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Millennium Challenge Account Zambia

Reducing Poverty Through Economic Empowerment



Drainage & Municipal Waste Management Technical

Assistance for
Lusaka City Council

Presented at the Pre-Proposal Meeting

30th May, 2016

Titus Chilongo
Environmental & Social Performance Specialist

30/05/16 1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive 1

Presentation Outline

• Objective

• Quick Introduction to;

– MCC Environmental Guidelines & IFC Performance
– MCA Zambia Environmental, Social & Community
Engagement Policy,

• Implementation Framework & Responsibilities

• Technical Assistance Scope of work

• End/Questions
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The objective is to ensure that you the

bidders prepare and submit responsive

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MCC Environmental Guidelines

• MCC Environmental Principle: support projects that

are environmentally sound – are not likely to cause
a significant environmental, health, or safety hazard

• MCC Environmental Guidelines state that Projects

will be “developed and implemented in a manner
consistent with the (IFC) Performance Standards”

• The Guidelines also ensure that the Program

complies with all national environmental laws and
regulations, licenses and permits,…

30/05/16 4
IFC Performance Standards

IFC Performance Standards: There are 8 IFC Performance Standards (PS)

covering environment, social, health and safety issues;
1. PS1: Assessment & Management of Environmental & Social Risks and
2. PS2: Labour and Working Conditions,
3. PS3: Resource Efficiency & Pollution Prevention,
• Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) General Guidelines
• EHS Guidelines for Sectors (Water & Sanitation, Hazardous Materials &
Waste Management)
4. PS4: Community Health, Safety & Security,
5. PS5: Land Acquisition & Involuntary Resettlement,
6. PS6: Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainable Management of Living Natural
7. PS7: Indigenous Peoples,
8. PS8: Cultural Heritage

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MCA - Zambia Environmental,
Social & Community Engagement Policy

• Prioritize health and safety in all of our work

• Based on the identification of risks, impacts and

opportunities, develop and implement mitigation
plans and proactive measures that enhance
benefits and opportunities, as well as avoid or
minimize negative impacts to staff, affected
communities and the natural and built

• Comply with environmental and social standards

of the Compact, and all applicable Zambian laws
and regulations.


30/05/16 6
Implementation Framework

Millennium Challenge

Lusaka Water & Lusaka City Council

Independent Engineers
Sewerage Co.

MCA Zambia External Fiscal Agent
Procurement Agent

Supervising Engineer
Program Manager


Design RAP Innovation Grants

SIGM Consultant
Consultant Programme Consultant
30/05/16 7
Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Background Information

1. Drainage system currently managed by LCC

2. Poor storm-water infrastructure and solid waste management

system (SWMS) cause flash floods in the city;
 Poor design approach (currently addressing this through a
drainage project)
 Poor management of solid waste (this Technical Assistance to
address this)
 The lack of SWMS contributes dumping of solid waste and
disposal of sewage into the drains

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Objective of the Assignment

1. To enable LCC to effectively and efficiently manage current &

future drainage infrastructure
2. To ensure effective collection, transportation and appropriate
disposal of municipal solid waste
3. To minimize the accumulation of debris in the drainage channels
and thus prevent the obstruction and reduction in storm-water
conveyance capabilities,
4. To institute best practice business & engineering processes,
structures and framework that will enable LCC to sustainably
manage storm-water within the City of Lusaka.

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Assignment Divided in Base & Optional Tasks

Institutional Evaluation, Situation Assessment

and Options Analysis for Strategic Solid Waste Base Task
Task #1 & Drainage Operations & Maintenance (Fixed Price)

Option Task
Task #2 Technical Assistance (Implementing the (Person
preferred option from Task #1 Month Rate
as per LoE)

Option Task
Task #3 Storm-water Management Master Plan (Fixed Cost
for Task)

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Assignment Divided in Base & Optional Tasks

 Tasks #2 and #3 shall be awarded at the sole discretion

of the Client
 Consultant is expected to present an approach on how
it intends to execute the tasks as described in the ToR,
which should include;
 Actions to complete each activity/subtask
 Proposed schedule based on NTP
 Staffing mixes required to accomplish each task

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Task #1a: Institutional Evaluation & Situational Analysis

Main Objective:
To evaluate current organizational capacity of various government organizations
to manage the Lusaka drainage system and municipal waste both from an
operations and maintenance and a capital improvement perspective so as to
establish a situational baseline commonly understood by principal
At a minimum, this sub task will cover the following;

 Assessment of the physical infrastructure, such as, storm-water conveyance

systems, etc.
 Business processes and roles and responsibilities, and;
 Financial analysis of solid waste management & drainage maintenance
Produce Institutional Evaluation and Situational Analysis Assessment Report

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Task #1b: Options Analysis for Solid Waste & Drainage

Main Objective:
Consultant to generate a range of plausible strategies for addressing
sustainability of MCAZ’s storm-water & solid waste management

The Options Analysis will define plausible alternatives and evaluate

each against a number of possible metrics including but not limited to;

 Policy, Legal and Regulatory Issues

 Institutional Changes and Change Management
 Plant, Financial, Human Resource Requirements
Finally, Consultant produces an Options Analysis Report for Strategic
Drainage Operations & Maintenance and Municipal Waste Mgmnt.

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Task #2: Technical Assistance (Implementing Preferred Option)

 Technical Assistance may be provided based on decisions made

during the Options Analysis (Task #1b),

 Outputs from the needs assessment will define the actual content and
scheduling of Task #2,

 If requested, the Consultant shall propose a strategy to implement a

Technical Assistance based on the unit rates presented in their FP &
the actual required LoE by the Consultant’s staff.

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Task #2: Technical Assistance (Implementing Preferred Option)

The outputs for Task #2 shall include but will not be limited to;

 Drainage Maintenance Plan

 Stakeholder Engagement Framework
 Financing Mechanism
 Human Resource Plan
 An Information Management Plan
 Environmental Management Plan
 Maintenance Manual Detail
 Maintenance Policy

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Task #3: Storm water Management Plan

Main Objective:
To develop a storm-water Management Master plan with a 25 year
planning horizon;

Brief Background
 Bombay outfall identified as one of the six outfalls stipulated in the Compact
feasibility and due diligence reports
 Bombay outfall has since been into design and tendering under the
 Hydraulic and hydrological model was developed as well as the designs and
structural elements now passed on to contractor,
 All outputs on the Bombay outfall drain shall be incorporated in the Storm-
water Management Master Plan

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Task #3: Storm-water Management Master plan

The Master plan must cover all drainage outfall system as described in the
drainage feasibility study of 2011/2012 for MCAZ.

The Consultant must conduct various activities to develop the master plan,
which include the following;
 Review of existing documents of the catchments
 Develop hydrological and hydraulic storm-water models to determine drain
capacity limitations and area of flooding
 Determine types of storm-water management solutions that best suit the
drainage challenges of Lusaka.
 Using SWMS solutions above, develop solution alternatives for each drain that
maximizes desired level of service developed in Task #1
 Develop detailed SoW for G/W study to better determine g/w surface elevation
response to pumping
 Determine base construction costs 4 the implementation of the engineering
solutions as determined through stakeholder engagement

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Task #3: Storm-water Management Master plan

The Consultant should produce a Storm-water Master Plan

that will encompass all issues identified through;
a. Investigations
b. Interviews
c. Document reviews
d. Stakeholder engagements
e. Efforts made in the regional benchmarking exercise

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Technical Assistance
Scope of Work

Period of Contract

Period of Contract – 96 weeks

Task #1 (24wks)

32 wks
Task #2 (60wks)

22 wks
Task 3 (48wks)

30/05/16 19
Millennium Challenge
Account Zambia
Reducing Poverty Through Economic Empowerment

Q &A

30/05/16 20

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