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This Application is for permission to use a domain name that is similar to a trademark owned by the
Mozilla Foundation (“Mozilla”). If you use, or are interested in using, such a domain name, you
must complete this Application and return it by regular mail (regressive, we know, but we need your
signature) to Mozilla at:

Domain Name Use Application

Mozilla Foundation
650 Castro St., Suite 300
Mountain View, CA 94041-2021

You must complete the Application in full, including the exact domain name that you use or are
planning to use (the “Domain Name”) and the general description of the Web site to be located at
the Domain Name (the “Web Site”). If Mozilla approves your Application, Mozilla will sign it and
return a copy, either by regular mail or by e-mail. If Mozilla does not approve your Application, it will
return a copy, along with a brief explanation of the reasons underlying Mozilla’s decision. Keep in
mind that you will not have the right to use the Domain Name unless and until Mozilla actually signs
your Application. Please wait at least four weeks before contacting Mozilla with questions about the
status of your Application. Given the volume of Applications and other correspondence received by
Mozilla, it can take at least that long to process any given Application.
Your use of the Domain Name, if approved by Mozilla, will be governed by and subject to the terms
contained in the following numbered paragraphs.
If and when Mozilla approves your Application, these terms will become a binding, legally-
enforceable agreement between you and Mozilla (the “Agreement”). Because your use of the
Domain Name will be under license by Mozilla, you are referred to in these paragraphs as the
1. Purpose. Mozilla has certain rights in a number of trademarks (the “Mozilla
Marks”). Mozilla wishes to ensure that any use of a domain name similar to a
Mozilla Mark is consistent with Mozilla’s policies. Licensee has applied for use of a
domain name that is similar to a Mozilla Mark.
2. License. Approval of Licensee’s Application will result in a grant to Licensee by
Mozilla, under any rights of Mozilla in the Mozilla Marks, of a worldwide, royalty-free,
non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable license, during the term of the
Agreement, to register the Domain Name with an appropriate registration authority
and to make the Web Site available at the address associated with that Domain
3. Term and Termination. The term of the Agreement, including the license granted

under Paragraph 2, will commence on the date Mozilla signs the Application and will
continue for 12 months. Thereafter, it will continue unless and until Licensee or
Mozilla terminates the Agreement by giving written notice of its intention to terminate
the Agreement no later than 30 days prior to the effective date of termination. In the
event Licensee breaches any of its obligations under the Agreement, Mozilla may
give notice in writing to Licensee of the breach. In the event Licensee does not
correct or eliminate the breach within 10 business days from the date of receipt of
such notice, the Agreement will automatically terminate. Any misrepresentation by
Licensee, including but not limited to in Licensee’s Application or with respect to
Licensee’s age, will result in immediate termination of the Agreement. Upon
termination or expiration of this Agreement, Licensee shall cease using the Domain
Name and, upon Mozilla’s request and subject to reimbursement by Mozilla of a time-
pro-rated portion of any registration fees paid for the Domain Name, transfer the
Domain Name registration to Mozilla.
4. Quality and Conformity With Description Provided by Licensee and With Law.
The nature and quality of the Web Site must conform to the level of quality historically
associated with the Mozilla Marks. The Web Site must also conform to the general
description provided by Licensee in Licensee’s Application. Licensee shall comply
with all applicable laws and regulations in connection with its operation of the Web
5. Licensee Representation as to Age. Licensee, if an individual, represents that
Licensee is eighteen (18) years of age or older as of the date that Licensee signs the
6. Reservation of Rights. The license granted in Paragraph 2 does not include any
right to use any of the Mozilla Marks, or any representations of the Mozilla Marks, on
the Web Site, except as approved in advance in writing by Mozilla, or as otherwise
granted by Mozilla pursuant to any separate license, such as the Mozilla Trademark
Policy as posted at Mozilla hereby reserves all
right, title and interest in and to the Mozilla Marks. Licensee acknowledges that it
receives no implied license of the rights in the Mozilla Marks under the Agreement.
Licensee agrees that Licensee’s use of the Mozilla Mark and any goodwill resulting
from such use will inure solely to the benefit of Mozilla. Licensee shall not contest,
oppose or challenge Mozilla’s ownership of any Mozilla Mark. Licensee shall not
register or attempt to register any Mozilla Mark or the Domain Name as a trademark
or service mark in any jurisdiction, and will not oppose Mozilla’s registration or use of
any Mozilla Mark, alone or with other words or designs, in any jurisdiction. If asked,
Licensee shall assist Mozilla with any such application or registration.
7. General. The Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties on the subject
matter hereof. No amendment or modification hereof will be valid or binding upon the
parties unless made in writing and signed by the duly authorized representatives of
both parties. The Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California,
without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Waiver by either party of a breach of
any provision of the Agreement, or the failure by either party to exercise any right
hereunder, will not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of
that right or as a waiver of any other right.

Please complete the entire Application as it appears below. Then sign the Application and return it
to Mozilla as instructed on the first page. Please print legibly; if we can’t read your writing, we can’t
process your Application.

Applicant Full Name: _____________________________

Applicant Contact (if Applicant an Organization): _____________________________
Applicant Mailing Address:

Applicant E-Mail: _____________________________

Applicant Phone Number (Daytime): _____________________________
Exact Domain Name(s): _____________________________

General Description of Web Site Operated, or to Be Operated, at Domain Name (Attach Sample
Pages as Necessary):

I represent that all of the information contained in the above Application is true and accurate, and I
agree to the terms contained in the above numbered paragraphs:

By (Signature): _________________________
Name (Printed): _________________________
Date: _________________________
Title: _________________________

AGREED TO on behalf of MOZILLA:

By (Signature): _________________________
Name (Printed): _________________________
Date: _________________________
Title: _________________________


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