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Ayurveda is considered the world’s oldest continually practiced medical system. The word Ayurveda
literally means AYU (life) + VEDA (science) i.e. SCIENCE OF LIFE .It first originated in India between 5000-
10000 yrs ago, and is generally believed to be the oldest healing science. As a system it places great
importance on the maintenance of health, curing of illness, preventing the occurrence of diseases 1.

The concept of swastha in Ayurveda is the most holistic concept .Ayurveda defines
swasthyavastha as the samavastha of dosha, dhatu, mala, agni, etc. Ayurveda speaks a unique concept
of dosha , than the 4 dosha of traditional Greco-Roman medieval medicine. Dosha is often translated as
the HUMOUR in Ayurveda, whereas Greek and Roman dosha were considered as FLUIDS .Dosha
manifest as the elemental forces in the sharira and not a physical substance in themselves 2 .


The word dosha is derived from pulinga shabda3 as the word dosha means शरीर दष
ू णादोषा: that which
causes vitiation. Doshas are 3 in nos viz वात पित्त कफ. Their existence in the sharira can be individual
or in the combination. The combination of 2 dosha is DWIDOSHAJA ,the combination of 3 dosha is
TRIDOSHAJA /SANNIPATAJA. The individual dosha has their own panchabhouthic sangatana as ;

VATA – (combination of AKASHA + VAYU )

PITTA – (analogous of AGNI )
KAPHA – (combination of JALA + PRITHVI )
Sarira and Satva are the substrata for the state of swastha as well as vyadhi4.Their existence
depends on sharira and manasika dosha respectively . Vata, pitta, kapha are the sharirika dosha while
raja and tama are the manasika doshas5. Basically doshas are the causative factor for manifestation of
vyadhi, in their vitiated state. In their prakruthavastha they are the base of life and perform various
functions in the sharira.

1. इह खल्वायुर्वेद प्रयोजनं-व्याध्युपस्रुष्टानां व्याधिपरिमोक्ष: स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणं / (सु.सू.१.१४)

2. Wikipedia
3. पुल्लिङ्ग शब्द, दष
ु ् वैकृत्ये+णिच ्+भावे घञ दष्ु यते इति। दष
ू णम ् (शब्दकल्पद्रम
ु ).
4. शरीरं सत्त्व संज्ञं च व्याधीनां आश्रयो मत: ।
तथा सुखानां, योगस्तु सुखानां करणं सम: ॥ ( च.सू.१.५५ )
5 . वायु : पित्तं कफश्चॉत्त: शारीरो दोषसंग्रह । मानस : पुनरुद्दिष्टो रजश्च तम एव च ॥ ( च .सु .१.५७ )
Doshas undergo a routine variation in the quantities within a narrow range which is insignificant. But in
certain conditions there may be vruddi or Kshaya of doshas which is of significant value as it produces
Lakshanas in sharira ,on the basis of their quality in the sharira .The vatadhi doshas have 4 avastha viz,
vruddi, Kshaya ,sama and Avarana6. Either of the dosha ,dhatu ,mala along with vatadosha or the
individual vatadosha gets Aavruta by its own prabheda individually is known as Avarana ,by which the
karmakriya gets hampered .

The doshas undergoing vriddhi i.e. increase either in Gunathamaka , Dravyatmaka ,Karmathmaka is the
dosha vruddhi.The vruddi can be in swasthana aiso .


 The swabhavika guna-karma vruddi of the dosha is seen. eg: snigdha ,seetha ,madhura are the
prakutha karma of kapha ,if kaphavruddi occurs then snigdata ,shaitya ,maduradhi vruddi in the
twacha,mukha, jihva, nakha,netra ,mutra, purisha is noticed.
 Dosha, dhatu, upadhatu, mala gets vruddi firstly by its own Dravyas in which predominance of
its mahabhuta is seen ,in particular dosha, dhatu etc7. eg ;Pitta and rakta is Agnimahabhuta
pradana and the dravyas which are predominant with agnimahabuta are consumed ,then it
leads to pitta and rakta vruddi .
 Apart from aharadravyas , Vihara, Desha , kala, Rutu also causes vruddi in the dosha s based on
the similar swabhava26 .
 When the guna-karma vruddi is noticed , the vruddha dosha moves in viparitha marga
(unmargagami) and causes dushana of dushyas leading to manifestation of vyadhi .
 Dosha vruddi includes the Sanchaya and prakopa together .Sanchaya is the first Avastha and its
in Alpamatra also, by which it can be easily treated. When the doshavruddi is noticed in
Adikamatra and the lakshanas are being manifested is the dosha prakopa.
 A/c to Dalhana, he classified the dosha vruddi into 2; Gunathmaka vriddi and Matrathamaka
vruddi . In which he expains as gunathmaka vruddi is rupavruddi and its in sanchaya avastha .
The Matrathamaka is the Vilayana rupa vruddi and its in the Prakopa avastha8 .
 When the doshas are in the samaavastha performing their prakruta karma .As vata being
circulated throughout the sharira ,wherever the Vidyamanadoshas are noticed by vata ,it
creates vruddi in the matra conglomerating in Vidyamanadosha sthana ,leading to the
sthanataragatadosha vruddi ,which produces as a roga .This is a sthanataragata dosha vikara in
which dosha vruddi is the main karana.In this way the sthanataragata sama dosha may also
leads to rogas .

6. वायु: पित्तं कफश्चॆति त्रयोदोषा: समासतः ।

विकृताविकृता दे हं घ्नन्ति ते वर्तयन्ति च ॥ ( अ.हृ.सू .१.६ )
7. वद्दि
ृ : पन
ु रे षां स्व योनि वर्धनात्यप
ु सेवनाद भवति । ( स.ू सु.१५ .१३ )

8. वद्दि
ृ र्हि द्विविधा चय लक्षणा प्रकोप लक्षणा च , तत्र संहति रुपाव्रुद्दिश्च : विलयनरुपा वद्दि
ृ : प्रकोप: । (सु
.चि .३३.३.डल्हण )

Along with the natural attributes of doshas, there are some features of doshas which are responsible for
there participation in the pathology of Vyadhi 9.
Atmarupa Lakshana of Doshas10 :

Vata Pitta Kapha

Rukshata Ushna Sneha
Sheeta Tikshna Saitya
Laghutha Dravatva Shouklaya
Vaishdya Sukla and Aruna varna Gourava
Amurtatva Visragandha Madhura
Gati Katu, Amla rasa Paichilya
Anavasthitatva Saratva Matsya
Prathyeka Dosha Lakshanas :
Each dosha has its own Prathyeka Lakshana according to which it produces special symptoms in the
sharira. On the basis of these lakshanas dominance of any dosha can be confirmed with certainty.
Vruddi Lakshanas produced by Vata :

Vak parushyam Gada varca Dina

Karsya Sangnansa Bhaya
Karsynya Asthi sula Shoka
Gatra spurana Majja shosha Pralapa
Nidranasa Mala Sanga
Alpabala Adhmana

Vruddi Lakshanas produced by Pitta :

Pithavabasatha Murcha ,Trushna Tiktyasayta

Santhapa Balahani , Krodha Daha
Seethakamitva Indriya Dourbalya Oja vibramsa
Alpanidra Pita vin,mutra,netratva Glani

9 . दोषा:प्रवद्ध
ृ ा:स्वंलिङ्गं दर्शयन्तियथाबलं । क्षीणाजहतिलिङ्गं स्वं, समा:स्वं कर्म कुर्वते ॥ (च .सु १७ ६२ )
10 . सर्वेष्वपि ...........तद्यथा - रौक्ष्यं शैत्यं लाघवं वैशद्यं गति अमर्त
ु त्वं अनवस्थित्वं चेति
वायुरात्मरूपाणि;......तैरन्वितं वात विकार मेवाध्यवत्स्येतः ॥ (च .सु .२० .१२ )
10 . सर्वेष्वपि .....तद्यथा - औष्ण्यं तैक्ष्ण्यं द्रवत्वं अतिस्नेहो वर्णश्चा शुक्ल अरुण वरजो गन्धश्च विस्रो
रसौ च कटुकाम्लौ सरत्वं च पित्तस्य अत्मारूपाणि ; .........तैरन्वितं पित्त विकार मेवाध्यस्येत ॥ (च.सु .२०
.१५ )

Lakshana produced by Kapha10 :

Shoukalam Alasya Srothopidana
Shaitya Sandhi Vishlesha Murcha
Sthairya Tandra Svasa
Gourva Avasada Nidra


 The dosha vruddi will be in Chayavastha ,so it can be easily treated with the Viparita
gunasevana not leading to manifest as vyadhi 11 .
 Nidana parivarjana , which does not lead to further vitiation of doshas .
 When doshas are in sanchaya avastha ,if treated at this moment the bala of vruddha doshas
become Kshina ,incapable to manifest as vyadhi 12.
 Hetuviparitha aushdha can be administered ,based on the particular gunavruddi in the dosha.
Eg : ruksha ,seetha ,laghu is increased in vata then the viparitha gunas like snigha, ushna ,guru
ahara dravyas are given .
 In dosha vruddi ,there is raise in alpamatra in the guna –matra of dravya that should be
decreased by administering the hetuviparita or Shamana chikitsa13 .


When doshas are present in lesser quantum at their own abode, it is called Kshaya of doshas. In this
state of Kshaya, doshas cast off their normal functions9 .


 Vyayama ,Anasana ,Chinta ,Ruksha anna sevana ,Alpa asharasevan ,Pramitasana,exposure to
wind sun, Bhaya, soka, intake of ruksha pana ,prajagara (vigil),excessive elimination of
kapha,rakta ,sukra and other malas ,oldage and period of Aadhanakala 14.

10. सर्वेष्वपि ....... तद्यथा - स्नेह शैत्य शौकल्य गौरव माधुर्य स्थैर्य पैच्छिल्य मार्त्स्यनि श्लेष्माणं आत्म
रूपाणि .....श्लेष्मा विकार मेवाध्यस्येत ॥ (च .सु .२०.१८ .) 11 .
ृ : स्वधाम्न्येव प्रद्वे षो वद्दि
ृ हे तुषु । विपरित गुणेच्छा च ......... (अ . हृ.१२ .२२ .) 12 . संचये
s अपहृता दोषो लभन्ते नोत्तरा गति : । ते तूत्तरासु गतिषु भवन्ति बलवत्तरा : ॥ (सु
.सू.२१ .३७ )
13. वद्ध
ृ ा निर्हर्तव्या : ........... ( सु . चि . ३३.३ ) 14 .
व्यायामोs नशनं चिन्ता रुक्षाल्प प्रमिताशनं । वातापौ भयं शोको रुक्षपानं प्रजागर: ॥
कफ शोणित शक्र
ु ाणां मलानां चातिवर्तनं । कालो भत
ु ोपघतश्चा ज्ञातव्या: क्षय हे तव : ॥
(च .सु .१७.७६-७७ )


On the basis of symptoms found in the sharira, Kshaya of a particular dosha is confirmed.

Lakshanas produced by vathakshaya15

Mandachestatha Mudasangna Hrullasa

Alpavak Lalasrava Angasada
Aprahrasha Aruchi Agnivaishamya

Lakshanas produced by pittakshaya15

Mandhosmatha Aniathatoda Angaparushya

Mandagni Daha Kampana
Nisprabhatva Aruchi Gourava
Stambha Avipaka Nakha,Netra swethata

Lakshanas produced by kapha kshaya15

Rukshata Prajagarana Daha

Antardaha Bhrama Sputana
Loss of shlesma on amasaya Udvestana Vepana
Sandhi-saithilya Angamarda Dhumayana
Trshna Toda Hrud-drava


 Nidana parivarjana which does not lead to further kshinatha of doshas, bringing to normalcy16
 Dosha guna-karma kshaya is fulfilled with viparitha gunayuktha ahara and vihara leading to
samaavastha of dosha. Eg. In Vata kshaya – Ruksha, laghu, sheetha ahara sevana is indicated.
 The kshina doshas are subjected to Bruhmana , which nourishes the kshina doshas and brings to
normalcy17 .

15 . तत्र , वातक्षये मन्द चेष्टता अल्पवक्त्वं अप्रहर्षो मूढसंग्ज्ञ्यता च , पित्तक्षये मन्दोष्माग्निता

निष्प्रभता च , श्लेष्मा क्षये रूक्षता अन्तर्दाहा आमशयेतर श्लेष्माशया शून्यता सन्धि शैथिल्यं ( तष्ृ णा
दौर्बल्यं प्रजागरणं ) च ॥ ( सु .सू .१५ .७ )

16 . तत्र स्वयोनिवर्धनान्यॆव प्रतीकारः । ( सु . सू . १५.८ )

17 .क्षिणा : बंह
ृ यितव्य : …………॥ (सु .चि .३३.३.)

Due to indulgence in dosha aggravating regimen , dosha may increase to such extent that it tends to
leave its own abode and start moving to other sites of the sharira18 .The prakopaavastha is featured
with aggravation of dosha and person starts feeling of being rogi .Prakopa of dosha results due to
successive accumulation of doshas .


 Vata19 aggravating ahara – Katu,Kasaya,Tikta,Ruksha,Laghu,Sita and dry foods .

Vata aggravating food habits - Anasana, Visamasana, Adhyasana.
Vata aggravating Vihara - Vega dharana of vata, mutra ,purisha, sukra,chardhi,svayathu,
Prapidana,Abhighata,Langhana,Plavana,Pratarana,Ratri-jagarana ,
Bharaharana ,riding on elephants ,horseor other vehicles ,Adhva.

 Pitta20 aggravating ahara – katu,Amla ,Lavana,Tikshna,Ushna ,Laghu,Vidhahi attributes .

Pitta aggravating foo habits – Upavasa,eating Vidagdha ahara
Pitta aggravating vihara - Krodha ,soka ,bhaya,ayasa maithuna.

 Kapha21 aggravating ahara - Madhura ,amla ,lavana, sita, snigdha,guru,picchila, abhisyandi

ahara Sevana
- Excessive intake of hayanaka,yavaka,naisedha ,itkata,masa,
godhuma,tilapista,riceflour,etc. Intake of dadhi,ksira,krsra,payasa,
- Meat and fat of animals inhabiting anupadesa,and that of audaka
- Visa(stalk of lotus),mrnala,kaseruka,sringataka,madhura
valliphala, etc.
Kapha aggravating food habits - Samasana, adhyasana, etc.
Kapha aggravating vihara - Divaswapna,avyayama,alasya .

18 . कोपस्तू उन्न्मर्गामिता । लिङ्गानां दर्शनं स्वेषामस्वास्थ्य़ं रोगसंभव : । ( अ .ह्र्.सु.१२ .२३.) 19 .

तत्र बलवद्विग्रह अति व्यायाम व्यवाय अध्ययन प्रपतन प्रधावन प्रपिडन अभिघात लङ्गन प्लवन प्रतरण
रात्रिजगरण भारहरणा गज तरु ग रथपदा अतिचर्या कटु कषाय तिक्त रुक्ष लघु शीत वीर्य शष्ु क शाक
वल्लुर वरकोदलक कोरदष
ु श्यामक निवार मुद्ग मसूर आढकि हरे णुक लाय निष्पाव अनशन विषमाशन
अद्यशन वात मूत्र परु ीष शुक्र च्छर्दि क्षवथु उद्गार बाष्प वेग विघातदिभि : विशेषौ वायु: प्रकोपमापध्यते ॥
(सु .सू.२१ .१९ )
20 . क्रोध शोक भय आयास उपवास विदग्ध मैथुनोपगमन कटु अम्ल लवण तीक्ष्ण उष्ण लघु विदाहि
तिलतैल पिण्याक कुलत्था सर्षप अतसी हरितक शाक गॊधा मत्स्या अजाविक मांस दधि तक्र कुर्चिक मस्तु
सौवीरक सरु ाविकारा अम्लफल कट्वर प्रबुतिभि : पित्तं प्रकोपमापद्यते ॥ (सू .सू.२१ .२१ )

21 . दिवस्वप्ना व्यायाम आलस्य मधरु अम्ल लवण शीत स्निग्ध गरु

ु पिच्छिल अभिष्यन्दि हायनक यवक
नैषध इत्कट माष महामाष गोधूम तिल पिष्ट विकृत दधि दग्ु ध कृशर पयसा इक्षु विकार अनुपौदक मांस
वसा बिसामण
ृ ाल कसेरुक शङ्
ृ गाटकमधुर वल्लीफल समशन अध्यशन प्रभुतिबिहि श्लेष्मा प्रकोपमापद्यते
॥ (सु .सू .२१.२३.)

22 . वायोर्धातुक्षयात ् कोपो मार्गस्यावरणेन वा ॥ ( च . चि . २८ . ५९ )

23 . वसन्ते श्लेष्मजा रोगा: शरत्काले तु पित्तजा: । वर्षासु वातिकश्चैव प्रायः प्रादर्भ

ु वन्ति हि :॥
निशान्ते दिवसान्ते च वर्षान्ते वातजा गदा : । प्रात: क्षपादौ कफजास्तयोर्मध्ये तु पित्तजा : ॥
वयो अन्त मध्ये प्रथमे वात पित्त कफामयाः । बलवन्तो भवन्त्येव स्वभावद्वयसो नण
ृ ां ॥ जिर्णान्ते
वातजा रोगा जीर्यमाणे तु पित्तजा : । श्लेष्मजा भुक्तमात्रे तु लभन्ते प्रायशो बलं ॥ (च .चि
.३० .३०९ -३१२ )

24 . सर्वेष्वपि ....... तद्यथा - स्रंस्र भ्रंस व्यास संग भेद सदा हर्ष तर्ष कम्पवर्तचाल तोदव्यथा चेष्टादिनी ,
तथा खर परुषा विशद सुषिर अरुणवर्ण कषाय विरसमुखत्व शोष शूल सुप्ति सङ्कोचन स्तम्भन
खञ्जतदीनि च वयो: कर्माणि;तैरन्वितं वात विकार मेवाध्यवसेत ॥ (च .सु.२०.१२.)

25 . सर्वेष्वपि ....... तद्यथा - दाह उष्ण पाक स्वेद क्लेद कोथ कण्डु स्राव राग यथास्वं च गन्ध वर्ण
रसाभिनिर्वर्तनं पित्तस्य कर्माणि;तैरन्वितं पित्त विकार मेवाध्यवसेत ॥ (च .सु.२०.१५ .)

26 . सर्वेष्वपि ....तध्यता...स्वैत्य शैत्य कण्डुस्थैर्य गौरवस्नेह सप्ति

ु क्लेद उपदे ह बन्ध माधर्य
ु चिरकारित्वानि
श्लेष्मण : कर्माणि ; तैरन्वितं श्लेष्मविकारमेवाध्यवस्येतः ॥ (च .सु .२० .१८ )

27 . तेषां प्रकोपत ् कोष्टतोद संचरणा अम्लिका पिपास परिदाह अन्नद्वे षा ह्रुदयोत्क्लेदाश्च जायन्ते । तत्र
द्वितीय क्रियाकल : ॥ (सु .सू .२१ २७ ) 28.
प्रशाम्यतौषधै: पर्वो
ू दै व युक्तिव्यपाश्रयै : । मानसो ज्ञान विज्ञान धैर्य स्मति
ृ समाधिभि : ॥ (च
.सु.१.५८ )
 Though the number of Vata rogas are numerous along with other doshas, it also undergoes
vruddi and prakopa, simultaneously it undergoes prakopa even in avarana which is caused due
to dhatu Kshaya, Ruksha annapaana, vayumarga avarodha22 .
 The dosha vruddi and prakopa is noticed in different kala of raatri, dina, after food, rutu,
avastha individually as23 ;

Dosha Kapha Pitha Vata

Ratri Prathama Prahara Madyama Prahara Anthima Prahara
Dina Anthima Prahara Madyama Prahara Prathama Prahara
Bukthamsha Aama Kala, Adi Kala Pachyamana Kala Pakva Kala
Madya Kala Anthima Kala
Rutu Vasantha Varsha Sharad
Avastha Balya Yuva Vrudda


Each dosha has its own Lakshana according to which it produces symptoms in the sharira, on the basis
of these lakshanas the dominancy of any dosha can be confirmed.

Vataprakopa Lakshanas24

Sramsa Varta chala Kashaya,Virasamukha

Bhramsa Toda Shosha
Vyasa Vyatha Sula
Sanga Chesta Supti
Bheda Khara Sancoka
Sada Parusha Stambha
Harsha Vishada Khanja
Tarsha Sushira
Kampa Aruna varna

Pittaprakopa Lakshana25

Daha Kleda Raga

Ushnata Kotha Gandha
Paka Kandu Varna
Swedana Srava rasa

Kaphaprakopa Lakshana26

Swaithya Gourava Upadeha

Saithya Sneha Banda
Kandu Supti Madhurya
Sthairya Kleda Chirakaritva
Prakopa Lakshanas a/c to Sushrutha27

 Acharya Sushrutha explains a unique features when the doshas undergo Prakopa, where in he
includes prakopa in dvithiya kriyakala. The individual Lakshanas are ;
Vata : Koshtathoda sanchalana
Pitha : Pipasa paridaha
Kapha : Anna dwesha, hrudayakleda


 Nidana parivarjana
 Hethuviparitha aushada chikitsa
 Shamana and shodana chikithsa

Any deviation of dosha from their samaavastha should be treated promptly, as the same are
responsible for existence of the body. The doshas may cause destruction in vruddi or Kshaya or prakopa
in the sharira. The sharirika doshas are treated with daivavyapasraya chikitsha and yukti vyapasraya
chikitsha, while the manasika doshas are treated by gyana, vigynana, dhairya, smruti and samadi 28.
As a general rule ,equilibrium state of dosha should be maintained, increased dosha
should be decreased and that decreased should be increased and aggravated should be eliminated 29.
The vruddi or Kshaya of dosha is characterized by dwesha or ichcha for food which is
similar or dissimilar in gunas of that dosha. The rogothpathi is formed either by individual doshas or in
combination of doshas manifesting as a vyadhi . The subtle part of the doshas are viewed i.e. which
part is involved, which guna is involved , how much matra of prakopa occurred etc, these are
ascertained as amshamsha kalpana , considering bala of sharira, dosha vruddi, matra vruddhi is being
evaluated through which treating the patients become easier.
When the doshas undergo prakopa then prasamana or shodhan chikitsha is
undertaken because of the doshas are in excess. Selection of chikitsha in these cases is based on
quantum of doshas present in sharira. If dosha vitiation is in alpamatra then only langhana is sufficient
to elevate. If its in madhyama matra ,then langhana and pachana should be used in combination . If
its in bahumatra , then shodhana has to be administered, which eliminates the excess doshas just like
draining out of excess water by breaking its banquette 30. Though treating the patient is the main
consideration of physician considering of all the aspects and treating the disease.

32 . दोषा : क्षिणा : बंह

ृ यितव्य : कुपिता: प्रशमायितव्य : । वद्द
ृ ा निर्हर्तव्या; समा : परिपाल्या इति सिद्धान्त:
॥ (सु .चि .३३.३.)
33 . तत्र लङ्घन अल्पबलदोषणां ...... लङ्घनपचने तु मध्यबलदोषणां .........बहुदोषणां पुनर्दोषवसेचनमेव
कार्य ...... । ( च .वि.३.४४ )

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