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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem


e-ISSN 2350-0204

Parada Shodhana (Purification of Mercury) by Classical Method

Kajree Pardeshi1* and Vinay Kadibagil2
P.G Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, S D M College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, India

In ancient literature Rasashastra, Rasa or Parada (Mercury) has been described to be of divine
origin. The importance of Parada (mercury) in Rasa texts is mentioned for Rasa Chikitsa. In
Rasashastra the process of Shodhana is having a greater importance hence wide range of
purification methods are described for each metal & minerals including Parada (mercury). The
literary meaning of ‘Shodhana’ is purification but in Rasashastra Shodhana is a Samskara
(process or procedure) which essentially brings out modifications or alteration in properties
along with removal of impurities from the metal or mineral. Present study deals with the
purification of Parada (mercury) mentioned in the classics making it therapeutically potential.
Aims and objectives- Purification of Parada (mercury) was carried out classically as per the
Rasa Tarangini reference and its organoleptic characters were observed. Materials and
Methods- in Ayurveda different references by different authors are available for Shodhana of
Parada. For the present study mercury was triturated with equal quantity of Sudha Churna
(limestone) in a stone mortar for 36 hours. Further it was triturated again with Lashuna Kalka
(garlic paste) and Saindhava (salt) continuously for 8 hours together. Detailed observations and
organoleptic characters were noted during the procedure. Result and conclusion- This method
was chosen; as the ingredients are easily available. Total quantity of mercury taken was- 500g
and obtained quantity of Parada from Sudha Churna was– 439g, further from Lashuna Kalka
obtained quantity of mercury was 365g. Following this method of Shodhana (purification)
mercury can be purified and used for various pharmaceutical procedures also as an ingredient
in various formulations making it potent therapeutically.

Parada, Shodhana, Purification of Mercury, Sudha Churna, Lashuna

Greentree Group Publishers

Received 07/07/18 Accepted 05/08/18 Published 10/09/18
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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 148
[e ISSN 2350-0204]
INTRODUCTION prescribed methods like trituration etc.,

In ancient literature Rasashastra, Rasa or with prescribed drugs.1 It reduces the toxic

Parada (Mercury) has been described to be effect, eradicate physical and chemical

of divine origin and claimed to be related to impurities. It enhances therapeutic value of

Lord “Shiva or Hara”. Many quotations the drug, converting the material for further

provide the importance of Parada processing like Marana (incineration).

(mercury) in Rasa texts as Rasa Chikitsa. Mercury is considered as a heavy metal

Mercury has atomic no. 80, boiling point- containing various impurities and causes

356.60C, and melting point 38.90C. In toxic and adverse effect to the body hence

Rasashastra the process of Shodhana is purification of such metal is must. The

having a great importance and hence a wide verities of mercury based on colour are

range of purification methods are described listed in table 1.

for each metal & mineral as well as for Most of the raw materials (metal and

Visha and Upavisha (toxic substances). minerals) are extracted from earth. So there

Even though the literary meaning of is every chance of mixing of impurities,

‘Shodhana’ is purification but in toxicity, heterogeneous and unwanted

Rasashastra Shodhana is a Samskara substances to a large extent. Shodhana is

(process or procedure) which essentially indicated to induce certain qualities, which

brings out modifications or alteration in are essential for the safe and easy

properties along with purification. The assimilation of the material in the living

process which eliminates the blemishes is body.

called Shodhana; it is by implementing

Table 1 Varieties of Parada based on Colour2
Variety Colour Impurities Uses
Rasa Rakta Which is free from all types Rasayana
of impurities
Rasendra Shyava Free from impurities Rasayana
Soota Ishat Peeta With impurities Dehasidhi, Lohasidhi
Parada Shweta With impurities Sarva Rogahara
Mishraka Mayura Chandrika Varna With impurities Sarva siddhidayaka

Dosha (impurities) of Parada3,4 are Types of Shodhana (purification) explained

classified as follows: are
1. Naisargika Doshas (natural impurities), 1. Samanya Shodhana (general purification
2. Yougika Doshas (physical impurities), method),
3. Aoupadika Doshas (chemical impurities 2. Vishesha Shodhana (specific method of
in the form of coating). purification).5

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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 149
[e ISSN 2350-0204]
Different methods adopted for Samanya Kanchuka Dosha is subjected to Shodhana.
Shodhana of Parada are-
Parada’s 1/16th part of Haridra Churna and
Parada added with below specified drugs in
the quantity of 1/16th part. The mixture is Nimbu Swarasa-Q.S is taken in a porcelain
added with required quantity of Ghritakumari
dish and triturated for 2 days. After drying, it
swarasa and triturated thoroughly for a day (8
hours). Later the mixture is carefully washed is filtered through four folded cloth and
with Kanji (fermented liquid) to obtain
mercury free from all naisargika and Sapta Parada is procured. 9
Kanchuka dosha.6 The table 2 shows Drugs mentioned for Samanya Shodhana
different drugs used for the purification of
of Parada10:
Parada Shodhana has to be carried out for 3
Table 2 Different drugs for Purification of Mercury
Drugs added6 To purify to 7 days, in any of the following drugs to get
1. Grahadhuma, Ishtika churna Naga dosha
(brick powder), Haridra churna rid of Parada doshas. Sudha (lime powder),
(turmeric powder) and finely cut Lashoona, Saindhava, Gritakumari Swarasa,
wool of sheep.
2.Indrayana, Ankola and Vanga dosha Chitraka kwatha, Rakta Sarshapa, Bhrahati
Haridra churna
3.Citraka Mula churna Agni dosha kwatha, Triphala kwatha, Nagavalli
4.Aragwadha Twak churna Mala dosha
Swarasa, Ardraka Swarasa, Yavakshara,
5.Krsna Dhatura Panchanga or Capala dosha
Bija churna Tankana, Sarjikshara, Haridra, Ishtika
6.Triphala churna Visa dosha
7.Trikatu churna Giri dosha churna etc. Vishesha Shodhana11, 12 specific
8.Gokshura churna Asahyagni
Shodhana to Parada removes the Visha,
Along with the above said references Rasa Vahni, Mala, Naga, Vanga, Chapalya, Giri,
Tarangini text has explained the most and Asahyagni etc; Dosha (impurities). This
essential six general method of purification of procedure was intended for strengthening and
mercury to make it fit and potent for potentiation of Parada and is achieved by
therapeutic and pharmaceutical use . Astadasha Samskaras. The loss of Mercury
According to other authors Vishesha is explained in Rasashastra text as Jala gati
Shodhana is considered as Samskara of (loss by water while washing), Mala gati
Parada. Parada should be triturated with (loss of mercury with impurities), Hamsa
Lasuna and Saindhava Lavana on a Tapta gati (loss while shifting mercury from one
Khalva yantra for 7 days . Parada should be vessel to other), Dhuma gati (loss through
triturated with Nagavalli Swarasa, Ardraka
vapours) and Jiva gati (loss of mercury like
Swarasa, Ksharatraya for 3 days and washed
a soul). To get the pharmacological and
with water. Parada will be shining like Mukta
therapeutic properties of Parada85 Rasa -
(pearl) and devoid of Sapta doshas . The
Shadrasa , Guna - Snigdha, Sara and Guru,
Parada which is extracted by Urdhwa Patana
Virya – Ushna, Vipaka - Madhura , Karma
Vidhi from Hingula is devoid of Sapta
Pardeshi and Kadibagil 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC
Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 150
[e ISSN 2350-0204]
-Yogavahi, Rasayana, Vrishya, Balya, MATERIAL AND METHODS
Vayastambhana, Pushtikaraka, Deepana, 2.1.PARADA SHODHANA (Purification
Agnivardhaka, Deha Loha Siddhikara, of mercury)8 (Figure 1-15)
Ropana, Krimighna and Tridoshaghna, Parada (mercury) was obtained from the
Vyadhi Prabhava - Vata Roga, Vali, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya
Palithya, Jara Roga, Krimi, Sarva Roga. Kalpana, S D M Ayurveda College and
In the present study the reference of Rasa Hospital, Hassan. The study was conducted
Tarangini was followed for the purification in the teaching pharmacy of SDM college
of mercury. The purified mercury can be of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan,
used as an ingredient in various Rasayogas Karnataka. As per the reference of Rasa
(mercurial formulations) like Kajjali, Tarangini 5/27-30. Type of procedure
Arogyavardini Rasa, Angnitundi Vati, adopted was Mardana (trituration).
Shwasa Kuthara rasa, Bruhat Vata Equipments required were stone mortar and
Chintamani Rasa, Suta Shekhara Rasa, pestle, vessel, cloth & spatula.
Rasa Parpati, Loha parpati etc . The ingredients are mentioned below in
table 3.
Table 3 Ingredients for Parada Shodhana (purification of Mercury)
Started Materials Quantity Completed on Duration (in hours)
on date date
9/11/16 Ashodhita Parada 500 g 1/12/16 Mardana with Mardana
(mercury) Sudha Churna with
Sudha Churna (lime stone) 500 g 36 hours 8 hours
Lasuna (peeled garlic) 439 g
Saindhava lavana (salt) 219.5 g

METHODS powder of lime stone was allowed to dry

Method for purification of mercury; into 3-4 trays. After drying of these

Equal quantity of mercury (500g) and carefully mercury was collected from these

Sudha Churna (lime stone- 500g) was taken trays. The quantity of mercury obtained was

in mortar and was triturated for 36 hours (3 439g.

hrs. for 12 days). Mercury was collected Equal quantity of Lashuna Kalka (439 g)

from lime stone filtered through a cloth; the was added to the obtained mercury and half

remaining mercury was obtained by the quantity of Saindhava Lavana (219.5 g)

washing it with warm water. The wet was added and is triturated for 8 hours,

Pardeshi and Kadibagil 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC
Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 151
[e ISSN 2350-0204]
observations were noted. Washing of garlic paste and colour of paste
was greyish.
paste was done with lukewarm water. The After 9th hour Colour of paste was dark
salt present in it dissolves in water leaving After 17th hour Garlic paste turned to black
behind the garlic paste from which again colour.
After 30th hour Colour of garlic paste was
mercury can be collected. Once again jet black.
After 36th hour Garlic paste got dried and
drying of the remaining garlic paste into was difficult for trituration.
After 44th hour Garlic paste turned to jet
trays was done for 6 days and then it was black colour.
triturated into fine powder and was filtered
Table 5 Results of Quantity Obtained after Parada
through cloth to obtain the remaining Shodhana (Purification of Mercury)
Mercury Quantity Final Colour
mercury from the garlic paste to avoid the obtained obtained quantity
From Sudha 439/500 365 g Shinny
loss of mercury. The collected mercury is Churna g bright
(lime stone) white
the purified mercury which was weighed From 365/ 439
and stored in a glass/plastic bottle. The Lashuna g
Kalka (garlic
observations were recorded during the paste)

whole procedure and noted below in the Table 6 Results of Purification of Mercury
Parameters of Results Results
table. Precautions; Spilling of lime stone Total quantity taken Ashuddha 500g
was avoided in order to minimize the loss Parada
Total obtained quantity of 365g
of mercury. Careful washing of garlic paste Ashuddha Parada
Weight loss 135g
is to be done to avoid loss of mercury. Weight loss in % 27%
Total no. of hours taken 44 hrs
Triturating with garlic paste and salt was Total no. of days 11 days
done till it turns black in colour. Organoleptic Characters
Colour Shinny
Appearance Bright and
Consistency Liquid
The observations and results are listed Odour Not specific
below in tables 4, 5 and 6.
Table 4 Observations for Parada Shodhana
(Purification of Mercury) In order to get rid of the Dosha (impurities)
Triturating Observed changes during
time Parada Shodhana present in the mercury, various Shodhana
Initial ½ hour Mercury did not mix with
garlic paste. procedures with various herbal ingredients
After 1st hour Mercury started to have been explained in the classics. As
disintegrate and mix with the
garlic paste forming small limestone, garlic and salt are easily
After 6th hour Mercury got mixed available this method was chosen for the
completely with the garlic
purification of mercury. To make mercury

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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 152
[e ISSN 2350-0204]
fit for consumption and devoid of any CONCLUSION
impurities the Shodhana method was Purification is intended to get rid of
followed. impurities of Mercury. Parada is obtained
Purification of mercury is a vital procedure from the earth’s crust naturally; it is mixed
to be carried out, before using it as an with some unwanted physical & chemical
ingredient in any of the Rasayoga impurities. So it is essential to carry out some
(formulations) indicated for internal procedures before making use of mercury.
administration. Total quantity of mercury Purification of mercury is must before its
taken was 500g and obtained was 365g; loss usage for any purpose. Following classical
observed was 135g (27% loss). The loss reference as per Rasa Tarangini text it took
could be due to the spillage of Hg during 44 hrs. for the complete trituration in 11
trituration, evaporation of Hg from the days for purification of mercury. It yielded
limestone powder and during washing 365/500g of purified mercury. Loss of 27 %
procedure of the garlic paste (loss due to was observed during the procedure.
jala gati).As Mercury is very unstable Obtained mercury was bright and shiny
liquid metal the loss is obvious. The heat white in colour. As per classics this purified
produced due to continuous friction of mercury can be used further in various
mortar and pestle along with uniform rising formulations as ingredients. As garlic act as
temperature would seize the impurities. chelator for mercury it was used for the
Obtained mercury was bright and shiny purification process.
white in colour as it has undergone
purification procedures the impurities
might have got dissolved or absorbed in the
lime stone powder, garlic paste and salt,
with the trituration for complete 44 hours (4
hrs/day) making it more brighter in colour.
Researches have proved the effect of garlic
in heavy metal poisoning in vitro.13 also
garlic contains sulphur which acts as a
chelator for mercury poisoning hence the
use of garlic in the process of purification of
mercury helps to remove the toxic effect of
the heavy metal mercury.13
Pardeshi and Kadibagil 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC
Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 153
[e ISSN 2350-0204]
Photographs Purification of Parada (Mercury)

Fig.1. Parada (mercury) Fig.2. Sudha Churna Fig.3. Mercury + Fig.4. Mercury
(lime stone) limestone trituration trituration after 4
after 8 hours hours

Fig.5. Washing of Fig.6. Warm water Fig.7. Mercury Fig.8. Shodhita

mercury added to limestone collected Parada (mercury)

Purification of Mercury with Garlic paste and Salt

Fig.9.Lashuna (garlic) Fig.10.Saindhava (salt) Fig.11.Trituration on Fig.12.Trituration on

1st day 4th day

Fig.13. Washing of
Garlic paste with warm Fig.14.Purified mercury Fig.15.Purified
water mercury

Pardeshi and Kadibagil 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC
Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 154
[e ISSN 2350-0204]
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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 155
[e ISSN 2350-0204]

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