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SUBJECT/SCHED: CE 422|930-1030MWF|


TOPIC: Vertical Stress Due to a Uniformly Loaded Circular Area


I. Study the sample problem and solve given problems after.

Figure shows a circular area of radius, R =5 m subjected to a uniformly distributed load, q = 380
kN/m2. Determine the vertical stress increases 3 m below the loaded area at radial distances, r = 6 m.


A. Identify which case. Case I or Case II?

Ans: Case II, since point A is not in the center of the circle.

B. Identify the given

R= 5m
q= 380 kN/m2
r = 6m
z = 3m
C. Sol’n
 The working equation for CASE II is:
∆𝜎𝑧 = 𝑞(𝐴 + 𝐵 )
The value of A’ and B’ shall be extracted though at Table 10.7 and Table 10.8, respectively.

= = 0.6 = = 1.2
From table 10.7, the value of A’ = 0.17952

From table 10.8, the value of B’ = 0.04457

Substituting on the equation:

∆𝜎𝑧 = 380 (0.17952 + 0.04457) = 𝟖𝟓. 𝟏𝟓𝟒𝒌𝑵/𝒎𝟐 Ans.

II. Solve the ff. problem.

1. A flexible circular area of radius 6 m is uniformly loaded by q = 450 kN/m2. Determine the increase
in vertical stress, Δσz , at point A.

2. A flexible circular area on the ground surface is subjected to a uniformly distributed load, q= 105
kN/m2. If the circular area has a radius, R = 3.6 m, determine the vertical stress increase, Δσz , at
points a) 4.8 and b) 9.6 m below the ground surface along the centerline of the circular area

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