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Secondary References
1. Which approach to personality
presents the most idealistic
RCCD, 2019

picture of human nature?

A. Psychoanalytic
B. Trait
C. Humanistic
D. Existential
Focus on external
Behavioral environment and on Aggression as the result
of reward and
Approach the effects of punishment.

Importance of Aggression as the result

unconscious of an unconscious
Psychodynamic processes and death instinct or an
Approach unconscious desire to
childhood self-destruct turned
experiences outward against others.
Differences in the
Emphasis on Focus
way people Focus on on the
description and
Trait Approach process
measurement of
way aggressive
differences and the
Approach information
personalityto peopleofprocess
stability aggressive
explain differences behavior. .
in behavior.
Importance of self,
personal growth, and Poor self-image
Humanistic fulfillment of
potential + frustration =
Approach aggression
People are basically
Humanistic Approach
﹡ The third force in Psychology RCCD, 2019

﹡ People are assumed to be largely responsible

for their actions.
﹡ Emphasizes free will and human dignity


﹡ Personal Responsibility
﹡ Here and Now
﹡ Focus on the Phenomenology of the Individual
﹡ Personal Growth
2. According to Freud, each of us is
born with a(n)? RCCD, 2019

A. Sexual attraction for the opposite

sex parent
B. Desire to die and return to the earth
C. Id, ego, and superego
D. Unlimited amount of psychic
2. According to Freud, each of us is
born with a(n)? RCCD, 2019

A. Sexual attraction for the opposite

sex parent Oedipus Complex
B. Desire to die and return to the earth
C. Id, ego, and superego Only Id
D. Unlimited amount of psychic
energy Fixed
Drives operate as a constant motivational force
RCCD, 2019

Human behavior is motivated by strong internal forces

called Triebe (drives or instincts)
○ Originate from id, but controlled by ego
○ Fixed supply of psychic energy
Sex (Eros) (Psychic
Drives or Energy)
No name
Sex (Eros)
RCCD, 2019

Pleasure: aim of sexual


1. Narcissism

2. Love
3. Sadism Includes
4. Masochism Thanatos
(Aggression/Death) RCCD, 2019

﹡ Aim: Return to
inorganic state

﹡ Self-Destruction

﹡ Ex: teasing,
humiliation, gossip,
Id (Das es)
﹡ Core of personality RCCD, 2019

﹡ Contains drives/instincts

Pleasure principle:
﹡ Seek immediate reduction of

Primary process:
﹡ Produces a memory image of
an object needed for
﹡ Preverbal and dreamlike
3. Which of the following refers to the
internalized experiences for which the RCCD, 2019

child has been consistently rewarded,

according to Freud?
A. Conscience
B. Ego
C. Ego-ideal
D. Guilt
1. Conscious
2. Preconscious

3. Unconscious
1. Superego (Das

uber-ich): U+P
2. Ego (Das ich):

3. Id (Das es): U
Superego (Das uber-ich)
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Unrealistic demands
for perfection
﹡ Around age 5 or 6
﹡ Grows out of the ego
(Oedipal phase)
RCCD, 2019

1. Conscience
(Moralistic principle)
﹡ Experiences from

﹡ ―not do‖
﹡ Guilt: acting against
RCCD, 2019

2. Ego-ideal (Idealistic
﹡ Rewards for proper
﹡ ―should do‖
﹡ Feelings of inferiority:
ego unable to meet
superego demands
4. A boy responds to a girl's lack of a
penis by becoming anxious about the RCCD, 2019

thought of losing his own penis. What

term does Freud use for this anxiety?
A. Electra complex
B. Castration anxiety
C. Penis envy
D. Castration complex
(3 or 4 to 5 years old) RCCD, 2019

Castration complex
○ Castration anxiety (males)
○ Penis envy (females)

End of phallic stage

○ Identify with the same-sex
○ Development of superego
(esp. boys) through
Male Phallic Phase
RCCD, 2019

Oedipus Castration
Complex anxiety

Female Phallic Phase
RCCD, 2019

Penis envy defeating

5. Which of the following exemplifies a
secondary process? Ego
RCCD, 2019

A. Eating Jollibee fried chicken

B. Watching other people eat Jollibee
fried chicken
C. Thinking of eating a Jollibee fried
D. Watching a commercial of Jollibee
Ego (Das ich)
RCCD, 2019
﹡ Executive Self
﹡ Develops during the first two
﹡ Uses defense mechanisms

Reality Principle
﹡ Ability to postpone gratification
Secondary Process
﹡ Looking for an object in the real
6. Gio experiences a lot of aggressive feelings
toward his overprotective stepfather. Because he RCCD, 2019
is powerless to aggress openly against his
stepfather, Gio becomes a very aggressive forward
in terms of playing for his basketball team.
According to Freud, which type of defense
mechanism is used?
A. Projection
B. Sublimation
C. Repression
D. Displacement
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Felt, unpleasant state accompanied

by physical sensation that warns
the person against impending
﹡ Function of ego
Punishment +
Anxiety Repression
﹡ Most basic defense mechanism RCCD, 2019

﹡ Pushing conscious unpleasant thoughts to the

﹡ ―Forgetting‖ – what you don‘t know won‘t hurt

﹡ Repression of the genital aim of Eros by
expressing urges in socially acceptable manner
﹡ Doing research on sexual behaviors
﹡ Redirection of unacceptable urges to a RCCD, 2019

variety of objects or people (higher to lower

status) to disguise or conceal original impulse
﹡ Kicking a dog instead of your brother

﹡ Attributing unwanted impulse to an external
object, usually another person
﹡ ―Bes, crush mo siya di ba?‖
7. Kenneth participated in a mountain climbing activity
and thus, has not eaten for the last 5 hours. He suddenly RCCD, 2019
heard his stomach rumbling. He wants to eat to reduce
his hunger. Meeting his girlfriend at the base of the
mountain, he immediately asks for their packed food.
Right there and then, he eats adobo and rice. Kenneth‘s
rumbling stomach represents which characteristic of
an instinct?
A. Source
B. Aim
C. Object
D. Impetus
Characteristics of a Drive
Impetus RCCD, 2019

﹡ Amount of force it exerts

﹡ Region of the body in a state of
excitation or tension
﹡ Seek pleasure by removing
excitation or reducing tension
﹡ Means through which aim is
8. According to Jung, which of the
following is the deepest, impersonal RCCD, 2019

layer of the unconscious mind that is

shared by all humans?
A. Archetype
B. Complex
C. Collective unconscious
D. Personal unconscious
Analytical Psychology
RCCD, 2019


Personal Unconscious
Collective Unconscious

Self – center of personality

9. According to Jung, all of the following are true
about the shadow archetype, except for? RCCD, 2019

A. The objectionable characteristics we see in other

people are often projections of our own shadow
B. The shadow should be given expression
C. The shadow is the part of the personal
unconscious inherited from our pre-human
D. The shadow is a source of vitality, spontaneity,
and creativity
9. According to Jung, all of the following are true
about the shadow archetype, except for? RCCD, 2019

A. The objectionable characteristics we see in other

people are often projections of our own shadow
B. The shadow should be given expression
C. The shadow is the part of the personal
unconscious inherited from our pre-human
D. The shadow is a source of vitality, spontaneity,
and creativity
Shadow RCCD, 2019

﹡ Archetype of darkness
and repression
﹡ Morally objectionable
﹡ Creative qualities

﹡ First test of courage:

―realization of the
RCCD, 2019

﹡ ―Mask‖, ―Public face‖

﹡ Project a particular

which society dictates

﹡ Too much: block for

RCCD, 2019

﹡ Feminine side of men

﹡ Second test of courage:

acquaintance with
﹡ Irrational moods and
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Masculine side of

﹡ Second test of courage:

acquaintance with
﹡ Symbolic of thinking

and reasoning
10. Which of the following is
buffeted about by sensory RCCD, 2019

stimulation and is concerned only

with objective facts?
A. Introverted intuiting
B. Extraverted thinking
C. Extraverted sensing
D. Introverted thinking
RCCD, 2019

• Inward energy
• Subjective world

• Outward energy
• External environment
• Objective
﹡ RATIONAL: “how we judge” RCCD, 2019

• Tells an object what it is

• Logic; reason;

• Worth of an object
• Evaluating idea or event
﹡ NON-RATIONAL: “how we interpret” RCCD, 2019

• Detects presence of
• Receives physical stimuli

• Beyond the workings of
• Hunches
11. Which of the following is an
accurate conceptualization of
RCCD, 2019

Jung‘s view of the libido?

A. Sexual energy
B. Aggressive energy
C. A creative life force
D. A synthesizing force
Jungian Principles
RCCD, 2019

﹡ General biological life
﹡ Driving force behind

﹡ Creative life force
12. The amount of energy in a system is
essentially fixed, and if it is removed from RCCD, 2019

one part of a system, it will surface in

another. This statement describes which
of the following principles?
A. Equivalence
B. Entropy
C. Opposites
D. Equifinality
Jungian Principles
RCCD, 2019

Principle of Opposites
﹡ ―For every action
there is equal and
opposite reaction‖
﹡ Existence of opposites

﹡ Goal: seek balance

Jungian Principles
Principle of Equivalence
RCCD, 2019

 Fixed amount of energy (1st law of

 Energy given to opposition is given to

both sides equally

 If one component of the psyche is

overvalued, it is at the expense of other

Jungian Principles
RCCD, 2019

Principle of Entropy
 Constant tendency to equalize energy

(2nd law of thermodynamics)

 Equal representation of components

in one‘s psyche
 Tendency for oppositions to come

13. According to Jung, if self-realization
is achieved, the self is experienced as? RCCD, 2019

A. Secondary to the ego

B. Victorious over the collective
C. Outside of the body
D. At the center of the many polarities
that make up the psyche
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Components of the psyche are recognized
and given expression

﹡ The process of integrating the opposite
poles into a single homogeneous individual
﹡ Self becomes center of personality
RCCD, 2019
﹡ Most comprehensive
﹡ Unites opposing elements of

﹡ Mandala: ultimate symbol

(unity, balance, wholeness)
﹡ Divinity (Jesus Christ, Buddha,
14. According to Jung, which of the
following stages of development is RCCD, 2019

characterized by a period of
A. Infancy
B. Childhood
C. Youth
D. Middle life
Development of Personality
RCCD, 2019

Anarchic Phase:
• ―Islands of
• Chaotic, sporadic
• Primitive images,
incapable of being
Development of Personality
RCCD, 2019

Monarchic Phase
• Development of ego
• Logical and verbal thinking
• Objective view of self (third person)
Development of Personality
RCCD, 2019

Dualistic Phase
• Ego as perceiver
• Ego as subjective and objective
• (first person)
Development of Personality
RCCD, 2019

• Puberty to Middle life
• Period of extraversion
• Conservative
Principle: desire to
live in the past
Development of Personality
RCCD, 2019

Middle Life
• Approximately age 35 or
• Period of introversion
• Most important stage

Old Age
• Death is the goal of life
• Finding meaning in death
15. According to Adler, which of
the following factors motivate
RCCD, 2019

people‘s behavior?
A. Purposes and goals
B. Safety Horney
C. Sex Freud
D. Anxiety May
The one dynamic force behind people‘s behavior
is the striving for success or superiority RCCD, 2019

A. The Final Goal

• People strive toward a fictional (subjective) final
goal which unifies personality
• Creative power
• Developed at age 4 or 5

B. The Striving Force as Compensation

﹡ Nature and direction  feelings of inferiority and
goal of superiority
People‘s subjective perceptions shape their
behavior and personality RCCD, 2019

A. Fictionalism
• Fictions: expectations of the future
• Goal of superiority or success: Most important
• Teleological view

B. Physical Inferiorities
• Toward perfection or completion
16. Ben is one of the hardest working people in his
office. He has climbed the corporate ladder in a
RCCD, 2019
surprisingly short time. However, he always seems
to find someone in the company who is doing a little
bit better than he is and sets his mind to surpassing
this person. According to Adler, Ben is probably
A. First born child
B. Middle born child
C. Last born child
D. Only child
RCCD, 2019
• Intelligent, achievement
oriented, conforming, and
• Oriented toward the past
• Pessimistic about the
• Maintaining order and
• High degree of concern
with power
Middle child
RCCD, 2019

• Combination of the
characteristics of oldest
and youngest
• Competitive and ambitious
• Surpass the firstborn in
achievement and motivation
• More optimistic about the
Last-born children
RCCD, 2019

• More sociable and

• Strive for excellence and
• Spoiled and pampered:
helpless and dependent
style of life
Only children
RCCD, 2019

• Enjoy being the center of

• Mature sooner
• Most likely to be
17. The Filipino crab mentality
describes which basic mistake,
RCCD, 2019

according to Adler?
A. Faulty values
B. Overgeneralizations
C. Minimization or denial of one‘s worth
D. False or impossible goals of security
Basic Mistakes
1. Overgeneralizations
RCCD, 2019

﹡ ―People are hostile.‖

﹡ ―Life is dangerous.‖
2. False or impossible goals of security.
﹡ ―One false step and you‘re dead.‖
﹡ ―I have to please everybody.‖
3. Misperceptions of life and life‘s demands.
﹡ ―Life never gives me any breaks‖
﹡ ―Life is so hard.‖
Basic Mistakes
RCCD, 2019

4. Minimization or denial of one‘s worth.

﹡ ―I‘m stupid‖

﹡ ―I‘m undeserving‖

﹡ ―I‘m just a housewife.‖

5. Faulty values.
﹡ ―Be first even if you have to climb over
18. Saying ―Yes I would like to go to
pursue a master‘s degree but my children RCCD, 2019

demand too much attention‖ shows which

type of Adlerian safeguarding tendency?
A. Hesitating
B. Constructing obstacles
C. Standing still
D. Excuses
RCCD, 2019

1. Excuses : ―as if‖ or ―If only‖; most common

2. Aggression
• Depreciation
• Accusation
• Self-accusation
3. Withdrawal
• Moving backward
• Standing still
• Hesitating
• Constructing obstacles
RCCD, 2019

1. Moving backward
﹡ Reverting to a more secure period of life
﹡ Freud‘s concept of regression

2. Standing Still
﹡ Do not move in any direction
﹡ Avoid all responsibility against any threat
of failure
3. Hesitating
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Vacillating
﹡ Procastinations; Compulsions; Unfinished
﹡ ―It‘s too late now‖

4. Constructing obstacles
﹡ Least severe
﹡ Create own problems
19. Adler's explanation of the force
that holds society together is his
RCCD, 2019

concept of?
A. Style of Life
B. Creative Power
C. Fictions
D. Social interest
The value of all human activity must be seen
from the viewpoint of social interest
RCCD, 2019

Social interest: Feeling of oneness with all of


A. Origins of Social Interest

﹡ Potentiality in all people
﹡ Fostered in social environment

B. Importance of Social Interest

﹡ ―The sole criterion of human values"
20. According to Adler, the style of RCCD, 2019

life is not firmly crystallized until?

A. Adolescence
B. Old age
C. Middle age
D. Age of four or five
The self-consistent personality structure
develops into a person‘s style of life RCCD, 2019

Style of life: flavor of a person‘s life

• Interaction of heredity, environment,
creative power

• Established by 4 or 5 years old

• Socially useful style of life: highest form of

Style of life is molded by people‘s creative
power RCCD, 2019

Creative power or self

• Ability to freely choose a course of action

• Creating own style of life

• Most salient characteristic of life

21. Which of the following existential
needs is the concept of malignant
RCCD, 2019

aggression anchored on?

A. Rootedness
B. Relatedness
C. Transcendence
D. Sense of Identity
Transcendence RCCD, 2019

• Urge to rise above a passive and

accidental existence and into the
―realm of purposefulness and
• Positive Component: Creativity
• Negative Component:
Malignant Aggression
• To kill for reasons other than
Existential Needs
RCCD, 2019

• Need to establish roots and to

feel at home again in the
• Positive Component:
• Negative Component: Fixation
Fromm‘s Oedipus Complex
• Desire to return to the
mother‘s womb or breast
RCCD, 2019
Relatedness: Drive for union
with another person


1. Submission Symbiotic
2. Power Relationship
3. Love
﹡ Ability to unite with another
while retaining one's own
individuality and integrity
Sense of Identity
RCCD, 2019
Sense of identity
• Capacity to be aware of
ourselves as a separate entity
• Creating an authentic sense
of self

• Positive Component:
• Negative Component:
Adjustment to a group or
Frame of Orientation
RCCD, 2019

Frame of Orientation
• Road map or consistent
philosophy by which we find
our way through the world.

• Positive Component: Rational

• Negative Component:
Irrational goals
22. Which personality disorder,
according to Fromm, is characterized RCCD, 2019

by overvaluing of own belongings and

undervaluing others?
A. Necrophilia
B. Malignant narcissism
C. Incestuous symbiosis
D. Malignant aggression
Syndrome of Decay
RCCD, 2019

1. Necrophilia
• Any attraction to
death (basic
• Hates humanity:
racists, bullies
• Death, destruction,
decay, disease
Syndrome of Decay
RCCD, 2019

2. Malignant Narcissism
﹡ Overvaluing of own
belongings, undervaluing
﹡ Hypochondriasis: obsessive
attention to one‘s health
﹡ Moral Hypochondriasis:
Preoccupation with guilt for
previous transgressions
Syndrome of Decay
RCCD, 2019

3. Incestuous Symbiosis
• Extreme dependence
on mother or mother

• Exaggerated form of
mother fixation
23. Which of the following is not true about
a person with hoarding character?
RCCD, 2019

A. It is most similar to Freud‘s anal

B. Lack of creativity
C. They try to possess and preserve a
relationship with a loved one
D. They are inconsistent
Hoarding Save what Orderliness, Rigidity,
orientation they have Cleanliness, Sterility,
already Punctuality Obstinacy,
obtained Compulsivity,
Lack of
Live in the Creativity
past, repelled
by changes

Freud‘s anal
Marketing Outgrowth of Changeability, Aimlessness,
Orientation modern Open- opportunism,
commerce mindedness, Inconsistency
adaptability, , wastefulness
See changeability
themselves as
(―I am as you
desire me‖)
Receptive Only way to Loyalty, Passivity,
Orientation relate to the acceptance, Submissivene
world is trust ss,
passively Lack of self-
receiving confidence
Exploitative Aggressively Impulsive, Egocentric,
Orientation take what proud, conceited,
they want charming, self arrogant
24. According to Horney‘s theory, RCCD, 2019

which of the following is the prime

motive in human beings‘ existence?
A. Sex
B. Aggression
C. Equality
D. Security
Psychoanalytic Social Theory
Society and culture, especially early childhood RCCD, 2019

experiences, play a leading role in human

personality, either neurotic or healthy
Starts with feelings of helplessness


﹡ Safety
﹡ Satisfaction
Basic Basic Neurotic Intrapsychic
Hostility Anxiety Trends Conflicts
25. Which of the following neurotic RCCD, 2019

trends places the least amount of

importance on other people?
A. Moving toward people
B. Moving away from people
C. Moving against people
D. Moving among people
Neurotic Need Neurotic Trend Basic conflict or
source of
Solution neurotic trend
Normal analog
Self-sufficiency Moving Away Feelings of
and from People isolation
independence ―Detached
Personality‖ Autonomous and
Perfection and Resignation
unassailability Solution
Neurotic Need Neurotic Trend Basic conflict or
source of neurotic
Solution trend
Normal analog
Power Moving Against Protection against
People hostility of others
Prestige or Social Personality‖
Recognition Ability to survive in
Personal Expansive Solution competitive society
Neurotic Need Neurotic Trend Basic conflict or
source of neurotic
Solution trend

Normal analog
Affection and Moving Towards Feelings of
approval People helplessness
Powerful partner ―Compliant
Narrow limits to Friendly, loving
life Self-effacing
26. According to Horney, which of the
following unconscious devices used by
RCCD, 2019

neurotics is the opposite of arbitrary

A. Cynicism
B. Excessive self-control
C. Elusiveness
D. Blind spots
Adjustment Techniques
RCCD, 2019

 Failure to believe in anything

 Being immune to disappointment on

an event that may be false

Excessive Self-Control
 Guard against anxiety by denying

emotional involvement
Adjustment Techniques
RCCD, 2019

Arbitrary rightness
 Rigid dogmatism

 Indecision and lack of commitment

 Opposite of arbitrary rightness

Adjustment Techniques
RCCD, 2019

Blind spots
 Ignoring factors not in accordance

with idealized self

 Denial (Freud)

 Situational rules and ethics
27. According to psychoanalytic social
theory, which of the following will develop RCCD, 2019

from a child that experiences any parental

behavior that undermines his or her
A. Basic hostility
B. Basic evil
C. Basic anxiety
D. Neurotic needs
RCCD, 2019

Basic evil
 Behavior of parents that undermines a
child‘s security

Basic hostility
 Repressed feelings of rage when
children fear that their parents will not
satisfy safety and satisfaction
RCCD, 2019

Basic anxiety
 Feelings of isolation and helplessness in
a potentially hostile world
 Generalized basic hostility
 Nutritive soil of neurosis
28. According to Klein, feelings of anxiety
about losing a loved object and a sense of
RCCD, 2019

guilt for desiring to destroy that object are

experienced in?
A. Paranoid-schizoid position
B. Depressive position
C. Differentiation
D. Practicing
Paranoid-Schizoid Position
RCCD, 2019

• Tendency to see the world as having both

destructive and omnipotent qualities.
• First 3 or 4 months of life

Life Instinct (Eros) Ideal breast

(splits, but retain
some parts) Death Instinct Persecutory
(Thanatos) breast
Depressive Position
RCCD, 2019

• Feelings of anxiety over losing a loved

object coupled with sense of guilt for
wanting to destroy that object
• Begins at 5th or 6th month
• External objects as whole
29. Which of the following stages in RCCD, 2019

Bowlby‘s stages of separation anxiety

is unique only to human beings?
A. Despair
B. Detachment
C. Protest
D. Rapprochement
John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
RCCD, 2019

1. Protest Stage
• Cry, resist soothing by
other people, search for

﹡ 2. Despair Stage
• Quiet, sad, listless,
passive, listless, apathetic
John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
RCCD, 2019

3. Detachment Stage
• Emotionally detached
from other people,
including caregiver
• No longer upset
• Unique to humans
30. According to Mahler, a child RCCD, 2019

begins to develop an autonomous ego

at which substage?
A. Normal autism
B. Differentiation
C. Practicing
D. Separation-individuation
Mahler’s Psychological Birth
1. Normal Autism (Birth to 3rd or 4th RCCD, 2019

• Period of absolute primary
• ―Objectless‖ stage

2. Normal Symbiosis (4th or 5th week

to 4th or 5th month)
• Recognize primary caregiver and
seek symbiotic relationship
• ―Preobjects‖
Mahler’s Psychological Birth
RCCD, 2019

3. Separation-individuation (4th - 5th month to 30th –

36th month)

○ Differentiation (5th until 7th - 10th month)

■ Bodily breaking away from symbiosis
■ Curiosity of strangers

○ Practicing (7th – 10th month to 15th or 16th month)

■ Distinguish body from mother, establish bond
■ Autonomous ego
Mahler’s Psychological Birth
RCCD, 2019

3. Separation-individuation (4th - 5th month to 30th –

36th month)
○ Rapprochement (16th to 25th month)
• Desire to bring back mother-child symbiosis
• Separation anxiety
• Rapprochement crisis

○ Libidinal object constancy (3rd year of life)

• Constant inner representation of mother
31. Which stage in the psychosocial
development takes place roughly the
RCCD, 2019

same time of life as Freud's phallic stage

of development?
A. Industry vs. inferiority
B. Trust vs. mistrust
C. Initiative vs. guilt
D. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Epigenetic Principle
Ego develops throughout the RCCD, 2019

various stages of life

One stage emerges and is

built upon a previous stage,
but does not replace the
earlier stage

Personality development
continues throughout a
person‘s lifetime.
32. Jorge is currently being toilet trained. When he
accidentally wet his pants one day, his father laughed RCCD, 2019

and sarcastically suggested Autonomy vs.was a

that the child
―mama‘s boy.‖ Assuming suchShame and Doubt
behavior by the father is
the norm whenever Jeremy makes mistakes, which of
the following core pathologies would Jorge most likely
A. Inertia Industry vs. Inferiority
B. Withdrawal Trust vs. Mistrust
C. Inhibition Initiative vs. Guilt
D. Compulsion
Infancy Trust vs. Hope Withdrawal Feeding Mother
(0-18 Mistrust

Early Autonomy Will Compulsion Toilet Parents

Childhood vs. Shame training
(2-3 years) and Doubt

Play age Initiative vs. Purpose Inhibition Exploration Family

(3-5 years) Guilt

School age Industry vs. Competence Inertia School Neighborhood

(6-11 years) Inferiority , school
Adolescence Identity vs. Fidelity Role Social Peer groups
(12-18 years) Role Repudiation Relationships

Young Intimacy vs. Love Exclusivity Intimate Sexual

adulthood Isolation Relationships partners,
(18 to 35 friends
Adulthood Generativity Care Rejectivity Work and Divided labor
(35-55 years) vs. Parenthood and shared
Stagnation household

Old age Ego integrity Wisdom Disdain Reflection on All humanity

(55/65 to vs. Despair Life
33. Which of the following concepts in
Sullivan‘s interpersonal theory refers to
RCCD, 2019

excess energy transformed into consistent

characteristic modes of behavior?
A. Dynamisms
B. Tensions
C. Energy Transformations
D. Anxiety
Interpersonal Theory
Tension RCCD, 2019

• Potentiality for action that may or may not

be experienced in awareness
• Needs (conjunctive), Anxiety (disjunctive)
Energy transformations
• Action itself
• Transform tensions either covert or overt
• Satisfy needs and reducing anxiety
Interpersonal Theory
RCCD, 2019

Dynamisms (typical behavior patterns)

• Excess energy transformed into consistent
characteristic modes of behavior

1. Disjunctive Dynamisms  Malevolence

2. Isolating Dynamisms  Lust
3. Conjunctive Dynamisms  Intimacy & Self-
34. According to Sullivan, which of the
following reduces feelings of insecurity or
RCCD, 2019

anxiety that result from endangered self-

A. Defense mechanisms Freud
B. Security operations
C. Safeguarding tendencies Adler
D. Unconscious devices Horney
Self-System: Conjunctive Dynamism
RCCD, 2019

• Most complex and inclusive of all


• Consistent pattern of behaviors that

maintains people‘s interpersonal security
by protecting them from anxiety.

• Develops at age 12 or 18 months

Security operations
RCCD, 2019

• Impulses, desires, and needs that a

person refuses to allow into awareness
• Dreams, Daydreams

Selective inattention
• Control of focal awareness
• More accessible to consciousness and
limited in scope
35. Believing that a black cat crossing
one‘s path is an indication that something
RCCD, 2019

bad will happen illustrates which level of

cognition, according to Sullivan?
A. Parataxic
B. Syntaxic
C. Prototaxic
D. Pretaxic
Levels of Cognition
RCCD, 2019

Prototaxic Level
• Impossible to communicate
• Earliest and most primitive experience
• Baby; Strange sensations

﹡ Parataxic Level
• Prelogical
• Parataxic distortion
• Superstitions
Levels of Cognition
RCCD, 2019

Syntaxic Level
• Consensually validated experiences
• Symbolically communicated
• Childhood stage (2-6 y.o)
36. Jessica is a 9-year-old girl who recently moved to a
new subdivision. Being an only child, her parents want
her to make friends with their neighbors‘ children.
According to Sullivan, which of the following children
would she most likely be friends with first?
A. Nina, a 5-year-old girl whoChum
is an only child in the
B. Kristof, a 10-year-old boy who likes to tease girls a lot
C. Kristine, an 8-year-old girl who is the younger sister
of Kristof
D. Both Nina and Kristine
RCCD, 2019

Intimacy: Integrating dynamism

• Close interpersonal relationship between two
people who are more or less of equal status
• Preadolescence

Lust: Isolating dynamism

• Requires no other person for satisfaction
• Confused as intimacy in Early Adolescence
Sullivan’s Stages of Development
Sullivan’s Stages of Development
37. Who is the personality theorist who
conceptualized ego as a partially unconscious RCCD, 2019

organizing agency that synthesizes our

present experiences with past self-identities
and also with anticipated images of self?
A. Freud
B. Jung
C. Klein
D. Erikson
Ego (Erikson)
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Partially
unconscious organizing agency that
synthesizes our present experiences with
past self-identities and also with anticipated
images of self.

﹡ Positive
force that creates self-identity
(sense of ―I‖)
38. Sikolohiyang Pilipino, according to
Enriquez‘s 1975 definition, is anchored on
RCCD, 2019

three aspects. Which of the three aspects

is most important in this definition?
A. Filipino thought
B. Filipino experience
C. Filipino values
D. Filipino orientation
Understanding Sikolohiyang
Pilipino RCCD, 2019
39. Which of the following refers to the
―wealth of ideas referred to by the RCCD, 2019

philosophical concept of ‗essence‘ and an

entire range of psychological concepts
from awareness to motives to behavior‘‘?
A. Diwa
B. Kamalayan
C. Ulirat
D. Kalooban
Understanding Sikolohiyang
Pilipino RCCD, 2019
40. In the definition of Sikolohiyang RCCD, 2019

Pilipino, which one refers to the

awareness of one‘s surroundings?
A. Isip
B. Diwa
C. Kamalayan
D. Ulirat
Filipino Psychology
(Sikolohiyang Pilipino) RCCD, 2019

Study of emotions and experienced

knowledge (kalooban and kamalayan),
awareness of one‘s surroundings (ulirat),
information and understanding (isip), habits
and behavior (another meaning of diwa),
and the soul (kaluluwa) which is the way to
learning about people‘s conscience
41. Which of the following does Rogers RCCD, 2019

blame for our inability to incorporate

new information into our self-concept?
A. Disorganization
B. Conditional positive regard
C. Vulnerability
D. Anxiety
Need to be accepted
without any restrictions Experience of
Need to be loved, or qualifications prizing or valuing
liked, or accepted one‘s self RCCD, 2019
by another person

Positive Self-
Establish Positive Regard
contact Regard
Conditions of

Becoming a Restrictions or
Person qualifications
attached to a person
Represent steps toward
psychological health
RCCD, 2019

Vulnerability Anxiety Threat

• Unaware of • Dimly aware • Awareness

discrepancy that that our self
between discrepancy is no longer
may become
organismic conscious whole or
self and • State of
perceived uneasiness or
self tension
whose cause
is unknown
42. According to Rogers, humans RCCD, 2019

have one master motive that he called

A. Organismic valuing process
B. Actualizing tendency
C. Formative tendency
D. Congruence
Person-Centered Theory

Formative tendency
• All matter, both organic and inorganic, tends to
evolve from simpler to more complex forms

Actualizing tendency
• All living things, including humans, tend to move
toward completion, or fulfillment of potentials.
• Only motive people possess
• Organismic valuing process
43. According to Rogers, which of the RCCD, 2019

following did he consider as the cause

of all human adjustment problems?
A. Vulnerability
B. Incongruence
C. Distortion
D. Denial
1. Discrepancy between self-concept and
RCCD, 2019

organismic experience
2. Wide gap between self-concept and ideal self

﹡ Exists when people use conditions of worth
and external evaluations (instead of OVP) as
frame of reference for evaluating experiences
﹡ Protectionof the self-concept against anxiety RCCD, 2019

and threat by denial or distortion

﹡ Distortion
• Misinterpret an experience to fit into our self-
﹡ Denial
• Refuse to perceive in awareness or at least
keep some aspect away from reaching
44. Which of the following did Rogers refer RCCD, 2019

to as ―the symbolic representation (not

necessarily in verbal symbols) of some
portion of our experience‖?
A. Awareness
B. Consciousness
C. Symbolization
D. All of the above
RCCD, 2019

―The symbolic representation (not necessarily in

verbal symbols) of some portion of our
1. Ignored or denied  Below threshold
2. Accurately symbolized  Admitted to self-
3. Distorted form
45. A man thinks of himself as an outstanding athlete. One
day he watches some tennis players at his athletic club RCCD, 2019

who are considerably better than he is. This information is

threatening to his self-concept. Because the man is not
fully functioning, Rogers might have expected him to do
one of the following except?
A. Experience anxiety
B. Reinterpret what he has seen to make it less
C. Deny that the men are good tennis players
D. Accept that there are better tennis players than himself
46. According to May, which of the following
RCCD, 2019

is viewed as part of the growth process and

no attempt should ever be made to eliminate
it from a person‘s experience?
A. Neurotic guilt
B. Neurotic anxiety
C. Meaninglessness
D. Normal anxiety
﹡ ―Threat to something in the "core or essence" of RCCD, 2019

one's personality‖

﹡ Anxiety is apprehension cued off by a threat to

some value which the person holds essential.

﹡ Much of human behavior is motivated by an

underlying sense of dread and anxiety

﹡ ―Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom‖

Normal Anxiety
 ―Proportionate to the threat, does not involve RCCD, 2019

repression, and can be confronted constructively on

the conscious level‖
 Creative moments

Neurotic Anxiety
 ―Reaction disproportionate to the threat, involves
repression and other forms of intrapsychic conflict
and is managed by various kinds of blocking-off of
activity and awareness‖
 Dogmatic values

1. Umwelt
• Environment around us (nature and natural law)
• Freud‘s theory (emphasis on biology, instincts)
2. Mitwelt
• Our world with other people
• Rogers, Maslow, Sullivan
3. Eigenwelt
• One‘s relationship with oneself
• Aware of oneself as human being and grasp who
we are
47. According to May, which of the following
RCCD, 2019

happens as a result from not approaching or

striving toward one‘s full potential as a
A. Guilt
B. Anxiety
C. Jonah complex
D. Nonbeing
Guilt RCCD, 2019

• Arises when people deny their

potentialities, fail to
accurately perceive the needs
of fellow humans, or remain
oblivious to their dependence
on natural world
48. Rogers‘s concept of unconditional RCCD, 2019

positive regard exemplifies which type

of love, according to May?
A. Sex
B. Eros
C. Philia
D. Agapé
1. Sex RCCD, 2019

﹡ Biological function

﹡ Release of tension

2. Eros
﹡ Psychological desire

﹡ Enduring union with a loved one

﹡ Salvation of sex
3. Philia RCCD, 2019

﹡ Intimate nonsexual friendship between

two people
﹡ Sullivan‘s need for chum

4. Agape
﹡ Altruistic or spiritual love
﹡ Unconditional
49. According to May, which of the
following are those individuals who RCCD, 2019

are all wishes, dreams and desires but

no will?
A. Infantile
B. Creative
C. Neo-puritan
D. Conservative
• All wishes, no will RCCD, 2019

• No self-discipline
• Dependency and conformity
• All will, no love
• Too much self-disciple
• Unites love and will
50. According to Maslow, humans as RCCD, 2019

having an innate tendency towards

which of the following?
A. Balance
B. Healthy growth and development
C. Stimulation
D. Freedom from neurosis
Hierarchy of Needs
Conative needs RCCD, 2019

﹡ Needs that have a striving or

motivational character
﹡ Lower level needs have
prepotency over higher level

Instinctoid needs
﹡ Needs which are innately
determined but can be
modified through learning
﹡ May result to pathology
﹡ Ex: Eating
51. According to Maslow, when do
RCCD, 2019

people experience basic anxiety?

A. Failure to satisfy physiological needs
B. Failure to satisfy safety needs
C. Alienation from other people
D. Developing a fear of being and doing
their best
Physiological Needs
﹡ Most prepotent; most basic
﹡ Only needs that can be
RCCD, 2019

completely satisfied or overly

﹡ Recurring nature

Safety Needs
﹡ Physical security, Stability,
Dependency, Protection,
Need for law and order
﹡ Basic anxiety: failure to
satisfy safety needs
52. Shiloh is fond of gardening as well
as landscaping. Her garden is very
RCCD, 2019

beautiful. According to Maslow, Shiloh

has a need for?
A. Transcendence
B. Aesthetic
C. Cognitive
D. Neurotic
Aesthetic Needs
• Need for beauty and aesthetically pleasing
RCCD, 2019

Cognitive Needs
• Desire to know, solve mysteries, and be
• If blocked, all needs are threatened

Neurotic Needs
• Nonproductive
• Lead to stagnation and pathology
53. Which of the following is not a RCCD, 2019

psychogenic need?
A. Sex
B. Affiliation
C. Autonomy
D. Safety
Primary needs (Viscerogenic)
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Survival and related needs arising

from internal bodily processes

Secondary needs (Psychogenic)

﹡ Emotional and psychological

54. Which of the following is not RCCD, 2019

classified under the domain of

affection in Murray‘s theory?
A. Deference Power
B. Nurturance
C. Succorance
D. Rejection
Need Definition
To be close and loyal to another person,
Affiliation pleasing them and winning their
friendship and attention.
To help the helpless, feeding them and
keeping them from danger.
To have fun, laugh and relax, enjoying
RCCD, 2019

Need Definition
To separate oneself from a negatively viewed
object or person, excluding or abandoning it.
To form relationship that lead to sexual

To have one's needs satisfied by someone or

Succourance something. Includes being loved, nursed,
helped, forgiven and consoled.
Need Definition RCCD, 2019

To surrender and submit to others, accept

Abasement blame and punishment. To enjoy pain and
To forcefully overcome an opponent,
controlling, taking revenge or punishing them.
To break free from constraints, resisting
Autonomy coercion and dominating authority. To be
irresponsible and independent.
To not be blamed for things done.
Need Definition RCCD, 2019

Contrariance To oppose the attempted persuasion of others.

To admire a superior person, praising them and
yielding to them and following their rules.

To control one's environment, controlling other

people through command or subtle persuasion.

To escape or avoid pain, injury and death.
Infavoidance To avoid being humiliated or embarrassed.
RCCD, 2019

Need Definition
To accomplish difficult tasks, overcoming
obstacles and achieving expertise.
To show achievements to others and gain
recognition for these.

To impress others through one's actions and

Exhibition words, even if what is said or done is
RCCD, 2019

Need Definition

Acquisition To acquire things.

Retention To keep things that have been acquired.

Order To make things clean, neat and tidy.

Construction To make and build things.

Need Definition RCCD, 2019

To make up for failure by trying again, pridefully

seeking to overcome obstacles.
To defend oneself against attack or blame, hiding
any failure of the self.
Infavoidance To avoid being humiliated or embarrassed.
Need Definition
To seek knowledge and ask questions about
things in order to understand.
Exposition To provide information educate others.
55. Which of the following refers to a
basic segment of behavior in Murray‘s
RCCD, 2019

A. Proceeding
B. Serial
C. Serial Program
D. Schedule
RCCD, 2019

 Basic unit

 Clear beginning and end

 Interactions between the subject and

another person or object in the
RCCD, 2019

 Succession of proceedings

Serial program
 Planned series of proceedings
 Leads toward a goal
56. According to Murray, which of the
following refers to the influence of the
RCCD, 2019

environment and past events on the

current activation of a need?
A. Complex
B. Thema
C. Press
D. Subsidiation
Subsidiation RCCD, 2019

﹡ One need is activated to aid in satisfying

another need

﹡ Influence of the environment and past

events on the current activation of a need

RCCD, 2019

﹡ Combination of press (the environment)

and need (the personality) that brings

order to our behavior

﹡ Normal pattern of childhood
development that influences the adult
57. Carla fears open spaces, falling, drowning,
fires, earthquakes, or simply any situation RCCD, 2019

involving novelty and change. According to

Murray, this is a manifestation of which form of
the claustral stage?
A. Simple claustral complex
B. Insupport form of the claustral complex
C. Anti-claustral/egression form of the
claustral complex
D. Icarus complex
Murray’s Stages of Development
RCCD, 2019
Claustral Stage
Fetus in the womb is secure, RCCD, 2019

serene, and dependent

Simple claustral complex
﹡ Desire to be in small,
warm, dark places that
are safe and secluded

﹡ Dependent, passive, safe,

familiar behaviors
Claustral Stage
Insupport form of the RCCD, 2019

claustral complex
﹡ Feelings of insecurity
and helplessness

﹡ Fear open spaces, falling,


﹡ Fear novelty and change

Claustral Stage
Anticlaustral or egression RCCD, 2019

form of the claustral complex

﹡ Need to escape from
restraining womblike
﹡ Fear of suffocation and
﹡ Prefer open spaces,
movement, change, and
Urethral Stage
The pleasure accompanying RCCD, 2019

Sometimes called the Icarus
﹡ Bedwetting
﹡ Excessive ambition
﹡ Distorted sense of self-esteem
﹡ Exhibitionism
﹡ Sexual cravings
﹡ Self-love
58. Rafael is an ambitious employee who is
striving hard to attain the position of a manager. RCCD, 2019

He takes initiative, takes on more work than he

can handle, and works longer hours than anyone
else in his office. According to Murray, which of
the following needs is Rafael most reflective of?
A. Affiliation
B. Achievement
C. Construction
D. Cognizance
59. OFW Workers who go to other countries
but who still retain strong ties with the RCCD, 2019

Philippines by being active advocates for the

well-being of the country show which of the
following Filipino cultural value?
A. Pakikisama
B. Pakikipagkapwa
C. Utang na loob
D. Pakikibaka
Utang na loob
(“gratitude”/ “solidarity”) RCCD, 2019

﹡ Kaut (1961): ‗‗debt of gratitude‘‘;


﹡ ‗‗Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay

hindi makakarating sa paroroonan.‖

﹡ Binds a person to his or her home community

or home country
Accomodative Surface Values

Hiya (―sense of propriety‖/ ―dignity‖)

RCCD, 2019

﹡ Western: hiya as ‗‗shame‘‘

﹡ Different meanings, depending on its form
﹡ Salazar: internal and external aspects of

Pakikisama (―companionship‖/ ―esteem‖)

﹡ Lynch (1961 and 1973): Smooth
Interpersonal Relationship (SIR)
Kapwa: Core Concept in Filipino
Psychology RCCD, 2019

﹡ ‗togetherness‘
﹡ Recognition of ―shared identity‖ an
inner self shared with others

﹡ Social behavior emanating from kapwa

﹡ Regard for dignity of others

60. Which Filipino value is reflected RCCD, 2019

on Filipino‘s propensity for indirect

pattern of communication?
A. Pakikiramdam
B. Pakikipagkapwa
C. Pakikisama
D. Hiya
Pivotal Interpersonal Value
RCCD, 2019

Pakikiramdam (‗‗shared inner perception‘‘)

 Shared feeling, a kind of ‗‗emotional a

 Sensitive to non-verbal cues, having

concern for the feelings of others, being

truthful but not at the expense of hurting
others‘ feelings
61. Children learning to brush their
teeth or wash their hands before
RCCD, 2019

eating exemplify which concept in

Allport‘s theory?
A. Traits
B. Habits
C. Attitude
D. Proprium
RCCD, 2019

• Consistent and enduring ways of

reacting to our environment

• Measured on a continuum

• Subject to social, environmental, and

cultural influences
• Specific, inflexible responses to specific RCCD, 2019

• May combine to form a trait

• Attitudes are similar to traits
• Have specific objects of reference
• Either positive or negative evaluations
Proprium RCCD, 2019

• Behaviors and characteristics that people

regard as warm, central, and important in
their lives

Propriate strivings
• Seek to maintain tension and
• Present drives
62. People who continue to work hard
in their jobs despite attaining the initial
RCCD, 2019

goal of financial stability show which

concept of Allport‘s theory?
A. Propriate Functional Autonomy
B. Perseverative Functional Autonomy
C. Functional Autonomy
D. None of the above
Functional Autonomy
RCCD, 2019
﹡ Motives of mature, emotionally healthy
adults are not functionally connected to the
prior experiences in which they initially


1. Perseverative Functional Autonomy
2. Propriate Functional Autonomy
1. Perseverative Functional Autonomy
• Functionally independent motives that RCCD, 2019

are not part of the proprium

• Ex: Addictions

2. Propriate Functional Autonomy

• Master system of motivation that
confers unity on personality
• Ex: Occupations, hobbies, interests
63. Which stage in Allport‘s
development of proprium is parallel in
RCCD, 2019

terms of time period to Freud‘s phallic

A. Self-image
B. Self-identity
C. Self-esteem
D. Bodily self
FREUD Stage Description Age
1. Bodily • Awareness of own Age 0 to
self existence 3 years

2. Self- • Sense of continuity of

identity one‘s identity

3. Self- • Take pride in their

esteem accomplishments
FREUD Stage Description Age

4. Self- • Recognize the Age 4 to

extension objects and people 6 years
that are part of

their own world

5. Self- • Develop actual and
image idealized images of
themselves and
their behavior
FREUD Stage Description Age
6. Self as a • Children begin to Age 6 to
rational apply reason and 12 years
coper logic to the solution of old
everyday problems.

7.Propriate • Young people begin Adolesce

striving to formulate long- nce
range goals and
64. According to Allport, ―Sadism‖ RCCD, 2019

and ―Masochism‖ are examples

A. Core dispositions
B. Central dispositions
C. Cardinal dispositions
D. Secondary dispositions
Levels of Personal Dispositions
Traits that are peculiar to an RCCD, 2019

1. Cardinal Dispositions
• Most pervasive and
powerful human traits
(―ruling passion‖)
• Not all people (―imeldific‖)
Levels of Personal Dispositions
RCCD, 2019
2. Central Dispositions
• Handful of outstanding traits (5 to 10)
• Accurate letter of recommendation
• Friend‘s personality

3. Secondary Dispositions
• Least important, weak and inconsistent
• Minor preferences
65. In Cattell's system, which of RCCD, 2019

the following are the basic mental

elements of personality?
A. Dispositions
B. Sentiments
C. Subsidiation
D. Traits
Traits (Cattell)
 Basic structural units of the personality RCCD, 2019

 Relatively permanent reaction tendencies

Dynamic Traits
 The forces that underlie our motivations
and drive our behavior
1. Ergs
2. Sentiments
66. Parallel to the concept of instinct or
drive, which of the following did Cattell
RCCD, 2019

define as the basic units of motivation that

direct us toward specific goals?
A. Ergs
B. Sentiments
C. Attitude
D. Subsidiation
Types of Dynamic Traits
RCCD, 2019

 Constitutional source trait

 Basic innate units of motivation

 11 Ergs: anger, appeal, curiosity, disgust,

gregariousness, hunger, protection,
security, self-assertion, self-submission,
Types of Dynamic Traits
RCCD, 2019

 Environmental-mold source trait

 External social and physical influences

 Pattern of learned attitudes

 Also called as ―SEMS‖

RCCD, 2019

﹡ Relationships among ergs,

sentiments, and attitudes, in which
some elements are subordinate to

﹡ Dynamic lattice
67. According to Eysenck's original model,
which of the following is true about extraverts? RCCD, 2019

A. They generally have a high level of cortical

B. They have learned through early
experiences to enjoy social events
C. They generally have a low level of cortical
D. They are low in neuroticism
67. According to Eysenck's original model,
which of the following is true about extraverts? RCCD, 2019

A. They generally have a high level of cortical

arousal (introverts)
B. They have learned through early
experiences to enjoy social events
C. They generally have a low level of cortical
D. They are low in neuroticism
Hans Eysenck
(Behavioral Genetics) RCCD, 2019

 Deductive method
 Importance of genetics
 Intelligence is inherited
 Biological component of
 Hierarchy of personality
68. Julie sets high goals for herself for the BLEPP.
She is more committed to reaching these goals RCCD, 2019

than most students. She is organized, studies

hard, and commits to attending all her lectures.
Julie probably would score high on which factor
in the Big Five Model?
A. Extraversion
B. Agreeableness
C. Openness
D. Conscientiousness
Description of Big Five Factors

Openness to Experience
RCCD, 2019

 Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure,

unusual ideas, curiosity, and variety of
 Tendency to show self-discipline, act
dutifully, and aim for achievement; planned
rather than spontaneous behavior
Description of Big Five Factors
Extraversion RCCD, 2019

 Energy, positive emotions, urgency, and the

tendency to seek stimulation in the company of
 Tendency to be compassionate and
 Tendency to experience unpleasant emotions
69. Which level of interaction or
relationship between the researcher and RCCD, 2019

the researched must be attained, at the

minimum, to assure good quality data?
A. Pakikisangkot
B. Pakikiisa
C. Pakikipagpalagayang-loob
D. Pakikisama
RCCD, 2019

 Mutual trust
 Being in-rapport/understanding/ acceptance
 Should be reached, at the minimum, in order
to be assured of good quality data
Guiding Principles of
Indigenous Perspective RCCD, 2019

1. Level of interaction or relationship that exists

between the researcher and the researched
significantly determines the quality of the data
obtained in the research process.

2. Research participants should always be

treated by researchers as equal, if not superior.
Guiding Principles of
Indigenous Perspective RCCD, 2019

3. Welfare of the research participants take

precedence over the data obtained.

4. Method: basis of appropriateness to the

population and made to adapt to existing
cultural norms

5. Language of the people should be the

language of research at all times
70. In Sikolohiyang Pilipino, a poor
person who is a kind and honest RCCD, 2019

person and respects the dignity of

hard work has a lot of?
A. Dangal
B. Puri
C. Damdam
D. Dama
‗‗honor‘‘: puri and dangal RCCD, 2019

Puri (External)
﹡ Honor which is physical (compliments or
﹡ Also refer to virginity

Dangal (Internal)
﹡ Honor from within – knowledge of one‘s true
worth, character, achievement and success
71. According to Skinner, what is
responsible for most human
RCCD, 2019

A. Plans and goals
B. Unconscious motivation
C. Environmental events
D. Libidinous impulses
Radical Behaviorism
RCCD, 2019

• Avoids hypothetical constructs

• Concentrates on observable

 Rejected the notion of free will

 Primacy of environmental
Variable Ratio
72. Which of the following reinforcement schedules
will be highly resistant to extinction? RCCD, 2019

A. The class receives an incentive of extra 3 points for

every 5 questions in a row that are answered
B. The class receives an incentive of extra 3 points for
an average of 5 questions in a row that are answered
C. The class receives an incentive of extra 3 points for
every 5 minutes of correct answers.
C. The class receives an incentive of extra 3 points for
an average of 5 minutes of correct answers.
Interval Reinforcement: time
RCCD, 2019

﹡ More difficult to extinguish than continuous

﹡ Lower level of response

1. Fixed Interval: same time period elapses

each time

2. Variable Interval: time periods may differ in

Ratio Reinforcement: responses
RCCD, 2019

1. Fixed Ratio: fixed number of


2. Variable Ratio: average of a

predetermined number of responses
﹡ Maintenance of behavior

﹡ Highly resistant to extinction

73. Which type of reinforcement
schedule will result to the lowest
RCCD, 2019

response rate?
A. Fixed Interval
B. Fixed Ratio
C. Variable Interval
D. Variable Ratio
Comparing Intermittent
Schedules RCCD, 2019
74. Which of the following is true
about negative reinforcement? RCCD, 2019

A. It is the same as punishment

B. It decreases the likelihood of
repeating a behavior the future
C. It increases the likelihood of
repeating a behavior in the future
D. None of the above
RCCD, 2019
﹡ Increases the frequency of a behavior that
precedes it
﹡ Strengthens behavior and rewards person

Positive Reinforcement
﹡ Give a reward following the behavior

Negative Reinforcement
﹡ Removal of aversive stimulus following the
RCCD, 2019
﹡ Decreases the frequency of a preceding

Positive Punishment
﹡ Presentation of aversive stimulus

Negative Punishment
﹡ Removal of positive reinforcer
75. Your roommate has a new boyfriend who at first
seems very nice. However, every time he comes to RCCD, 2019

visit your friend at your apartment, he smokes heavily

and the smell gives you a really bad headache. Now,
whenever you see him, you start to get a headache,
even if he isn‘t smoking. In this example, the headache
you get when you see your roommate‘s boyfriend
represents which of the following?
A. Unconditioned stimulus
B. Unconditioned response
C. Conditioned stimulus
D. Conditioned response
RCCD, 2019

Smoking Headache

Boyfriend Smoking Headache

Boyfriend Headache
76. In Bandura's model, which of the
following refers to the situation where RCCD, 2019

an individual enlists someone else to

help change some aspect of their life?
A. Interpersonal agency
B. Collective agency
C. Personal agency
D. Proxy agency
Proxy Agency
 Accomplish their goal by relying on other RCCD, 2019

 Rely on others for goods and services

Collective Efficacy
 Level of confidence that people have that
their combined efforts will produce social
 Personal efficacy of many individuals
working together
77. Which of the following will most
likely happen if an individual has low RCCD, 2019

self-efficacy combined with an

unresponsive environment?
A. Successful outcome
B. Apathy and feelings of helplessness
C. Changing the environment
D. Depression
Self Efficacy
RCCD, 2019

 People‘s expectation that they are

capable of performing those behaviors
that will produce desired outcomes in any
particular situation

 Not a global or generalized concept

RCCD, 2019

Responsive Unresponsive
environment environment
High Self- Successful Change
efficacy outcome environment
(Activism, Protests)

Low Self- Depression Apathy,

efficacy Resignation,
78. According to social cognitive
theory, most human behavior is?
RCCD, 2019

A. Caused by external
B. Freely chosen
C. Instinctive
D. Self-regulated
Self System
RCCD, 2019

Set of cognitive structures that give some

degree of consistency to people‘s behavior

1. Self-efficacy

2. Self-regulation
 Manipulate environments and produce
consequences of their actions
 Reactive and proactive strategies
Triadic Reciprocal Causation
RCCD, 2019
79. Calling a reprehensible act
something other than what it actually RCCD, 2019

is an example of which self-

exonerating mechanism?
A. Moral justification
B. Euphemistic labeling
C. Attribution of blame
D. Advantageous comparison
79. Calling a reprehensible act
something other than what it actually is RCCD, 2019

an example of which self-exonerating

A. Moral justification  higher purpose
B. Euphemistic labeling  another name
C. Attribution of blame blaming victim
D. Advantageous comparison  more heinous crime
80. According to Bandura, which
processes make delayed modeling
RCCD, 2019

A. Motivational processes
B. Motor reproduction processes
C. Attentional processes
D. Retentional processes
Attentional Processes
RCCD, 2019

Developing our cognitive processes and

perceptual skills so that we can pay
sufficient attention to a model, and
perceiving the model accurately
enough, to imitate displayed behavior.
Retentional Processes
RCCD, 2019

Retaining or remembering the model‘s

behavior so that we can imitate
processes or repeat it at a later time

﹡ Mental images
﹡ Verbal descriptions
Motor Reproduction Processes
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Translating the mental images or

verbal symbolic representations of the
model‘s behavior into our own overt
behavior by physically producing the
responses and receiving feedback on
the accuracy of our continued
Motivational Processes
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Perceiving that the model‘s behavior

leads to a reward and thus expecting
that our learning—and successful
performance—of the same behavior
will lead to similar consequences.

﹡ Reinforcement facilitates, but not

81. Ciara expects to top the BLEPP 2019.
According to Bandura, which of the following RCCD, 2019

situations will be the strongest contributor to

her self-efficacy?
A. Getting high scores on previous drills
B. Her parents telling her that she can ace the
board exam
C. Knowing that her best friend who also topped
to board exam last year
D. Having too much anxiety
Contributors to Self-Efficacy
1. Mastery Experiences RCCD, 2019

﹡ Most influential source of self-efficacy

﹡ Past performances
﹡ Successful performances  Higher Self efficacy

2. Social Modeling
﹡ Vicarious Experiences
﹡ Peer failure  Lower self-efficacy
﹡ Success of person with equal competence 
Higher self-efficacy
Contributors to Self-Efficacy
3. Social Persuasion RCCD, 2019

﹡ Believe Persuader
﹡ Within one‘s ability

﹡ Power of suggestion

4. Physical and emotional states

﹡ Strong emotion  Lower self-efficacy
82. In psychoanalytic learning theory,
which of the following refers to any strong RCCD, 2019

stimulus that impels an organism to action

and whose elimination or reduction is
A. Drive
B. Cue
C. Reinforcement
D. Response
Psychoanalytic Learning
Theory RCCD, 2019
Psychoanalytic Learning Theory
RCCD, 2019

1. Drive
• Stimulus impelling a person to act
• Strong stimulation that produces discomfort

2. Cue
• Specific stimulus (tells when, where, and how
to respond)

﹡ 3. Response
• One‘s reaction to the cue
Psychoanalytic Learning Theory
RCCD, 2019

4. Reinforcement
﹡ Effect of the response
﹡ Effective  Drive reduction
﹡ Not reinforced by satisfying a drive 
○ Does not eliminate a response but merely
83. Which type of conflict RCCD, 2019

involves only one goal?

A. Approach-approach
B. Avoidance-avoidance
C. Approach-avoidance
D. Double approach-avoidance
Types of Conflict
RCCD, 2019

﹡ One goal both
attracts and repels
the individual
84. Maria is in love with her two suitors –
Mario and Pedro. Now, she is forced to RCCD, 2019

decide on who she thinks will be better for

her. According to Dollard and Miller, this
represents which type of conflict?
A. Approach-avoidant
B. Avoidance-avoidance
C. Approach-approach
D. None of the above
Types of Conflict
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Simultaneously
﹡ Positive value but are
Types of Conflict
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Two undesirable
Types of Conflict
RCCD, 2019

Double approach-
avoidance conflict
﹡ Deal simultaneously
with multiple goals
that both attract and
85. Which of the following is the correct
definition of learning, according to George RCCD, 2019

A. Any change in one‘s construct system
B. A change in one‘s construct system that
improves prediction
C. A change in one‘s construct system that
validates core structures
D. A change in one‘s construct system that
makes the system less permeable
Personal Construct Theory
Personal Constructs RCCD, 2019

﹡ A hypothesis an individual forms in order to

predict and control events which makes the
world meaningful and is tested by experience

Constructive alternativism
﹡ Any event is open to a variety of
﹡ Emphasis on personal constructs than reality
86. According to Kelly, when a person
experiences specific and incidental RCCD, 2019

change in core structures, which of the

following happens?
A. Guilt
B. Threat
C. Fear
D. Anxiety
Four Common Elements in
Most Human Disturbances RCCD, 2019

﹡ ―The recognition that the events with
which one is confronted lie outside the
range of convenience of one‘s construct

Pathological anxiety
﹡ Incompatible constructs can no longer be
Four Common Elements in
Most Human Disturbances RCCD, 2019

﹡ ―The awareness of imminent comprehensive
change in one‘s core structures‖
﹡ Stability of basic constructs is likely to be
﹡ More specific and incidental than fear
Four Common Elements in
Most Human Disturbances RCCD, 2019

﹡ ―The sense of having lost one‘s core role
﹡ Behave in ways that are inconsistent with
their sense of who they are
87. According to Kelly, which of the
following is experienced when our RCCD, 2019

major beliefs about the world are

A. Guilt
B. Threat
C. Fear
D. Anxiety
88. According to George Kelly, although
our individual constructs are unique to us, RCCD, 2019

people in compatible groups or cultures

may hold similar constructs. Which
corollary best describes this explanation?
A. Sociality corollary
B. Commonality corollary
C. Experience corollary
D. Organization corollary
Commonality Corollary
RCCD, 2019

―To the extent that one person employs a

construction of experience which is similar to
that employed by another, [that person‘s]
processes are psychologically similar to those
of the other person‖

﹡ Similarities among people

Sociality Corollary
RCCD, 2019

To the extent that people accurately construe

the belief system of others, they may play a
role in a social process involving those other
﹡ Role: pattern of behavior that results from
a person‘s understanding of the
constructs of others with whom that
person is engaged in a task
Organization Corollary
―Characteristically evolve, for [their] convenience inRCCD, 2019

anticipating events, a construction system

embracing ordinal relationships between constructs‖
﹡ Hierarchy of constructs (ordinal)
﹡ Minimize inconsistencies and incompatibilities

Experience Corollary
―A person‘s construction system varies as he [or she]
successively construes the replication of events‖
﹡ Changed with experience
89. According to Kelly, human‘s
nature of free will is grounded on
RCCD, 2019

which corollary?
A. Choice corollary
B. Individuality corollary
C. Modulation corollary
D. Sociality corollary
Choice Corollary
―People choose for themselves that alternative in a RCCD, 2019

dichotomized construct through which they

anticipate the greater possibility for extension and
definition of future constructs‖
﹡ Choose one which extends their future range of

Individuality Corollary
―Persons differ from each other in their construction
of events‖
﹡ Differences among people
Modulation Corollary
RCCD, 2019

―The variation in a person‘s construction

system is limited by the permeability of
the constructs within whose range of
convenience the variants lie‖
﹡ Adaptation to experience; openness to
90. Pathological anxiety,
according to Kelly, is due to the
RCCD, 2019

breakdown of which corollary?

A. Fragmentation corollary
B. Modulation corollary
C. Commonality corollary
D. Dichotomy corollary
Fragmentation Corollary
―A person may successively employ a variety RCCD, 2019

of constructive subsystems which are

inferentially incompatible with each other‖
﹡ Incompatibility of constructs
﹡ Superordinate constructs

Dichotomy Corollary
―A person‘s construction system is composed
of a finite number of dichotomous constructs‖
﹡ Either-or proposition (bipolar nature)
Construction Corollary
―A person anticipates events by construing RCCD, 2019

their replications‖
﹡ Similarities among events

Range Corollary
―A construct is convenient for the anticipation
of a finite range of events only‖
﹡ Limited range of convenience
91. Fromm agreed with Freud RCCD, 2019

on the importance of the?

A. Exercise of free will
B. Death instinct
C. First five years of life
D. Order of birth
Fromm and Freud compared RCCD, 2019
92. Maslow‘s concept of peak
experiences is parallel to which RCCD, 2019

stage of May‘s stages of the

consciousness of self?
A. Innocence
B. Ordinary
C. Creative
D. Rebellion
Four Stages Of Consciousness Of Self
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Before consciousness of self is born
﹡ Infant

﹡ Seeks to establish some inner strength
﹡ Seeks freedom but does not comprehend
Four Stages Of Consciousness Of Self

RCCD, 2019

﹡ Learning from one‘s mistakes and

live responsibly

﹡ Ability to see something outside

one‘s usual limited viewpoint

﹡ Maslow‘s peak experience
93. Which Jungian archetype
influenced Murray‘s
RCCD, 2019

conceptualization of the id?

A. Wise old man
B. Shadow
C. Anima
D. Trickster
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Primitive, amoral, and lustful

﹡ Desirable impulses: empathy and
﹡ Influence of Jung‘s shadow
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Parents and authority figures

﹡ Peer group and culture
﹡ Develops throughout life

﹡ Contains the moral or ideal behaviors for
which a person should strive.
RCCD, 2019

 Rational governor of

 Conscious organizer of
94. Pia enjoys being around others and is well-
known for her social graces. She is warm and RCCD, 2019

engaging with everyone she meets regardless of

whether the setting is the classroom, her
workplace, a restaurant, or her own home. Since
Pia has a fairly stable way of relating to other
people, it is most likely that her behavior is?
A. Representative of her persona
B. A manifestation of a personality trait
C. A manifestation of her ego
D. Dependent on the situation
95. Comparing Freud and Skinner in
terms of their views on human nature,
RCCD, 2019

which of the following is a position

shared by both?
A. Optimistic
B. Pessimistic
C. Deterministic
D. Environmentalist
Viewpoint Freud Skinner
Determinism vs. Determinism Determinism
Free will RCCD, 2019

Pessimism vs. Pessimism Optimism

Causality vs. Causality Causality
Conscious vs. Unconscious Unconscious
Social vs. Biological Biological Social

Uniqueness vs. Middle stance Uniqueness

96. Dollard and Miller follow Freud
in assuming that ___ is at the heart
RCCD, 2019

of neurotic behavior.
A. Sexual abuse
B. Basic evil
C. Identity crisis
D. Conflict
﹡ Unable to reduce a drive
RCCD, 2019

﹡ Response is blocked

﹡ Incompatible responses at the same

97. Which of the following is correct about Erikson's
description of a crisis, in the context of personality RCCD, 2019

A. How we resolve the crisis determines the
direction our personality develops.
B. A crisis interrupts the natural development of
personality until it is resolved
C. People face an unlimited number of potential
crises as they pass through personality
D. Crises usually don't occur until after age five
Basic Points in Psychosocial Development
1. Growth takes place according to the epigenetic RCCD, 2019


2. Interaction of opposites
﹡ Syntonic: Harmonious element
﹡ Dystonic: Disruptive element

3. Basic strength: producing ego quality or strength

from the conflict of opposites

4. Core pathology: Too little basic strength

Basic Points in Psychosocial Development
RCCD, 2019

5. Biological aspect of human development

6. Multiplicity of conflicts and events (past,

present, anticipated)

7. Identity crisis
﹡ ―a turning point, a crucial period of increased
vulnerability and heightened potential‖
﹡ Either adaptive or maladaptive
98. In this research method, the researcher
engages in a story-telling with an umpukan. RCCD, 2019

The researcher merely serves as the

facilitator, while the kalahok or participants
are the one who are to talk. This is?
A. Pakikipagkwentuhan
B. Pagtatanong-tanong
C. Pakikiramdam
D. Panunuluyan
Approaches and Methods
﹡ Approaches or lapit, and methods or pamamaraan, in Filipino RCCD, 2019
psychology are different from that of Western psychology.

﹡ In Filipino Psychology, the subjects or participants, called

kalahok, are considered as equal in status to the researcher.
The participants are included in the research as a group, and
not as individuals-hence, an umpukan or natural cluster, is
required to serve as the participants per se.

﹡ The researcher is introduced to a natural cluster by a tulay

(bridge), who is a part of the umpukan and is well-respected
man in the community, such as the barangay captain.
Approaches and Methods
Pakikipagkuwentuhan RCCD, 2019

﹡ Researcher engages in a story-telling with an umpukan.

﹡ Researcher as facilitator
﹡ Kalahok or participants are the one who are to talk

﹡ Researcher stays in the home of his kalahok or participant
while he conducts the research with consent by the host
family, whose head serves as the tulay to an umpukan.

﹡ Researcher occasionally visits the house of his host or tulay,
as opposed to staying in the house.
Approaches and Methods
Pagtatanung-tanong RCCD, 2019

﹡ Researcher undergoes a kind of questioning

session with his kalahok or participants
﹡ ‗Lead questions' are not supposed to be asked
﹡ Questions: derived from the kalahok's answers

﹡ Researcher uses entirely his/her own feelings or
emotions to justify if his participants or kalahok
are ready to be part of his research or not
99. Which of the following is not RCCD, 2019

an accommodative surface
A. Pakikisama
B. Pakikiramdam
C. Hiya
D. Utang na loob
Confrontative Surface Values
Bahala Na RCCD, 2019
﹡ ―Leave it up to God (Bathala)"  fatalistic resignation
﹡ Enriquez: ‗‗determination and risk-taking‘‘
﹡ Pumping courage

Sama/Lakas ng Loob (―resentment‖/ ―guts‖)

﹡ Courage in the midst of problems and uncertainties
﹡ Inner Resource for Change

Pakikibaka (―resistance‖)
﹡ ―concurrent clashes‖
﹡ Ability of the Filipino to undertake revolutions and
uprisings against a common enemy
100. Which of the following is not RCCD, 2019

included in the outsider category

of kapwa?
A. Pakikilahok
B. Pakikitungo
C. Pakikisama
D. Pakikisangkot
Kapwa has two categories:
Ibang-tao (outsider) RCCD, 2019

pakikitungo (transaction, civility with)

pakikisalamuha (‗mixing‘/ interaction
pakikilahok (joining, participating)
pakikibagay (conforming)
pakikisama (adjusting; being along
Kapwa has two categories:
Hindi ibang-tao (one-of-us) RCCD, 2019

pakikipagpalagayang-loob (mutual
trust; being in-
rapport/understanding/ acceptance
pakikisangkot (getting involved)
pakikiisa (full trust, oneness, fusion;
being one with)
RCCD, 2019

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