Lesson Plan in Grade 8

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Lesson Plan in Grade 8

I. Objectives:
At the end of the class, the students must have:
A. Unlocked meaning of the unfamiliar words
B. Traced the development of the plot through the events in the story
C. Drawn symbols and symbolisms in the story
D. Inculcated good values
II. Subject Matter:
The Spider’s Thread by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
A. Charts
B. Puzzle
C. Paper Strips
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Activity
1. Daily Routine Class, please all stand. Let’s Students recites the prayer
Prayer pray.  
    Good afternoon ma’am!
  Good afternoon class!  
Greetings You may now take your seats.  
  Who are the absent?
    Students will answer who the
Checking of absents are

2. Motivation

Puzzle Game: Today, we will read a

Japanese Story but before
that, we will play a puzzle
I will group you into five The Students will be grouped
groups. Your task is to into five.
complete the puzzle and
identify what picture you have
formed. I will give you 1
minute and 30 seconds to
complete the puzzle.
The students will work on the
The teacher will give them
paper cut outs to be puzzled.

After they had formed the

image, the teacher will ask Heaven, Hell, Spider’s Thread,
the following questions: Lotus, Thief
1. What image/s did you
Students’ answer may vary.
2. So any idea about the story

3. Unlocking Difficulties The students will fill the

Before we read the selection, sentences in CHART A with
let us first unlock the appropriate words in CHART B
unfamiliar words. Altogether, to complete the idea.
let us read words with its CHART A
definition in Chart B. 1. Siena exulted in her
recovered freedom of using
Now, it’s your turn. Who will her cellphone.
answer number 1? And so 2. He saw the gleam of the
on… flashlight in the distance.
3. I dove headlong to the
4. They watched their
balloons slowly ascends into
the sky,
5. The car accident brought
her life at the brink of death
6. She used Stereopticon to
view the fluid.

• Brink- edge
• Gleam- glow
• Exulted- rejoiced
• Ascends- to move upward
• Stereopticon- projector for
transparent slides often used
to double image to produce
4. Reading of Selection dissolving views.

The teacher will distribute the


Now we will read our story

entitled “The Spider’s Thread by
Ryunosuke Akutagawa”

 I will read it aloud and please, The students will read the
read it silently with me. selection.

B. Analysis
Do you like the story? Students’ answer may vary.
So again, we will play Pass my
Magic Cabbage. So in every
leaf of this man-made
cabbage, it has questioned to
be answered and it will be
answered by whoever catches
it when the music stops. Lotus Pond of Paradise
1. Where did the story Threefold path to eternal
happen? darkness and piercing peaks
2. What is beneath the lotus of the Needle Mountain
pond of Paradise?
3. If Lotus Pond of Paradise is
stated in the Bible, what Hell
would we call it? How about
the Eternal Darkness and Kandata
Needle Mountain?
3. To whom did Buddha’s A robber, murder and setting
eyes fall? houses on fire.

4.Who is Kandata? Us. Sinners

5. Who is Kandata nowadays? God

6.Who is Buddha if it’s in the

bible? He spared the life of the
God is giving chances to those
7. What did Buddha does as who commit sins.
he remembered the good
deed of Kandata? The broken thread symbolizes
6. As God lay down the how greed can make things
spider’s thread for the first worse and lose the chance to
time, what is being implied? change.

7. How about when the

thread broke?

C. Abstraction The teacher will ask the

 What do you think is the When God give you chance to
theme of the story? change, grab it and don’t
commit mistake again.
Greed can make you evil.
D. Application I will group you into three
groups; First group, write a 2 The students will work on
stanza poem out of the theme their different tasks.
of the story. For the second
group, compose a song for
God with the same theme as
in the story. And for the last
group, you will re-enact the

E. Assessment
Let’s have a quiz. Prepare ¼ The students will answer the
and keep your notes. ff. questions:
1. Who is the robber,
murderer and notorious of
setting fire to houses?
2. Where did the story
3. Who owns that place?
4. What did Buddha lay down
the bottom of the Hell?
5-6. What places are cited in
the story that can be found in
7. Who are the people
Kandata forbids to climb the
8-10. Give the theme of the
story and explain.

F. Assignment Make a saying or quotation

about what you have learned
in the story and post it on
Facebook and have a
screenshot of your post.

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