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Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology

Programme Name –Pre Ph.D. Course Work

Subject: Computer Application
Sem   Paper Marks Total
Term End Credit
I Theory Paper 1 150 6 150
(Research Methodology)
Common To All
2 Theory Paper 2 (Elective 100 4 100
3 Literature Review 50 2 50


Programme Objective:
The pre-Ph.D. course work prepares scholar to:
 acquire the critical thinking and research skills
 learn advanced methodology in the theoretical literatures that underpin modern
planning and development studies
 learn research methods ranging from quantitative and deductive methods to
qualitative and inductive methods.

Programme Outcome:
On completion of the pre-Ph.D. course work, scholar will be able to:
 Demonstrate critical understanding, at an advanced level, of up-to-date knowledge
and research methodology of a particular field
 Implement effective academic and personal strategies for carrying out research
projects independently and ethically
 Contribute original knowledge in response to issues in their specialist area
 Communicate research findings at a diverse range of levels and through a variety of

Paper 1 - Research Methodology

Paper 2 - One Paper from the Options Given (As Per Subject)

1. Big Data
2. Soft Computing
3. Web Technology and Commerce
4. Cloud Computing
5. Data Warehousing and Mining
6. Data Science

Paper 3 – Literature Review

Course Objective
 Develop substantive knowledge in their area of specialization. 
 Master the analytical and methodological skills required to evaluate and conduct
research in their area of specialization and related areas. 
 Design and conduct original research in their area of specialization.
 Demonstrate the ability to communicate the results of their research in a clear and
effective manner. 

Course Outcome:
Upon completion of the course, scholar will be equipped with the following learning
 Utilize concepts, theories, and frameworks from education and other fields of inquiry
in exploring and critically analyzing topics in higher education
 Evaluate required competencies, needed preparation, and potential rewards relative to
pursuing a range of career opportunities in all sectors of industry and academia
Ph.D. Paper I - Research Methodology

UNIT –I: Introduction to Research

Meaning, Types, Process, Importance of research, Meaning of Research Problems, Sources
of research problem, selection & formulation of research problems, Research application in
decision making.

UNIT –II: Review & hypothesis formulation

An Introduction to literature review and referencing, formulation of research hypothesis,
meaning of research design, features of good research design, types of research design.

UNIT –III: Quantitative Methods for problem solving

An introduction to statistical modeling and analysis, spectral analysis and its applications,
Descriptive & Inferential Analysis, Correlation & regression, ANOVA, Sampling, Non-
Parametric Test

UNIT- IV: Ethics in Research

Ethics in research- ethical committees, informed consent, Commercialization, Copy right,
IPR, Plagiarism, Citation, Reproducibility and accountability Guidelines about Publishing
the research work, Indentifying reputed journals, indexing, etc.
Guidelines about Writing the Thesis- Pre writing considerations, Layout, structure and
Language of typical reports- Illustrations and tables- Bibliography, referencing and footnotes

UNIT –V: Computer Skill & Document Writing

MS Word- Introduction, Page Setup, Formatting a page, Page Margin, Font & its types, line
Spacing, Reference Citation, Indent (Left, Right, Hanging) Setting, Table, Format Painter,
Mathematical Equation, Inserting Picture and Charts, Header, Footer, Page Number, Text
Box, Drop Cap, Image and its types, Printing options, Macro, Converting File in PDF, APA
Style formatting, Typing Skill, Research Paper & Thesis Formatting.
MS Excel-Introduction, Worksheet, Workbook, Cell, Cell Formatting, Applying Formula,
Charts and its types.

Reference Books:
> Research methodology by Dr. C.R. Kothari
> Statistical methods by S.P. Gupta.
> Research Methodology by Deepak Chawala
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Ph.D. Paper II (Subject Specific)

Elective –I

UNIT-I: Introduction to Big Data

Introduction – distributed file system – Big Data and its importance, Four Vs, Drivers for
Big data, Big data analytics, Big data applications. Algorithms using map reduce, Matrix-
Vector Multiplication by Map Reduce.

UNIT-II: Introduction Hadoop

Big Data – Apache Hadoop & Hadoop EcoSystem – Moving Data in and out of Hadoop –
Understanding inputs and outputs of MapReduce - Data Serialization.

UNIT-III: Hadoop Architecture

Hadoop Architecture, Hadoop Storage: HDFS, Common Hadoop Shell commands ,
Anatomy of File Write and Read., NameNode, Secondary NameNode, and DataNode,
Hadoop MapReduce paradigm, Map and Reduce tasks, Job, Task trackers - Cluster Setup –
SSH & Hadoop Configuration – HDFS Administering –Monitoring & Maintenance.

UNIT-IV: Hadoop Ecosystem and Yarn

Hadoop ecosystem components - Schedulers - Fair and Capacity, Hadoop 2.0 New
FeaturesNameNode High Availability, HDFS Federation, MRv2, YARN, Running MRv1 in

UNIT-V: Hive and Hiveql, Hbase

Hive Architecture and Installation, Comparison with Traditional Database, HiveQL -
Querying Data - Sorting And Aggregating, Map Reduce Scripts, Joins & Subqueries, HBase
conceptsAdvanced Usage, Schema Design, Advance Indexing - PIG, Zookeeper - how it
helps in monitoring a cluster, HBase uses Zookeeper and how to Build Applications with

Text Books:

 Michael Berthold, David J. Hand, Intelligent Data Analysis, Springer, 2007.

 Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, Mining of Massive
Datasets,Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Reference Books:

1. Bill Franks, Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data
Streams with advanced analystics, John Wiley & sons, 2012.
2. Glenn J. Myatt, Making Sense of Data, John Wiley & Sons, 2007 Pete Warden, Big
Data Glossary, O‟Reilly, 2011.
3. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Second
Edition, Elsevier, Reprinted 2008
Elective -II

Fundamentals of ANN: The Biological Neural Network, Artificial Neural Networks -
Building Blocks of ANN and ANN terminologies: architecture, setting of weights, activation
functions - McCulloch-pitts Neuron Model, Hebbian Learning rule, Perception learning rule,
Delta learning rule.

Models of ANN: Single layer perception, Architecture, Algorithm, application procedure -
Feedback Networks: Hopfield Net and BAM - Feed Forward Networks: Back Propogation
Network (BPN) and Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) - Self Organizing Feature
Maps: SOM and LVQ

Fuzzy Sets, properties and operations - Fuzzy relations, cardinality, operations and
properties of fuzzy relations, fuzzy composition.

Fuzzy variables - Types of membership functions - fuzzy rules: Takagi and Mamdani - fuzzy
inference systems: fuzzification, inference, rulebase, defuzzification.

Genetic Algorithm (GA): Biological terminology - elements of GA: encoding, types of
selection, types of crossover, mutation, reinsertion - a simple genetic algorithm - Theoretical
foundation: schema, fundamental theorem of GA, building block hypothesis.

Text Books:

 S. N. Sivanandam, S. Sumathi, S.N. Deepa, Introduction to Neural Networks using

MATLAB 6.0 , Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006
 S. N. Sivanandam, S.N. Deepa, Principles of Soft Computing, Wiley-India, 2008.
 D.E. Goldberg, Genetic algorithms, optimization and machine learning, Addison
Wesley 2000.

Reference Books:

1. Satish Kumar, Neural Networks - A Classroom approach, Tata McGraw-Hill, New

Delhi, 2007.
2. Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark Beale, Neural Network Design,
Thomson Learning, India, 2002.
3. B. Kosko, Neural Network and fuzzy systems, PHI, 1996.
4. Klir & Yuan, “Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic - theory and applications, PHI, 1996.
5. Melanie Mitchell, An introduction to genetic algorithm, PHI, India, 1996.
Elective -III

Introduction to building blocks of electronic commerce: Internet and networking.
Technologies, IP addressing, ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP, ICMP, DNS, TFTP, TELNET.

Static and dynamic web pages, tiers, plug-ins, frames and forms. Exposure to Markup
languages, HTML, DHTML, VRML, SGML, XML etc. CGI, Applets & Serve-lets, JSP &
JAVA Beans, active X control, ASP cookies creating and reading cookies, semantic web,
semantic web service ontology Comparative case study of Microsoft and JAVA
technologies, web server scalability, Distributed objects, object request brokers, component
technology, Web services, Web application architectures, Browsers, Search engines.

Electronic Commerce and physical Commerce, Different type of e-commerce, e-commerce
scenarios, advantages of e-commerce. Business models: Feature of B2B e-commerce,
Business models, Integration. E-Services: category of e-services, Web- enabled services,
Matchmaking services, and information-selling on the web.

Internet payment system: Characteristics of payment system, 4C payments methods, SET
Protocol for credit card payment, E-cash, E-check, Micro payment system, Overview of
smart card, overview of Mondex. E-Governance: E-Governance architecture, Public private
partnership, Readiness, Security, Cyber Crime and Law, IT Act

Advanced technologies for e-commerce: Introduction to mobile agents. WAP: the enabling
technology: The WAP model, WAP Architecture, Benefit of WAP to e-commerce. Web
Security, Encryption Schemes, Secure Web documents, Digital signatures and firewalls.

Text Book:
 Web Technology Tcp / Ip Architecture and Java Programming , A.S. Godbole & A.
Kahate , New Delhi Tata Mc Graw Hill
 WEB Technology : A Developers Perspective,N.P. Gopalan ,New Delhi PHI
 E-Commerce the Cutting Edge of Business, K.K. Bajaj & D. Nag, New Delhi Tata
Mc Graw Hill Publishing
Reference Books:
1. Web Technology & Design, C. Xavier,New Delhi New Age International
2. E-Commerce : Fundamentals and Applications, Henry Chan & Raymond Lee &
Tharam Dillon & Elizabeth Chang,New Delhi Wiley India Ltd
3. Essentials of E-Commerce Technology ,V. Rajaraman ,New Delhi PHI Learning
Elective –IV

UNIT-I: Virtualization
Basics of Virtual Machines - Process Virtual Machines – System Virtual Machines –
Emulation – Interpretation – Binary Translation - Taxonomy of Virtual Machines.
Virtualization –Management Virtualization –– Hardware Maximization – Architectures –
Virtualization Management – Storage Virtualization – Network Virtualization

UNIT-II: Virtualization Infrastructure

Comprehensive Analysis – Resource Pool – Testing Environment –Server Virtualization –
Virtual Workloads – Provision Virtual Machines – Desktop Virtualization – Application
Virtualization - Implementation levels of virtualization – virtualization structure –
virtualization of CPU, Memory and I/O devices – virtual clusters and Resource Management
– Virtualization for data center automation.

UNIT-III: Cloud Platform Architecture

Cloud deployment models: public, private, hybrid, community – Categories of cloud
computing: Everything as a service: Infrastructure, platform, software- A Generic Cloud
Architecture Design – Layered cloud Architectural Development – Virtualization Support
and Disaster Recovery – Architectural Design Challenges - Public Cloud Platforms :
GAE,AWS – Inter-cloud Resource Management

UNIT-IV: Programming Model

Introduction to Hadoop Framework - Mapreduce, Input splitting, map and reduce functions,
specifying input and output parameters, configuring and running a job –Developing Map
Reduce Applications - Design of Hadoop file system –Setting up Hadoop Cluster - Cloud
Software Environments -Eucalyptus, Open Nebula, Open Stack, Nimbus

UNIT-V: Cloud Security

Cloud Infrastructure security: network, host and application level – aspects of data security,
provider data and its security, Identity and access management architecture, IAM practices
in the cloud, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS availability in the cloud - Key privacy issues in the cloud –
Cloud Security and Trust Management

Reference Books:

1. Danielle Ruest, Nelson Ruest, ―Virtualization: A Beginner‟s Guide‖, McGraw-Hill

Osborne Media, 2009.
2. Jim Smith, Ravi Nair , "Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and
Processes", Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, 2005
3. John W.Rittinghouse and James F.Ransome, "Cloud Computing: Implementation,
Management, and Security", CRC Press, 2010.
4. Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C Fox, Jack G Dongarra, "Distributed and Cloud Computing,
From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
5. Tim Mather, Subra Kumaraswamy, and Shahed Latif ,"Cloud Security and Privacy",
O‘Reilly Media, Inc.,2009.
6. Toby Velte, Anthony Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, "Cloud Computing, A Practical
Approach", McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2009.
7. Tom White, "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide", Yahoo Press, 2012.
Elective -V

Strategic Information Management - Need for strategic information, Decision support
system, Knowledge discovery & decision making, Need for data warehouse, Definitions of
Data warehousing and data mining, Common characteristics of Data warehouse, Data Marts,
Metadata, Operational versus analytical databases, Trends and planning of Data

Data Modeling Strategy - Defining business requirements, Data modeling strategy, Fact
tables, Dimensions, Star schema and other schemas, Multi dimensional data models, Data
Cube presentation of fact tables, Using the Data warehouse, Designing tools for Data
warehouse, OLAP models and operations

Data Warehouse Architecture Components and, Implementation Options - Architectural
components, Infrastructure: Operational & Physical, Extraction, Transformation and
Loading, Components of an Oracle Data warehouse, Data Transformation Functions, DBA
responsibilities, Capacity Planning.

Data Warehouse Implementation -Implementation of Data warehouse, Physical design:
steps, considerations, physical storage, indexing, Performance Optimization, Data
warehouse deployment activities, Data security, Backup and recovery concepts, Data
warehouse Maintenance. Data cube computation, Indexing OLAP data, Efficient processing
of OLAP query, OLAP server architectures.

Data Mining - Basics of data mining, Related concepts, Data mining techniques, Data
Mining Algorithms , Classification, Clustering and Association rules, Knowledge Discovery
in databases (KDD) Process, Introduction to Web Mining

Text Books:

 Arun k Pujari , “Data Mining Techniques”, University press , edition 2001.

 Jaiwei Han, Michelinne Kamber , “Data Mining : Concepts and Techniques “
 Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar,“Introduction to Data Mining”,
 T.Sushmita mitra, Tir ku Acharaya , “Data Mining Multimedia , Soft computing &
Bioinformatics”, Wiley Interscience publications , 2004.
 Michal J A Berry , Gordon Linoff , “Mastering Data Mining” , John Wiley & Sons ,
 Alex Berson , Stephen J.Smith , “Data Warehousing , Data Mining & OLAP “, Tata
 C S R Prabhu, “Data Warehousing - concepts , techniques and applications “,
Prentice Hall of India, 2nd edition , 2002.
Reference Books:

1. David Hand, Heikki Mannila , Padhraic smyth, “Principles of Data Mining”, the MIT
Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge.
2. Usama M Fayyad, Gregory Piatskey Sharpio, Padhr Smyth, Ramasamy
Uthurusamy , “Advances in Knowledge discovery and data mining”.
3. Mehmed Kantardzix,”Data Mining : Concepts Models,methods and algorithms”.
4. Mark Humphries , Michal W Hawkins & Michelle C dy, “Data warehousing
architecture and implementation”, Prentice hall of India,1999.
5. Margaret H.Dunham ,”Data Mining introductory and advanced topics”.
6. Sumathi, S.N. Sivanandam, “Introduction to Data Mining and its Applications

Understanding Data: Data Wrangling and Exploratory Analysis, Data Transformation &
Cleaning, Feature Extraction, Data Visualization. Introduction to contemporary tools and
programming languages for data analysis like R and Python.

Introduction to machine learning: Supervised & unsupervised learning, classification &
clustering Algorithms, Dimensionality reduction: PCA & SVD, Correlation & Regression
analysis, Training & testing data: Overfitting & Under fitting.

Introduction to machine learning: Supervised & unsupervised learning, classification &
clustering Algorithms, Dimensionality reduction: PCA & SVD, Correlation & Regression
analysis, Training & testing data: Overfitting & Under fitting.

Introduction to Information Retrieval:Boolean Model, Vector model, Probabilistic Model,
Text based search: Tokenization,TF-IDF, stop words and n-grams, synonyms and parts of
speech tagging.

Introduction to Web Search& Big data: Crawling and Indexes, Search Engine architectures,
Link Analysis and ranking algorithms such as HITS and PageRank, Hadoop File system &
MapReduce Paradigm.

Text Books:
Artificial Intelligence and machine Learning S.S.Vinod Chandra PHI learning

Reference Books:
 Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig New
Delhi , Pearson Education.
 James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. An introduction to statistical
learning with applications in R. Springer, 2013.
 Han, J., Kamber, M., Pei, J. Data mining concepts and techniques. Morgan
Kaufmann, 2011.
 Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., Friedman, J. The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd
edition. — Springer, 2009. 4. Murphy, K. Machine Learning: Probabilistic
Perspective. - MIT Press, 2012.
 “Practical Data Science with R”. Nina Zumel, John Mount. Manning, 2014 “Data
Science for business”, F. Provost, T Fawcett, 2013

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