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REG NUMBER : C15125690F
LEVEL : 4.2
Revisiting Gothic evening wear inspired by the black rose
Black rose, dark fantasy.
Joyce Chimanye
Mr Muwunganirwa
Bindura country club or CUT

The designer has found a gap in contemporary fashion. There is a lack of gothic evening wear

inspired by the black rose for the Zimbabwean woman. In an effort to fill this gap the

designer has used the skills she acquired over the course of four years studying clothing

fashion design. The designer made the black rose inspired gothic evening wear collection as a

specialisation project required for the degree program. The mentioned collection and other

pieces of work made during the four year course will be exhibited to be marked as part of the

final year work. The exhibition will be held at the Bindura Country Club where the audience

will be people from in and around Bindura.


The exhibition will take place in Bindura which is the designer’s home town where she has a

better chance of getting a bigger audience. The designer will be showcasing haute couture

evening wear making the Country Club a good place to exhibit the collection as most people
who frequent the place are interested in haute couture and the venue already has a dress code

which is formal and smart casual only. The proposed venue is where the socialites prefer to

be seen, it is located between two of Bindura University campuses and is close the CBD. This

gives the designer a chance to engage the youth in enlightening conversation about the

collection and the other projects and it makes the venue accessible by a bigger number of

people without any transport costs from town. The exhibition will introduce the idea of gothic

evening wear giving the ladies a wider range of evening wear.


The collection was inspired by the rare Turkish black rose which symbolises mystery and the

gothic era in an effort to make modern dark fantasy evening wear. The collection has an A

line shape which takes after the shape of the black rose and the collection uses the colour

black which dominated the Gothic era and also borrows from the colour of the black rose. To

add the shiny nightwear effect the collection borrows from the inspiration in which there are

water droplets on the rose and in this case the collection features fabric enhancement studs,

beads and sequins. The exhibition was inspired by work by other designers who have

showcased gothic collections, that is, by both student designers and established designers in

the fashion industry.


The designer, over the course of her degree program, has attended a number of fashion

exhibitions like the Zimbabwe fashion week 2016 and exhibited at the Cotton to Clothing

Indaba 2017. The designer also attended and helped organise fashion exhibitions for her

fellow student designers. In all the exhibitions the designer attended the gap of gothic

evening wear inspired by the black rose was never covered.

The researcher observed that Gothic evening wear is now nearly non-existent it is only visible

in casual clothing, lingerie and formal wear with a few items like the black leather jackets,

brown lipstick, and black hairstyles. Another observation is that there are no fashion

designers in Zimbabwe producing Gothic evening wear.


To showcase a collection inspired by the gothic era and the black rose, in an effort to market

the designer’s work and interact with the audience.


To showcase the Gothic inspired collection of sixteen dresses

To fill the gap of lack of Gothic inspired evening wear

To showcase the designer’s work from the first year to the last

To remove the fear associated with gothic wear

To launch the designer’s label

To advertise the designer’s work


The work plan aims to serve as a guideline and a time frame for the activities and
preparations that will be done towards the exhibition.

Table 1.1

Week Date (2019) Activity Supervisors

1 15/03 Discussion of Exhibition theme,
sketching designs and making 2 garments
2 29/03 Sending sponsor letters and constructing
2 garments
3 12/04 Construction of two more garments
securing venue ,guest of honour and
master of ceremony
4 26/04 Submission of proposal and pattern
5 10/05 Construction of two garments and
finalising event proceedings
6 24/05 Designing of posters, business cards
,banners, fliers
7 Travelling to the venue and prepare for
the event

9 Exhibition week


Requirements Costs
Fabrics and trimmings 220
Printing of proposal 3
Printing of infomercials. Banner, flyers, 65
Transport costs 30
Mannequins 50
Sounds, lighting and ramp 50
Décor,Venue,P.A system, photographer 60
Models 80
Ushers and Security 50
Contingencies 50
Refreshments 120
Venue 750
TOTAL 1528



The designer will plan ahead of time in order to ensure the success of the event and through

planning the designer will make organisations using the theme of the exibition. Everything

that has to be done noted and arranged before the event so that the event runs smoothly.
For the exhibition to be successful the designer had to plan for the event so as to make sure

that event will be successful. Fringes (2002) describe planning as the process of thinking

about and organising the activities required to achieve a desired goal. So in planning all the

items to be done are laid down and arranged so as to fulfil the goal that is the exhibition


The designer will make a booking at the proposed venue and also look for a guest of honor

and guest speaker. The designer will also look help from companies interested in the

designer’s works and close relatives. The designer will seek the services of decorators, sound

system, ushers and catering from relatives who are specialised in those respective areas in

order to make the exhibition a success.

Post event

After the event has been completed the designer will make sure that the venue is cleared and

the borrowed items as facilities are returned to their respective places. An evaluation report

will be written after the event and submit it on completion.


The designer will make sure that other people’s property and also the environment nearby is

kept clean and the property is not damaged while the exhibition will be taking place. The

sponsors, managers, artists, fashion designers and all the audience will be respected by not

interfering with their privacy. Every visitor to come to the exhibition will be considered to be


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