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UOP Molecular Sieves* are synthetically produced, crystalline metal aluminosilicates that
have been activated for adsorption by removing their water of hydration. Unlike other
adsorbents, Molecular Sieves have a precise uniform size and molecular dimension.
According to the size of these pores, molecules may be readily adsorbed, slowly adsorbed
or completely excluded. This sieve-like selectivity, based on molecular size, plus a selec-
table preference for polar or polarizable molecules, gives Molecular Sieves an extremely
high level of adsorption efficiency, and permits close tailoring of the adsorbent to the
specific use. Pore sizes vary by the “type” of Molecular Sieve; for example, Type 4A has a
uniform pore size of 4 angstroms while Type 13X has a uniform pore size of 10 angstroms.

Molecular Sieves are available in a variety • Mesh are granular shaped products, and
of forms which include powder, pellets, Beads are spherically shaped products.
mesh and beads: The sizes of both of these products are
• Powders are white finely divided free- specified jointly by the screen sizes
flowing particles with an average diam- that the material will pass through and
eter of 4–5 microns. be retained by. For example, a 14 x 30
mesh product will pass through a 14
• Pellets are cylindrically formed products mesh screen, and be retained by a 30
whose diameters are controlled (1⁄ 16" mesh screen. Listed below are the screen
or 1⁄8" as specified). openings for some common screen sizes.

Screen Size Opening (mm)

4 4.760
8 2.380
12 1.680
14 1.410
30 0.595

Available Molecular Sieve Packages

UOP Molecular Sieves are available in a variety of package sizes from 1⁄2 lb. up to 50 lbs.

* Advanced Specialty Gas Equipment repackages and markets Molecular Sieves manufactured by UOP.

132 ADVANCED Specialty Gas Equipment


CAS NO. Na2O—1313-59-3

K12[(AlO2)12(SiO2)12]•X H2O—Molecular Sieve Type 3A, the potassium form of the

Type A Crystal structure, is an alkali metal alumino-silicate. Available in powder and
pellets for commercial dehydration of unsaturated hydrocarbon streams such as cracked
gas, propylene, butadiene and acetylene. Type 3A is also used for drying polar liquids
such as methanol and ethanol.

EPA Hazard Categories: Immediate Nominal Pore Diameter: 3Å

(Acute) Health Hazards Molecules Adsorbed:
Exposure Limit: <3Å effective diameter, including H2O,
Na2O—TLV-TWA—None Currently NH3 and methanol
Established (ACGIH 1992–93) Molecules Excluded:
K2O—TLV-TWA—None Currently >3Å effective diameter, e.g., ethane
Established (ACGIH 1992–93)
Al2O3—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 as AI Base: Alumina-silicate
(ACGIH 1992–93) Cation: Potassium
SiO2—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 Heat of Adsorption (Max.):
(ACGIH 1992–93) 1800 Btu/lb. H2O
MgO—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 FUME
(ACGIH 1992–93) Equilibrium H2O Capacity*:
Powder: 23% wt
Sp. Gr. (H2O = 1): 1.1 All Other Forms: 20% wt

Part No. Quantity Form Part No. Quantity Form

MS-1001 1⁄2lb. Powder MS-1028 1 lb. 1⁄8" Pellets

MS-1002 1⁄2lb.–Case of 6 MS-1029 1 lb.–Case of 6
MS-1003 2 lb. MS-1030 5 lb.
MS-1004 2 lb.–Case of 4 MS-1031 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1005 12 lb. MS-1032 25 lb.
MS-1006 30 lb. MS-1034 50 lb.
MS-1014 1 lb. 1⁄16" Pellets
MS-1015 1 lb.–Case of 6
MS-1016 5 lb.
MS-1017 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1018 25 lb.
MS-1020 50 lb.

* Lbs H2O/100 lbs activated adsorbent at 17.5 mm Hg, 25°C.

ADVANCED Specialty Gas Equipment 133


CAS NO. Na2O—1313-59-3

Na12[(AlO2)12(SiO2)12]•X H2O—Molecular Sieve Type 4A, the sodium form of the

Type A crystal structure, is an alkali metal alumino-silicate. Available in powder, pellets,
mesh and beads for static dehydration in a closed gas or liquid system. Used in packag-
ing of drugs, electronic components, and perishable chemicals; and as a water scavenger
in paint and plastic systems. Type 4A is also used commercially in drying saturated
hydrocarbon streams.

EPA Hazard Categories: Immediate Molecules Adsorbed:

(Acute) Health Hazards <4Å effective diameter, including
Exposure Limit: ethanol, H2S, CO2, SO2, C2H4,
Na2O—TLV-TWA—None Currently C2H6, C3H6
Established (ACGIH 1992–93) Molecules Excluded:
Al2O3—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 as AI >4Å effective diameter, e.g., propane
(ACGIH 1992–93) Base: Alumina-silicate
SiO2—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3
(ACGIH 1992–93) Cation: Sodium
MgO—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 Fume Heat of Adsorption (Max.):
(ACGIH 1992–93) 1800 Btu/lb. H2O
Sp. Gr. (H2O = 1): 1.1 Equilibrium H2O Capacity*:
Nominal Pore Diameter: 4Å Powder: 26% wt
4x8 Beads: 20% wt
All Other Forms: 22% wt

Part No. Quantity Form Part No. Quantity Form

MS-1069 1⁄2lb. Powder MS-1124 1 lb. 8 x 12

MS-1070 1⁄2lb.–Case of 6 MS-1125 1 lb.–Case of 6 Beads
MS-1071 2 lb. MS-1126 5 lb.
MS-1072 2 lb.–Case of 4 MS-1127 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1073 12 lb. MS-1128 25 lb.
MS-1074 30 lb. MS-1130 50 lb.
MS-1082 1 lb. 1⁄16" Pellets MS-1138 1 lb. 4x8
MS-1083 1 lb.–Case of 6 MS-1139 1 lb.–Case of 6 Beads
MS-1084 5 lb. MS-1140 5 lb.
MS-1085 5 lb.–Case of 4 MS-1141 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1086 25 lb. MS-1142 25 lb.
MS-1088 50 lb. MS-1144 50 lb.
MS-1096 1 lb. 1⁄8" Pellets MS-1152 1 lb. 8 x 12
MS-1097 1 lb.–Case of 6 MS-1153 1 lb.–Case of 6 Beads
MS-1098 5 lb. MS-1154 5 lb. with
MS-1099 5 lb.–Case of 4 MS-1155 5 lb.–Case of 4 Indicator**
MS-1100 25 lb. MS-1156 25 lb.
MS-1102 50 lb.
MS-1110 1 lb. 14 x 30
MS-1111 1 lb.–Case of 6 Mesh
MS-1112 5 lb.
MS-1113 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1114 25 lb.
MS-1116 50 lb.

* Lbs H2O/100 lbs activated adsorbent at 17.5 mm Hg, 25°C.

** Molecular Sieves with indicator contain beads that have been chemically impregnated to display a blue
color when fully activated by removing the water of hydration. When a gas stream is dried using this
product, the color blue will turn to pink as water is adsorbed denoting saturation of the sieve.

134 ADVANCED Specialty Gas Equipment


CAS NO. Na2O—1313-59-3

Ca4,5Na3[(AlO2)12(SiO2)12]•X H2O—Molecular Sieve Type 5A, the calcium form of the

Type A crystal structure, is an alkali metal alumino-silicate. Available in powder and pel-
lets for separating normal paraffins from branched-chain and cyclic hydrocarbons
through a selective adsorption process.

EPA Hazard Categories: Immediate Molecules Adsorbed:

(Acute) Health Hazards <5Å effective diameter, including C3H8,
Exposure Limit: n-C4H10 to C22H46, n-C4H9OH and
Na2O—TLV-TWA—None Currently larger family members, R-12 and R-22.
Established (ACGIH 1992–93) Molecules Excluded:
CaO—TLV-TWA of 2 mg/m3 >5Å effective diameter, e.g., iso
(ACGIH 1992–93) compounds and all four carbon rings
Al2O3—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 as AI Base: Alumina-silicate
(ACGIH 1992–93)
SiO2—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 Cation: Calcium
(ACGIH 1992–93) Heat of Adsorption (Max.):
Sp. Gr. (H2O = 1): 1.1 1800 Btu/lb. H2O
Nominal Pore Diameter: 5Å Equilibrium H2O Capacity*:
Powder: 26% wt
All Other Forms: 21.5% wt

Part No. Quantity Form Part No. Quantity Form

MS-1179 1⁄2lb. Powder MS-1206 1 lb. 1⁄8" Pellets

MS-1180 1⁄2lb.–Case of 6 MS-1207 1 lb.–Case of 6
MS-1181 2 lb. MS-1208 5 lb.
MS-1182 2 lb.–Case of 4 MS-1209 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1183 12 lb. MS-1210 25 lb.
MS-1184 30 lb. MS-1212 50 lb.
MS-1192 1 lb. 1⁄16" Pellets
MS-1193 1 lb.–Case of 6
MS-1194 5 lb.
MS-1195 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1196 25 lb.
MS-1198 50 lb.

* Lbs H2O/100 lbs activated adsorbent at 17.5 mm Hg, 25°C.

ADVANCED Specialty Gas Equipment 135


CAS NO. Na2O—1313-59-3

NaZ[(AlO2)X(SiO2)Y]•24H2O—Available in pellets for dehydration of trace acid-contain-

ing streams and ion exchange.

EPA Hazard Categories: Immediate Sp. Gr. (H2O = 1): 1.1

(Acute) Health Hazards Nominal Pore Diameter: 4Å
Exposure Limit: Molecules Excluded: >4Å effective diameter
Na2O—TLV-TWA—None Currently
Established (ACGIH 1992–93) Base: Alumina-silicate
Al2O3—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 as AI Heat of Adsorption (Avg.):
(ACGIH 1992–93) 1450 Btu/lb. H2O
SiO2—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3
(ACGIH 1992–93)
K2O—TLV-TWA—None Currently
Established (ACGIH 1992–93)
CaO—TLV-TWA of 2 mg/m3
(ACGIH 1992–93)

Part No. Quantity Form

MS-1042 1 lb. 1⁄16" Pellets

MS-1043 1 lb.–Case of 6
MS-1044 5 lb.
MS-1045 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1046 25 lb.
MS-1048 50 lb.
MS-1056 1 lb. 1⁄8" Pellets
MS-1057 1 lb.–Case of 6
MS-1058 5 lb.
MS-1059 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1060 25 lb.
MS-1062 50 lb.

136 ADVANCED Specialty Gas Equipment


CAS NO. Na2O—1313-59-3

CaZ[(AlO2)X(SiO2)Y]•13H2O—Available in pellets for dehydration of trace acid-contain-

ing streams and ion exchange.

EPA Hazard Categories: Immediate Sp. Gr. (H2O = 1): 1.1

(Acute) Health Hazards Nominal Pore Diameter: 5Å
Exposure Limit: Molecules Excluded:
Na2O—TLV-TWA—None Currently > 5Å effective diameter
Established (ACGIH 1992–93)
Al2O3—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 as AI Base: Alumina-silicate
(ACGIH 1992–93) Heat of Adsorption (Avg.):
SiO2—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 1450 Btu/lb. H2O
(ACGIH 1992–93)
MgO—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 Fume
(ACGIH 1992–93)
CaO—TLV-TWA of 2 mg/m3
(ACGIH 1992–93)
K2O—TLV-TWA—None Currently
Established (ACGIH 1992–93)
Fe2O3—TLV-TWA of 5 mg/m3 Fume
(ACGIH 1992–93)

Part No. Quantity Form

MS-1220 1 lb. 1⁄16" Pellets

MS-1221 1 lb.–Case of 6
MS-1222 5 lb.
MS-1223 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1224 25 lb.
MS-1226 50 lb.
MS-1233 1 lb. 1⁄8" Pellets
MS-1234 1 lb.–Case of 6
MS-1235 5 lb.
MS-1236 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1237 25 lb.
MS-1239 50 lb.

ADVANCED Specialty Gas Equipment 137


CAS NO. Na2O—1313-59-3

Na86[(AlO2)86(SiO2)106]•X H2O—Molecular Sieve Type 13X, the sodium form of the

Type X crystal structure, is an alkali metal alumino-silicate. Available in powder, pellets
and beads. Used commercially for general gas drying; air plant feed purification
(simultaneous removal of H2O and CO2); and liquid hydrocarbon and natural gas
sweetening (H2S and mercaptan removal).

EPA Hazard Categories: Immediate Nominal Pore Diameter: 10Å

(Acute) Health Hazards Molecules Adsorbed:
Exposure Limit: <10Å effective diameter.
Na2O—TLV-TWA—None Currently Molecules Excluded: > 10Å effective
Established (ACGIH 1992–93) diameter, e.g., Perfluorotributylamine
Al2O3—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 as AI
(ACGIH 1992–93) Base: Alumina-silicate
SiO2—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 Cation: Sodium
(ACGIH 1992–93) Heat of Adsorption (Max.):
MgO—TLV-TWA of 10 mg/m3 Fume 1800 Btu/lb. H2O
(ACGIH 1992–93)
Equilibrium H2O Capacity*:
Sp. Gr. (H2O = 1): 1.1 Powder: 30% wt
All Other Forms: 26% wt

Part No. Quantity Form Part No. Quantity Form

MS-1328 1⁄2lb. Powder MS-1362 1 lb. 4x8

MS-1329 1⁄2lb.–Case of 6 MS-1363 1 lb.–Case of 6 Beads
MS-1330 2 lb. MS-1364 5 lb.
MS-1331 2 lb.–Case of 4 MS-1365 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1332 12 lb.
MS-1366 25 lb.
MS-1333 30 lb.
MS-1368 50 lb.
MS-1341 1 lb. 1⁄16" Pellets
MS-1342 1 lb.–Case of 6 MS-1369 1 lb. 8 x 12
MS-1343 5 lb. MS-1370 1 lb.–Case of 6 Beads
MS-1344 5 lb.–Case of 4 MS-1371 5 lb.
MS-1345 25 lb. MS-1372 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1347 50 lb. MS-1373 25 lb.
MS-1355 1 lb. 1⁄8" Pellets MS-1375 50 lb.
MS-1356 1 lb.–Case of 6
MS-1357 5 lb.
MS-1358 5 lb.–Case of 4
MS-1359 25 lb.
MS-1361 50 lb.

* Lbs H2O/100 lbs activated adsorbent at 17.5 mm Hg, 25°C.

138 ADVANCED Specialty Gas Equipment

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