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L/L Research is a subsidiary of Rock Creek is a non-profit

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L/L Research discovering and sharing
information which may aid in
the spiritual evolution of
Louisville, KY 40255-0195 humankind.
ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS TRANSCRIPT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the
weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in
the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination
and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind,
for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any.
© 2006 L/L Research

The Law of One, Book IV, Session 92

July 8, 1982

Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light need for the instrument to choose the manner of its
of the one infinite Creator. We communicate now. being-ness. It has the distortion, as we have noted,
towards the martyrdom. This can be evaluated and
Questioner: Could you first please give me the
choices made only by the entity.
condition of the instrument?
Questioner: What is the present situation with the
Ra: I am Ra. The condition of this instrument is
negative fifth-density visitor?
slightly more distorted towards weakness in each
respect since the previous asking. Ra: I am Ra. It is with this group.
Questioner: Is there a specific cause for this and Questioner: What prompted it to return?
could you tell us what it is?
Ra: I am Ra. The promptings were duple. There was
Ra: I am Ra. The effective cause of the increased the recovery of much negative polarity upon the part
physical distortions has to do with the press of of your friend of fifth density and at the same
continuing substantial levels of the distortion you approximate nexus a temporary lessening of the
call pain. Various vehicular distortions other than positive harmony of this group.
the specifically arthritic have been accentuated by
Questioner: Is there anything that we can do about
psychic greeting and the combined effect has been the instrument’s stomach problem or constipation?
Ra: I am Ra. The healing modes of which each is
The continued slight but noticeable loss of the vital
capable are already in use.
energies is due to the necessity for the instrument to
call upon this resource in order to clear the, shall we Questioner: In the last session we discussed the first
say, way for a carefully purified service-to-others tarot card of the Egyptian type. Are there any
working. The use of the will in the absence of distortions in the cards that we have that Ra did not
physical and, in this particular case, mental and originally intend or any additions that Ra did intend
mental/emotional energies requires vital energies. in this particular tarot?
Questioner: We have been trying to figure out how Ra: The distortions remaining after the removal of
to provide the instrument with the swirling waters, astrological material are those having to do with the
and we hope to do that soon. Is there any other mythos of the culture to which Ra offered this
thing that we can do to improve this situation? teach/learning tool. This is why we have suggested
approaching the images looking for the heart of the
Ra: I am Ra. Continue in peace and harmony.
image rather than being involved overmuch by the
Already the support group does much. There is the
costumes and creatures of a culture not familiar to

© 2006 L/L Research 1

The Law of One, Book IV, Session 92, July 8, 1982

your present incarnation. We have no wish to add to as being represented by that concept complex known
an already distorted group of images, feeling that as the Potentiator.
although distortion is inevitable there is the least It is not in the archetypical mind of an entity that
amount which can be procured in the present the potential for incarnational experience resides but
arrangement. in the mind/body/spirit complex’s insertion, shall we
Questioner: Then you are saying that the cards that say, into the energy web of the physical vehicle and
we have here are the best available cards. the chosen planetary environment. However, to
more deeply articulate this portion of the
Ra: I am Ra. Your statement is correct in that we
mind/body/spirit complex’s being-ness this
consider the so-called Egyptian tarot the most
archetype, the Potentiator of the Mind, may be
undistorted version of the images which Ra offered.
evoked with profit to the student of its own
This is not to intimate that other systems may not,
in their own way, form an helpful architecture for
the adept’s consideration of the archetypical mind. Questioner: Then are you saying that the source of
preincarnatively programmed catalyst is the
Questioner: I would like to make an analogy of
Potentiator of the Mind?
when a baby is first born. I am assuming that the
Matrix of the Mind is new and undistorted and Ra: I am Ra. No. We are suggesting that the
veiled from the Potentiator of the Mind and ready Potentiator of the Mind is an archetype which may
for that which it is to experience in the incarnation. aid the adept in grasping the nature of this
Is this correct? preincarnative and continuingly incarnative series of
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Questioner: The third statement: Just as free will
Questioner: I will read several statements and ask for
taps intelligent infinity which yields intelligent
Ra’s comments. The first is: Until an entity becomes
energy which then focuses and creates the densities
consciously aware of the evolutionary process the
of this octave of experience, the Potentiator of the
Logos or intelligent energy creates the potentials for
Mind utilizes its connection with intelligent energy
an entity to gain the experience necessary for
and taps or potentiates the Matrix of the Mind
polarization. Would Ra comment on that?
which yields the Catalyst of the Mind. Is this
Ra: I am Ra. This is so. correct?
Questioner: Then, this occurs because the Ra: I am Ra. This is thoughtful but confused. The
Potentiator of the Mind is directly connected, Matrix of the Mind is that which reaches just as the
through the roots of the tree of mind, to the kinetic phase of intelligent infinity, through free will,
archetypical mind and to the Logos which created it reaches for the Logos or, in the case of the
and because of the veil between the Matrix and mind/body/spirit complex the sub-sub-Logos which
Potentiator of the Mind allows for the development is the free will potentiated being-ness of the
of the will. Will Ra comment on that? mind/body/spirit complex; to intelligent infinity,
Ra: I am Ra. Some untangling may be needed. As Love, and all that follows from that Logos; to the
the mind/body/spirit complex which has not yet Matrix or, shall we say, the conscious, waiting self of
reached the point of the conscious awareness of the each entity, the Love or the sub-sub-Logos spinning
process of evolution prepares for incarnation it has through free will all those things which may enrich
programmed for it a less than complete, that is to say the experience of the Creator by the Creator.
a partially randomized, system of learnings. The It is indeed so that the biases of the potentials of a
amount of randomness of potential catalyst is mind/body/spirit complex cause the catalyst of this
proportional to the newness of the mind/body/spirit entity to be unique and to form a coherent pattern
complex to third density. This, then, becomes a that resembles the dance, full of movement, forming
portion of that which you may call a potential for a many-figured tapestry of motion.
incarnational experience. This is indeed carried
Questioner: The fourth statement: When the
within that portion of the mind which is of the deep
Catalyst of the Mind is processed by the entity the
mind, the architecture of which may be envisioned
Experience of the Mind results. Is this correct?

© 2006 L/L Research 2

The Law of One, Book IV, Session 92, July 8, 1982

Ra: I am Ra. There are subtle misdirections in this Mind, not as that which is attained after contact
simple statement having to do with the overriding with intelligent infinity, but rather as that portion of
qualities of the Significator. It is so that catalyst the archetypical mind which denotes and configures
yields experience. However, through free will and the particular framework within which the Mind,
the faculty of imperfect memory catalyst is most the Body, or the Spirit archetypes move.
often only partially used and the experience thus
Questioner: Turning, then, to my analogy or
correspondingly skewed. example of the newborn infant and its undistorted
Questioner: Then, the dynamic process between the Matrix of the Mind, this newborn infant has its
Matrix, Potentiator, Catalyst, and Experience of the subconscious mind veiled from the Matrix of the
Mind forms the nature of the mind or the Mind. The second archetype, the Potentiator of the
Significator of the Mind. Is this correct? Mind, is going to act at some time through the
veil—though I hesitate to say through the veil since I
Ra: I am Ra. As our previous response suggests, the
don’t think that is a very good way of stating it—but
Significator of the Mind is both actor and acted
the Potentiator of the Mind will act to create a
upon. With this exception the statement is largely
condition such as the example I mentioned of the
infant touching a hot object. The hot object we
Questioner: As the entity becomes consciously aware could take as random catalyst. The infant can either
of this process it programs this activity itself before leave its hand on the hot object or rapidly remove it.
the incarnation. Is this correct? My question is, is the Potentiator of the Mind
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Please keep in mind involved at all in this experience and, if so, how?
that we are discussing, not the archetypical mind, Ra: I am Ra. The Potentiator of Mind and of Body
which is a resource available equally to each but are both involved in the questing of the infant for
unevenly used, but that to which it speaks: the new experience. The mind/body/spirit complex
incarnational experiential process of each which is an infant has one highly developed portion
mind/body/spirit complex. We wish to make this which may be best studied by viewing the
distinction clear for it is not the archetypes which Significators of Mind and Body. You notice we do
live the incarnation but the conscious not include the spirit. That portion of a
mind/body/spirit complex which may indeed live mind/body/spirit complex is not reliably developed
the incarnation without recourse to the quest for in each and every mind/body/spirit complex. Thusly
articulation of the processes of potentiation, the infant’s significant self, which is the harvest of
experience, and transformation. biases of all previous incarnational experiences, offers
Questioner: Thank you. And finally, as each energy to this infant biases with which to meet new
center becomes activated and balanced, the experience.
Transformation of the Mind is called upon more However, the portion of the infant which may be
and more frequently. When all of the energy centers articulated by the Matrix of the Mind is indeed
are activated and balanced to a minimal degree, unfed by experience and has the bias of reaching for
contact with intelligent infinity occurs; the veil is this experience through free will just as intelligent
removed; and the Great Way of the Mind is called energy in the kinetic phase, through free will, creates
upon. Is this correct? the Logos. These sub-sub-Logoi, then, or those
Ra: I am Ra. No. This is a quite eloquent look at portions of the mind/body/spirit complex which
some relationships within the archetypical mind. may be articulated by consideration of the
However, it must be seen once again that the Potentiators of Mind and Body, through free will,
archetypical mind does not equal the acting choose to make alterations in their experiential
incarnational mind/body/spirit complex’s continuum. The results of these experiments in
progression or evolution. novelty are then recorded in the portion of the mind
and body articulated by the Matrices thereof.
Due to the first misperception we hesitate to speak
to the second consideration but shall attempt clarity. Questioner: Are all activities that the entity has from
While studying the archetypical mind we may the state of infancy a function of the Potentiator of
suggest that the student look at the Great Way of the the Mind?

© 2006 L/L Research 3

The Law of One, Book IV, Session 92, July 8, 1982

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, although the functions of the the light and dark pillars, is an integral and necessary
mind are indeed paramount over those of the body, part. The unfed mind has no polarity just as
the body being the creature of the mind, certainly intelligent infinity has none. The nature of the sub-
not all actions of a mind/body/spirit complex could sub-sub-Logos which offers the third-density
be seen to be due to the potentiating qualities of the experience is one of polarity, not by choice but by
mind complex alone as the body and in some cases careful design.
the spirit also potentiates action. Secondly, as a We perceive an unclear statement. The polarity of
mind/body/spirit complex becomes aware of the Potentiator is there not for the Matrix to choose. It
process of spiritual evolution, more and more of the is there for the Matrix to accept as given.
activities of the mind and body which precipitate
activity are caused by those portions of the Questioner: In other words, this particular illusion
mind/body/spirit complex which are articulated by has polarity as its foundation which might be
the archetypes of Transformation. represented by the structural significance of these
columns. Is this correct?
Questioner: The Matrix of the Mind is depicted as a
male on the card and the Potentiator as female. Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
Could Ra state why this is and how this affects these Questioner: It seems to me that the drawings on
two archetypes? each of these columns are identical but that the left-
Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, as we have said, the Matrix of hand column, that is the one on the Priestess’s left,
the Mind is attracted to the biological male and the has been shaded much darker indicating that the
Potentiator of the Mind to the biological female. events and the experiences may be identical in the
Thusly in energy transfer the female is able to incarnation but may be approached, viewed, and
potentiate that which may be within the conscious utilized with either polarity. Is this correct?
mind of the male so that it may feel enspirited. Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. You will note also, from
In a more general sense, that which reaches may be the symbol denoting spirit in manifestation upon
seen as a male principle. That which awaits the each pillar, that the one infinite Creator is no
reaching may be seen as a female principle. The respecter of polarity but offers Itself in full to all.
richness of the male and female system of polarity is Questioner: There seems to be a book on the
interesting and we would not comment further but Priestess’s lap which is half hidden by a robe or
suggest consideration by the student. material that covers her right shoulder. It would
Questioner: In Card #2, the Potentiator of the seem that this indicates that knowledge is available if
Mind, we see a female seated on a rectangular block. the veil is lifted but is not only hidden by the veil
She is veiled and sitting between two pillars which but is hidden partially by her very garment which
seem to be identically covered with drawings but one she must somehow remove to become aware of the
is much darker than the other. I am assuming that knowledge which she has available. Is this correct?
the veil represents the veil between the conscious and Ra: I am Ra. In that the conceit of the volume was
subconscious or Matrix and Potentiator of the Mind. not originated by Ra we ask that you release the
Is this correct? volume from its strictured form. Your perceptions
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct. are quite correct.
Questioner: I am assuming that she sits between the The very nature of the feminine principle of mind
different colored columns, with the dark one on her which, in Ra’s suggestion, was related specifically to
left, to indicate at this position an equal opportunity what may be termed sanctified sexuality is, itself,
for the potentiation of the mind to be of the without addition, the book which neither the
negative or positive nature. Would Ra comment on feminine nor the male principle may use until the
this? male principle has reached and penetrated, in a
symbolically sexual fashion, the inner secrets of this
Ra: I am Ra. Although this is correct it is not as feminine principle.
perceptive as the notice that the Priestess, as this
figure has been called, sits within a structure in All robes, in this case indicating the outer garments
which polarity, symbolized as you correctly noted by of custom, shield these principles. Thusly there is

© 2006 L/L Research 4

The Law of One, Book IV, Session 92, July 8, 1982

great dynamic tension, if you will, betwixt the given by the very character of potentiation. To bear
Matrix and the Potentiator of the Mind. fruit is a protected activity.
Questioner: Are there any other parts of this picture Questioner: The protection here seems to be
that were not given by Ra? depicted as being on the right-hand side but not the
left. Would this indicate that there is protection for
Ra: I am Ra. The astrological symbols offered are
the positive path but not for the negative?
not given by Ra.
Ra: I am Ra. You perceive correctly an inborn bias
Questioner: The fact that the Priestess sits atop the
offering to the seeing eye and listing ear information
rectangular block indicates to me that the
concerning the choice of the more efficient polarity.
Potentiator of the Mind has dominance or is above
We would at this time, as you may call it, suggest
the material illusion. Is this in any way correct?
one more full query.
Ra: I am Ra. Let us say, rather, that this figure is
Questioner: I will attempt an example of the
immanent, near at hand, shall we say, within all
Potentiator of the Mind acting. As the infant gains
manifestation. The opportunities for the reaching to
time in incarnation would it experience the
the Potentiator are numerous. However, of itself the
Potentiator offering both positive and negative
Potentiator does not enter manifestation.
potential thoughts, shall I say, for the Matrix to
Questioner: Would the half moon on the crown experience which then begin to accumulate in the
represent the receptivity of the subconscious mind? Matrix and color it one way or the other in polarity
Ra: I am Ra. This symbol is not given by Ra but it is depending upon its continuing choice of that
not distasteful for within your own culture the moon polarity? Is this in any way correct?
represents the feminine, the sun the masculine. Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, again may we distinguish
Thusly we accept this portion as a portion of the between the archetypical mind and the process of
image, for it seems without significant distortion. incarnational experience of the mind/body/spirit
Questioner: Was the symbol on the front of the complex.
Priestess’s shirt given by Ra? Secondly, each potentiation which has been reached
Ra: I am Ra. The crux ansata is the correct symbol. for by the Matrix is recorded by the Matrix but
The addition and slight distortion of this symbol experienced by the Significator. The experience of
thereby is astrological and may be released from its the Significator of this potentiated activity is of
stricture. course dependent upon the acuity of its processes of
Catalyst and Experience.
Questioner: Would this crux ansata then be
indicating the sign of life as the spirit enlivening May we ask if there are briefer queries before we
matter? leave this instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct. Moreover, it Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to
illuminates a concept which is a portion of the make the instrument more comfortable or to
archetype which has to do with the continuation of improve the contact?
the consciousness which is being potentiated, in Ra: I am Ra. The support group is functioning well.
incarnation, beyond incarnation. The instrument, itself, might ponder some earlier
Questioner: Were the grapes depicted on the cloth words and consider their implications. We say this
over her shoulder of Ra’s communication? because the continued calling upon vital energies, if
allowed to proceed to the end of the vital energy,
Ra: I am Ra. Yes. will end this contact. There is not the need for
Questioner: We have those as indicating the fertility continued calling upon these energies. The
of the subconscious mind. Is that correct? instrument must find the key to this riddle or face a
growing loss of this particular service at this
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, O student, but note ye particular space/time nexus.
the function of the mantle. There is great protection
All is well. The alignments are exemplary.

© 2006 L/L Research 5

The Law of One, Book IV, Session 92, July 8, 1982

I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and the

light of the one infinite Creator. Go forth, then,
rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the one
infinite Creator. Adonai. 

© 2006 L/L Research 6

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