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Exercise : Cause and Effect

(a) Underline the cause and highlight its effect in each of the
following sentences.
1. After the dog bit her, we had to take her to the hospital.
2. Her computer stopped working due to a virus.
3. The police arrested him because he committed a crime.
4. She set fire to the curtain first before the whole house burnt down.
5. If she gets accepted to university, she will become a doctor.
6. Unless she finds a replacement, she will be fired.
7. Owing to the lack of customers, the restaurant closed down this week.
8. Since she is scared of clowns, she never goes to the circus.
9. He passed his first year at university; as a result, his parents bought him a
10. She is lazy, therefore she has failed all of her subjects.

(b) Complete the sentence by filling in a cause or an effect as required. Circle

what was needed to complete each sentence: cause or effect.

1. Melanie did not go to school because

2. Due to
late for work again.
, Jason

3. Since Zinzi bought all the chocolate in the shop, Sarah
4. If , there
won’t be enough space in the car.
5. Khulani works late every Friday so that
6. Since Jamie’s parents found out about the party he hosted without their
7. Owing to , the
tickets were all sold out.
8. In view of Mandisa’s fear of heights,
9. As a result of Thabo’s silence,
10. Jenny shouted at Mark first
(c) Read through the following passage, underlining causes and highlighting

I woke up late this morning because my alarm clock did not ring. As a
result, I had to rush to get ready for school and I made a huge mess all over
the house. I missed the bus because I had to go back home to fetch my
cellphone. Consequently, I was late for school, and my lecturer was not
pleased with me at all. Due to the fact that my day had been going so badly,
I was in a bad mood and I shouted at my friends. Since I was in such a bad
mood, they didn’t want to hang out with me and they left. After they left,
my day only got worse. In view of all that happened today, I’ve decided that
I need two alarm clocks instead of one, to make sure I wake up on time in the

Now, tabulate your causes and the related effects using a table similar to the
one below:

Cause Effec
eg. My alarm clock did not ring. I woke up late.
(d) You have been given a cause and its effects. Link the cause and its effects
using a few sentences. Remember to use your linking words.

1. CAUSE: terrorist attack; bomb explosion

EFFECT: people killed; families grieving; multiple funerals

2. CAUSE: global warming

EFFECT: heat waves in summer; people fainting; overcrowding in hospitals

(e) Write a short paragraph in which you explain something that happened to
you in terms of its causes and effects.

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