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In this issue

Editorial............................................................. 2
News & World Roundup......................................4
Conquering 10 GHz DVB­T in S5 ­ Slovenia.........8
New Satellite Receiver for 23cm and Repeaters
Using DVB­S/S2............................................... 10
White Christmas to White Powder.................... 12
Diary of a POM in Western Australia.................15
Amplifier Output Power for Various
Printing Artwork onto PCB’s without UV...........28
One from the Vault........................................... 29
Coming up........................................................ 33

Production Team
Ian Pawson G8IQU Trevor Brown G8CJS
Terry Mowles VK5TM

Contributing Authors
Jim Andrews KH6HTV Trevor Brown G8CJS
Richard Carden VK4XRL John Hudson G3RFL
Rudi Pavlič s58ru

All issues of CQ­DATV magazine are available for free

download at­

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 1

Editorial So please remember it takes only a few minutes to sit down
and write a few words and take an accompanying picture, but
it is the life blood of this magazine.
Welcome to CQ­DATV 64. Publishing a monthly magazine is a
double edged sword in that it provides an opportunity to In this issue our news department have cast their net far and
update you on what is happening on the ATV scene with news wide with stories from Jim KH6HTV about an ATV repeater in
that would start to look stale if we had stayed as a quarterly Boulder County, Ken W6HCC has sent in his updates to DATV
publication. Express and we have an interesting story about equipping a
sub­orbital rocket with TV cameras and a link so you can see
The down side is the pressure it puts on our volunteer the launch, along with a story about live streaming a TV
workforce to source and edit the material into the multi production from the Ross Revenge all about Radio Caroline (
formats we publish. The material is the most difficult to Ok most of the production team grew up in the age of Pirate
source or to ask our staff writers to create, so we have yet Radio ships, if you didn’t ask your parents or perhaps
again to say ­ if you want this magazine to continue we grandparents).
need your input! It does not have to be a heavy
constructional article, even though these are most welcome, Moving on from news to articles, we start with a report by
but just a report on the activity where you live and perhaps a Rudi Pavlič s58ru about the first 10GHz DVB­T ATV contact in
picture of your kit. Slovenia.

CQ­DATV was launched as a platform for exchanging ideas Richard, VK4XRL, has written another addition of digital world
from enthusiasts around the world. Like all platforms it has looking at domestic kit for DVB­S2 reception of ATV.
had its highs and lows. The logic of producing this magazine
free of charge may have been revolutionary at the time, but Trevor has been looking back on the story behind a story we
it is hard to justify anything but, in the world of electronic published in CQ­DATV 63 about the Ampex sign coming down
publishing and volunteers that work without any in Redwood City.
Jim, KH6HT, has been investigating RF amplifier output power
for various modulations including DATV.

John G3RFL has found a DIY PCB toner transfer (no heat!)
and Etching method. It would seem that photosensitive
coated PCB materials are getting too expensive and John has
a quick and easy solution for avoiding the light box, film and
the expensive coated PCB.

The team have also added a long lost SSTV book to our
library. We hope to expand the Archive section in the coming
weeks by including other long lost publications.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 2
So please keep checking­

Something that did not make it into this issue is the Ancona
ATV contest so please, if you took part, we would love a
report so we can bring you the full story in the next issue.

So as we always say sit back and enjoy CQ­DATV 64.

CQ­DATV Production team

Please note: articles in this magazine are provided
with absolutely no warranty whatsoever; neither the
contributors nor CQ­DATV accept any responsibility or
liability for loss or damage resulting from readers
choosing to apply this content to theirs or others
computers and equipment.

Re­publication of CQ­DATV magazine material is encouraged

as long as source credit is properly given.
TV Amateur is a German Language ATV Magazine. It is
Exception: “Reprinted by permission” material must have
published 4 times a year and if you would like to
the original publisher’s/authors permission. subscribe go to­
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 3
News and World Round-up

ATV from Wyoming to Boulder Jim Andrews, KH6HTV

The Boulder ATV Repeater, from it’s new location, reaches out
a really long distance. Plus the repeater is a true QRP
repeater, running only 5 Watts on DTV. On 70cm, it’s
transmitter shares a common antenna with the BARC 70cm
FM voice repeater. Computer predictions said we should be
able to reach into southern Wyoming. The computer said a
good site to test was just south of Cheyenne on I­25 where
The above map is the predicted coverage area of our TV there are several microwave towers and also the Cheyenne
repeater. This assumes the remote station is using a 6 TV tower. It is 77 air miles from the repeater.
element (11dBi) yagi antenna at 30ft height. On 70cm, the
remote staion also needs to be using a 10 watt (rms, avg) On July 19th, Jim, KH6HTV and Don, AA6TV made a
DVB­T transmitter. The on­line, RF propagation prediction DXpedition to Cheyenne to see if in fact they could both
program called Radio Mobile receive and transmit into the repeater. The DXpediton was was used to calculate timed to co­inside with the Thursday afternoon ATV net. The
this map. More detailed maps are available at above photo is confirmation that it works ! This photo was in App. Note AN­43c. Very detailed point­ taken by Don, N0YE, ATV net control. It was the TV image he
to­point RF path predictions can also be provided upon saw on his home TV screen after being repeated by our TV
request. repeater.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 4
Jim & Don received the 70cm, DTV signal from Boulder on a 6 DATV­Express Project
element yagi antenna with a 10dB margin. They were also
able to transmit a 70cm, 10 watt DTV signal back to the Art WA8RMC reports that there was a steady stream of orders
repeater, again with a 10dB margin (exactly as predicted by during August for MiniTiouner­Express receivers. Many of the
the computer program, Radio Mobile). orders are for customers in the European Union…..and
Charles is now waiting for more units to arrive from Art (that
On 23cm, they used a 3 watt, DVB­T transmitter and a 24 is clear customs), in order to resume shipping to EU orders.
element, loop yaggi. Again,, they had a 10dB margin. The
last test was on 23cm with a 30 watt, FM­TV transmitter. Charles G4GUO has fixed one bug for PLUTO units and has
They again got a P5 picture into the repeater. Dropping the prepared a zip of v1.25LP10 for Ken to test,
power down to 1/2 watt degraded the FM picture to P3. Ken W6HHC reports he has just received a v1.25LP10 zip file
from Charles for the Windows DATV­Express software.
While driving up to Cheyenne, Don and Jim monitored in the
car transmissions from the tv repeater. Don, N0YE, had the This software corrects a small (code­wise) bug in the PLUTO
repeater turned on and transmitting a continuous DVD with support that allowed an RF­carrier to be produced in RECEIVE
“live” video and audio. Driving from Boulder east on Baseline mode after the PTT button was released from TRANSMIT. Ken
Road and then north on I­25, we were able to verify the good plans to begin testing the new software version on PLUTO,
and bad areas as predicted by Radio Mobile. and LimeSDR­mini, and DATV­Express hardware units before
uploading to the www.DATV­ web site on the
To maximize the chances of success, the DVB­T digital DOWNLOADS page.
parameters were set for a lower 720P resolution, QPSK
modulation and very aggressive Forward Error Correction of Charles G4GUO also reports he has been spending time lately
1/2 Code Rate. These parameters are used on the TV working on “pre­distortion” software for the DATV­Express
repeater’s transmitter and were also used for the Cheyenne software, that lower the distortion “shoulders” on the
transmitter. hardware RF output. The status is that he has sorted out a
non­obvious math problem and is now moving in a positive
For more details on these parameters, see my application direction for this new DATV feature.
note, AN­39. (
Just a note that the v1.25LP10 software (DATV­Express DVB
As a side note, the BARC 2 meter (146.70MHz), FM voice Transmitter software for Windows) is available for download.
repeater was used to communicate between Cheyenne and This build of software fixes the PLUTO problem where an RF
Boulder. Running 50 watts, mobile, voice communication was carrier is sent out when clicking PTT to go back to STANDBY.
far worse than the DTV communication. The audio both ways This software now supports four hardware exciter boards:
over DVB­T was perfect CD quality. The FM voice signals were ­ DATV­Express (USB­2)
very scratchy and difficult to understand. ­ LimeSDR (USB­3 or ­2)
­ LimeSDR­mini (USB­3 or ­2)
73 de Jim Andrews, KH6HTV

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 5

The software can be downloaded from the project web­site at The IBA Archive channel
www.DATV­ Go to the DOWNLOADs page. A
stand alone NOTES file (aka README) can also be Liam Mustapha has made available a collection of TV
downloaded from the same DOWNLOADs page. Engineering Announcements broadcast on ITV and Channel 4
in the 1970's and 80's
Many thanks to Charles G4GUO for correcting the PLUTO
“unexpected carrier” bug…de Ken W6HHC This YouTube channel is dedicated to the Independent
Broadcasting Authority's (IBA) 'Engineering Announcements
Project Speed is set to slow….de Ken W6HHC for the Radio and Television Trade' programmes broadcast on
ITV, and latterly on Channel 4, during the 1970s and 1980s.
Copenhagen Suborbitals This channel is non­profit and is for archival purposes only. If
you have any enquiries, please message me on our Google+
Copenhagen Suborbitals is the world’s only page. Many thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy
manned, amateur, crowd funded space these nostalgic programmes from the past!
programme. Since its beginning in 2008,
Copenhagen Suborbitals has flown five home Liam Mustapha
built rockets and two mock­up space Owner of the Channel
capsules. Their stated goal is to have one of
the members fly into space (above 100 km), The IBA Archive
on a sub­orbital spaceflight, in a space
capsule on the Spica rocket. 8w/

The company is planning to launch its Nexø II rocket in Source Southgate ARC News
summer 2018.
This Week in Radio Tech
As an amateur organisation, the 55 members use their spare
time on the project, while at the same time having regular
dayjobs. At the annual general assembly, they elect a
chairman and boardmembers. Currently (2017), the
chairman is Kristian Elof Sørensen, who also leads the
Copenhagen Suborbitals maritime group.

On August 4th 2018 we successfully launched the Nexø II

rocket. Nexø II is Copenhagen Suborbitals most advanced
rocket to date. In this video we show you the complete story
will all the highlights of the mission. Enjoy!

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 6

So a little video challenge for me on Thursday evening at P4­A ground segment system integration
2200 UK. There’s a Radio Industry technical webcast called
This Week In Radio Tech which I’ve watched for years and
years. It’s hosted by Kirk A. Harnack, and we're going to do a
live video link via Skype to his live webcast from the Radio
Caroline ship, Ross Revenge.

Kirk works for the Telos Alliance, home to Axia audio over IP
radio mixers and Omnia audio processors, both very well
respected products.

He is also a very accomplished radio engineer, radio station

owner, and a pretty darn good weather presenter at his local
TV station, and a great host of the webcast.
It’ll be at 2200 UK time on Thursday evening.

Hoping the 4G technology behaves. We did a test today with

the whole chain, Canon XA25 Camera, through the Magewell
SDI to USB, into my MBP, and out to the Vodaphone 4G USB Since Friday morning, we have been finalizing the individual
dongle via and active USB cable that’s about 10m long, so we components for the Es’hail­2 / P4­A ground station in Qatar
can go into the bowels of the ship, slightly under the and final testing. The equipment will later be installed in the
waterline and surrounded by steel, but keep the dongle up on Es’hailSat control station (SCC). Another plant will be back up
deck. I have a 25m SDI cable on the camera too, so can then at QARS in Doha. Furthermore, we will install the third
move around the transmitter and generator rooms, but most ground station at AMSAT­DL in Bochum. The ground
of it will come from the studio. equipment consists among other things of the LEILA system
for the narrow band transponder (NB), the DATV receiving
I’ll do a new post at the time. Should be fun. I’ve done a and transmitting device for DVB­S2 or digital amateur radio
Facebook live from the ship on my phone, which is also television over the wide band transponder (WB), transceiver
Vodaphone so the 4G should be ok. for SSB operation and redundant units for the SCC.
72356157/ The AMSAT­DL team:
Tilman Glötzner, DG2TG Peter Gülzow, DB2OS
Join Kirk Harnack,for episode 413 with guest Rob Ashard. Thomas Kleffel, DG5NGI Michael Lengrüßer, DD5ER Mario Lorenz, DL5MLO Stefan Reimann, DG8FAC
318601889/UzpfSTQxMTI0ODg0OTA4MDU1Mzo4OTE0NTA4N Jens Schoon, DH6BB Achim Vollhardt, DH2VA
934547778645&notif_id=1537429129151077&notif_t=group Source:­­a­bodensegment­system­
_activity integration
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 7
Conquering 10 GHz DVB-T
in S5 - Slovenia
Rudi Pavlič s58ru reports

Graziano S50J has recently acquired an up converter for work

on 10 GHz DVB­T.

The converter has an oscillator that is set at 9900 MHz,

controlled by a low phase noise PLL and locked to a 10MHz
TCXO which provides a very precise internal reference ­ as it
should be:­
• Using the modulators we have (HV­100, HV200, HV­320),
for an input of 550 MHz 0db, the Output produced is 10450
MHz 80mW.
• For an input 500 MHz will be transmitted at 10400 MHz
(9900 + 500 = 10400 MHz)

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 8

Graziano pressed a HiDes modulator into service for the Transmission frequency 10.430 MHz, QRA locator JN65VO
driver, which was left over from his first experiments on 13 Hrvatini.
cm DVB­T. • Mauro transmitting power 450 mW ­ OFF­SET parabola of 80
cm for both RX and TX. Transmission frequency 10.450 MHz,
We set the link up with me at the receive end and failed! QRA locator JN65VN Tinjan.
10GHz DVB­T, was not going to happen for me.
When they were happy with the link, Mauro pointed the
antenna towards me and began transmitting 10 GHz DVB­T. I
received his signal straight away, but I could not return the
transmission because I had not set my TX to this frequency.

Again I went down the route of “hunting” Grazian’s signal and

this time I was lucky and received it! The problem is that
Graziano has a chimney stack in front of his parabola, which
blocks the signals towards my QTH.

A problem we now understand and nothing I could have done

at the time to be the first DVB­T contact for this link.

The next day, Mauro IV3WSJ joined us. I tried first in a last
ditch attempt to receive Graziano and again failured! Mauro
then “took over” control ­ it became the Mauro experiment.

Mauro immediately received the Grazian signal on 10GHz

DVB­T. To make matters worse, Mauro showed Graziano that
the link was successful. This was, if I’m not mistaken, the
first 10GHz DVB­T connection in Slovenia. I am not expecting
a QSL card.

2018­09­14 ­ 10:31 S50J ­ JN65VO ­ S5 / IV3WSJ ­

JN65VN ­ 5 km ­ 10 GHz DVB­T
• Grazian transmitting power was 80 mW using a 60 cms
parabola, receiving using an OFF­SET 40cm parabola.
73 s58ru
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 9
New Satellite Receiver for 23cm and
Repeaters Using DVB-S/S2
Written by Richard Carden ­ VK4XRL

Digital ATV receivers are the backbone into the world of

DATV, everybody has to start somewhere and there are at
times some interesting kit around at some very good prices.

The first one I played with was introduced through Peter

Cossins VK3BFG from the Melbourne ATV group. It was
available at I price that I couldn’t resist buying one to try it

This was the KOQIT K1 mini unit and is quite small measuring
about 120mm x 70mm. The front panel has two USB inputs
which could be used for Wi­Fi and media (record or replay).
The rear panel has a +12v input from a power pack, a A/V
socket, a socket for the LED remote screen, plus an HDMI
output socket and a F connector for RF input.

The above photos show the RPi PortsDown being received by

the receiver. One added advantage is that when the
information button is clicked twice it will show the
Transmission parameters of the received signal including
signal strength, Quality and BER which could prove to be very
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 10
The Melbourne group are working on a way to allow a signal
receive indication which can then be interfaced to the
repeater control unit. ( It is hoped that this will be available
when completed).

Not quite as small, but never the less popular with DATV
operators in Australia is another receiver that’s worth a
mention and this is the STRONG Model SRT 4950E.

This one maybe not as elegant, but is ideal for DATV repeater
operation complete with signal indicator which is not available
on the KOQIT. It only requires interfacing from the signal
indicator to the repeater controller.

Both units are capable of receiving both DVB­S/S2 (especially

useful if using the PortsDown which can use both MPEG2 and
MPEG4) and will tune the amateur bands at least in Australia
so check if you’re intending to use one in a different country.
Sensitivity is on par with other receivers like this but no real
tests have been done at this stage.

Normal caution is required if used direct to the antenna as

power is fed to the F connector for supplying a preamp or
LNB if required.

Both these receivers can be found on EBay.

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 11

White Christmas to White Powder The equipment Ampex produced had far reaching results.
Bing Crosby, then a radio star had a dislike for live broadcasts
Written By Trevor Brown G8CJS and a preference for pre recording his shows. This met with
resistance because the quality of the recordings at the time
and often shows were performed twice, once for the east
coast and once for the west coast.

There had to be a better solution and when Ampex developed

its 200 tape recorder, ABC agreed to allow Crosby to pre­
record his shows onto tape using the 200. Crosby
immediately placed an order for $50,000 worth of the new
recorders so that Ampex (then a small six­man concern)
could develop a commercial production model.

Ampex sign Redwood city

In last month’s issue we reported on the removal of the

Ampex sign form Highway 101 of Redwood City. I thought we
ought to look back on the company and their contribution to
Broadcast Television which was of course Video Tape

Ampex was founded by a Russian­American inventor

Alexander Matthew Poniatoff. The company name was
composed of his initials AMP, the EX was added as there
already was a company called AMP.

The company was established in 1944 and started by

manufacturing high quality motors for use in Radar
equipment during World War II. The company later diversified
into tape recording based on equipment developed by
German companies before and during World War II, there Alexander M. Poniatoff (r) and Harold Lindsay, his
were patents, but these were effectively voided after chief engineer, in 1948 with the first Ampex 200
Germany’s 1945 surrender. recorder
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 12
The path from Audio recorders to video recorders was one
other companies had looked at, perhaps the most famous
was VERA (Vision Electronic Recording Apparatus) developed
by the BBC. This machine had fixed heads and a tape speed
of 200 inches per second to deal with the TV bandwidth.

These tape speeds and fixed heads were unworkable and

produced very poor results. Bing Crosby or rather his
company BCE (Bing Crosby Enterprises) experimented with a
multi track machine and found the problem was not only the
head to tape speed used to deal with television bandwidths,
but the current head designs were also a problem.

New designs delivered 1MHz bandwidths, but were still not

adequate. BCE and Ampex worked together to come up with
a practical solution that could deal with TV bandwidths and
use a manageable tape speed.

The result was the Ampex VR­1000, the world’s first

commercially successful videotape recorder that appeared in
1956. It uses the 2” quadruplex format, using two­inch (5.1
cm) tape.

The development team behind this first video recorder are

also worth acknowledging. It might not have been the first
recorder, but it was the most practical and the format it used
lived on well into the 1980’s. It did have its problems most
noticeably no pictures in wind, no freeze frames and no slow

It was originally designed as a way of time shifting TV

programmes. The format was editable, but with difficulty as it
entailed cutting the tape physically with a razor blade at a
point that was determine by developing the video tracks with
a solution of Iron powder and searching through them with a
microscope, before cutting and joining the parts together.
BBC VERA video recorder

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 13

Fred Pfost, Shelby Henderson, Ray Dolby, Alex Maxey,
Charles Ginsburg, Charley Anderson ­ The Team
behind the development of the VR1000

Ampex VR 1000 video tape recorder, note the two It’s rumoured that at NBC the orders came so fast that they
external racks, which are part of the machine were written on table napkins, by the sales staff.

The product launch was in April 1956 at NAB, but two days Ampex won an Oscar, several Emmys and a Grammy. In
before the convention the machine was demonstrated to 300 2008, Ampex declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and was
CBS affiliates at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. The demonstration acquired by Delta Information Systems. Sad end to the
started with a speech by Bill Lodge VP of CBS. When this was company that invented video recording.
over, 20 monitors around the room showed the speech being
replayed, before the curtains were drawn back to reveal the Ray Dolby is a house hold name, these days for his work on
source of this replay. There was about 10 seconds of silence audio systems that carry is name, I always thought it a fitting
until they realised what was happening, followed by clapping tribute when in the 1980’s when I installed Dolby sound
and cheering, remember this was the first time anyone modules to a much later Ampex video recorder (VPR2) but
outside Amex had seen instantaneous replay of any event. that’s another story.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 14
There were also unsubstantiated rumours that part way What a pleasure to see the sun every day like this.
thought the development process Ray Dolby was inducted I'm turning into a sun­worshipper ­ no blasted rain like back
into the services and still thinking about the VR 1000 rang in Leeds !!
Ginsburgh to say he though they ought to change from AM to
FM and introduce a control track. But again these are only September 30
rumours. Had the back yard landscaped with tropical plants today.
Lots of palms and rocks.
Why the title well White Christmas is a reference to Bing No more mowing lawns for me!
Crosby’s famous song, which incidentally was used on the Another scorcher today, but I love it here.
radio to signal the American withdrawal from Vietnam . It's Paradise !
White powder, as video tape evolved and tape improved and
improved Memorex Chroma 90 developed a problem with the October 10
tape backing collapsing and delivering white powder that The temperature hasn't been below 35 all week.
clogged the machine and stopped the recordings being How do people get used to this kind of heat?
recovered, the same problem also happened to the 3M tape At least today it's windy though.
420 some months later. Keeps the flies off a bit.
Acclimatizing is taking longer than we expected.
Video recording rescued from 1964­video­ October 15
restores­rare­1964­color­tonight­show Fell asleep by the pool yesterday.
Got third degree burns over 60% of my body.
Missed three days off work.
Diary of a POM in Western Australia What a dumb thing to do..
Got to respect the old sun in a climate like this!
August 31
Just got transferred with work from Leeds UK to our new October 20
home in Karratha, Western Australia . Didn't notice Kitty (our cat) sneaking into the car before I
Now this is a town that knows how to live! left for work this morning.
Beautiful, sunny days and warm, balmy evenings. By the time I got back to the car after work, Kitty had died
I watched the sunset from a deckchair by our pool yesterday. and swollen up to the size of a shopping bag and stuck to
It was beautiful. I've finally found my new home. the upholstery.
I love it here. The car now smells like Whiskettes and cat shit.
I've learned my lesson though: no more pets in this heat.
September 13
Really heating up now. October 25
It got to 31 today. This wind is a bastard.
No problem though. It feels like a giant *?@#ing blow dryer.
Living in air­conditioned home, driving air­conditioned car. And it's hot as hell!
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 15
The home air conditioner is on the blink and the repair man Hot and sunny, Hot and *?@#ing sunny.
charged $200 just to drive over and tell me he needs to order It never *?@#ing changes!
parts from *?@#!ing Perth .....The wife & the kids are It's been too hot to do anything for 2 *?@#ing months and
complaining. the weatherman says it might really warm
up next week. *?@#!.
October 30
The temperature's up around 40 and the parts still haven't November 15
arrived for the *?@#ing air conditioner. Doesn't it ever rain in this damn *?@#ing place?
House is an oven so we've all been sleeping outside by the Water restrictions will be next, so my $5,000 worth of palms
pool for 3 nights now. might just dry up and blow into the *?@#ing pool.
Bloody $600,000 house and we can't even go inside. The only things that thrive in this *?@#ing hell­hole are the
Why the hell did I ever come here? *?@#ing flies.
You don't dare open your mouth for fear of swallowing half a
November 4 dozen of the little bastards!
Finally got the *?@#ing air­conditioner fixed. It cost $1,500
and gets the temperature down to around November 20
25 degrees, but the humidity makes it feel about 35. Welcome to HELL!
Stupid repairman. *?@#ing thief. It got to 45 *?@#ing degrees today.
Now the air conditioners gone in my car.
November 8 The repair man came to fix it and said, 'Hot enough for you
If one more smart bastard says 'Hot enough for you today?' today?'
I'm going to *?@#ing throttle him. I wanted to shove the *?@#!ing car up his *?@#ing arse.
*?@#ing heat! Anyway, had to spend the $2,500 mortgage payment to bail
By the time I get to work, the car radiator is boiling over, my me out of jail for assaulting the stupid prick.
*?@#ing clothes are soaking *?@#!ing wet and I smell like *?@#ing Karratha!
baked cat. *?@#ing place is the end of the Earth. What kind of sick, demented *?@#ing idiot would want to
live here!
November 9
Tried to run some errands after work, wore shorts, and sat on December 1
the black leather upholstery in my car. WHAT!!!! The FIRST day of Summer!!!!
I thought my *?@#ing arse was on fire. You are *?@#ing kidding me!
I lost 2 layers of flesh, all the hair on the backs of my legs
and off my *?@#ing arse. (Anonymous)
Now the car smells like burnt hair, fried arse and baked cat.

November 10
The Weather report might as well be a *?@#ing recording..
Hot and sunny.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 16
Amplifier Output Power for Various
Written by Jim Andrews, KH6HTV.
Reprinted by permission.

The question often arises, for a typical class A­B, linear, RF

power amplifier, how much power can I get for various types
of modulation ? A set of tests were performed on a KH6HTV
Video model 70­9B, 70cm, amplifier to obtain some
representative values. The tests were all performed on TV
channel 60 (438­444MHz) with a center frequency of 441
MHz, or 439.25MHz for VUSB­TV.

The table below summarizes the results.

Details on the measurements are on the following pages.

Model 70­9B Amplifier Output Powers

Fig. 1 Model 70­9B Amplifier Pout vs. Pin.

Most all measurements were done at 441 MHz.

Fig. 1 above shows a CW measurement of the output power
vs. the input power. The signal source was a Fluke model
6060B/AK rf signal generator. The output was measured
using a Rigol model DSA­815 spectrum analyzer. A 30dB, 150
Watt attenuator, plus a 10dB, 2 Watt attenuator were used on
the output of the amplifier.

The amplifier is seen to be very linear. Like all good linear

CW/FM: For FM/CW service a very non­linear, class C amplifiers, it eventually saturates at it’s max. output, but in a
amplifier suffices and provides the best efficiency. For all smooth, controlled fashion. The small signal gain was 53dB.
other classes of service a linear amplifier is required [1]. All The saturated output power was +49dBm = 80 watts. The
measurements for this report were made on a KH6HTV Video ­1dB gain compression occurred at +47.2dBm = 52.5 watts.
model 70­9B RF Linear Power Amplifier, S/N 123. Below 20 watts (+43dBm), the amplifier is extremely linear.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 17
At low drive levels, the amplifier is in class A mode. It draws With 100% modulation, the peaks of the modulated output
7.9 Amps at a supply voltage of +13.8Vdc. Thus the waveform are 2 X in voltage and 4 X in power of the un­
quiescent dc input power is about 109 watts. At higher drive modulated carrier. To avoid compression of the peaks, they
levels, it starts to draw more current and enters class A­B. should not extend beyond the ­1dB gain compression level.
When fully saturated, it draws 12.8 Amps. Thus, P(dc) = 177 For this amplifier, it means the Peak Envelope Power (PEP)
watts. At max. saturated rf power output, the efficiency is should be no more than 50 watts (47dBm). Figs. 3 & 4 show
45%. the resultant time domain waveform and frequency
spectrums for a 1 kHz modulation tone when the amplifier is
Fig. 2 shows the amplifier’s spectrums with FM modulation at working at it’s optimum setting of 12.5 watts power. The
max. output of 80W and low power of 2 watts. They are Fluke 6060B was the signal source for this test and the Rigol
identical, except for level. DSA­815 was used for the measurement.

Fig. 2 70­9B Amplifier operating as an FM voice Fig. 3 70­9B Amplifier acting as an AM voice
transmitter. FM spectrum with 1kHz tone and 5kHz transmitter. This is the output RF voltage waveform
deviation. Magenta = max. output of 80 watts. Yellow for a 1KHz tone at 99% modulation. Spectrum
= low power of 2 watts. Spectrum analyzer settings: Analyzer settings: Vert = linear detector, 100% = 50V
10dB/div & 5kHz/div, 50kHz span, BW = 100Hz, VBW = 50 watts (PEP). span = 0, horiz. sweep = 5ms, BW =
= 100Hz. 30kHz, VBW = 30kHz. Pavg = 12.5 watts = 41dBm

AM: For AM modulation, it is important to not overdrive the

amplifier to maintain the fidelity of the waveform up to 100%
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 18
Fig. 4 70­9B Amplifier acting as an AM voice Fig. 5 Spectrum from the Yaesu FT­817, USB
transmitter. These are the output spectrums for a transmitter, putting out a 1 watt (PEP), 1 kHz tone.
1kHz tone at 20% (cyan), 50% (magenta) and 99% Attenuated by 30dB for measurement and use as the
(yellow) modulation. Carrier power = 12.5 watts = input to the 70­9B amplifier. Spectrum analyzer
41dBm Spectrum Analyzer settings: 10dB/div & settings are: 10dB/div & 1kHz/div. 10kHz span, BW =
1kHz/div. BW = 100Hz, VBW = 100Hz 100Hz, VBW = 100Hz. Center Freq. = 441.000 MHz

SSB: For Single Side Band (SSB) service, to maintain Fig. 5 shows the spectrum of the FT­817 transmitter when
linearity, the max. peak output (PEP) should also be limited putting out a 1 watt (PEP) (30dBm) signal.
to the ­1dB gain compression point. Thus, for the 70­9B, it
should be rated at 50 watts (PEP) (47dBm). Fig. 6 (next page) shows the 50 watt (PEP) output from the
70­9B Amplifier.
SSB tests were performed using a Yaesu FT­ 817 SSB
transmitter. This transmitter is capable of 2.5 watts (PEP)
when working on it’s internal battery. The output was
attenuated with a 30dB, 20 watt attenuator, plus an Continued next page...
adjustable step attenuator and used as the test signal input
to the 70­9B amplifier.
This is your free ATV magazine.
The transmitter was set to 441.000 MHz, upper side­band, Please consider contributing an article!
and modulated with a 1 kHz tone.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 19
Fig. 6 SSB output from the 70­9B Amplifier when
driven to 50 watts (PEP) (47dBm) output power by a 1
kHz, USB test signal. 10dB/div. & 1kHz/div.

VUSB­TV: For NTSC, analog TV, the linearity requirements

are more severe than for AM or SSB voice. A 6 MHz wide,
analog TV signal uses Vestigial Upper SideBand (VUSB). It is
essentially an AM modulated signal with the video carrier
present and all of the upper sideband, but only 3/4 MHz of
the lower sideband present. To maintain the 6 MHz channel
purity, the rest of the lower sideband must be suppressed. If
a TV amplifier is driven too hard the sync pulse will be
compressed and the non­ linearities in the amplifier will then
generate out of channel signals. On an analog TV signal, this
is most evident by the re­appearance on the lower sideband
of the mirror image of the 4.5 MHz Sound Sub­Carrier (SSC)
and the 3.58 MHz Color Sub­Carrier (CSC). For amateur TV
service, we have found an acceptable point is to limit the
lower SSC non­linearity to be no greater than ­20dB below Fig. 7 NTSC signal generator and Tektronix waveform
the upper sideband SSC. monitors (top) and Toshiba video monitor (above)
showing color bar test signal.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 20
Analog TV transmitters are rated by the peak power of the
highest feature of the video waveform, namely the sync
pulse. They are thus rated in a similar fashion to SSB
transmitters, with a PEP rating. Average (rms) power
measurements on an analog TV transmitter are relatively

The average power varies depending upon the video content

and thus will wander around considerably as the program
material changes. Going from a totally white to totally black
screen results in almost a 4dB variation.

For these VUSB­TV tests, a Blonder­Tongue model ACM­806

CATV modulator was used as the rf signal source. It was set
to Ch 60 (439.25MHz), 0dBm (PEP) and ­20dBc for the SSC.
It was modulated using standard NTSC test signals from a
B&K model 1251 TV signal generator.
Fig. 8 RF spectrum of NTSC, VUSB­TV signal from
A Drake model DMM­806 CATV receiver was used to de­ CATV modulator. Test signal is color bars. Spectrum
modulate the resultant rf TV signals from the 70­9B amplifier Analyzer settings are: 10dB/div, 2MHz/div. 20MHz
under test. The baseband video output from the Drake span, IF BW = 30kHz, VBW = 30kHz. Detector = Pos
receiver was viewed and measured on a Tektronix model Peak, Display = max. hold sweep = auto The video
528A, TV Waveform Monitor. It was also viewed on JVC and carrier is in the center at 439.25MHz. The color sub­
Toshiba video monitors. The standard test signal used was carrier is the peak, 3.58MHz above the video carrier.
color bars, see Fig. 7. The sound sub­carrier is the spike, 4.5MHz above the
video carrier. Note that most of the lower sideband is
Fig. 8 shows the rf spectrum from the CATV modulator, while severely attenuated.
Fig. 9 shows the rf spectrum of the 70­9B amplifier’s output.
The video test signal was standard color bars.

The rf drive level was adjusted up to the point at which the

spurious SSC on the lower sideband had risen to be ­20dB
below the SSC on the upper sideband. At this point, the sync
pulse peak power is 28 watts (PEP) (44.5dBm).

Note: that the spurious CSC on the lower sideband has come
up to about ­30dB below the CSC on the upper sideband.

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 21

Fig. 10 shows the demodulated TV signals from both the
CATV modulator and also after amplification by the 70­9B
amplifier. The test signal displayed is the standard color bar
test pattern. TV standards call for the video signal to be
exactly 1.0 V ptp into 75 ohms, with the sync pulse being ­40
IRE units in height and the white level being 100 IRE units
above the black reference level. The CATV modulator’s
waveform meets this spec. After amplification, there is some
distortion. The sync pulse is now compressed from 40 to 36
IRE units. The white to black is expanded from 100 to 103
IRE units.

Fig. 11 (next page) shows the actual RF envelope as

measured by the spectrum analyzer. The video test signal
was a standard B&W staircase. TV standards call for the tip of
Fig. 9 RF spectrum of NTSC, VUSB­TV signal output the sync pulse to be at the 100% (i.e. max.) level. The black,
from 70­9B Amplifier. Pout = 28 watts (PEP) back­porch reference level is to be at the 75% level and the
(44.5dBm). Note presence of undesired SSC & CSC on white level is to be at the 12% level. The rf output from the
lower sideband. B­T CATV modulator meets these specs. (left photo). After
amplification to the 28 watt (PEP) level, the rf envelope
waveform has been distorted by a small amount. Due to
compression of the sync pulse, the reference black level has
shifted up from 75% to 78% and the white level has shifted
up from 12% to 13%.

DIGITAL TV: Digital TV (DTV) utilizes extremely complex

modulation waveforms consisting typically of many COFDM

Unlike an AM or VUSB­ TV signal, there is no truly

distinguishable major feature, such as a sync pulse, to lock
Fig. 10 Demodulated TV signal video, color bars, onto for observation.
waveform as displayed on Tek 528A TV waveform
monitor. Left photo is the test signal from the B­T The DTV signal instead resembles a random noise source.
ACM­806 CATV modulator. Right photo is the resultant This can be confirmed by tuning in a DTV signal on an AM or
output after the signal on the left was amplified by a SSB receiver. It sounds just like background, random noise,
model 70­9B rf linear power amplifier to 28 watts except that the signal strength, S meter reads the presence
(PEP). of extra rf power.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 22
Thus, for characterizing DTV transmitters, they are not rated
in terms of peak power like an analog TV transmitter, but
instead in terms of RMS, average power of the noise like
signal. A DTV transmitter does need to provide considerable
head room to accommodate peaks in the DTV signal many dB
above the RMS average power.

Caution must be exercised in the selection of a power meter

to accurately characterize a DTV transmitter. The power
meter must measure true RMS power. Most inexpensive
power meters use a simple semiconductor diode detector
which actually measures the peak voltage. The meter readout
is then calibrated in equivalent rms power assuming the
signal was a true sine wave. This is obviously not the case for
a DTV transmitter. A thermistor type power meter head will
give a true rms reading.

Many TV amateurs in the USA that are experimenting with

DTV are using the European terrestrial, digital broadcast TV
standard of DVB­T. DVB­T supports three different types of
modulation. They are: QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM. Fig. 20.6
[2,3] below shows the constellation I­Q diagrams for these
modulations. Each dot represents a particular
amplitude/phase vector and a unique logic state. The more
complex QAM modulations can support higher data rates
within a fixed bandwidth channel, but at the expense of
reduced receiver sensitivity.

Fig. 11 B&W Staircase Video Test Signal. Detected RF

waveforms from B­T CATV modulator (top) and after
amplification by 70­9B rf linear power amplifier
(above) to 28 watt (PEP). Measured by Rigol DSA­815
spectrum analyzer. Settings were: center freq. =
439.25MHz, 0 Hz span, BW = 1MHz, VBW = 3MHz,
detector = normal, freeze display, vert = linear
display, Ref. level (top) = 37.5 V = 44.5dBm = 28
watts, horiz = time display, 200µs.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 23
Careful examination of the I­Q diagrams in Fig. 20.6 will 16QAM is the next higher level of modulation used in DVB­T.
reveal the presence of four additional dots on the horizontal, It stands for sixteen state Q uadrature A mplitude M
I line. These are identified in Fig. 20.3. [3] They are odulation. Each quadrant of the QPSK, I­Q diagram is now
additional pilot carriers used to carry data for receiver divided further into four more sectors, for a total of 16
initialization and synchronization, and for channel distortion sectors. There now are three distinct amplitude levels.
measurement and correction. Because different amplitudes represent different logic values,
16QAM is thus more susceptible to degradation than QPSK,
more like AM vs. FM.

64QAM is the highest level of complexity allowed in DVB­T.

As seen in Fig. 20.6, each of the 16QAM sectors is again
divided by four, for a total of 64 sectors. It is even more
susceptible to amplitude degradatin than 16QAM.

DTV Transmitter Measurements: A transmitter is

obviously characterized by it’s output power. See above
discussion. For a DTV transmitter, another important
parameter is the MER, or M odulation E rror R atio. However,
MER is a very complex parameter and requires a
sophisticated measurement instrument, not typically found in
an amateur ham shack.

Most DTV receivers, even the cheapest ones, give some

QPSK is the simplest of the three modulations. QPSK stands indication of the signal strength and also quality. The quality
for Q uadrature P hase S hift K eying. It is related to BPSK­31 rating is a relative measure of the decoded S/N ratio. On
which is commonly used by radio amateurs for digital text most cheap receivers, it is simply an uncalibrated bar graph,
communications on the HF band. but this can still be a useful indicator. If you transmitter
shows anything less than 100% quality, then it is distorting
BPSK is simple binary phase modulation in which the phase the rf signal and you need to back off on the drive level. On
of the transmitted signal is either 0o or 180o , which is the the Hi­Des receivers, they actually give an on screen display
equivalent of simply turning a sine wave upside down.. of the actual received signal strength in dBm and also the
S/N in dB. For QPSK, the best S/N = 23dB. For 16QAM, the
For QPSK, the phase is rotated in 90o increments from 45o to best S/N = 26dB. For 64QAM, the best S/N = 32dB.
135o to 225o to 315o . The signal amplitude always remains
the same, much like a CW or FM signal. QPSK is the most Another measurement that can be easily performed, if one
robust form of DTV modulation as it does not require any has access to a spectrum analyzer is the Shoulder
amplitude changes, much like FM in this regard. Attenuation. It is a good indicator of the amount of non­
linearity present in the transmitter’s rf signal.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 24
The ideal DVB­T spectrum looks like white noise riding on top When a DTV signal is amplified by a power amplifier, as the
of a rectangular pedestal. The output from a good quality drive level is increased, the undesired, out of channel,
DVB­T modulator is a good example. See Fig. 14. Anything shoulders will be seen to rise more rapidly than the actual
observed outside of the channel bandwidth other than the power of the input drive signal. These shoulders are
receiver noise floor is an undesired artifact created by non­ undesirable for two reasons.
linearites. Fig. 14 shows a minimal amount of shoulder
energy well below ­40dB outside of the 6 MHz channel. The The first is distortion and worse MER for the transmitted DTV
DVB­T standards [4] specify that the shoulder attenuation is signal. The second is spectrum contamination. To avoid
to be measured ± 200 kHz beyond the channel edges. For interference with other services on frequencies outside of our
the example in Fig. 14, the shoulder attenuation was assigned channel, our transmitters must be clean and not put
measured to be ­45dB. The analyzer’s noise floor in this signals into adjacent channels.
example is at ­77dBm.
Commercial, broadcast TV transmitters have extremely
stringent out of channel requirements for the shoulders to be
suppressed > 50dB.

A typical broadcast DTV transmitter’s shoulders will be at

about ­28dB. Then expensive, digital, predistortion is applied
to the drive signal reducing the shoulders to ­38dB. Finally a
sharp cutoff, channel band­pass filter is used on the
amplifier’s output to further reduce the shoulders to ­52dB

For the amateur TV service, we do not have the big bucks

$$$ to implement digital pre­distortion. We do however, often
use, especially for our TV repeaters, sharp cut­off, band­pass,
channel filters.

For the typical, ham DTV station, a good compromise in

terms of maximizing output power, minimizing adjacent
Fig. 14 QPSK spectrum from Hi­Des model HV­100EH, channel RFI, and maintaining good MER is to set the drive
DVB­T Modulator. Measured by Rigol DSA­815 level so that the amplifier’s shoulder attenuation is about
spectrum analyzer. Analyzer settings were: 10dB/div ­30dB.
& 2MHz/div, 20MHz span, 2 second scan rate, BW =
30kHz, VBW = 300kHz, rms detector, plus signal Fig. 15 shows the resultant spectrum for a model 70­9B
averaging. Shoulder attenuation measured 200kHz amplifier with ­30dB shoulders.
beyond channel edge. Value of ­45dB shown for a 6
MHz channel.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 25
Fig. 15 Model 70­9B Amplifier output spectrum for Fig. 16 Model 70­9B Ampler output spectrum for max.
optimum drive level resulting in ­30dB shoulders. Pout drive level resulting in ­12dB shoulders. Pout =
= +39dBm = 8 watts rms +47.5dBm = 56 watts rms Totally unacceptable
spectrum contamination.
Tests were also run on increasing the rf drive power and
observing the shoulder attenuation and also the S/N as +41.1dBm (13W), the S/N started to degrade and the
measured on a Hi­Des model HV­110 receiver. For QPSK, shoulder dropped to ­25dB. Further increasing the drive
when the output power was increased to +42dBm (16W), the power, the S/N dropped to 14dB and the receiver locked up.
S/N started to degrade and the shoulder dropped to ­25dB. At this level, the output power was 45.3dBm (34W) and the
shoulder was ­16dB.
Driving the amplifier very hard to get maximum output power
resulted in the totally unacceptable spectrum shown in Fig. For 64QAM, when the output power was increased to
16. At this level of severe compression of the QPSK signal, +37.9dBm (6.2W), the S/N started to degrade and the
the receiver’s S/N dropped to 9dB, but the receiver was still shoulder dropped to ­32dB. Further increasing the drive
able to decode the images. power, the S/N dropped to 20dB and the receiver locked up.

This demonstrated that QPSK is very resilient to amplitude At this level, the output power was 42.7dBm (19W) and the
compression, much like the results with FM. shoulder was ­21dB. Thus for 64QAM, the shoulder
requirement is even more stringent and should be set no
The same tests were performed using 16QAM and 64QAM. higher than ­33dB.
For 16QAM, when the output power was increased to
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 26
These above tests show the necessity of providing
considerable “head room” in a DTV transmitter. The head­
room is the difference between the acceptable rms output
power and the amplifier’s max. saturated output power. From
the final results reported in the table on page 1, the
minumum head rooms required are: QPSK = 10dB, 16QAM =
10.5dB and 64QAM = 11.2dB


1. ”Linear Amplifiers ­ Buyer Beware”, Jim Andrews, KH6HTV

Video application note, AN­8, Sept. 2011, 2 pages

2. “Digital Video & Audio Broadcasting Technology”, W.

Fischer, Springer, Heidelberg, New York, 2010, 811 pages

3. Figs. 20.3 & 20.6 come from Ref. [2] pages 373 & 378

4. See Ref [2], section 21.2, pages 425­428

5. See Ref [2], section 21.7, pages 446­450

Check out the DKARS website at:­

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 27

Printing Artwork onto PCB’s without UV The artwork still needs printing, but onto art work paper the
sort used for magazine covers. No it does not have to be
Written by John Hudson G3RFL blank, just print on top of the cover artwork. There is a BUT,
it has to be a laser printer, I tried ink jet and failed. I resorted
to a Brother HL­1210W Laser Mono Printer which I definitely
paid only £29 for as a “special” about 3 years ago from
Staples and still using the same toner cartridge. Pleased I did
not throw that out in the last shack clearance.

This printer has never produced ink­black prints (except on

paper) but I’ve just found out (after a firmware and software
update) that the contrast can now be altered.

Various mono laser printers out there but they appear to be

around £60 at the cheapest (search, search and search
again!). For example:­
DIY PCB Toner Transfer (No Heat) & Etching. No need pdt.html
to use an Iron, transfer easily and fast!
As always, the toners cost a fortune! Often more than the
For some time now I have been photo etching PCB’s using original printer + the first toner cartridge, I think that’s why
boards pre coated with a UV sensitive varnish. The process we all moved to ink jet.
works well, but the cost of the pre coated board has been
getting more and more expensive and I wondered if there The next step is to contact print the artwork onto the copper
was an alternative. The solution came as most solutions do board and in the video this is done by using nail polish
these days from the internet. The link is at the end of the remover, the paper is secured to the copper board by folding
article. it over the edges and sticking down with masking tape, other
tape will I am sure do the trick as it is not an integral part of
The layout was generated from a CAD programme, where the process. The artwork is soaked through with nail polish
would we be without CAD there are many design packages remover and finger pressed and allowed to dry, this
and all of them will print out the copper work to paper, if only effectively transfers the artwork from the glossy magazine
we could get the PCB into the printer instead of the paper, cover to the PCB and yes it works.
alas that is not possible (Ed. ­ This is possible, see end of
article), but the video comes up with the next best thing a Nail polish remover is Acetone based and pure Acetone – is
simple transfer, that does not involve printing onto film and MUCH cheaper and doesn’t contain stuff like Aloe Vera,
then the UV transfer process. distilled water etc.
CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 28
Make sure the PCB is as clean as you can get it. Acetone (and One from the Vault
its fumes) will attack a LOT of plastics (that’s how this system
works – laser toner is basically a plasticised powder that Originally published in our first issue 5 and a half
turns into a VERY thin layer of plastic with modest heat that years ago!!
will not stick to glossy paper!). Use in a well ventilated area –
nasty stuff! Inexpensive home constructed dummy load

Once you have a transfer you can etch in the conventional Written by John Hudson G3RFL
way, my favourite is a Ferric Chloride solution which works
well with my bubble bath, but the author in the video has a In a senior moment, I managed to damage my RF dummy
preference for plastic forks to agitate the solution. Load, by using it on a 13cms transmitter that was more than
capable of delivering 120W. So it was time to consider a
Will it save money, Yes a Wi­Fi connected printer from ARGOS replacement and an upgrade to cope with the higher power
is just £59 Levels.

This process does not need special PCB at £8 a go and the I started by purchasing a 50ohm 250W surface mount
savings will it will soon pay for the printer! resistor. The resistor I chose has a specification (see data
sheets below) that will enable it to be used up to at least
My thanks to Ted G4MXR and Dave G3ZGZ. who have also 2GHz,and cost £7. I have seen some on eBay for about the
tried the process and Gareth Burrows for the original idea. same price, but only 150W versions.

Editors note: For those that want try direct printing to pcb
material here is but one of many articles for using an inkjet
printer, but be warned, it is not for the feint­hearted:­an­Inkjet­

And one for using a laser printer:­of­the­

An internet search with the words 'inkjet pcb print' or 'laser

printer pcb print' will turn up plenty more results.

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 29

I was fortunate to find suitable heatsink in my junk box,
something I suspect was left over from a computer upgrade.

It was a simple task to drill the heat sink and mount the
resistor applying a liberal dosage of heat transfer compound.
I folded the TAB back over itself onto its top and filed an "N"
type connector plug, filing the centre pin down as much as
possible as this goes over the resistor and compression
touches the resistor tab, carefully not over tightening it or
you will break the resistor.

In theory the unit should work up to 2GHz, but my first test

was on 2m with just 50w, the heatsink soon got too hot to
hold, after only a few minutes.

So I decided to add a fan, a quick search of my junk box and

I failed to come up with a suitable fan for the heat sink,
probably why the heat sink was in my junk box, so it was
time to invest some of my children’s inheritance in a
commercial product.

The 12V fan I chose came from CPC and was designed for Completed unit far
use on PCu/P and cost just over £7.
See next page for Data sheets.
When the fan arrived I fitted it and repeated the experiment
with the two meter source, once the heat sink became to hot
to hold, I powered up the fan, and after only a few minutes
the temperature dropped to just a few deg above room

I was well pleased with my £7 investment, in what proved to

be a very quiet fan, well worth the £7. The fan also has the
third wire which provides pulses to indicate the fan is
spinning, this might be useful for the future when I develop
the unit further, but my first addition will be a Voltage
detector interfaced to a PIC so I can read out the POWER via
a USB this space.

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 30

CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 31
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CQ-DATV 64 - October 2018 Page 32
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