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Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

OBE Course Syllabus

Course Code A177
Descriptive Readings in Philippine Literature
Course This three-unit course focuses on a number of world masterpieces of literature that deal with different aspects of human identity throughout history. This contains the finest
Description magnum opuses traversing from ancient to contemporary genres of literature. World Literature is purposive in developing literary appreciation, social awareness, national
patriotism, and intrapersonal knowing.
Credit Unit 3 Units
Time 3 hours per week
Prerequisite none
Vision, VISION
Mission, A leading university that transforms individuals into morally upright and globally competitive professionals through quality and practical education for all.
Goals and
of UCU
To provide exemplary outcome-based and advanced instructions; socially relevant and innovative researches; and inclusive extension services, partnerships and/or


Instill formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes necessary to make an individual a responsible member of the society, enhance the development of
instruction to produce high-level professionals, and harness the productive capacity of the country’s human resource base toward international competitiveness.

Mold individuals who will conduct scientific, innovative, and advanced researches in the quest for new knowledge, provide leadership in various fields toward
dynamic and self-sustaining economy, and enrich historical and cultural heritage.

Community Services
Undertake participatory and inclusive extension services which are relevant and responsive, accessible and equitable, through efficient and effective community
development programs, and broaden symbiotic partnerships and linkages to establish intergenerational responsibility for the common good.

1. To provide professional, technical, and expert instruction in arts, sciences, humanities, and technology
2. To conduct systematic investigations geared toward the establishment and discovery of novel facts, solve present or existing problems, provide new ideas
or develop new theories, satisfy curiosity, and mastery of nature.
3. To establish sustainable livelihood projects that will uplift the quality of life of the members of the community, and to expand transnational collaborations
that will have socio-economic benefits to the present and future generations.

Institutional By the time of graduation, a graduate of UCU has the following attributes:
Outcomes 1. Competent Professional Professes high level of proficiency and efficiency and hurdles standard and licensing tests relevant to the chosen field or
2. Confident Communication Effectively interacts and communicates orally and in writing the use of international, national, and local language/dialect in
professional and day-today discourse.
3. Ethical, Independent, and a Team Worker Consciously practices professional, social and ethical standards consistent with PEN values whether working alone or in
heterogeneous and multi-cultural groups and communities.
4. Service-Oriented Promotes and preserves Filipino historical and cultural heritage while engaged in meaningful socio-civic engagements
committed to transformative and productive community service.
5. Critical and Creative Thinker Adopts social inquiry and employs appropriate methodology techniques through project development, knowledge
discovery and generation, and evidence-based studies.
6. Lifelong learner Desires and strives for continuing education, skill mastery and professional improvement in the pursuit of excellence.
Attributes  Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (PQR level 6 descriptor)
of BS  Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino.
Accountanc  Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. (PQR level 6 descriptor)
y  Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
Graduates  Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”. (based on RA 7722)
of UCU

Week Hrs Program Outcomes Performance Indicators Course Outcomes Course Topics Teaching and Learning Assessment Methods
Activities (TLAs)
1 1  Act in recognition of  Students’ obedience and  Identify and comply Orientation  Sharing of expectations Students are to express
professional, social, and compliance to the with the policies of GEC  Classroom policies from the teacher and their own expectations
ethical responsibility university standards, 13P in order to and introduction to the students on the course contents
policies, and/or maximize learning the course  Lecture/Discussion and realization toward
regulations  Discussion of the the classroom policies.
course syllabus
1 2    Identify the appropriate Approaches and Literary  Presentation and Students are asked to
approach and literary Analysis comparison of various identify and analyze the
analysis in dealing a approaches and literary appropriate approach
certain literary text analyses using complex from the given series of
concept maps text from famous
2-3 4  Act in recognition of  Students’ obedience and  Identify and explain the Footnote to Youth  Student interviews on Students are asked to
professional, social, and compliance to the perennial problems by Jose G. Villa their perceptions create concrete
ethical responsibility university standards, encountered by the towards early and conclusion of the story.
 policies, and/or characters which are nowadays living
regulations manifested nowadays
  Create a concrete
ending of the story
3-4 4  Effectively  Deepen awareness of  Analyze the rationale The Other Woman by  Review and discussion Students are grouped to
communicate orally the universal human why loyalty in love is Virgilio R. Samonte on different local and create a movie poster of
and in writing using concerns that are significant among lovers international movies the story.
both English and basis for literary that tackle on loyalty
Filipino works and trust on love
 Appreciate literary
genres all across the
4-5 3  Demonstrate and  Identify significant  Illustrate the positive The Small Key by  Establishing a debate Students are asked to
apply theories and events of the epic and negative character Paz Latorena forum to argue on the write an essay from a
practices in self- poem traits of Filipinos intentions of husband given topic.
defense and other  Distinguish the towards emotional and the present wife
discipline in the similarities and issues towards the belongings
protection and differences of the of the deceased wife
literary tex

5-6 4  Effectively  Interpret  Differentiate the Kahapon, Ngayon at  Reliving the characters Students are grouped to
communicate orally Shakespeare’s historical evidences Bukas by Aurelio Tolentino through a reader’s recreate the most
and in writing using sonnets 18 and 130 against the events in the theatre significant scenes in the
both English and  Justify personal view play  Reviewing Philippine play.
Filipino on beauty  Perform a play history during colonial
portraying the period
patriotism of early
7 2  Effectively  Justify literary  Illustrate how language Miss Phatuphats by Juan  Short skits on the story Students are asked to
communicate orally analysis on Edgar change one’s behavior Crisostomo Soto are presented by the create a short film about
and in writing using Allan Poe’s Annabel  Examine the students the story using the
both English and Lee gregariousness on original text and
Filipino  Relate ideas and Filipino culture language.
knowledge related to nowadays
the literary piece
7-8 4  Demonstrate  Integrate knowledge  Analyze the intentions How My Brother Leon  Review on local color, Students are asked to
competence and and opinions on why the author used Brought Home a Wife? perceptions on rural make comic strip that
broad murder, humiliation local color as the main by Manuel Arguilla and urban customs conveys local color of a
understanding in and other issues subject in the story region.
law enforcement related to the topic.  Discuss the way of living
administration,  Integrate proper in rural and urban areas
public safety and judgment and apply
criminal justice. justice and integrity

9 3  Effectively  Justify literary  Interpret the poem Like the Molave by  Sharing views on the Students are asked to
communicate orally analysis on Edgar using historical and Rafael Zulueta - Da Costa status of Filipino youth present a speech choir.
and in writing using Allan Poe’s Annabel revolutionary contexts in the country today
both English and Lee  Portray the nationalism
Filipino  Relate ideas and among Filipino youth
 Work effectively and knowledge related to
independently in the literary piece
and multi-cultural
10 2  Effectively  Integrate the use of  Justify how the native The Heritage of  Readings are given for Students are asked to

communicate orally technology in culture of Filipinos Smallness by Nick thorough scrutiny and make a literary analysis
and in writing using explaining personal remains in present time Joaquin better understanding of on the author’s essay.
both English and viewpoints on life the topic.
Filipino choices and decisions  Sharing of ideas on how
 Work effectively and  Examine the form native culture is still
independently in and the language of manifested today
mulit-disciplinary the poem
and multi-cultural
10-11 4  Effectively  Integrate the use of  Determine why Filipinos New Yorker in Tondo by  Film viewing on the play Students are asked to
communicate orally technology in tend to be xenocentric Marcelino Agana, Jr.  Interviews on the way make a slogan about the
and in writing using explaining personal  Illustrate the impacts of of living of OFWs play, “New Yorker in
both English and viewpoints on life xenocentricism on one’s Tondo.”
Filipino  Relate the lyrics of native culture
 Work effectively and Lion King’s Circle of
independently in Life to Freneau’s The
mulit-disciplinary Wild Honeysuckle
and multi-cultural
12 3    Compare the Wanted: A Chaperon by  Scripts of the play are Students are asked to
advantages and Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero delivered by the give an opinion on their
disadvantages on the students takeaways about the
way of living of Filipinos post-American attitude
during post-American of Filipinos
13-14 4   Understanding the good The House on Zapote  Before the film viewing, Using the Gen-Z slang
and bad human nature Street by Nick Joaquin guided questions are “Sana all,” students are
among the characters’ (Quijano de Manila) given for purposive asked to express the
behaviors note-taking. Also, frustrations and
research on criminal supposed hopes of the
records of Pablo unfortunate characters.
Cabading is required
14-15 4  Effectively  Identify significant  Illustrate the unwanted The Visitation of the  Through interviews and Students are asked to
communicate orally events of the epic academic issues as part Gods by Gilda Cordero videos, a thorough complete the ideas
and in writing using poem of the society discussion on the given in a certain text.
both English and  Discuss personal  Determine the possible different hidden
Filipino preference/ideal practical solutions and practices in academe,
leadership to create a harmonious government, and
society community is given
15-16 2  Act in recognition of  Analyze and arrange  Interpret the song using Song in Exile by Aurelio  Photos and videos of Students are asked to
professional, social, the words to follow the local color of Alvero traditional living and perform a musical act
and ethical the 5-7-5 pattern of different regions in the modern living are given using the piece, “Song in
responsibility haiku Philippines as references to better Exile”.
 Effectively  Perform a pair task  Perform a musical act understanding of the
communicate orally harmoniously and using the song literary piece
and in writing using effectively
both English and
16-17 4  Effectively  Support life saying by  Respond on specific The Mats by >??  Reminiscing Biblical Students are asked to
communicate orally providing moralistic issues using teachings through create anything using a
and in writing using appropriate and God’s Word. reading or watching a long coupon bond
both English and substantial details short film. Non- portraying their
Filipino Christian students are thoughts based on the
not forced to read the reading.
17-18 2    Portray the importance Turn Red the Sea by  Getting insights among Students are asked to
of communication and Wilfrido Nolledo students on how they produce a photograph
interaction among perceive jealousy and manifesting the worst
family members infidelity among lovers effects of family
 Respond on the problems. Remedies and
perennial problems solutions are also
encountered by family indicated below the
members photo.
18 2    Respond on the social Desire by Paz Latorena  Screenshots of Using the different
and gender standards unwanted comments in situations, students are
seen in the present social media (identities asked to create a
society and internet censored) will be given portrait of the woman
 Discuss the philosophies as a point of discussion portrayed in the essay.
that tackles human
Grading Final Grade is computed as follows:

System FG = (0.33 x P1) + (0.33 x P2) + (0.34 x P3)
 FG refers to the Final Grade
 P1 refers to the Prelim Grade
 P2 refers to the Midterm Grade
 P3 refers to the Tentative Final Grade
The 1st Period Grade is computed as (1st CS)+(P1 Exam)
The 2nd Period Grade is computed as (2nd CS)+(P2 Exam)
The 3rd Period Grade is computed as (3rd CS)+(P3 Exam)
 CS refers to Class Standing which is 60% composed of Quizzes (25%)+ Recitation (15%) + Attendance (10%)
Attendance includes Daily Activities and Seatwork
Major Exams = 40%
Policy and The student’s responsibility is to come to each class prepared. She /he is also expected to take all examination on the date schedules. She/he is expected to attend
Standards each class and participate actively in the discussions.

All students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying, and other forms of unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty of cheating
in examinations or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will receive an F or failure in the course requirement or in the course. Plagiarism refers to Cheating refers to
securing help in a test; copying test, assignments, reports or term papers; collaborating with other students during an examination or in preparing academic work; signing
another students name on an attendance sheet; or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty.
1. Every student is required to attend his classes regularly and punctually. Persistent tardiness for more than 20% of the total number of class meeting (one and a half hour
for each meeting) during the entire course in any particular subject shall be sufficient reason for disqualifying a student from taking final examination or for
2. A student who is late for class for at least 10 minutes will be marked as based as absent.
3. A student will incur an absence for every 3 times that he is tardy.
4. No excuse for an absentee or absences will be considered valid unless the student can show that his absences were unavoidable or necessary. In case of an absence due
to sickness, the student must present a written note from parent/guardian or certificate from attending physician stating the nature of the sickness.
5. The PEN student Handbook (Tertiary Level) and the MORPHE shall apply in suppletory to the foregoing.
Effective Date Date Revised Prepared by: Approved:

2019 2020
Instructor Vice President for Academic Affairs


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