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Research Chair, CTE
Chair, IRIID
Cebu Normal University
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1. Based on Piaget's theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the concrete operational stage?
A. Activities for hypothesis formulation. C. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering.
B. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skills. D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with.
2. Which of the following statements is correct about the domains of educational technology?
A. Design is the production stage while development is the planning stage.
B. Both the design and development are the planning stage,
C. Evaluation is synonymous with implementation.
D. Utilization is the action phase.
3. Teacher Maricel was hired in a well-equipped school but she has to start preparing her instructional materials before classes begin. Which of the following is
a systematic process in preparing her materials?
A. design – utilization – evaluation – development C. design – development – utilization – evaluation
B. development – design – utilization – evaluation D. development – utilization – evaluation – design
4. The ICT competency standards for teachers include all the following EXCEPT one. Which one?
A. digital and non-digital technology B. ethical issues on the use of ICT C. enhance financial literacy skills D. use of technology tools
5. A universal standard in the use of ICT in teaching and learning in the classroom requires all teachers to ________ EXCEPT one.
A. use gadgets when teaching C. utilize the tools available in the environment
B. understand the issues and safety policies D. buy an expensive computer
6. Which of the following encompasses all these concepts?
A. Technology B. Internet C. Computers D. Gadgets
7. Which statement about technology in teaching and learning is FALSE?
A. Technology has modernized teaching and learning. C. Use of technology promotes higher order thinking.
B. Millenial teachers are not ready to use of technology in teaching. D. To teach in the 21st century, technology use is indispensable.
8. How did technology open new fields of educational research?
I. Enabled researches to process data faster and more accurate.
II. Created research tools with rigor to collect data
III. Provided different ways of collecting information for evaluation
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III
9. technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement or extend skills is violated in one of teaching practices. Which one violates this?
A. The globe is used to represent the Earth. C. Drill cards are used to master multiplication.
B. Teacher is replaced by an education TV. D. Chalkboards are used to outline lectures.
10. Which part of the information processing cycle is considered the "brain" of the computer:
A. Central processing unit B. Input device C. Random Access memory D. Output device
11. A type design for an entire set of characters is called a __________.
A. font B. text C. layout D. keyboard
12. Which hardware device is MOST often used to input a message into the computer?
A. disk drive B. printer C. keyboard D. Switch box
13. How can learners benefit most in the use of technology?
I. Enhances global awareness and citizenship
II Enables the students to participate in the on-line gaming
III. Increases addiction in internet games
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and III
14. In which area of learning has technology given the most influence?
A. Distance learning B. On the job learning C. Face-to-Face learning D. Blended learning
15. Which of the following technologies provide iconic experiences?
A. Pictures and television B. Slides and verbal symbols C. Printed and audio materials D. Radio and programmed instruction
16. Mrs. Pacaña prepared manipulative models and worksheets in teaching math to help her students understand the lesson and love the subject. What did
she bear in mind when she prepared these materials?
A. Appropriateness B. Balance C. Breadth D. Variety
17. Mr. Lu took photographs of the different animals in the zoo as his instructional materials in his class. Which is the best thing to do to allow the whole class
to see the realistic reproductions of these pictures at the same time?
A. Photocopy the pictures taken. C. Have the pupils pass the pictures around.
B. Transform the pictures into slides. D. Mount the pictures on the board one by one.
18. After Mrs. Ang planned her lesson in Science, she found out that the materials at hand do not match her objectives. Which is the best step she should do?
A. Modify the available materials. C. Change the objectives to match the available materials.
B. Teach the lesson the following day. D. Carry out the lesson as planned and use the materials at hand.
19. In what way can instructional aids foster learning?
A. Reinforce learning C. Entertain students
B. Take the place of the teacher D. Holds students in the classroom
20. Which of these factors should one consider when evaluating computer systems for possible purchase?
A. Amount of internal memory C. Type and size of display
B. Processor type and speed D. All of the above
21. Which graphic organizer is used to show how a series of events interact to produce a set of results again and again?
A. Series of events chart B. cycle C. Web D. timeline

1 HELEN B. BOHOLANO, Ed. D. , LlB Professor VI Ed Tech 2020

22. Which instructional aid requires pupils to verbalize?
A. graphic B. model C. diorama D. video
23. Which of the following is inappropriate in using printed visuals such as charts, graphs, and drawings?
A. Provide written or verbal cues to highlight important aspects of visuals.
B. Allow the students to pass the materials from one person to another.
C. Use materials that everyone can see.
D. Present the material one at time.
24. If the student is an auditory learner, which material will NOT work well with him or her?
A. Radio B. Filmstrips C. Audiotape recording D. Phonograph
25. Mr. Renante would like to provide hands-on experience on the expansion and contraction of matter. Which of the following materials would be the best to
A. models B. realias C. pictures D. slides
26. Ms. Locsin finds the chalkboard an effective instructional material up to present. However, just like any other materials, it also has its limitations. Which one
is it?
A. It allows spontaneity, speed and change. C. Absent students cannot keep up with their assignments.
B. It is valuable for emphasizing the major points of the lesson. D. It can be used for displaying pictures and important clippings.
27. With which learning style group are manipulatives MOST effective?
A. Master style group B. Interpersonal style group C. Understanding style group D. Self- expressive style group
28. Which term applies to the search for related literature by computer access of data bases on discs kept in libraries?
A. On-line research C. Compact discs computer research
B. Manual research D. Computer research
29. What is the main purpose for an external storage device?
A. To sort information for later use C. To save time while working on the computer
B. To print hard copies in readable form D. To store programs and data until they are needed
30. All the following factors contribute to the growth in computer use EXCEPT
A. Cost efficiency C. Speed and accuracy
B. More difficult programs to learn D. Our need for more information
31. Which of the following is NOT part of the information processing cycle?
A. Databases B. Output C. Input D. Storage
32. Doing experiments in the science classrooms represents
A. Learning by doing B. Dramatized learning C. Simulated learning D. Indirect learning
33. To cope with the lesson missed, Mr. Tamad gave Juan a computer aided program for him to move at his own pace on the topic he missed. What kind of
instructional software did Juan get?
A. Simulation B. Tutorial C. Practice D. Drills
34. To study marine plants and animals, the teacher should choose one of the following technology driven activity. What should it be?
A. Viewing exhibits B. Film viewing C. View still pictures D. Field trip
35. What software can assist a teacher in giving a repetitive exercises that allow students to practice basic skills or knowledge?
A. Simulation software B. Tutorial software C. Drill and practice software D. Problem solving software
36. A teacher should be the best representation of teaching technology in the classroom. How would a teacher represent her/himself?
A. Master and use skills in the use of technology C. Sing at the start of the class.
B. Use radio or TV to entertain learners. D. Dress like a fashion model for learners to enjoy.
37. Slides are miniature transparencies. They can be created with simple cameras and simple equipment. They display color in a realistic manner. However,
they also have some limitations. Which one is it?
A. They can be easily updated and revised.
B. They can be adapted to group or to individual use.
C. They can get out of sequence if handled individually.
D. They can be combined with taped narration for greater effectiveness.
38. It protects the computer circuits, cooling and system organization
A. computer wires B. CPU C. computer case D. fan
39. The following are major components of information processing system EXCEPT _________.
A. Peopleware B. Software C. CPU D. Hardware
40. A unit of information equivalent to the result of a choice between only 2 possible alternatives in the binary number system.
A. byte B. gigabyte C. bit D. megabyte
41. It is a plastic coated disk that stores digital data as tiny pits etched into the surface and is read by scanning the surface with a laser beam.
A. diskette B. CD-ROM C. magnetic disk D. Floppy disk
42. After listing down the advantages and disadvantages of computers, Mr. Renan decided to purchase a computer for his class. Which do you think is the last
consideration in purchasing the equipment?
A. Computers can make her more efficient. C. Computers can be a form of entertainment.
B. Computers can enhance teaching and learning. D. Computers can be used for interactive presentations.
42. What is done when students are asked to connect related concepts or ideas, or consequences of events?
A. Concept map B. Content outline C. Fishbone diagram D. Comparison matrix
44. Which of the teaching methods can best be used with computers?
A. Role playing B. Debate C. Panel discussion D. Individualized instruction
45. Which of the following is known for its strength of giving immediate feedback?
A. video B. digital encyclopedia C. story book D. computer-assisted instruction
46. Which of the following computer-based instructional material can be used to learn new concepts?
A. games B. simulation C. tutorial D. drill and practice
47. Prof. Natividad would like to create a presentation material for his lesson on the types of computer-assisted Instruction. Which tool should he use?
A. communicative tool B. productivity tool C. Informative tool D. situating tool

48. Mrs. Heyrana uses an online learning approach by which content provides links to information at other locations and serves as a focal point for a distance
education experience. Which of the following does she use?
A. computer-aided instruction B. web-based instruction C. self-paced program D. teleconferencing

2 HELEN B. BOHOLANO, Ed. D. , LlB Professor VI Ed Tech 2020

49. Which of the following statements does NOT describe educational technology?
i. It includes hardware and software.
ii. It refers to the efficiency of teachers in using computers
iii. It is the development, application, and evaluation of systems, techniques and aids to improve human learning.
A. i only B. Both ii and iii C. ii only D. Both i and iii
50. With the use of ICT in the classrooms, a demand for teachers to develop the 21st century skills is clearer than before. With this, what skills should teachers
use very sparingly?
A. Use of traditional teaching methods like lecture. C. Use of experiential learning activities
B. Use of ICT in teaching appropriately the concept D. Use of integration, inquiry, and reflective teaching
51. Teachers always complain of the scarcity of instructional materials in remote schools. As a creative and innovative teacher, which of the following should
you do?
A. Use the lecture method all the time. C. Borrow materials from fellow teacher.
B. Buy materials from the store. D. Use local materials available in the community
52. Among the following criterion, which should be priority when choosing a teaching device?
A. Novelty B. Cost C. Attractiveness D. Appropriateness
53. The following are the varied ways why ICT tools can be integrated in teaching and learning. Which statement gives the least relevant idea?
A. Allows effective collaboration. C. Facilitates easy processing of information.
B. Provides a specific tool. D. Permits easy accessibility and sharing of resources.
54. Which situation BEST defines blended learning?
A. It is a combination of online lessons and actual lessons in a physical setting.
B. Learning is ubiquitous which allows learners to learn anytime, anywhere and in any manner.
C. Social networking websites provide information that can be incorporated in instruction.
D. It can employ synchronous and asynchronous modality of delivery.
55. Which statement applies correctly to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience?
A. The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
B. The farther you are from the bottom, the direct the learning experience becomes.
C. The closer you are to the base, indirect the learning experience becomes.
D. The farther you are from the base, direct learning experience becomes.
56. Which is a good example of tapping the learners’ ingenuity in technology integration?
A. They will be made to create a digital story of a certain topic and present it in class.
B. They will be made to listen attentively to the presentation that the teacher prepared.
C. They will be made to comment on how to improve a certain presentation.
D. They will be made to bring computing tools to school such as mobile phones.
57. The following are major purposes of assessment, EXCEPT:
A. evaluate learners’ achievement C. diagnose a learners’ prior knowledge
B. provide corrective feedback D. assess native intelligence
58. Teacher Marie utilizes online assessment to measure student learning a specific topic. What do you call this assessment?
A. Diagnostic B. Placement C. Formative D. Summative
59. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
A. 21st century learners are technology savvy
B. The use of e-portfolio is always beneficial to the learners
C. Web based examination may be utilized as formative assessment
D. The use of ICT in assessment give immediate feedback to teachers and learners
61. Which is true about portfolio assessments?
A. All teachers utilized portfolio assessment correctly C. It is not an alternative assessment
B. It is considered authentic assessments D. It requires no planning
62. Teacher F assigned her students to create video presentation about the current problems in the school. As a student, what will you do first?
A. Conduct survey online on the problems encountered by the students
B. Ask permission for the student affairs to conduct online survey
C. Make the video presentation right away
D. Download video form YouTube
63. Computer assisted test gives immediate corrective feedback and it is most useful when ________.
A. immediate and frequent C. reliable and subjective
B. communicated in a judgmental way D. subjective and valid judgement
64. Teacher Martha might choose to use more traditional testing methods over authentic or performance assessments because ____
A. authentic assessments require considerable technical knowledge
B. authentic assessments are needs teachers’ productivity tool
C. authentic assessments are more difficult to administer
D. all of these
65. Erwina keep samples of all of their writing by scanning it and put it in one folder. On a regular basis, students and their teacher review work in these folders
for the purpose of assessing improvement over time. Then, Erwina uploaded it on her blog. What do you call this?
A. Portfolios B. Progress report C. Diary D. journal
66. Teacher Chriss wants her students to clearly understand what it takes to get a good grade on the Social Studies project she just assigned. She explains
that to get an Outstanding rating, the project must include at least four pictures, have at least six pages of content, and list at least eight references. Similar,
less-stringent criteria are given for the lower grades. This is an example of _____.
A. Scoring rubric B. grading to criterion C. normative grading D. criterion-referenced testing
67. What is the content of an e-porfolio?
A. The length of the portfolio C. the goal and purpose of the portfolio
B. the pictures incorporated in the portfolio D. the characteristics of the students evaluated
68. Ms. Susan would like to show Rizal’s museum to the students but due to financial constraint, she couldn’t bring them there. What should she do to make the
teaching learning process more realistic?
A. Conduct a virtual tour. C. Use DVD with less resolution.
B. Show pictures of the museum to the whole class. D. Go to the museum and relate all observations made.
69. Which of the following should you avoid if you were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional game after using it in teaching a lesson in high school
3 HELEN B. BOHOLANO, Ed. D. , LlB Professor VI Ed Tech 2020
A. Present problems which are relevant to learning objectives. C. Allow learners to select different content materials.
B. Provide a cooperative learning atmosphere. D. Provide a scoring system.
70. Maryjane is looking for an organized instructional program in which the teacher and learners can be physically separated. Which of the following will she choose?
A. Distance Education B. Uniform Resource Locator C. Web Quests D. Computer-Based Instruction
71. Which of the following statements is correct about the domains of educational technology?
A. Design is the production stage while development is the planning stage. C. Both the design and development are the planning stage,
B. Evaluation is synonymous with implementation. D. Utilization is the action phase.
72. Based on Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience”, which activity is farthest from the real thing?
A. Watching demo B. Attending exhibit C. Video disc D. Viewing images
73. If the teacher believes if the adage “Hear and forget, See and remember, Do and understand”, the best teaching technology she/he will use will be:
A. Independent Learning C. Group Learning B. Use of audio-visuals D. Experiential learning
74. What is the message that the Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience is conveying to teachers and learners?
A. The base provides a direct learning experience.
B. The apex provides the direct learning experience.
C. The closer the learner to the base, the less senses are used.
D. The nearer the learner to the apex, the more experiences is enjoyed.
75. Which is a graphic presentation of numerical data?
A. Venn diagram C. Spider map B. Attribute wheel D. Histogram
76. Which must be primarily considered in the choice of instructional aid?
A. Must be updated and relevant to Filipino Setting C. Must be suited to the lesson objective
B. Must stimulate and maintain student interest D. Must be new and skillfully made
77. Is it advisable to use realia all the time?
A. No, only when feasible C. Yes, because there is no substitute for realias
B. No, for the sake of variety of instructional materials D. Yes, because it is the real thing
78. Which of the following is a limitation of models and real objects in teaching and learning?
A. They pose problems on storage
B. They make learning more concrete.
C. They provide hands-on learning experiences.
D. They are readily available in the environment, around school and in the home.
79. Mr. Cordova, an ICT teacher takes into account technology standards to address the needs of the students and help them adapt with the changing society and
technology Which of the following standards is an exception?
A. Creativity and innovation C. Research and information literacy
bB. Model digital-age work and learning D. Technology operations and concepts
80. Which is appropriate for large group instruction?
A. case study/peer tutorial C. group project//pictorial analysis
B. symposium/lecture D. buzz session/brain storming
81. The instructions that tell the computer what to do and how to do it.
A. data flow B. processor C. hardware D. software
82. Selecting a file, loading it into memory, and displaying it on the computer screen is the process known as _________.
A. Copying B. Deleting C. Saving D. Retrieving
83. Educational technology devices like films or pictures about the unit shown as a birds eye view will motivate the learners and get them to work. Showing films or
picture at the beginning of a lesson is part of:
A. Initiatory activity B. Evaluation activity C. Development activity D. Culminating activity
84. Miss Carlos is an elementary grades teacher in a rural community not reached by electricity yet, but she some tapes which can be useful to teach the topics on
weather. What practical audio-visual material will she use instead?
A. Pictures B. Film C. Powerpoint presentation D. Transparencies
85. Which of the following belongs to the non-projected media?
A. Realias B. Flannel boards C. Filmstrips D. Field trips
86. Which is a planning tool that helps the reader analyze the story so that the questions during discussion will create a coherent framework for understanding text?
A. story map B. graphic organizer C. semantic web D. tree outline
87. If a reader is vocalizing his thoughts to be able to understand the text, what metacognitive strategy is he using?
A. Reciprocal Teaching C. Request Procedure
B. Think-Aloud Strategy D. Directed Reading-Thinking Activity
88. Which method illustrates this statement? “That which can be thought of can be spoken, what can be spoken can be written and then read.”
A. Alphabet Method C. K-W-L-H
B. Language Experience Approach D. Oral-Graphic Symbolic Language
89. In writing outcomes and objectives for technology-enhanced lessons, which of the following should teacher always consider?
A. technology skills to be learned C. teaching approaches to be used
B. skills and attitudes to be learned D. learning processes to be used
90. . ------------is a design approach whereby both face-to-face and online learning are made better by the presence of the other.
A. Blended learning B. E-learning C. Online Learning D. Distance Learning

4 HELEN B. BOHOLANO, Ed. D. , LlB Professor VI Ed Tech 2020

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