B. Less Than 4

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Review Questions

1. What is electrical?

Is the movement of electrons from one atom to another the dense center of each atom is
called the nucleus.

2. What are the ampere, volt and ohm?

AMPERES: The ampere is the unit used throughout the world to measure current flow. When
6.28 billion elec- trons(the name for this large number of electrons is a coulomb) move past a
certain point in 1 second, this represents 1 ampere of current.

VOLTS: The volt is the unit of measurement for electrical pressure. It is named for an Italian
physicist, Alessandro Voltage is also called electrical potential, because if there is voltage
present in a conductor, there is a potential (possibility) for current flow.

Ohm: Unit of electrical resistance equal to the electrical resistance between two points of a
conductor when, including applying a voltage of 1 volt, a current of 1 ampere is produced.

3. What are three examples of conductors and three examples of insulators?

Conductors: Silver, Gold and Steel.
Insulators: Rubber, Nylon and Ceramic.
4. What are de four sources of electricity?
The friction generates static electricity.
Heat can act on a device called a thermocouple to create DC.
The light applied to photoelectric materials produce DC electricity.
The pressure applied to a piezoelectric material produce DC electricity.

Chapter Quiz

1. An electrical conductor is an element with ………………….. Electrons in its outer orbit.

a. Less than 2
b. Less than 4
c. Exactly 4
d. More than 4
2. Like charges ………………………
a. Attract
b. Repel
c. Neutralize each other
d. Add
3. Carbon and silicon are examples of……………………..
a. Semiconductors
b. Insulators
c. Conductors
d. Photoelectric materials
4. Which unit of electricity does the work in a circuit?
a. Volt
b. Ampere
c. Ohm
d. Coulomb
5. As temperature increases……………………..
a. The resistance of a conductor decreases
b. The resistance of a conductor increases
c. The resistance of a conductor remains the same
d. The voltage of the conductor decreases
6. The………………... is a unit of electrical pressure
a. Coulomb
b. Volt
c. Ampere
d. Ohm
7. Technician A says that a two-wire variable resistor is called a rheostat. Technician B
says that a three-wire variable resistor is called a potentiometer. Which technician is
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both technician A and B
d. Neither technician A or B
8. Creating electricity by exerting a force on a crystal is called………………..

a. Electrochemistry
b. Piezoelectricity
c. Thermoelectricity
d. Photoelectricity
9. The fact that a voltage can be created by exerting force on a crystal is used in which
type of sensor?
a. Throttle position (TP)
b. Manifold absolute pressure ( MAP)
c. Barometric pressure (BARO)
d. Knock sensor (KS)
10. A potentiometer, a three-wire variable resistance, is used in which type of sensor?
a. Throttle position (TP)
b. Manifold absolute pressure ( MAP)
c. Barometric pressure (BARO)
d. Knock sensor (KS)

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