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Unit 9 Short Test 2A

1 Complete the text with the correct present perfect or future passive form of the verbs in brackets.

In 1900 there were 1.6 billion people in the world, but today that number is over 6 billion.
In the last century, a lot of the world’s forests _______________________ (destroy) to
provide wood for making furniture and paper. In addition, many of the world’s seas and rivers
_______________________ (pollute).
Another problem today is how to provide food for the growing number of people in the world.
New ways of growing food _______________________ (need) very soon. Some new foods
_______________________ (discover) by scientists in the last few years, and in the future
we will eat more of these.
Living space will be another big problem in the future. Perhaps one day new cities
_______________________ (not build) on land any more − we will build them on or under

the sea!

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Three sentences contain mistakes. Tick () the correct sentences. Then circle the mistakes in the
other sentences and correct them.
1 Has your house ever be burgled? __________________________________
2 Will teachers be replace by robots one day? __________________________________
3 I’ve never been criticised by my friends before. __________________________________
4 Solar power will be used a lot more in the future. __________________________________
5 Many new cities have been builded in the last 100 years. __________________________________

Mark: ___ / 5

3 Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.
1 The man in the shop shouted to / at Tom when he tried to steal something.
2 Sam agreed with / to me about the film − he didn't like it either.
3 Tanya argued about / with Jason, and now they aren't speaking.
4 What do you think of / about Mum and Dad’s new car? Do you like it?
5 Helen wrote about / to her holiday on her blog when she came home.

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Write prepositions to complete the sentences.

1 Ben adjusted ___________ his new school really quickly.
2 This game consists ___________ twelve cards.
3 We can’t do this project alone. We need to ask ___________ help.
4 The man was embarrassed because people were laughing ___________ him.
5 This new invention will appeal ___________ people of all ages.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Oxford Solutions Pre-Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 9 Short Test 2A

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