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Multiple Choice 6.

It is the legislative authorization to make payments out of

under specified conditions and specific purposes
government funds
1. It is the process of analyzing, recording, classifying, a. Appropriation
summarizing and communicating all transactions involving b. Allotment
the receipt and disposition of government funds and c. Obligation
property and interpreting the results thereof. d. Budgeting
a. Government auditing
b. Government budgeting
7. It is the amount committed to be paid by the government
c. Government accounting
arising from an act of a duly authorized administrative
d. National government
officer and which binds the government to the immediate
and eventual payment of money.
2. The Department of Budget and Management, Department a. Obligation
of Finance, Bureau of Treasury, and Commission on Audit b. Appropriation
are collectively responsible for the Unified Accounts Code c. Allotment
Structure (UACS). Who is responsible for the validation and d. Commitment
assignment of new codes for funding source, organization,
sub-object codes for expenditure items? 8. The journal entry to be made in the books of government
a. Department of Budget and Management agencies/units upon receipt of Notice of Cash Allocation is
b. Department of Finance a. Cash - MDS, Regular Subsidy from National
c. Bureau of Treasury Government
d. Commission on Audit b. Cash in Bank - Local Currency, Current Account
Subsidy from National Government
3. The Department of Budget and Management, Department c. Cash in Bank- Local Currency, Savings Account
of Finance, Bureau of Treasury, and Commission on Audit Subsidy from National Government
are collectively responsible for the Unified Accounts Code d. Cash in Bank - Local Currency, Time Deposit Subsidy
Structure (UACS). Who is responsible for the consistency of from National Government
account classification and coding standards with the
Government Finance Statistics? 9. It is the formal document issued by the Department of
a. Department of Budget and Management Budget and Management to the head of the agency
b. Department of Finance & Bureau of Treasury containing the authorization, conditions and amount of
c. Commission on Audit allocation
d. All of them are responsible a. Special Allotment Release Order
b. Allotment and Obligation Slip
4. This registry shall be maintained by Appropriation Act, by c. Notice of Cash Allocation
Fund Cluster, by Major Fund Output or d. Registry of Allotment and Obligation
Program/Activity/Project for personnel services.
a. Registry of Allotments, Obligations and 10. In government accounting, which of the following is a
Disbursements – Personnel Services Personnel service?
b. Registry of Budget, Utilizations and Disbursements a. Telephone charge
– Personnel Services. b. Rent
c. Registry of Allotment and Notice of Transfer of c. Meal allowance for overtime work
Allocations d. Salaries and wages
d. Registry of Revenue and Other Receipts.
11. In government accounting, which of the following is a capital
5. This form shall be used by the originating offices in the outlay?
utilization of their approved budget allocation for off- a. Salaries and wages
budgetary and custodial funds, such as SAGF, Internally b. Repairs and maintenance
Generated Funds c. Land improvement
a. Budget Utilization Request Status d. Merchandise inventory
b. Obligation Request Status
c. Notice of Budget Utilization Request and Status 12. It is a disbursement authority representing Modified
Adjustments Disbursement Checks issued and direct payments to external
d. Registry of Revenue and Other Receipts – Internally creditors per validated advice to debit account in the list of
Generated Funds/Business related Funds due and demandable accounts payable.
a. Tax Remittance Advice (TRA)
b. Notice of cash Allocation (NCA)
c. Non-cash Availment Authority (NCAA)
d. Cash disbursement Ceiling (CDC)

13. lt is a phase of budget cycle that starts upon the

receipt of the President's budget by the House Speaker
and ends with the President's enactment of the
General Appropriations Act.
a. Budget preparation
b. Budget legislation
c. Budget execution and operation
d. Budget accountability

14. This refers to a government agency, department or

`operating field unit:
a. Entity
b. Corporation
c. Partnership
d. Proprietor

15. Refers to a check issued by government agencies

chargeable against the account of the Treasurer of the
a. Modified Disbursement System (MDS) Check
b. Modified Disbursement System
c. Tax Remittance Advice (TRA)
d. Project


1. Incurrence of an obligation

Posted to RAOD

2. Collection of a Revenue and its remittance.

Cash – CO xx
AR xx

Cash – Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular xx

Cash – CO xx

3. Grant of cash advance for payroll

Advances for Payroll xx

Cash-MDS, regular xx

4. Remittance of taxes thru TRA

Due to BIR xx
Cash - TRA xx

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