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Course name: Spanish 1B-05 (4 units)

Course Call #: 31416 Instructor’s Name Magaly Lagunas-S.
Days & Hours: MW 2:00PM – 2:50PM Office #: MRP 2063
TuTh 1:30 PM -2:20 PM Off. Hours:MTuW 10:00– 11:00AM
Classroom : Mariposa Hall 2030 & by ap.
E-mail: [email protected]

TEXT BOOK AND MATERIAL: Dos mundos, 7th ed., by Terrell, Andrade, Egasse, and Muñoz.

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Continuation of SPAN 1A with a greater emphasis on the

development of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. Cultural knowledge continues to be
an important component: elements of Hispanic character, customs, and the way in which the
Spanish and Latin American peoples view themselves and others in the world is studied.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1A, or instructor permission.

A. Students demonstrate that they are able to communicate in culturally appropriate ways using
more complex structures while relying heavily on acquired formulaic language.

B. Students demonstrate that they are able to understand and respond to simple statements and
questions and participate in informal conversation within the cultural context.

C. Students demonstrate that they are able to exchange personal information, fulfill routines
needs in the four language skills within the cultural context.

D. Students demonstrate reading and writing skills that reflect their emerging oral language
within the cultural context.

Students continue to demonstrate a better understanding of the culture of the language they are
studying through the cultural context of the language that forms the basis of their study, internet
searches in the language and exploration of the perspectives, products, and practices of the culture.

Method of Instruction: This course is conducted entirely in Spanish using the following elements
and techniques:

• A method called the Natural Approach to provide comprehensible oral and written
input, both components help students create meaning through both acquired and learned
• A technique called TRP (Total Physical Response) The instructor will model an action,
give a command, and the class will act it out.
• Student-teacher interaction.

• Daily oral activities (group / pair activities)
• The use of transparencies, pictures, cards, music and videos.
• The use of games to review grammar, vocabulary, verb conjugations, etc…
• Stories and small readings.
• The study of the Spanish speaking countries’ culture.
• The use of SacCT
• The use of Dos Mundos web page:

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the conclusion of Spanish 1B, students will

be able to do the following in a cultural context based on the National Standards
(Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities), developing skills
in listening, speaking, reading and writing with progress markers according to the
Language Learning Continuum – Stage II.

 Understand and participate in basic conversations about things around them, their
families and friends, daily routine, workplace and job, activities at home and with
friends, past actions, food, travel, and climate/geography.
 Indicate to whom something is said using the Indirect object pronouns.
 Express abilities using the verbs saber and poder + infinitive.
 Refer to actions in progress using the Present progressive.
 Express obligation and duty, plans and desires.
 Demonstrate comparisons of equality and inequality.
 Talk about and describe past actions and events using the preterite tense of regular
and irregular verbs.
 Distinguish between and use correctly the verbs conocer (knowing people, places)
and saber (knowing facts)
 Refer to people using personal direct object pronouns.
 Report on the past using indirect object pronouns with decir.
 Using time expressions with hacer.
 Refer to objects already mentioned using the impersonal direct object pronouns.
 Expressing likes using the verbs gustar and encantar.
 Make negative statements and questions.
 Express the impersonal ‘se’
 Use reciprocal reflexive verbs to describe family relationships.
 Use correct prepositions and pronouns in descriptions.
 Describe events in the past using the imperfect tense.
 Read basic material relating to their needs and will also begin to understand readings
in paragraph form.
 Complete simple writing tasks such as filling out forms, writing descriptions, lists,
informal notes, short paragraphs and other basic communicative needs.
 Identify some of the salient features of the culture(s) of the Spanish speaking world and
understand some of the major differences.


1. Attendance
Regular attendance is very important for your success in this class. If you are not in class,
you are unable to participate.
Unexcused absences, late arrivals or leaving early from class will lower your grade.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class meeting (please, be on time!). It is
your responsibility to inform me when you are late or your tardy becomes an absence. Do
this after class only. Students who do not attend the class meetings are responsible for
learning the material covered in class on their own. It is highly recommended that you
write down at least two classmates’ telephone numbers in case there is an emergency and
you need to miss class.
Excuse notes will be accepted only for compelling reasons and must be submitted for
verification within a week in order for students to be excused; after a week of the absence
NO excuse notes will be accepted.

2. Participation
a. Before class It is imperative that students work on the vocabulary and grammar
pages before coming to class and also do the corresponding exercises before class (
textbook= blue pages exercises, HW1), and then, the corresponding exercises (SacCT,
HW2) after class.
b. In class Everyday you will be graded on how well-prepared you are and how you
interact with other students in a communicative setting. Class time is to be used
primarily for oral communication practice. If you feel you need more practice in
grammar, please arrange from grammar help from your instructor or a tutor outside of
class time.

3. Homework
Homework is how you practice what we learn in class and it will be assigned on a daily
basis. Late homework will NOT be accepted. Grammar exercises from the textbook
exercises will be collected the day of each exam. The daily completion of your
textbook ( blue pages= HW1) and SacCT ( HW2) will greatly help you prepare for
classroom participation and exams.
As part of your homework assignment, it is extremely helpful for you to use the Online
Learning Center Website: Resources from the website
include vocabulary and grammar activities for each chapter, cultural internet links and
activities, and vocabulary flashcards.


1. Exams
There will be three chapter exams in this class. Each exam will consist of the following parts:
Listening comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing and culture.
Spelling errors and incorrect use of accent marks will be worth ½ point. Exams will be mainly
based on the material covered in class from Dos Mundos. However, any additional information
(handouts, extra activities…) provided by the instructor in class will also be considered test

2. Make-ups
Students are expected to take all tests on the day scheduled in the syllabus and with the rest of
the class. Make-up exams will only be allowed when there is a TRUE emergency. Students will
be asked to provide official documentation in order to qualify for make-up rights. Make-up
exams are given during instructor’s office hours within one week of the original exam date.
Any failure to follow these requirements will result in loss of make-up rights.

3. Oral proficiency exam

The oral final exam will be used to evaluate your oral proficiency in Spanish. It will be a short
interview between the student and the instructor. The student will be expected to answer to
basic questions in Spanish using full sentences. Occasionally the student will have to talk about
some pictures/photos and describe what he/she can see. In addition, during the oral exam the
student must ask a minimum of three questions to the instructor. These questions need to be
elaborated and grammatically correct. Points will be deducted whenever a student does not
understand a question or when grammar is used incorrectly. The final proficiency exam will be
100% in Spanish. Points will also be deducted whenever English is used.

4. Grading policy
Chapter exams (5x10%) 50%
*Composition 10%
Participation and attendance 20%
Oral proficiency exam 10%
Final Exam 10%


100-93= A, 92-90= A-, 89-87= B+, 86-83= B, 82-80= B-,

79-77=C+, 76-73= C, 72-70= C-, 69-67= D+, 66-63= D, 62-60= D-, 59 or less= F


 All students must participate.

 Bring materials to class daily (Textbook, handouts…)
 Do your homework assignments in a neat and legible manner.
 Keep your cellular phones put away. No laptops in class.
 Do the vocabulary and grammar assignments at home. Correct all grammar
exercises with the key in Appendix 4.
 Be respectful to the instructor and other students.


Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD) offers a wide range of support services and
accommodations to students based on appropriate documentation, nature of disability, and
academic need in order to ensure equal access and opportunity to pursue their educational
goals. In order to initiate services, students must submit medical or professional
documentation prior to meeting with a counselor for needs assessment and accommodation
plan. Please see details in the SSWD webpage at
If a student does not request accommodation or provide documentation, the faculty
member is under no obligation to provide accommodations.




1ª semana:
L 23 de enero Introducción al curso y presentaciones.
M 24 Examen de Diagnostico
Mi 25 REPASO de Español 1A : Paso A y B
J 26 “ C
2ª semana: REPASO………
L 30 : Capitulo 1
M 31 “ 2
MI 1 de febrero “ 3
J 2 “ 4 C.5:G/E5.1.2

3ª semana: Español 1B:

L 6 Capitulo 5: Las actividades en la clase
M 7 Las habilidades 5.3
Mi 8 Las carreras y el trabajo 5.4
J 9 Deberes y obligaciones 5.5
4ª semana:
L 13 Las actividades futuras
M 14 El lenguaje del cuerpo
Mi 15 REPASO C6:
J 16 EXAMEN # 1: Capitulo 5 (& Repaso G/E 6.1
5ª semana
L 20 Capitulo 6: El vecindario y la casa 6.2
M 21 Los aparatos domesticos 6.3
Mi 22 Las actividades en casa
J 23 Las actividades con los amigos 6.4-.5
6ª semana:
L 27 El fin de semana
M 28 Las presentaciones
Mi 29 Practica
J 1 de marzo Repaso e Introd. a Capitulo 7 C7: G/E 7.1

7ª semana:
L 5 Capitulo 7: Mis experiencias 7.2
M 6 A ultima vez
Mi 7 El fin de semana de…. 7.3
J 8 Las experiencias con los demas 7.4
8ª semana:
L 12 Las vacaciones- Los recuerdos 7.5
M 13 Practica
J 15 EXAMEN # 2: Cap. 6 & 7

9ª semana: Vacaciones de Primavera: Spring Recess
L 19 de marzo
J 22 “ “

10ª semana C8:GE 8.1-.2

L 26 Capitulo 8: Las comidas, bebidas….
M 27 ………y nutricion.
Mi 28 Comidas y palabras
J 29 La mesa 8.3-.4

11ª semana:
L 2 de abril La compra y la preparación de la comida
M 3 Vamos a preparar……..
Mi 4 Estoy como agua para chocolate
J 5 * Vamos a ir a…./ Fuimos a…. 8.5
12ª semana:
L 9 Los restaurantes
M 10 Los deliciosos platos andinos
Mi 11 Practica de Entrevista Oral
J 12 “ “ “ “ & Intr. Capitulo 9 C9:GE 9.1-2
13ª semana:
L 16 Capitulo 9: La familia y los parientes 9.3
M 17 La ninez 9.4-.5
Mi 18 La juventud
J 19 * Mi familia y yo
14ª semana:
L 23 Carlos Santana: Oye como va
M 24 Los chicos de la calle.
Mi 25 En resumen….Repaso
J 26 EXAMEN # 3: Capitulo 8 & 9

15ª semana:
L 30
M 1 de mayo
Mi 2 Entrevistas orales (Oral Interv.) PRACTICA
J “ “ “ “ “
______________ ____________________________________ ___________
16ª semana:
L 7 * Entrevista Oral: Examen Final
M 8 “ “ “ “
Mi 9 “ “ “ “
J 10 “ “ “ “


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