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Robert Jayson A.

Natural Resources and Environmental Law


“Return to a land called Paraiso. A place where a dying river ends. No birds there fly over
Paraiso. No place allows them to endure. The smoke that screens the air. The grass that’s
never there. And if I could see a single bird, what a joy I try to write some words and create a
simple song to be heard by the rest of the world.”
- Paraiso

Humans can never truly fathom the real worth of the environment; the vital role it plays
in keeping all things alive above or below the surface of the Earth and the importance of giving
it care. Most, if not all, would possibly agree with me that the entire life support depends
wholly on the many aspects of environmental factors. Thus, a clean and healthy environment
maintains the ecological balance that will keep life and maintain various life cycles on Earth.

Planet of Humans questions the solutions proposed by renewable technologies. According

to the author of the film, the solutions proposed are to a large extent a disguise of the same
problems created by our highly technological and industrialized society. I share the same view
with the author. The solutions proposed by renewable technologies are in itself, problematic.
For example, solar panels and wind towers burn fuels and rely on profuse amounts of minerals
and rare earth metals. Moreover, the author was correct when he said that they need a
significant amount of fossil fuels in their manufacture: silicon, cobalt, silver, graphite, rare-
earths, and coal. Further, as the author argues, “the narrow solution of green technology”
feeds the pockets of the privileged few at the expense of the greater rest.

The documentary is an eye-opener especially to minds like mine which has rudimentary
acquaintance on environmental care. Planet of Humans exposed the ugly side of the
renewable/green energy movement. The film, in my opinion, signals that there are so much
to be done to improve status quo. It made many significant and illuminating points and sheds
light on climate change, fossil fuels, pollution and green energy movement. Planet of Humans
educated me that there can be no environmentalism without an overturning of capitalism. It
is a melancholic documentary for it somehow gave me the feeling that everything done for
the sake of the environment damaged the environment even more.

Nevertheless, Planet of Humans also instructs that there are so many options we can
choose from to save the place where we live in. However small the steps are, for as long as
we never stop, we can develop a more efficient and effective way to care for the environment
– where rivers will live, birds can fly and endure and where no more smoke will screen the air.

“No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.”

- President Barack Obama

People of this age has the indispensable mission of protecting and handing on a livable
planet to the next generation. Otherwise, we will held accountable to the younger
generations for the mess we have presently created. Protecting our future on this planet
depends largely on how conscious we are at the biggest risk – that is, climate change. 2016
OSCAR Winner Leonardo DiCaprio in his acceptance speech quoted, “Climate change is real,
it is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species., and we need
to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. Climate change is beyond dispute, it is
no longer some far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now.

Years of Living Dangerously is a film which did everything in its power to illustrate climate
change from all facets and angles. The litany of facts which flooded the documentary film
unearthed the truths about climate change from all angles. The film effectively presented
pieces of evidence about how climate change has affected situations not only in the United
States but also from all corners of the world. The film zealously emphasized the negative
impact of climatic changes on the environment – glaciers are melting, the ocean level is rising,
CO2 in the air is increasing, forest and wildlife are declining among others.

The film essentially persuaded its audience that the time is now to do something – to
change the ways we conduct things which necessarily harmed the environment. If human
race will still fail to do anything and things continue as they are, it is not impossible that the
day will come when almost all living things on the surface of the earth will become extinct. Th
film is instructive that although mistakes in the past and even in the present have been done,
which caused great damage to the environment and to the climate, it is never late to change
status quo and try do things the right way moving forward.

The film reminds us that we are living on a dying planet. That we are killing everything
that is alive. Nobody is spared by the impacts of climate change. Thus, for the sake of the
younger generation and for the generations to come, however small the steps may be, each
one must do his or her share in combating climate change.
1. What is the point of each film?
Each film underscored that there are several environmental issues brought about by the
human desire to advance, specifically by urbanization. The consequences and impacts
of the erroneous actions we have taken in the past are now felt by everyone – rich and
poor alike. The films instruct us to remain steadfast and committed in safeguarding the
planet we live in. It is indubitable that environmental issues have become more serious
and dangerous. A lot of environmental problems have surrounded us and for a very long
time, we failed to pay attention for it.
The films specified the root causes of the consequences felt by everyone today. Both
enlighten their audience of the scientific reasons why things are happening. Also, each
film instructs that things must be done now, otherwise, the future of the human race
may be put in peril.
2. Is "Planet" anti-environment? Or is it also pro-environment that presents a different
Planet of Humans is a pro-environment film that presents a different perspective.

Although, at a point, it questions and dubbed the solutions proposed by renewable

technologies as problematic, the film centers on enlightening its audience that though
renewable technologies are seen by many as a solution to many environmental
problems, there are still dangers which these technologies pose. For example, to produce
solar panels and wind towers, significant amount of fossil fuels are used in their
manufacture. However, this does not make the documentary film anti-environment. It
only educated its audience of the dangers those technologies still pose. Thus,
encouraging each one to continuously look for the best alternative which can truly solve
the problems.

3. Is "Year of Living Dangerously" entirely believable? Or do you think it is too

The documentary fil “Year of Living Dangerously” is believable.

Although given with an intimate tone and an urgent soundtrack, the film is factual and
scientific. The tone and soundtrack were only there to make the documentary film
refreshing. Apart from that, there is nothing in the film which makes it glamorized or
romanticized. A litany of distressing facts flooded the documentary. The documentary
featured scientists, workers, and officials which made it more credible. The film has an
intimate style of direction which made it more convincing appealing to the audience.
Objects are examined with measured scrutiny. For example, Texas is in sepia tones,
accenting its dryness which helped to tell the story.
4. What is the redeeming value of each film?
In the case of PLANET OF HUMANS, it teaches its audience that it is difficult to care for
the environment without sacrificing capitalism. Even staunch supporters of
environmental crusade have skeletons in their closet. Further, the film also exposed that
threats that renewable technologies posed. In other words, the film made many
important and illuminating points especially on the issue of co-opting of environmental
causes by corporate interests for branding purposes.

In the case of YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY, it highlighted the consequences of

human’s actions on one of the most pressing issues today – climate change. The film is
effective in its endeavor to show how climate change is affecting situations around the

5. Which between the two would you recommend to friends for viewing? Why?

YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY is the film which I would recommend better. The film
does not only present scientific facts but it also appeals to your emotions – which made
it successful in its mission of delivering its message, that is, climate change is here and
we have to admit that the problem is pressing. Thus, we must devise effective solutions
to avoid further damage.

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