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C304 Task 2

Jeslin Mattathil RN

Western Governors University

Task 2
1.  Describe how you would respond to Mr. Newcomb’s request.

As a nurse, I am taught to never judge or put my values onto other people. As a health

professional we are no one to be judging someone’s personal life. We may have different

opinions about this situation, but it is not our place to share these ideologies with the patient. As

Mr. Newcomb’s nurse, I need to respect his wishes especially when he does not have much more

time to live. His wish is not causing anyone harm or unethical. I do not see a problem in Mr.

Newcomb having a visitor who happens to be his mistress visiting but it is out of my scope to be

the one to make something up for his wife to stay away.

2.  Evaluate how you applied the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and

justice to the scenario.

Beneficence is the act of mercy and kindness and to do what is best for the patient. As a

dying patient, Mr. Newcomb is allowed to make one last wish to see his mistress. If this is what

will make him happy before he passes, then I cannot deny this happiness from him. I understand

that this could cause a lot of pain for his wife, Mrs. Newcomb but ultimately Mr. Newcomb is

my patient and I must do what is best for him.

Nonmaleficence is to not inflict harm to the patient. This is not causing any sort of harm

to Mr. Newcomb. Instead this could be beneficial for him since this could make him feel more

comfortable with death since he got to have one last moment with his mistress. This can cause

emotional problems with Mrs. Newcomb, but it is not my job to assume the reaction Mrs.

Newcomb could have.

Autonomy is having the authority to make a decision by one’s self. I don’t see the issue

of having Mr. Newcomb’s mistress visiting as any other visitor he may have. The most important
Task 2
thing that Mr. Newcomb needs to understand that it is unethical for me to lie for him to his wife.

It is not my place to get involved with that. What he shares with me is confidential information

so I cannot disclose this information to his wife but lying for him is not something I am willing

to do, and I cannot do that as a healthcare professional. In this scenario, I am making the decision

that the mistress can come to visit.

Justice is fairness. As a nurse I must be fair in my care for Mr. Newcomb going forward.

Knowing that he has a mistress might come as a shock to me since morally I think that is wrong

but that should never affect the care that I provide for him. I must continue to provide the same

standard of care that I had been providing him prior to me finding out about his personal life.

3.  Examine how personal beliefs and values influenced your response to the scenario.

In my personal life, I believe infidelity is completely wrong and I would never accept that

behavior from my partner. Even I knew one of my friends were doing something like this and

having an affair, I would tell them that they are wrong in what they are doing, and I might even

see them differently. I may even decide not to continue with that friendship because I believe this

is morally wrong and I could not see myself continuing to respect this person. But in the case of

Mr. Newsome, as close as I get with a patient there is always a personal boundary that I keep. I

always remind myself that these patients are not my friends, they are my patient. Therefore, my

duties are solely to tend to their care and make sure they are comfortable. Although his personal

life is not something, I am okay with, this should not affect the care that he is receiving. If I see

that my care for him is deteriorating due to me knowing about his personal life, it is my duty let

my supervisor know and ask to be removed off the case.

Task 2
4.  Describe three strategies to promote self-care.

The most important things that can be done to promote self-care is to get adequate

amount of sleep, exercise and making sure to eat healthy. When working long shift at a hospital,

it can be very stressful. Also working in oncology, where you are seeing a lot of patients that you

get close to passing away can be really emotionally draining. Getting enough sleep can ensure

that you will be able to function and think critically when you are working with patients.

Although one may have a stressful day at work, making sure to exercise and to eat healthy

prevents obesity and cardiovascular disease. Exercise gives you some me time to unwind from a

stressful day.

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