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Ghana’s Election 2020

Understanding the need for a new Biometric Voter

Management System and the Compilation of a new
Voters Register
Importance of a Credible Voters’ Register


Register voters Register
• Legitimacy on the • Doubts about the
electoral process election’s inclusiveness
• EVERY eligible voter can • Doubts about the
vote only ONCE election’s outcome
• Prevents electoral fraud • Creates avenues for
fraud and manipulation
Capturing, Processing & Storing Biometric Data
for Electoral Purposes
Matching algorithms
used for verification
PROCESS: Image is and de-duplication
then further are based on
processed into a comparing these
CAPTURE: Biometric biometric template
data captured by a biometric templates
camera or sensor as
an image
Most commonly captured biometric features for electoral purposes are
fingerprints for automatic fingerprint identification systems (AFISs), and Facial
images of voters for facial recognition systems (FRSs)
Registration & Creation of Voters List
Challenges with the Current
Challenges of the Current System – BVR Kit
1. The Kit had been in use since 2011, last purchase was in 2013 (500)
2. All other costs associated with BVR kits was for refurbishment
3. A large quantity of the kits had many faulty component parts that were
difficult to replace (keyboard, mouse, screen, camera).
4. For 2016 47% failure rate was noticed during preparation for registration
5. The battery packs had worn out and therefore the decreased battery
autonomy could not guarantee continuous use of the BVR
6. The image quality obtained from the fingerprint scanner we increasing
deteriorating leading to repeated image acquisition prolonging the
registration process
7. The inkjet printers were failing at a frequent rate
30/01/2020 EC's New Biometric Voter Management System 9
Challenges of the Current System – BVD
1. Purpose built device for EC had been in operation since 2011
2. In 2013, an additional 500 of same BVD was purchased
3. Since then cost associated with BVD was for refurbishment
4. High failure rate of the BVDs
5. A lot of money had to be spent refurbishing them for use for the
various elections
6. Worn out sensors meant poor image acquisition leading to
repeated attempts on verification
7. Manual verification had been an increasing trend due to failure of
the BVDs to electronically verify voters.
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Network Challenges
Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) technology
• Has low bandwidth, very high latency and was susceptible to changes in the weather
such cloud cover and rain
• Limited Registration Exercise experienced low utilization rate of the online VMS

Network Design Limitations

• The network design is rigid and does not allow for integration of newer technologies
• The network design was poorly documented

Network not Secured

• Communication between nodes are not encrypted and in some instances microwave
links were shared with other customers raising security concerns
Challenges of the Current System –
1. Large number of equipment within the DC were either EOL or EOS
2. Some of the equipment did not have an active warranty since 2014
3. Most of the software licenses had expired
4. The Storage Array System were running on 1G iSCSI which made for
very slow processing.
5. Disks in the array were a combination of 10K and 7.2K RPM HDD
6. The rest of the network within the DC were a mixture of 100Mbit/s
and 1G connectivity
7. The Combination of the above could not deliver the performance
that was required to meet the demands of the system.
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Biometric Verification Management Systems(BVMS)
Application Components Challenges
Source code challenges
• Source code is not available to EC
• Biometric templates is being kept in a proprietary format
Challenges with Vendors
• The BVMS application modules where built by different vendors and is
poorly documented
• Troubleshooting and problem isolation takes days since it involves
coordinating with several vendors located in different time zones
• Vendor never committed to any service level agreements
Operational Challenges
Lack of Training
• None of the EC IT Staff were trained on the BVMS.
• The EC was complete reliant on the vendor for the management of the

Limited application server

• The application server used for the online VMS was limited by allowing
only 200 concurrent connections.
• The EC has some 260 district offices nation wide each with at least 2
VMS machines
Operational Challenges continued
No Disaster Recovery Plan
• There was no business continuity
• There is no IT disaster recovery plan
• The backup strategy in place was such that the best recovery point objective (RPO)
attainable was about 1 month and the best recovery time object (RTO) was about 1 week.
• Full backup of the Oracle DBMS took at least 72 hours and this is with the system quashed.
• Application system design was such that there was no insight into the quality of the data
being egested
No checks and balances in the system
• No way to determine if some records were missing.
• This process had to be manually done and is susceptible to human error
Summary of System Challenges

The hardware
System is a closed Hardware is difficult
equipment is obsolete,
proprietary system that and expensive to
& no longer supported
cannot be upgraded maintain
by manufacturer

EC IT Staff is shut out

Vendors have locked-in There is no backup or
of system and cannot
the commission disaster recovery plan
manage it
Features of the New System
New System Features

Mechanisms in place to
An open system based System allow for
System is hardware remove dead people
on standard and open continuous registration
agnostic and clean-up the
technology of voters

Data security to
Allows use of facial
Built-in IT business preventing
recognition as an
continuity and disaster manipulation from
additional verification
recovery external and internal
Cost implications
BVD Cost Comparison
Old System Upgrade New Acquisition
No of BVD Units Used 68,000 Number of BVR Required 80,000

Those in good condition 56,000 Unit cost of new BVD (USD) $400
Unit Cost of Refurbishment $ 244
Total Cost of Refurbishment $13,664,000

Additional BVD Required for 2020 24,000

Unit cost for New BVD (USD) 917

Total cost of additional BVDs required 22,008,000

Total cost of BVDs for 2020 Election $35,672,000 Total Cost of new BVD $32,000,000
BVR Kits Cost Comparison
Old System Upgrade New Acquisition
No of BVR Kits used in 2016 5,500 Number of BVR Kits required 8,000

No of BVR Kits that can be refurbished 1,500 Unit Cost of BVR Kits (USD) $3,000

Unit cost of refurbishment $3,500

Total cost of refurbishment for BVR $5,250,000

Additonal BVR Kits required for 2020 6,500

Unit Cost of new BVR Kits $5,145

Total cost of additional BVR Kits $33,442,500

Total for BVR for 2020 Election $38,692,500 Total Cost of new BVR Kits $24,000,000
BRV & BVD Cost Savings

New System Old System

•New BVR + BVD •Old BVR + BVD
= $56,000,000 = $74,364,500

New system savings = $18,364,500 (GHS104,677,650)

Datacenter Cost Comparison
Old System Upgrade New Acquisition
Proposed cost of refurbishment of
$15,000,000 Cost of new datacenter $6,000,000
Maintenance cost of new
Annual maintenance cost of datacenter $4,000,000 $1,000,000
Total cost of datacenter with Total cost of new datacenter
$19,000,000 $7,000,000
maintenance with maintenance

Total cost of refurbishment of old Total cost of new datacenter

$19,000,000 $7,000,000
datacenter with maintenance (USD)
Saving on datacentre $12,000,000 (GHS68,400,00)
Grand Saving with Procurement of new
equipment for 2020 (GHS)
New system savings =

New datacentre savings =


New system grand savings for

2020 = GHS173,077,650.00
Project Timelines

Voters Registration Apr 18 - May 30

Deduplication of Voters List Jun 1 - Jun 30

Data processing, splitting of polling stations, & extraction of data for BVD Jul 1 - Jul 15

Exhibition of Provisional Voters Register Sep 15 - Sep 29

Objection, Adjudication & Correction Oct 1 - Oct 9

Authentication of Voters Register by Revising Officers Oct 12 - Oct 15

Transfer of votes / Proxies/Special Voters Oct 15 - Oct 26

Receipt of Complete set of BVR Kits

Apr 6

Registration Starts Special Voting Day

Apr 18 Dec 1

Registration Ends De-Duplication Complete Data Freeze Election Day

May 30 Jun 30 Oct 26 Dec 7

2020 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
Why not simply upgrade the old system?

Trying to upgrade the old Trying to upgrade the BVD

hardware with new Trying to upgrade a battery sensor is like trying to
components is like trying to pack is like trying to upgrade upgrade a fixed port switch
upgrade 2011 Computer a Samsung Galaxy S3 to S10? from 10/100 to 1G switch or
with 2019 components 1G to 10G?

The Storage Array System

cannot be upgraded because The legacy operating
The Java version that the
it is at the end of its systems will have to be
application requires needs a
serviceable life (EOS), which upgraded in order for them
new OS
means it does not work to run on new hardware
How is buying a new system better than
upgrading the old system?
New System Old System Upgrade

• 3-5 year warranty • No warranty

• OEM support • No support
• High system performance • Low system performance
• High memory capacity • Low memory capacity
• Newest technology • Outmoded technology
• Minimized hardware flaws • Ongoing hardware flaws
• Long life expectancy • End-Of-Life (EOL)
Is the EC discarding all previous data?
NO!!! The EC will use the
Existing voters would not
existing data of voters
be required to go through
during the registration of
the same process as new
voters into the new voters

Their details will be

To be registered into the
retrieved from the existing
new register, existing voters
database and their
need to only present their
biometrics captured i.e.
existing voters’ ID card to
new facial image and 10
the registration officer
So if the data is usable why not migrate it?
The generated templates of the fingerprints in the
existing database are stored in a proprietary format

The EC is not able to migrate those templates into

a usable format.

There is a risk of potential data loss when

converting from one template format to the other

This is why it is a requirement of the EC that the raw images of the captured biometrics
are kept in ISO standard WSQ format and JPEG 2000 before templates are generated
Why build a datacentre? Why not use NITA?
The Commission appreciates the advantages of using government shared
hosting services.

However in this instance the hosting is not a viable option because of the
• There would be unnecessary suspicion of government control if the EC kept its application
servers in the government manage cloud/facility.
• EC is not certain of the provision of disaster recovery services
• Saving citizens data in the public cloud is not an option for the Commission
• Our biometric matching servers are processor intensive and do not lend itself for being
hosted in a virtualized environment
• We run process e.g. printing of the voters list that require industrial printers to be in close
proximity to the servers.
Thank you
Questions & Answers

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