AP1 Simple Harmonic Motion Student

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Advanced Placement

Simple Harmonic Motion

Student 2014-2015
Simple Harmonic Motion

What I Absolutely Have to Know to Survive the AP* Exam

• Whenever the acceleration of an object is proportional to its displacement and is oppositely directed,
• the object will move with Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). In harmonic motion there is always a
restorative force, which acts in the opposite direction of the displacement. The restorative force
changes during oscillation and depends on the position of the object. In a spring the force is given
by Hooke’s Law, in a pendulum it is the component of gravity along the path, or directly opposite
that of the displacement.
• Remember that a spring constant tells you how rigid the spring is and how much force per unit
distance is needed to elongate or compress the spring.
• The oscillating object does not lose any energy in SHM. Friction is assumed to be negligible.
• Objects in simple harmonic motion do not obey kinematic equations of motion because the
acceleration is not constant. As a spring compresses, the force (and hence acceleration) increases.
As a pendulum swings, the tangential component of the force of gravity changes, so the acceleration
• The period, T, is the amount of time it takes for the harmonic motion to repeat itself, or for the
object to complete one full cycle. In SHM, T is the time it takes the object to return to its exact
starting point and starting direction.
• The frequency, f, is the number of cycles an object goes through in 1 second. Frequency is measured
in Hertz (Hz). 1 Hz = 1 cycle per sec.
• The amplitude, A, is the distance from the equilibrium (or center) point of motion to either its lowest
or highest point (end points). The amplitude, therefore, is half of the total distance covered by the
oscillating object. The amplitude can vary in harmonic motion but is constant in SHM.
• The kinetic energy and the speed are at a maximum at the equilibrium point, but the potential energy
and restorative force is zero there.
• At the end points the potential energy is at a maximum, while the kinetic energy and speed are zero.
At the end points the restorative force and acceleration are at a maximum.
• In SHM since energy is conserved the best method for calculating position and velocity is to set the
total energy equal to the sum of kinetic and potential energies. Similarly force and acceleration are
 ΣF
best calculated by using Newton’s second law a = .

Key Formulas and Relationships

Hooke’s Law
 
Fs = k x

x = displacement of object (m)
k = force or spring constant (N/m)

x = Acos(2π ft)

AP* is a trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board. The College Entrance Examination Board was not
involved in the production of this material.
Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved.
Simple Harmonic Motion

x = displacement of object (m)

A= amplitude = maximum displacement for equilibrium displacement (m)
f=frequency (hertz, Hz or oscillations/sec)
t = time (s)

Other equations
2π 1
T= =
ω f
1 ω
f = =
T 2π

T = period of oscillation (seconds)
f = frequency (hertz, Hz or oscillations/sec)

SHM of an object vibrating on a spring

Ts = 2π

k = spring constant
m = mass of object of spring (kg)

Energy in SHM
For an object on a spring
U s = kx 2
K = mv 2
U = elastic potential energy (J)
K = kinetic energy (J)

1 2
Etotal = kA
Total energy in SHM is proportional to A2.

SHM for a simple pendulum

Tp = 2π

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

pendulum is swinging at small angles ( θ < 15° )

l = length of simple pendulum (meters)
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s2

Example 1

A spring of negligible mass and of spring constant 245 N/m is hung vertically and not extended. A mass of
2.5 kg is attached to the spring and it stretches a distance xo.

(a) What is xo in meters?

Use Hooke’s law

F = kx
mg (2.5kg )(9.8m / s 2 )
xo = =
k 245 N / m
xo = 0.10 m

Now the spring is pulled down an additional distance x = 0.06 meters.

(b) What is the frequency of the motion when the spring is released from (x + xo)?

1 k
f =
2π m
1 245N / m
f =
2π 2.5kg
f = 1.58 Hz

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

Questions 1 – 2
An object of mass 0.8 kg is initially at rest on a horizontal frictionless surface. The
object is acted upon by a horizontal force F, the magnitude of which varies as function of
the displacement of the object d as shown in the graph.

F (N)

0 0.2
d (m)

1. Which of the following would be most likely to produce the force shown in the graph?

a) a string tied to a falling mass

b) a stretched spring
c) a magnet placed in the direction of the displacement
d) kinetic friction

2. The amount of work done by the force F in displacing the object 0.2 m is most nearly

a) 0 J
b) 1 J
c) 2 J
d) 4 J

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

Questions 3 – 4

A simple pendulum is constructed from a string of length l and a bob of mass m as shown
in the diagram. It is released from rest at point I, which is a vertical distance y from the
equilibrium position. The bob has zero potential energy at point II. Friction and drag are


y y


3. The speed of the pendulum bob when it is in position II is most nearly

1 2
a) ml
b) 2gy
c) 2g (l − y )
d) 2g ( l 2 − y 2 )

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

4. Which of the following graphs best shows the total energy of the pendulum bob as a
function of displacement?

a) b) c)


d) e)


5. A block is attached to a horizontal spring and put into simple harmonic motion with
amplitude of 6.0 cm. When the block is 3.0 cm from the equilibrium position, what is the
ratio of total mechanical energy to kinetic energy?


6. What is the total energy of a 1.0 kg object on a horizontal spring with amplitude of
0.10 m and frequency of 5 Hz?

1 2
A. π
B. π 2
C. π 2
D. 5π 2

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

7. A mass-spring system is set up so that it exhibits SHM with an amplitude of 6.0 cm.
How are the total mechanical energy and the system’s maximum displacement affected if
the amplitude was doubled to 12.0 cm?

Total Mechanical Energy Maximum Displacement

A. 4 times larger 4 times larger
B. 4 times larger 2 times larger
C. 2 times larger 2 times larger
D. 4 times larger not changed

8. Mass-spring system A has a frequency fA. Mass spring system B has a frequency
fB = 2fA. Both springs have the same length and the same spring constant. How are mA
and mB related?

A. m A = mB
B. m A = mB
C. m A = 2m B
D. mA = 4mB

9. The pendulum in a clock increases in length slightly as the clock’s temperature

increases. How will this affect the clock’s time keeping abilities?

A. The pendulum swings slower, so the clock runs slower.

B. The clock’s molecules vibrate faster, so the clock runs faster.
C. The pendulum swings faster, so the clock runs faster.
D. The longer pendulum can keep more accurate time.

10. A simple pendulum on the Earth’s surface, a distance of R from the center of the
Earth, has a period of 1.0 second. The pendulum is moved to a distance 2R from the
Earth’s center. What is the period at the new location?

A. 1.0s
B. 2.0s
C. 3.0s
D. 4.0s

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion


A block of mass 3.0 kg is hung from a spring, causing it to stretch 12 cm at equilibrium,

as shown above. The 3.0 kg block is then replaced by a 4.0 kg block, and the new block
is released from the position shown above, at which the spring is unstretched. How far
will the 4.0 kg block fall before its direction is reversed?
A. 9 cm
B. 18 cm
C. 24 cm
D. 32 cm


A sphere of mass m1, which is attached to a spring, is displaced downward from its
equilibrium position as shown above left and released from rest. A sphere of mass m2,
which is suspended from a string of length , is displaced to the right as shown above
right and released from rest so that it swings as a simple pendulum with small amplitude.
Assume that both spheres undergo simple harmonic motion. Which of the following is
true for both spheres?

A. The maximum kinetic energy is attained as the sphere passes through its equilibrium
B. The maximum kinetic energy is attained as the sphere reaches its point of release.
C. The minimum gravitational potential energy is attained as the sphere passes through
its equilibrium position.
D. The maximum gravitational potential energy is attained when the sphere reaches its
point of release.

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

Questions 13 –14
A block oscillates without friction on the end of a spring as shown. The minimum and
maximum lengths of the spring as it oscillates are, respectively, xmin and xmax located at
positions I and III.

13. The graphs below can represent quantities associated with the oscillation as functions
of the length x of the spring. Which of the following graphs best shows the total
mechanical energy of the block-spring system as a function of displacement?

a) b) c)


d) e)


Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

14. Which of the following graphs best shows the kinetic energy of the block as a
function of displacement?

a) b) c)


d) e)


Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

Question 1 (12 pts)

1. A block of mass m is attached to an ideal spring of spring constant k, the other end of
which is fixed. The block is on a level, frictionless surface as shown in the diagram. At
time t0, the block is set into simple harmonic motion of period T by an external force
pushing it to the right, giving the block initial velocity v0. Express all answers in terms of
the given quantities and fundamental constants.


A. Determine the amplitude of the block’s motion.

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

B. On the graph below, plot the kinetic energy of the block-spring-Earth system as a
function of time for two periods. Explicitly label any intercepts, asymptotes, maxima, or
minima with values as appropriate.

K (J)

t (s)

T T 3T 2T
2 2

C. The block is stopped and a second identical block is glued on top of the first. The
blocks are returned to simple harmonic motion with the same initial velocity as before.

i. How does the amplitude of the motion of the two blocks together compare to
the amplitude found in part A?

Greater than __________ Less than ________ Equal ________

ii. Justify your answer.

D. The blocks are stopped and the ideal spring is replaced by a nonlinear spring. Will the
blocks undergo simple harmonic motion? Why or why not?

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
Simple Harmonic Motion

Question 2 (7 pts)

A spring that can be assumed to be ideal hangs from a stand, as shown above. The spring
constant, k, of an ideal spring is defined as the force per unit length and differs from one
spring to another. It can be measured in both a static (motionless) and dynamic (in
motion) mode.

A. You wish to determine experimentally the spring constant k of the spring in a static
(motionless) situation.
i. What additional, commonly available equipment would you need?

ii. What measurements would you make?

iii. How would k be determined from these measurements?

B. You wish to determine experimentally the spring constant k of the spring in a

dynamic (moving) situation.

iv. What additional, commonly available equipment would you need?

v. What measurements would you make?

vi. How would k be determined from these measurements?

C. Assume that the spring constant is determined to be 500 N/m. A 2.0-kg mass
is attached to the lower end of the spring and released from rest. Determine
the frequency of oscillation of the mass.

Copyright © 2013 National Math + Science Initiative , Inc., Dallas, TX. All rights reserved
(B-2009-FR01) (15 points)

In an experiment, students are to calculate the spring constant k of a vertical spring in a small jumping toy that
initially rests on a table. When the spring in the toy is compressed a distance x from its uncompressed length L0
and the toy is released, the top of the toy rises to a maximum height h above the point of maximum
compression. The students repeat the experiment several times, measuring h with objects of various masses
taped to the top of the toy so that the combined mass of the toy and added objects is m. The bottom of the toy
and the spring each have negligible mass compared to the top of the toy and the objects taped to it.

(a) Derive an expression for the height h in terms of m, x, k, and fundamental constants.

With the spring compressed a distance x = 0.020 m in each trial, the students obtained the following data for
different values of m.

m (kg) h (m)
0.020 0.49
0.030 0.34
0.040 0.28
0.050 0.19
0.060 0.18

i. What quantities should be graphed so that the slope of a best-fit straight line through the data points can
be used to calculate the spring constant k?
ii. Fill in one or both of the blank columns in the table with calculated values of your quantities, including

(c) On the axes below, plot your data and draw a best-fit straight line. Label the axes and indicate the scale.

(d) Using your best-fit line, calculate the numerical value of the spring constant.

(e) Describe a procedure for measuring the height h in the experiment, given that the toy is only momentarily at
that maximum height.

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