Report of The Post Training Workshop On District Roll Out of The OER Kabugao District 1

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Report of the Post Training Workshop


District Roll Out of the OER

Kabugao District 1

January 17, 18 – 24 & 25, 2020

Prepared by:

Mark Neil A. Galut Kimberly T. Waclin

Teacher I Teacher I
Kabugao 1 Report on Open Educational Resource Roll Out

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………... 4

1- Opening ……………………………………………………………………………… 4
2- Day 1 & 2 Training Sessions …………………………….………………………… 4
3- Day 3 & 4 Training Sessions & Closing …………………………..……………… 5

Total cost of the Training Program 6

Annex I (Meeting Agenda) ……………………………………………………………… 7

Annex II (List of Participants) ………………………………….……………………… 9

Photo Report …………………………………………………...………………………… 10

Kabugao 1 Report on Open Educational Resource Roll Out

Date of the workshop: January 17, 18 & 24, 25, 2020

Venue: Senior Citizen’s Office, Poblacion, Kabugao, Apayao

Organizer: Kimberly T. Wacling, Charves Ariel Dangao, Aimee Dagson, Mark Neil
A. Galut, Maribel Duldulao, Heidyliza Bonggay, Jaypee Balalang, Beverly Biyong,
Francisco Campilis III

Participants: 71 teachers, 4 master teachers and 7 school heads

Theme of the Training program: (Annex II depicts the list of participants).

Source of funding: School MOOE

Materials distributed: Installers of the OER software

Kabugao 1 Report on Open Educational Resource Roll Out

Executive Summary

The present report summarizes the activities associated with the training program
held in Senior Citizen’s Center on District Open Educational Resources Roll Out; an
activity roll outing the OER Learning Action Cells. The activity is a re-echo for the
training gained by the facilitators during the division roll out of OER at the Girton’s
Hotel, Conner, Apayao in December . The decision to hold the activity in Senior
Citizen’s Center was taken due to CSC mandates 100% results orientation to make it
uniform with other government agencies. Competencies should be used for
development purposes given to the Department of Education and also due to the
active participation of the DepEd Apayao Division team and its teaching staff.

Participants from the division roll out were the resource persons involved in this
training activity. Participants acknowledged the organization and the implementation
of the program. The DepEd Apayao officials supported the training very much. The
SGOD and CID Office gave blessings to the activities which were lasted for four

1- Opening

The opening of the training workshop attended by the some of the school heads of
different clusters and seventy - six (76) teachers and master teachers from the
different schools of Kabugao District 1. The Roll out was opened by a speech which
tackles the readiness of the teachers to accept the challenge of teaching styles for the
21st century in the K to 12 curricula.

2- Day 1 Training Sessions (January 17, 2020)

As evident from the Agenda of the program (Annex I) the program started with an
overview of the Open Educational Resource. The session extended over 15 minutes
and followed by sorting of groups using the HAT app.

The first presentation was made by Mr. Francisco Campilis III teaching the
participants on how to use the Hot Potato app in creating an instructional material
using the said app.

The second presentation made by Mr. Charves Ariel Dangao is also the continuation
of Hot Potato app, which may help teachers in improving the quality of the teaching
and learning process.

The third presentation was made by Mr. Jaypee Balalang who introduced the
crossword puzzle app for teachers and master teachers. He also emphasized that the
app is easier to use than the Hot Potato app JCross. He also gave more explanation on
how to use the app and how to generate printable crossword puzzle using the said

The last presentation of the first day of the District LAC was introducing the who
wants to be a millionaire application which was presented by Mrs. Aimee Dagson.

Kabugao 1 Report on Open Educational Resource Roll Out

Day 2 Training Sessions (January 18, 2020)

The morning session started with a short recapitulation of the first day session and an

Also, some reminders were given by our District PSDS, Ma’am Irene D. Portacio
followed by some announcements for the upcoming town fiesta of Kabugao by KCS
Principal, Maricel P. Enciso.

After which, the first application (Wondershare Quiz Creator) was presented by Mr.
Mark Neil A. Galut for making different test types of teacher instructional materials.
He gave an ample explanation to the different test types, which made the participants
appreciate the application very much.

The next presentation was made by Mr. Charves Ariel Dangao teaching on how to use
the HAT application, its importance in sorting the learners in their respective groups,
and the like.

The last presentation (Wheel of Fortune) was presented by Mrs. Kimberly T. Waclin.
She presented it carefully in order for the participant to understand it well.

After the presentations important announcement were made by the PSDS herself Mrs.
Irene D. Portacio.

3. Day 3 Training Sessions (January 24, 2020)

At the third day of the session, the facilitators were tasked to demonstrate to the
participants their lesson output using the different applications which were taught to
the from the first and second day of the LAC session.

In the afternoon, the participants were asked to do their workshop to create their
output to be presented on the last day of the training.

Using the Hat Application, the demonstrator participants were drawn through it and
asked to be ready for the last day session of the training to present their respective

Day 4 Training Sessions (January 25, 2020)

On the last day of the training, the return demo of the participants was delivered until
the afternoon and was critiqued by the School heads together with the PSDS.

At the end, the training session of the OER went well with success.

a. Closing
During the closing session the organizers listened to the remarks by the
participants who commended the center for its efforts in the successful

Kabugao 1 Report on Open Educational Resource Roll Out

organization of the activity. The organizers gave their impression about the
group and their response to the OER Roll Out. At the end of the training
picture takings was made to all participants together with the facilitators and
distribution of certificates.

3- Total Cost of the Training program

The total cost of the training program was _______ including

- Gasoline for generator
- Snacks of the participants and facilitators
- Materials distributed to the participants during the workshop.

Kabugao 1 Report on Open Educational Resource Roll Out

Annex I

Day one: Thursday September 20, 2018

7:30 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 – 10:00 Opening Session and Welcome speech

 Aida G. Lubbayay (Prayer)

 Elizabeth Mago (Singing of the National Anthem)

 Yvonne T. Sario (Opening Remarks)

 Mark Neil A. Galut (Introduction of Participants)

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 12:00 Overview of the RPMS Manual - Maricel P. Enciso

A run through of the Activities - Maricel P. Enciso

RPMS Tools - Maricel P. Enciso

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 – 3:00 Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers - Maricel P.

3:00 – 5:00 Porfolio Assessment Process - Mark Neil A. Galut
Day Two : September 21, 2018
7:30 - 8:00 Signing of Attendance
8:00 -9:30 Preparation of Portfolio - Annabelle Bongui
9:30 – 10:15 Professional Reflections through Annotations - Irene D.

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 12:00 Effective Coaching and Giving Performance Feedback -

Maricel P. Enciso
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 – 3:00 Tools within the RPMS Cycle - Mark Neil A. Galut
3:00 – 3:30 Special Announcement
3: 30 – 5:00 Closing

Kabugao 1 Report on Open Educational Resource Roll Out

Annex II
List of Participants

Speakers/ Facilitators

Kimberly T. Waclin

Charves Ariel Dangao

Aimee Dagson

Jaypee Balalang

Mark Neil A. Galut

Maribel Duldulao

Heidyliza Bonggay

Beverly Biyong

Francisco Campilis III

Public School District Principal

Irene D. Portacio

School Heads

Elizabeth U. Mago - Principal II Dionicia B. Dangao - ESHT III

Angeles B. Bunay - ESHT I Aida G. Lubbayay - ESHT I
Manahan A. Gubatan - ESHT I Aguinaldo B. Cabasag - ESHT I

Master Teacher

Annabelle S. Bongui – MT – I Yvonne T. Sario MT II

Lallaine I. Talimbatog – MT – I Beverlie Anne T. Biyong MT – I

Teacher I – III

Noralyn Tacula Mary Claire Tejada Desiree Mamba

Charlotte Balayang Jenelyn Agustin Marina Basseg
Revie Dla Cruz Marimar Basseg Jemalyn Diaz
Gemimah Hipolito Lourie Jane Bulusan Jeralyn Uy
Julius Daguyam Marilou Gumidam Catalina Pudoc
Joy Rufino Jhona Era Mary Anne Dalapnas
Keithlyne Sadag Genita Diaz Kimberly Ann Waclin
Kaylene Grace Era Malou Morta Charves Ariel Dangao
Gemma Alab Patricia Balyao Mitchelle Culalong
Cecile Ann Wacnang Rachelle Belingon Heidyliza Bongay

Kabugao 1 Report on Open Educational Resource Roll Out

Celitos Pio Hazel Tabili Merlyn Schmitz

Charlene Taggid Rudielyn Piagan MeeShane Tabangcura
Dick Puddao Francis Campilis Harnerly Ann Bassod
Maricris Gamose Jeng Jeng Agculao Joanne Gica
Irene Cusid Max Sacki Jessimar Saleng
Jely Sario Marry Ann Omotoy Castillo Tapoc
Godinez Ganaden Melisa Melad Febe Laluan
Ella Deniega Eustaquia Siclangat Rowel Banayos
Lorena Tungpalan Consuelo Claveria Marivic Basang
Nancy Pugyao Abigail Atalit Rolita Devera
Maria Loida Bucayu Cecilia Bossing Elyrose Cabasag
Angeline Sagle Agnes Taracatac Aimee Dagson
Ritchele Gumidam Audrey Carmoc Mary Jane Basan
Khriel Puddoc

Kabugao 1 Report on Open Educational Resource Roll Out


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