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Progency Report prepared for Ms.

Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]




* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Dear Ms. Meenu Verma,
Thank you very much for your faith in us and this divine science
of astrology. I am sending you the Progency report prepared for
you after taking in the account the horoscopes of you and your
husband. You had provided me the following Birth details:-
Name: Meenu Verma
Date of Birth: 26/1/1985 (26th of January 1985)
Time of Birth: 00:05 (24 Hour Format)
City: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)
Country: India
Your Partner’s details:
Name: Pawan Soni
Date of Birth: 31/8/1981 (31st of August 1981)
Time of Birth: 12:46 (24 Hour Format)
City: Sujangarh (Rajasthan)
Country: India
The progency report is prepared after the exhaustive analysis of
your horoscope and your spouse horoscope with extra attention
to the Fifth house, Saptamsa chart and the division of planets
up to the sub lord level. What I have given here are guidelines
on which you can choose to act upon, and will have to put your
efforts in order to get benefit from the guidelines.
I have tried to keep the Progency Report as simple as possible. If
you are unclear on any part of it please feel free to revert me.
Best of Regards

Abhishek Dhawan

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
8 6

Mercury 9 5

Jupiter 10 4

Venus 11 3

Moon 2

Your Ascendant/Rising Sign is Libra

Your Ascendant Lord is Venus
Placement of Venus is in 5th house
You are born in Libra ascendant, which is the 7th sign of the
zodiac and ruled by planet Venus. Ascendant directly related to
our personal identity and reveal how we present ourselves to the
human race. Your personality & physique will generally be
normal. You will be a good human being with helping nature
but bit egoistic. People will be influenced through your
personality in a normal way. Most of the times, you will try your
best to do all works by yourself and on your own. You will work
hard till you accomplish your goals. You will come across as a
person with strong will power but inside you are not as strong
as others may tend to think. Due to the planetary influences at
* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
times you may experience mental tensions but with courage and
support of your well wishers you will be able to overcome all
these. As your Moon Sign is Pisces, some of the traces of Pisces
will also club in your nature e.g. you hold an appealing charm
that comes on in a silent way. Your sensitive feelings,
gentleness and compassion with dominant are the explanation
to your personality. You do not like anybody ordering or
commanding you. You will lead your life with your own way and
on your own terms. As you were born in Uttara Bhadrapad
Nakshatra you will be intelligent and learned. You are also
mindful of others sensitivities and try not to offend them in any
way by your behavior but there may sometimes be ego and
aggression in it.
The ascendant lord Venus is placed in Nakshatra of Jupiter
and Up-Nakshatra of Sun indicating its link with houses (1, 3,
4, 5, 6, 8 and 11) which means that Venus is average in
strength to make you conceive and at the same time
maintaining the child. You should also be cautious during
pregnancy and must remain in touch with your gynecologist
so that preventive measures will be taken during start of
pregnancy. Having beet juice, carrot juice and fruit juices
regularly will help you a lot. Also, having green and leafy
vegetables like lettuce and cabbages will prove to be helpful.

Fifth House (House of Children)

Your Fifth House Sign is Aquarius
Sign Lord is Saturn
The Placement of Saturn is in 2nd House
At the time of your birth the Aquarius rasi is rising in the fifth
house of your horoscope. The ruling planet of this rasi is Saturn.
Saturn being the lord of fifth house is situated in the Second

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
house of your horoscope. The planet Saturn is placed in the
Nakshatra of Jupiter and sub-lord of Rahu and having
connection with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 houses. Please note that
this relation is calculated by the method using Nakshatra and
sub-lord placements in Cuspal charts. The combinations of
Saturn are seen average for conceiving. You have promise of
child in your birth chart but you may experience apprehension
of hindrances in conceiving and some problems or discomforts
during pregnancy periods. The conjunction of Ketu with Saturn
is showing a risk factor of miscarriage also. You need to take
help of proper diet, proper guidance of gynecologist and help of
Vedic remedies so that you increase the chances to giving the
birth to a healthy child. A healthy diet is crucial to a successful
pregnancy and a healthy baby. Performing Laddoo Gopalam
Homam is going to be best for development of child and your

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Rahu Mars
8 6

9 Venus
Moon 5

10 4 Jupiter

11 3


The fifth lord of Lagan Chart (Saturn) is placed in the eighth

house (house of obstacles) in the Saptamsa chart in conjunction
of malefic Ketu is showing that there will be hindrances in
conceiving. Eating healthy, regularly exercising, and keeping
your stress level low will help you in conceiving. The good point
in your chart is that the planet Jupiter (prime planet for child
birth) is placed in its exalted sign (highest point) in the
Saptamsa chart. Hence there is not denial for child birth. You
just need to be persistent with your efforts and remain in tune
with the vedic remedies from time to time as they would help
you by reducing the obstacles that come your way. The vedic
remedies have helped many in getting their desires fulfilled you
too can take the help of vedic remedies for fulfillment of your
desires. Performing Santanam Gopal Homam and suggested
remedies will help you in increasing the possibility of birth of
a child in the family.
* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Ascendant Mercury
Ketu Jupiter
10 Venus

11 5 Sun

12 Rahu

1 3

Along with your horoscope, I had also analyzed the horoscope

of Mr. Pawan Soni. The fifth house (House of children) lord
Jupiter in his chart is situated in eleventh house. Jupiter is
placed in Nakshatra of Moon and Up-Nakshatra of Mercury and
having connection with 2, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 houses. Please
note that this relation is calculated by the method using
Nakshatra and sub-lord placements in Cuspal charts.
Combinations of Jupiter are indicating that he is capable in
aiding in child but due to the aspect of malefic Rahu on the fifth
house a slight delay is seen. However, in matters regarding
children the horoscope of female spouse carries more weight
and importance.

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
The final conclusion
There are benefic as well as malefic effects on the house
(related to children) in your chart. Mr. Pawan Soni’s chart is also
having slight malefic influence of planets. The aspect of malefic
Rahu and Saturn on the fifth house in his chart is showing a
slight delay in child birth.

The conjunction of lord of fifth house Saturn with malefic Ketu

in your chart will bring hindrances in child birth. Your chart is
also afflicted by Kal Sarpa. The only good point in your chart is
that the planet Jupiter (prime planet for child birth) is placed in
its exalted sign (highest point) in the Saptamsa chart. Hence
there is not denial for child birth. You need to perform the
remedies in order to minimize the malefic effects of bad planets
affecting childbirth. In the end of this report, I am going to
mention the remedies and the procedure about them. It will
sure bring overall happiness for you. You also need to perform
the remedies concerned with Jupiter to increase good effects
related to fifth house (House of Child) so that you will get
conceived and will be able to give birth to a healthy child.
After performing these remedies, the chances for having a
birth of a child will also increase in your family.

Dear Ms. Meenu Verma,

You will run under the main dasha period of Ketu from
September 2017. Ketu is placed in the second house of your
horoscope. Ketu is also having relation with houses (1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6 and 7). Please note that this relation is calculated by the
method using Nakshatra and sub-lord placements in Cuspal
charts. During the dasha of Ketu your chances to get conceived

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
are average. The period which is seen to be positive for
conceiving and at the same time maintaining of pregnancy are
seen from December 2017 to January 2017, September 2018 to
October 2018, May 2019 to June 2019, October 2019 to
November 2019, April 2020 to May 2020, October 2020 to
November 2020, September 2021 to November 2021, July 2023
to September 2023 and from June 2024 to July 2024. You can
try for getting conceived but along with this; you also need to
be very cautious and must remain in touch with gynecologist so
that preventive measures can be used to keep the pregnancy
safe and stable I like to advise you to do suggested Vedic
remedies in order to get conceived and also to maintain the
pregnancy. Chanting of Santana Gopalam Mantra (Given in the
end of this report) will enhance the possibility of birth of
child. It will be good to perform remedies before getting
conceived and also after conceiving.

Remedial Measures
Yantras Remedial Measure

Your Prayers for progeny would be answered through the

Santana Gopalam Yantra. This Yantra also prevents
miscarriage during pregnancy.

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
You need to keep this Yantra in your Pooja (Worship) place
and worship this Yantra daily.
Mantra Remedy

Santana Gopalam Mantra

I am sending you a very useful mantra which is used since the

Vedic times to give birth of a healthy child even during uneven
pregnancy conditions. First, you have to buy a small photograph
of Lord Bal Gopala (Krishna in child age), frame it properly and
put it in a suitable place where you can concentrate and do

Along with chanting of this mantra, perform simple worship of

Bala Gopala (young form of Lord Krishna) with incense, flowers,
lamp etc. everyday. If possible, you should offer some fruit such
as bananas naivedyam each morning. Just one or two pieces are

Before beginning the chanting, mentally pray to Gopala to fulfill

your prayers. You must learn to communicate with Him as a
person. The actual power of the mantra is coming from the
personality of Lord Gopala, and not just from the combination
of syllables.

After praying to Gopala, begin reciting the following mantra

while meditating on His form, either mentally or on the deity
you are worshipping:
devaki-suta govinda vaasudeva jagat-pate

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
dehi me tanayam krishna tvaam aham sharanam gataha

Always hope for the best and think positively.

Your wish will sure get fulfilled.

Please note that while doing these remedies, you and your
husband must pray to God to bless you both with a healthy

Other Remedies for both of you:

 Be religious
 Do prayer of Maa Parvathi and Lord Shiva daily
 Take blessing of a Mother or from a pregnant lady


Guru (Jupiter) Puja

As Guru (Jupiter) is significator for Childbirth; hence, it is
beneficial to perform Guru Puja.
Santana Gopalam Homam
This Homam is a boon if there are obstacles or delay in progeny
and some complications/obstacles arises during pregnancy.
Santana Gopalam Homam is performed for childless couple,

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
who wish to have a child. This Puja is performed on your behalf,
to beget a child. Those who are expecting shall also perform
this Puja for healthy and intelligent child. After performing this
Homam one will be blessed with a child and prosperity. Those
who wish progeny, success in endeavors, worldly enjoyment and
the final emancipation shall attain it by performing this Homam.
You could arrange any good Brahmin to perform this Puja on
your behalf.
Gajanan Puja
Gajanan Homam is a wonderful Homam if you are facing
obstacles and difficulties in your specific objective. This would
give the desired results.

Ladoo Gopalam Maha Anusthan

The Ladoo Gopalam Maha Anusthan has helped many to resolve
the delays in childbirth and also for maintaining of pregnancy.
The Ladoo Gopalam Maha Anusthan is an 11 days process in
which daily special ritual puja, hawan, donations, chanting of
special mantras for child birth along with energizing of Yantra
and special incense sticks is also done. The Yantra, incense
sticks and vibhuti would be couriered to you after the
completion of the Anushthan which you can place in your home
and would help you by creating a positive aura.

Along with these remedies, you also need to perform Sarv

Yoni/Karmic Puja (Most important and effective Puja). Sarv
Yoni/Karmic Puja/Homam is performed for minimizing the ill-
effects of the planets that are related to the past life of a native.
Those who are facing obstacles and are suffering in anyway in
their present life due to the deeds done during past life may
perform this Homam to receive the blessings and grace of all
planets and deities. This Puja also achieves forgiveness of the
native from all unholy deeds done in previous lives.
* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.
Progency Report prepared for Ms. Meenu Verma
Please visit at our Website:
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

I am sure you would find a learned and result oriented Purohit

around your area that could perform these pujas according to
the vidhi and vidhan. In case of any difficulty/questions/
clarifications, please feel free to revert to me and I would be
glad to answer your questions.

Best Regards


Personalized Astrology Services

* The horoscope and its analysis are derived from the birth details provided by you. The predictions given above are based
on Vedic astrology principles and astrologer’s deep perceptive.

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