ACTION PLAN - Docx Sir Julian

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Dr. P. Ocampo Colleges, Inc.

College of Criminology
De Mazenod Extension
Cotabato City

A.Y. 2017-2018


Classes Begin for Second But still continues in Enrollment While waiting the students
Semester enrolled, same process before
November 4, 2017 I’m going teach those all subject
just to make sure I’m ready
General Assembly Criminology Presentation of the of the B.S Criminology Fourth Year
Department Liquidate Funds for first Students are require to undrgo
November 10, 2018 semesters activity by the On-Job Training (OJT) in different
Criminology Student Council Agencies like PDEA, CIDG, SOCO,
Treasurer and Auditor BJMP, BFP, NBI. To have an
Presentation of the New Policies advance idea Related to their
regarding ON THE JOB TRAINING chosen career and preparing for
for Practicum of fourth year level their future job.
to the following Agencies
Criminology Day(3rd) BS Criminology student are To explore their skills and ideas
November 17, 2017 preparing for their performance that they have learned
to their guest and also all
faculties are invited to join the
said activities
Submission of Monthly Report The Heads of Dept. are required To avoid rush submission
November 27,2017 to submit the monthly report

December 2,2017 Consultative Meeting for all

Department Heads
December 16-19,2017 The students are obliged to Prelim examination for second
settle their accounts semester
Last day of Class Criminology Dept. they will have The Teacher’s and width the
December 18,2017 a clearing operation before assist of our students
leaving their office
January 4, 2018 Classes resume
June 6, 2018 Consultative meeting to all The Dept. heads and Faculty
Department Heads knowing what’s all about the
Academic Council meeting To updates the Teachers about The Teachers always update
January 13,2018 Regarding to academic matters learn.
Schedule for Exam Midterm examination for the
January 14-16,2018 second Semester

Court Appearance for 3rd year The students must listen and For the student to make advance
and 4th year level observe what they saying and knowledge and idea what
January 19-20, 2018 doing to their speaker happened to

January 29,2018 Submission of monthly report The teachers are obliged to

and Midterm grades submit their grades in that
schedule and Monthly report
Schedule for exam Semi Final examination for No statements of account no
February 4-6.2018 Second Semester exam
Pinning of Rank for incoming They are receive the rank The Rank receive of incoming4th
fourth year level according to their grades year students they are
February 12, 2018 responsible students for
Mc-Board Examination for Preparation for their PRC Board To achieved our goal in
Graduating students examination Criminology 100% passer in
January 16-17,2018 DPOCI
Mc-Board examination for under For students how to make easy For students the students to
graduating students to take their exam to major have advance technique ho to
January 22,2018 subject exam
Clearance for Graduating The students must need to settle Students must needs to full their
students their account and other all activity for they to graduates
February 29, 2018 obligation early.
Schedule for examination Final examination for Second BS Criminology students needs
March 3-5,2018 Semester to take their final examination
Special Examination for The students needs to take their If the exam already done nothing
Graduating students final exam for them to passed or follows
March 7, 2018 failed.
Clearance for undergraduates The students needs to settle Students needs all teachers to
students their accounts early for them to signed on their clearance
March 11,2018 take the final examination
Final examination for the The undergraduates must take
undergraduates their final exam
March 16-17,2018
Graduation Ball This activity for Newly Graduates
March 19,2018 for 2018-2019 and this is the last
spending together their batch
Special examination for The students must needs to take No exam for special exam if
undergraduates their final examination already done
March 21,2018
Submission of final grades All teachers are obliged to The Heads of Department they
March 25,2018 submit their grades on time needs to full fill School activity
Prepared by:


Head-Criminology Department

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