Physical Pharmacy: The Gaseous State

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Physical pharmacy

Lec 5 dr basam al zayady

States of matter

The Gaseous State

Gas molecules have vigorous and rapid motion that result in collisions not
only with one another but also with the walls of the container in which they are
Hence, they exert a pressure (a force per unit area) expressed in dynes/cm2,
atm. or in mm Hg because of the use of the barometer in pressure
measurement. Another important characteristic of a gas, its volume, is usually
expressed in liters or (1 cm3 = 1 mL). The temperature involved in the gas
equations is given according the absolute or Kelvin scale. Zero degrees on the
centigrade scale is equal to 273.15 Kelvin (K).
1 atm = 760 mm Hg
= 76 cm Hg
= 1.0133 x 106 dyne/cm2
Ideal gas properties:
1- The particles of the gas do not attract one another (no intermolecular
forces), but instead move with complete independence; this statement
applies only at low pressures.

2- The total volume of gases molecules is so small as to be negligible in relation
to the volume of the space in which the molecules are confined while the
real gases composed of molecules of finite volume.
3- The particles exhibit continuous random motion owing to their kinetic
energy. The average kinetic energy, E, is directly proportional to the absolute
temperature of the gas.
4- The molecules exhibit perfect elasticity; that is, there is no net loss of speed
or transfer of energy after they collide with one another and with the
molecules in the walls of the confining vessel.
5- The ideal gas can be compressed or cooled but with out liquification (remain
gas) while the real gas can be compressed, cooled and converted to liquid

Q/ which one have larger volume, the real gas or Ideal gas ?


Under standard conditions (1 atm , 0 Co , 1 mole)

At this conditions the calculated volume of ideal gas is (22.414 L)
While the measured volume of real gas is (22.207 L)
Therefore V ideal < V real

Q/ under wt conditions the real gas is converted or behave as Ideal gas ?

Ans./ by increasing the temp. and decreasing the pressure

For example at 10 Co and 0.9 atm the calculated volume of the ideal gas 25.78 L
while in the laboratory and under the same conditions we can measure the real
gas volume which is 25.69 L.
By increasing the temp to 20 Co and decreasing the pressure to 0.7 atm the
calculated volume of ideal gas is 34.32 L which is the same as the measured
volume of real gas.
So under these conditions of temp and pressure the real gas behave as ideal gas
(we can apply the ideal gas law).
This phenomena can be explained by the fact that as the temp increased, the
kinetic energy of gas molecules will increase causing them to speed up in their
motion and this speed can overcome the intermolecular forces acting between
them, so real gas behave as ideal gas.
The same effect will be gained by decreasing the pressure until the forces
approach zero which is the property of ideal gas.

Note: in ideal gas, the absence of attraction between particles will cause them to
hit the wall of container with force that depend on speed and size of the particles
while in real gases, the presence of attraction between molecules will pull the
particles to the centre of container and slow it down which will decrease the force
of collision with the container wall and hence the pressure will decrease.

So V ideal < V real

P ideal < P real

The Ideal Gas Law
Boyle's law relates the volume and pressure of a given mass of gas at constant


The law of Gay-Lussac and Charles states that the volume and absolute
temperature of a given mass of gas at constant pressure are directly proportional,


These equations can be combined to obtain the familiar relationship

Thus, one can conclude that although P, V, and T change, the ratio PV/T is
constant and can be expressed mathematically as


in which R is the constant value for the PV/T ratio of an ideal gas. This equation is
correct only for 1 mole (i.e., 1 g molecular weight) of gas; for n moles it becomes

To obtain a numerical value for R, let us proceed as follows. If 1 mole of an ideal

gas is chosen, its volume under standard conditions of temperature and pressure
(i.e., at 0°C and 760 mm Hg) has been found by experiment to be 22.414 liters.
The molar gas constant can also be given in energy units by expressing the
pressure in dynes/cm2 (1 atm = 1.0133 × 106 dynes/cm2) and the volume in the
corresponding units of cm3 (22.414 liters = 22,414 cm3). Then

or, because 1 joule = 107 ergs,

The constant can also be expressed in cal/mole deg, employing the equivalent 1
cal = 4.184 joules:

Liquid states of matter:

Material substances can be mixed together to form a variety of pharmaceutical
mixtures (or dispersions) such as true solutions, colloidal dispersions, and coarse

A dispersion consists of at least two phases with one or more dispersed

(internal) phases contained in a single continuous (external) phase.

The term phase is defined as a distinct homogeneous part of a system
separated by definite boundaries from other parts of the system.

Solution: is a mixture of two or more components that form a single phase that
is homogenous down the molecular level, it is mostly consist of solute and

The diameter of particles in coarse dispersions is greater than ~500 nm (0.5

µm). Two common pharmaceutical coarse dispersions are emulsions (liquid–liquid
dispersions) and suspensions (solid–liquid dispersions). A colloidal dispersion
represents a system having a particle size intermediate between that of a true
solution and a coarse dispersion, roughly 1 to 500 nm.

Commonly, the terms component and constituent are used interchangeably to

represent the pure chemical substances that make up a solution. The constituent
present in the greater amount in a binary solution is arbitrarily designated as the
solvent and the constituent in the lesser amount as the solute.

Physical Properties of Substances

In the field of thermodynamics, physical properties of systems are classified as

extensive properties, which depend on the quantity of the matter in the system
(e.g., mass and volume), and intensive properties, which are independent of the
amount of the substances in the system (e.g., temperature, pressure, density,
surface tension, and viscosity of a pure liquid).

The physical properties of substances can be classified as:

a- Colligative properties depend mainly on the number of particles in a
solution. Such as osmotic pressure, vapor pressure lowering, freezing point
depression, and boiling point elevation. In considering the colligative
properties of solid-in-liquid solutions, it is assumed that the solute is
nonvolatile and that the pressure of the vapor above the solution is
provided entirely by the solvent.
b- Additive properties depend on the total contribution of the atoms in the
molecule or on the sum of the properties of the constituents in a solution
such as molecular weight.
c- Constitutive properties depend on the arrangement and to a lesser extent
on the number and kind of atoms within a molecule. These properties give
clues to the constitution of individual compounds and groups of molecules
in a system.
Many physical properties may be partly additive and partly constitutive.
The refraction of light, electric properties, surface and interfacial
characteristics, and the solubility of drugs are at least in part constitutive
and in part additive properties

Types of Solutions

A solution can be classified according to the states in which the solute and
solvent occur, and because three states of matter (gas, liquid, and crystalline
solid) exist, nine types of homogeneous mixtures of solute and solvent are
possible. These types, together with some examples, are given in Table 1

Table 1 Types of Solutions

Solute Solvent Example

Gas Gas Air

Liquid Gas Water in oxygen

Solid Gas Iodine vapor in air

Gas Liquid Carbonated water

Liquid Liquid Alcohol in water

Solid Liquid Aqueous sodium chloride solution

Gas Solid Hydrogen in palladium

Liquid Solid Mineral oil in paraffin

Solid Solid Gold—silver mixture, mixture of alums

Electrolyte and non electrolyte solutions:

The solutes (whether gases, liquids, or solids) are divided into two main
classes: nonelectrolytes and electrolytes. Nonelectrolytes are substances that do
not ionize when dissolved in water and therefore do not conduct an electric
current through the solution. Examples of nonelectrolytes are sucrose, glycerin,
naphthalene, and urea.

Electrolytes are substances that dissolve in water and form ions in solution
(anion and cation), conduct electric current, and show apparent “anomalous”
colligative properties; that is, they produce a considerably greater freezing point
depression and boiling point elevation than do nonelectrolytes of the same
concentration. Examples of electrolytes are hydrochloric acid, sodium sulfate,
ephedrine, and phenobarbital.

Electrolytes may be subdivided further into strong electrolytes which are
completely ionized and conduct a strong electrical current such as sodium
chloride, and weak electrolytes that are only slightly ionized in aqueous solution
and conduct electrical current weakly (eg. ephedrine and phenobarbital are weak

Concentration Expressions

Table 2 Concentration Expressions

Expression Symbol Definition

Molarity M, c Moles (gram molecular weights) of solute in 1 liter of solution
Normality N Gram equivalent weights of solute in 1 liter of solution
Molality m Moles of solute in 1000 g of solvent
Mole fraction X,N Ratio of the moles of one constituent (e.g., the solute) of a
solution to the total moles of all constituents (solute and solvent)

Mole percent Moles of one constituent in 100 moles of the solution; mole
percent is obtained by multiplying mole fraction by 100

Percent by weight % w/w Grams of solute in 100 g of solution

Percent by volume % v/v Milliliters of solute in 100 mL of solution
Percent weight-in-volume % w/v Grams of solute in 100 mL of solution

Milligram percent — Milligrams of solute in 100 mL of solution

Example 1:Solutions of Ferrous Sulfate

An aqueous solution of exsiccated ferrous sulfate was prepared by adding 41.50 g
of FeSO4 to enough water to make 1000 mL of solution at 18°C. The density of
the solution is 1.0375 and the molecular weight of FeSO4 is 151.9. Calculate (a)
the molarity; (b) the molality; (c) the mole fraction of FeSO4, the mole fraction of

water, and the mole percent of the two constituents; and (d) the percentage by
weight of FeSO4.
Example 2: Calculation of Equivalent Weight
(a) What is the number of equivalents per mole of K3PO4, and what is the
equivalent weight of this salt? (b) What is the equivalent weight of KNO3? (c)
What is the number of equivalents per mole of Ca3(PO4)2, and what is the
equivalent weight of this salt?

 K3PO4 represents 3 Eq/mole, and its equivalent weight is numerically equal

to one third of its molecular weight, namely, (212 g/mole) ÷ (3 Eq/mole) =
70.7 g/Eq.
 The equivalent weight of KNO3 is also equal to its molecular weight, or 101
 The number of equivalents per mole for Ca3(PO4)2 is 6 (i.e., three calcium
ions each with a valence of 2 or two phosphate ions each with a valence of
3). The equivalent weight of Ca3(PO4)2 is therefore one sixth of its molecular
weight, or 310/6 = 51.7 g/Eq.

Example 3: For a complex salt such as monobasic potassium phosphate

(potassium acid phosphate), KH2PO4 (molecular weight, 136 g), the equivalent
weight depends on how the compound is used. If it is used for its potassium
content, the equivalent weight is identical to its molecular weight, or 136 g. When
it is used as a buffer for its hydrogen content, the equivalent weight is one half of
the molecular weight, 136/2 = 68 g, because two hydrogen atoms are present.

When used for its phosphate content, the equivalent weight of KH2PO4 is one
third of the molecular weight, 136/3 = 45.3 g, because valence of phosphate is 3.

Ideal and Real Solutions

Ideal solution as one in which there is no change in the properties of the

components, other than dilution, when they are mixed to form the solution. No
heat is evolved or absorbed during the mixing process, and the final volume of the
solution represents an additive property of the individual constituents. Stated
another way, no shrinkage or expansion occurs when the substances are mixed.
The constitutive properties, for example, the vapor pressure, refractive index,
surface tension, and viscosity of the solution, are the weighted averages of the
properties of the pure individual constituents.

Mixing substances with similar properties forms ideal solutions. For example,
when 100 mL of methanol is mixed with 100 mL of ethanol, the final volume of
the solution is 200 mL, and no heat is evolved or absorbed. The solution is nearly
ideal. When 100 mL of sulfuric acid is combined with 100 mL of water, however,
the volume of the solution is about 180 mL at room temperature, and the mixing is
attended by a considerable evolution of heat; the solution is said to be nonideal, or


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