuring that children would receive their First in 1975 and the years that followed. On April 30,
Communion and continue to receive the Body and 1975, Saigon fell and Vietnam was governed under a
Blood of Christ on a regular basis. From “Quam new regime. Tens of thousands Vietnamese people
Singulari”, TNTT derived its motto of Communion fled to other countries in search of a new life, and
(Thánh Thể). TNTT activities practically came to a complete halt.

1915. In an effort to help youths cope with the Fortunately, when many TNTT leaders left the
turmoil of World War I, Fr. Besiere, from the Jesuit country, they took their faith and ideals with them.
religious order in France started the Eucharistic New TNTT groups began to grow on refugee camps
Crusade, which is a branch of the Prayer Apostolate in South East Asia. Leaders who found their way to
(Hội Tông Đồ Cầu Nguyện). The focus of this group U.S. also started groups. In 1978, TNTT groups
was to help youths connect with God through deep started in a few U.S. cities. By the early 1980s, there
reflection and acts of good will. This ideal is the root were TNTT groups in Vietnamese Catholic
of TNTT’s Prayer (Cầu Nguyện ) and Apostolic communities all throughout the U.S. In 1984,
Works (Làm Tông Đồ). prominent TNTT leaders gathered in Louisiana and
officially started the VEYS in the USA. Independent
The motto of Sacrifice (Hy Sinh) was inpired in the groups united under national leadership.
spirit of a Catholic organization known as the
Crusade of the Cross (Đạo Binh Thánh Giá), whose Today, in the US, there are approximately 100 TNTT
ideal is to offer one’s life to protect the Church. groups in over 25 states with a 15,000 members and
1,600 Leaders. And we continue to grow.
The Eucharistic Crusade in Vietnam
After recognizing the need of Vietnamese youths for Summary
religious education and a deep spiritual life, priests
• The origins of TNTT can be traced to
organizations and significant events in the
early 20th century.
• TNTT started in Vietnam in 1929.
• TNTT changed its name and approach in
• TNTT move overseas after 1975
• TNTT in the US was officially started in

1. What are the four mottos of TNTT?
2. From where did the four mottos originate?
3. When did TNTT official begin?
4. How did TNTT change in 1964?

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