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Number Card Name Effect

1 Ace of spades The Donjon You disappear and are entombed in an extra dimensional sphere. Everything you were carrying stays behind. You remain entombed until you are found and removed. You can't be found by any divination magic but can be located by a wish spell. You draw no more cards.
2 King of spades Ruin All forms of wealth other than magical items are lost to you. All carried non magical items are destroyed. Any properties you owned or titles you held are lost in a way that alters reality the least. All documentation to prove you owned these things is destroyed as well.
3 Queen of spades The Euryale You suffer a perminate -2 penalty to saves. Can only be undone by a god or "The Fates" card.
4 Jack of spades The Rouge A NPC of the DM's choice becomes hostile towards you. The identity of this NPC is initially unknown. Nothing short of divine intervention can end this hostility.
5 10 of spades The Magician Immediately gain 1 level in Sorcerer with the wild magic origin.
6 9 of spades The Chariot Your base move speed increases by 5
7 8 of spades Justice You become wanted for heinous crimes in a major nation of the DMs choice. The identity of this nation is initially unknown.
8 7 of spades Temperance Anytime you consume alcohol you are thrown into a fit of uncontrollable vomiting for 2d8 hours. You cannot take a rest of any sort during this time. This can only be undone with a Fates card.
9 6 of spades Judgment You are brought before the god of justice to stand trial for everything you've ever done, or not done. You are flooded with stories of people in taverns you didn't talk to and the disastrous consequences. You will be in court for the next 1d6 months. You draw no more cards.
10 5 of spades The World At one time of your choosing, you gain intricate knowledge of the surrounding 1d10 miles. You must be holding the card to use it's power.
11 4 of spades Woe One NPC you care for or is vital to your current quest, of the DMs choice, dies horribly
12 3 of spades The Wings A dragon of the DMs choice becomes hostile towards you and begins to hunt you relentlessly. The identity of this dragon is initially unknown. Nothing short of divine intervention can end this hostility.
13 2 of spades Balance Your alignment changes to opposite (ie good changes to evil), has no effect on true neutrals
14 Ace of hearts The Fates Allows you to avoid or erase one event that happened to you. Can be used immediately or saved for future use. You must be holding the card to use its power.
15 King of hearts The Throne You gain proficiency in persuasion and gain double proficiency bonus on persuasion checks. In addition, you gain rightful ownership if a small keep somewhere in the world. The keep is currently inhabited by monsters that you must clear out before you can claim the keep for your own.
16 Queen of hearts The Key A rare or rarer magical item that you are proficient in appears in your hands. The DM decides the item.
17 Jack of hearts The Knight You acquire the services of a level 4 fighter who appears in a square within 30 feet of you. The fighter is of the same race as you and serves you loyalty until death, believing the fates have led them to you. You control this character unless the DM declares otherwise.
18 10 of hearts The High Priestess A church or cult devoted to a god of the DMs choice believes you have wronged their deity, and makes it their mission to seek justice. The identity of this group is initially unknown.
19 9 of hearts The Lovers You awake, with 3d6 days having passed, in bed with a NPC of the DMs choice. You have no memory after drawing the card. You draw no more cards.
20 8 of hearts Wheel of Fortune You must draw three cards past your declared draws.
21 7 of hearts Death Your level of exhaustion never goes down. This cannot be undone with anything short of divine intervention or a wish spell.
22 6 of hearts Metamorphosis Your race changes to a different race of the DMs choice.
23 5 of hearts The Recluse You gain a paralyzing arachnophobia.
24 4 of hearts Fashionable Your hair changes color to a vibrant color of the DMs choice and grows 3d12 inches, your hair becomes immune to being cut.
25 3 of hearts The Hermaphrodite Your biological gender inverts. Your height and weight may change and any gear you are carying changes as to fit your new body size.
26 2 of hearts The Gem 50 gems worth 1 000 gp each appear at your feet.
27 Ace of diamonds The Talons All magic items you are wearing or carrying disintegrate. Artifacts vanish but aren't destroyed.
28 King of diamonds The Void Your soul is pulled from your body and into an object in a place of the DMs choice. The object is guarded by one ore more powerful beings. A wish spell can't release you but will impart your location. You draw no more cards.
29 Queen of diamonds The Flames A powerful devil becomes your enemy and seeks to ruin or plague your life. This continues until you or the devil is dead.
30 Jack of diamonds The Skull You summon an Avatar of Death (DMG 164) in a space of the DM's choice within 10 feet of you. The avatar attacks and warns other not to interfere. and if they do, summons another avatar to join the fight. The fight continues until the person who drew the card is dead or all avatars are defeated.
31 10 of diamonds The Hierophant You become a deity in the minds of a remote people. Reality is changed in such a way that your image becomes intertwined in their culture. The identity of these people is initially unknown.
32 9 of diamonds The Hermit You are seemingly banished to a wilderness for 6d8 years after which you reappear only moments after you left. You receives a discovery as outlined in the hermit background. While you have aged over the years you spent in the wilderness they do not seem to reduce the natural lifespan of your character.
33 8 of diamonds The Hanged Man A powerful group of adventures begin hunting you down, believing that you are destined to destroy the multiverse. They can not be dissuaded from their course in any way.
34 7 of diamonds The Tired Your exhaustion level is set to 5
35 6 of diamonds The Enamoured You become charmed by the next creature you see as if you were under the effect of a Dominate Person spell. This effect lasts for 2d10 days.
36 5 of diamonds The Clumsy You critically fail on attack rolls of 1,2, and 3. This can be undone with nothing short of divine intervention or a wish spell
37 4 of diamonds The Weak You roll all damage rolls with disadvantage. This can be undone with nothing short of divine intervention or a wish spell
38 3 of diamonds The Dull Your wisdom ability score is permanently reduced by 1d4+1. You may draw one card past your declared draws.
39 2 of diamonds The Idiot Your intelligence ability score is permanently reduced by 1d4+1. You must draw one card beyond the initial number of draws declared.
40 Ace of clubs The Vizier Once at any time after you draw this card you can ask a question in meditation and receive a truthful answer. The answer comes with the wisdom of how to use it. You must be holding the card to use its power.
41 King of clubs The Sun You gain 50 000 xp and one wondrous item of the DMs choice appears in your hands.
42 Queen of clubs The Moon You gain the ability to cast wish 1d3 times.
43 Jack of clubs The Star Increase one ability score of your by 2. The score may exceed 20 but may not exceed 24
44 10 of clubs The Empress A powerful figure of the DMs choice acquires incredibly fond memories of a fling between you and them. The identity of this figure is initially unknown.
45 9 of clubs The Emperor A powerful figure of the DMs choice acquires extremely bitter memories of a fling between you and them. The identity of this figure is initially unknown.
46 8 of clubs The Strong Your strength ability score increases by 1d4. It may increase past 20 but not 24.
47 7 of clubs The Resilient Your constitution ability score increases by 1d4. It may increase past 20 but not 24.
48 6 of clubs The Livly The next time you die you may chose not to and be revived with 1 hp
49 5 of clubs The Trusted You are given knowledge of the location of a powerful artifact of the DMs choice
50 4 of clubs The All Seeing You gain the ability to cast See Invisibility as a cantrip
51 3 of clubs The Courier You gain the ability to cast Sending 1d10 times
52 2 of clubs The Comet If you single handedly defeat the next encounter you level up
53 Red Joker The Fool You lose 10 000 xp. If this would cause you to lose more than one level, lose an amount that would bring to just having attained the level previous to your current one. eg a character with 15 000 xp (level 6) would only fall to 6 500 xp (The start of level 5)
54 Black Joker The Jester You either gain 10 000 xp or may draw two cards beyond the initial number of draws declared.

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