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Thursday | August 27, 2020

Area hotels brace for potential BUSINESS MOVES


influx of Hurricane Laura evacuees Columbus

Malco prepares
for September
PLUS: Apex Performance
opens in Starkville
[email protected]


movie the-
ater news
this week.
ily in late
March, the
Columbus Mary Pollitz
Malco is
preparing for a Sept. 3 reopening
As I said last week, along with
numerous businesses nowadays,
the movie industry has suffered
billions of dollars due to the
COVID-19 pandemic.
The movie schedule for the Co-
lumbus Malco, which will include
all new lineups, will be released
Aug. 31.
For COVID-19 precautions,
Malco employees will all have their
temperatures taken, will all wear
masks and gloves and sanitize
high contact surfaces every 30
Photos by Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff
Pictured clockwise from top: Comfort Suites, Hampton Inn and Courtyard Marriott hotels in Starkville. Hotels all over the
Golden Triangle are preparing for an influx of Hurricane Laura evacuees. The storm hit the Gulf Coast near the Louisiana/Tex- Moviegoers will be required
as border this morning as a Category 4 hurricane, with storm surge expected to reach 40 miles inland. to wear face masks in the lobby
but will be allowed to take them
off once in the auditorium. When
EMA directors: Local community shelters may open with limited capacity you’re picking your seat, be sure to
maintain at least six feet from oth-
BY YUE STELLA YU day after Katrina made landfall, think- Hurricane Center. The strong storms er groups, skipping a row between
[email protected] ing the evacuation was temporary. brought massive power outages to the other guests.
Instead, he traveled to Baton Rouge, states, forcing many to evacuate further Moving to downtown, Rae’s
Aaron Duncan stared at the TV in Louisiana, stayed for a few months and inland for shelter, according to multiple Jewelry on Fifth Street is officially
disbelief after flooding brought by Hur- moved to Atlanta, Georgia, afterward. news outlets. The hurricane has since shuttered. After more than 50
ricane Katrina washed “Most of us took two to four days weakened to a Category 2 as it contin- years in business and a few weeks
over New Orleans — worth of clothing. … We expected to be ues to move north. of slashed prices from its going
the city he had just gone for that long,” he said. “Nobody ex- Across the Golden Triangle, hotels out of business sale, the Columbus
evacuated from and pected to see what we saw.” are preparing to see an influx of evacu- jewelry store has taken down its
once called home — in Now, Duncan — area manager of six ees from Texas, Louisiana and southern clearance signs and flipped the
2005. INSIDE hotels in Columbus and Starkville — is Mississippi. Amid the COVID-19 pan- open sign to closed.
“I was watching the n Laura blasts expecting evacuees to come to him. demic, several hotel managers told The This vacancy downtown means
news,” Duncan said. “I destructive, Hurricane Laura made landfall in Dispatch they have taken precautionary there’s prime real estate for anoth-
was like, ‘This can’t be life-threatening southwest Louisiana overnight as a Cat- measures — such as social distancing, er business venture to occupy.
Gulf Coast path. Speaking of business closures,
New Orleans.’” Page 3A egory 4 with winds up to 150 miles per deep cleaning and minimal in-person
Having packed hour, bringing an “unsurvivable storm contact — to welcome their guests, an East Columbus car lot is clos-
clothes that would last surge” that could penetrate up to 40 some of whom may come from the most ing.
just a few days, Duncan left his home a miles inland, according to the National See HOTELS, 6A See BUSINESS, 6A

New Mississippi cases still high, but virus hospitalizations declining

The number of patients hospitalized bers of patients hospi-
talized in the state is
tainly, all good trends,
but we want to keep them
80,110 reported cases
and at least 2,373 deaths
rus infections is thought
to be far higher because
with coronavirus in Mississippi steadily decreasing. The
number of patients hospi-
that way,” Mississippi’s
State Health Officer
from COVID-19 as of
Tuesday evening. That’s
many people have not
been tested and studies
peaked this month at 978 on Aug. 7 talized with coronavirus Dr. Thomas Dobbs said an increase of 904 con- suggest people can be
in Mississippi peaked Tuesday. “I’m worried firmed cases and 58 infected without feeling
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Johns Hopkins Universi- this month at 978 on Aug. about our future obvious- deaths from numbers sick. The virus causes
ty data analyzed by The 7. On Aug. 25, some 730 ly, and want to make sure reported the day before, mild or moderate symp-
JACKSON — Missis- Associated Press. The patients were hospital- we keep up the gains.” with 44 occurring be- toms for most but can
sippi is reporting a high- data was evaluated over a ized, or more than 200 The Health Depart- tween July 21 and August be more severe or fatal
er number of new cases 14-day period. fewer. ment said Wednesday 18, and later identified for some, especially old-
of coronavirus per capita However, data from “We do continue to that Mississippi, with from death certificate re- er adults and those with
each day than any other the state Department of see trends in decreasing a population of about 3 ports. underlying health condi-
U.S. state, according to Health show the num- hospitalizations. ... Cer- million, has had at least The true number of vi- tions.


1 During which war was Valley Forge a Today and Friday MEETINGS
winter military encampment? Aug. 31: Lowndes
■ COVID-19 testing: K-12
2 What appears to be melting in County Board of Su-
teachers and other school
surrealist painter Salvador Dali’s “The pervisors meeting, 9
Persistence of Memory”? staff in the Golden Triangle
can be tested for COVID-19 a.m., Lowndes County
3 What does the acronym “GPS”
stand for? free of charge and without Courthouse, facebook.
Miriam Edwards 4 Which Latin dance style is also the meeting any criteria today com/LowndesCounty-
name for a group of rattlesnakes? and Friday as a part of the Mississippi/
Fourth grade, Heritage
5 The colossal rotunda of which Mississippi State Health Sept. 1: Columbus

90 Low 76
Roman temple is the largest unrein- Department’s drive-through City Council, 5 p.m.,
High forced concrete dome in the world? program. Today from noon Municipal Complex,
Partly sunny, chance t-storms Answers, 6B until 7 p.m. school personnel
Full forecast on can obtain free tests at the
page 3A. Oktibbeha County Health De-
Sept. 8: Lowndes
partment, located at 1203
County Board of Su-
INSIDE Louisville St. in Starkville.
In Columbus, testing is pervisors meeting, 9
Business 5B Dear Abby 4B available during the same a.m., Lowndes County
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 5A hours Friday at the Lowndes Samantha Caldwell is a Courthouse, facebook.
Comics 4B Opinions 4A County Health Department at sophomore elementary education com/LowndesCounty-
141st Year, No. 144 Crossword 6B 801 N. Lehmberg Road. major from Madison. Mississippi/


2A THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 The Dispatch •


Trump’s big night: Expect talk

of GOP progress, Dem anarchy
Aides have signaled
Trump’s speech will Pence defends police at convention
not be as dark as his amid rising race tension
The Associated Press
carnage’ 2016 address
BALTIMORE — Vice President Mike Pence force-
BY JONATHAN LEMIRE fully defended law enforcement but made no mention of
the Black Americans killed by police this year as he ad-
The Associated Press
dressed Republican convention proceedings that unfold-
WA S H I N G T O N ed amid new protests against racial injustice following the
— Four years ago, latest shooting.
Donald Trump ac- Wednesday evening’s featured speaker, Pence argued
cepted the Repub- that Democratic leaders are allowing lawlessness to pre-
lican Party’s nomi- vail from coast to coast. He and others described cities
nation for president wracked by violence, though protests in most locations have been large-
with a dark conven- ly peaceful.
tion speech that “The American people know we don’t have to choose between sup-
painted a dystopian Trump porting law enforcement and standing with African American neigh-
portrait of America in decline and bors to improve the quality of life in our cities and towns,” he said. He
offered a singular solution: himself. assailed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for saying there is
Though Trump has been presi- an “implicit bias” against people of color and “systemic racism” in the
dent for three-and-a-half years, his U.S.
rhetoric on the state of the nation “The hard truth is ... you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America,” Pence
has remained bleak. And as he said. “Let me be clear: The violence must stop — whether in Minneap-
prepares to deliver his second ac- olis, Portland or Kenosha.”
ceptance speech on Thursday, the Absent from Pence’s 37-minute speech: a direct mention of Jacob
president faces a country in crisis, Blake, the Black man who was wounded by police on Sunday in Keno-
one gripped by a once-in-a-century sha, Wisconsin. There was also no reference to George Floyd, Breonna
pandemic, a battered economy, a Taylor or other Black people who have been killed by police this year,
racial reckoning and a massive hur- spurring a new nationwide protest movement.
ricane taking aim at the Gulf Coast.
Though he will promise national not perfect but has achieved much. to be for him,” said Ari Fleischer,
greatness, there was little expec- It’s an argument meant to offer a who served as White House press
tation he would deliver a message contrast with Democrats whom the secretary for President George W.
designed to unify the divided elec- president has described as not lov- Bush.
torate. ing their country. In a similar vein, Fleischer said Trump should
In 2016, his message was “I alone aides said, Trump would speak to speak personally about his expe-
can fix it.” This time, while trailing progress made on combating the riences with COVID-19 — includ-
in the polls, he will offer himself as coronavirus, which has been treat- ing friends lost to the virus. And
the last remaining defense against ed as something of an afterthought while much of the convention has
radical forces threatening the during much of the convention al- been about energizing Trump’s
American way of life. though it is still killing 1,000 Amer- base, Fleischer also saw openings
Aides have closely guarded de- icans a day. for Trump to address the public’s
tails of the address, which was be- But it is Trump’s handling of the concerns about social unrest and
ing revised the night before Trump pandemic that has sent him tum- crime, particularly after violence
was to speak from the White House bling in the polls and maximized erupted in Kenosha, Wisconsin,
South Lawn. While Trump has the pressure around his speech. where a white officer shot a Black
centered his recent stump speech And while aides recognize that few man seven times.
on anarchists that he depicts over- Joe Biden supporters are likely to “It strikes me that the choice
running city streets, aides signaled switch sides, their goal with the for Republicans, the choice for the
that Thursday’s speech will not be speech is to set up a permissions county, is that Biden is a good man
as dark as his infamous “American structure for Republicans who have who will do a lot of bad things to the
carnage” inaugural address. defected from Trump over his rhet- country. Trump is a pretty rough
Against a backdrop of patrio- oric or policies to come home. and boorish guy who has done and
tism, Trump will describe America “He needs to give those people will do a lot of good things for the
as a work in progress, one that is who don’t approve of him an excuse country,” Fleischer said.

Trump’s convention gives platform to some with fringe views

At the last minute, Republicans pulled a prerecorded convention officials took
prompt action to make
segment from one speaker after she directed her Twitter sure the convention re-
flects who we are and our
followers to series of anti-Semitic, conspiratorial messages values as a party,” he said.
Not pulled from the
BY JILL COLVIN the far-right fringe got un- Mendoza, who has schedule was anti-abor-
The Associated Press comfortable for his party made frequent appearanc- tion activist Abby Johnson,
Tuesday. At the last min- es at the White House and whose past controversial
WASHINGTON — An ute, Republicans pulled Trump campaign events comments have surfaced
advocate of “household a prerecorded speech by along with other “Angel in recent days, along
voting” in which husbands “Angel Mom” Mary Ann Moms,” apologized for with questions about her
get the final say. A wom-
Mendoza from the pro- the tweet, writing that she journey from working at
an who has argued that
gram, after she fired off had “retweeted a very long Planned Parenthood to
school sex ed programs
a now-deleted tweet di- thread” without having her current advocacy.
are “grooming” children
recting her followers to a read every post and said In May, Johnson ad-
to be sexualized by pred-
ators like Jeffrey Epstein. series of anti-Semitic, con- it didn’t reflect her “feel- vocated for something
A candidate who has ped- spiratorial messages. ings or personal thoughts called “household voting”
dled in racist tropes and Mendoza, whose son whatsoever.” in which each household
bizarre QAnon conspiracy was killed in 2014 in a But the campaign is given a single vote, and
theories. head-on collision with pulled the plug anyway. said that, if differences
President Donald a drunken driver living “We have removed the arise, women should defer
Trump has long surround- in the U.S. illegally, had scheduled video from the to their husbands.
ed himself with controver- recorded remarks high- convention lineup and it “In a Godly household,
sial characters who hold lighting the president’s will no longer run this the husband would get the
out- of - t he - ma i nst rea m fight against illegal im- week,” Trump campaign final say,” she wrote.
views. But the decision by migration. But her spot spokesperson Tim Mur- Johnson also posted a
the party to elevate some was pulled after the Daily taugh said in a statement. video on YouTube in June
of those figures by featur- Beast reported that she Republican Jewish Co- in which she said she
ing them in prime-time had promoted a thread alition executive director would be fine with police
spots at the Republican from a QAnon conspira- Matt Brooks applauded profiling her adopted bi-
National Convention or in- cy theorist that was rife the decision, saying “her racial son when he’s older
viting them to witness this with anti-Semitism and views clearly disqualify because “statistically, my
week’s events is drawing claimed the Titanic was her from addressing the brown son is more likely
new scrutiny. sunk to kill opponents of convention.” to commit a violent of-
Trump’s comfort with the Federal Reserve. “We are pleased that fense over my white sons.”

US officials: No signs of foreign targeting of mail-in vote

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS stopped short of directly tweeted July 30 that mail- threat of foreign countries
contradicting Trump, but in voting was proving to be manufacturing their own
WA SH I NG T ON their comments made it a “catastrophic disaster” ballots or amplifying dis-
— U.S. officials said clear they had not seen and added: “The Dems information about the in-
Wednesday there has evidence to support the talk of foreign influence in tegrity of the vote-by-mail
been no intelligence president’s statements voting, but they know that process, said there was
to suggest that foreign
that voter fraud will be Mail-In Voting is an easy no information or intelli-
countries are working to
rampant in the upcoming way for foreign countries gence that any adversary
undermine mail-in voting
and no signs of any coor- election and that the ex- to enter the race. Even be- was “engaged in any kind
dinated effort to commit pected surge in mail-in yond that, there’s no accu- of activity to undermine
widespread fraud through ballots due to the coro- rate count!” any part of the mail-in
the vote-by-mail process, navirus pandemic leaves But a senior official vote.”
despite numerous claims November’s presidential with the Office of the Di- A senior FBI official
made by President Donald election especially vul- rector of National Intelli- said officials had not seen
Trump in recent months. nerable to foreign inter- gence, asked on a confer- to date a coordinated, na-
The officials at mul- ference. ence call with reporters tionwide effort to corrupt
tiple federal agencies Trump, for instance, Wednesday about the mail-in voting.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 3A

Laura blasts destructive, life-threatening Gulf Coast path

National Hurricane Center: Laura slammed and businesses without power
in the two states, near-constant
about 6 hours after making
landfall, with sustained winds of
where Laura came ashore,
Nungesser said 50 to 150 peo-
the coast with winds of 150 mph at 1 a.m. lightning provided the only light
for some.
100 mph. Its center was moving
north, about 20 miles north of
ple refused pleas to leave and
planned to weather the storm in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “There are some people still The National Hurricane Fort Polk, Louisiana. Damaging everything from elevated homes
in town and people are calling ... Center said Laura slammed the winds reached outward as far as to recreational vehicles. The re-
LAKE ARTHUR, La. — Hur- but there ain’t no way to get to coast with winds of 150 mph at 1 175 miles. sult could be deadly, since some
ricane Laura pounded the Gulf them,” Tony Guillory, president a.m. CDT as a Category 4 hur- Dick Gremillion, the emer- houses weren’t raised high
Coast for hours with ferocious of the Calcasieu Parish Police ricane near Cameron, a 400-per- gency director in Calcasieu Par- enough to withstand the mas-
wind, torrential rains and ris- Jury, said early Thursday morn- son community about 30 miles ish, said hours after landfall that sive storm surge.
ing seawater as it roared ashore ing over the phone as he hun- east of the Texas border. they hadn’t been able to get out “It’s a very sad situation,” said
over southwestern Louisiana kered down in a Lake Charles “Unsurvivable storm surge and look for damage. Ashley Buller, assistant director
near the Texas border early with large and destructive “The wind is still over 50
government building that was of emergency preparedness.
Thursday, threatening the lives waves will cause catastrophic mph. It’s going to have to drop
shaking from the storm. “We did everything we could to
of people who didn’t evacuate. damage,” forecasters warned. significantly before they can
Guillory said he hopes strand- encourage them to leave.”
Authorities had ordered They said the storm surge could even run any emergency calls.
coastal residents to get out, but ed people can be rescued later Becky Clements, 56, didn’t
reach 15-20 feet in Port Arthur, We also need daylight,” Gremi-
not everyone did in an area dev- Thursday but fears that blocked Texas, and a stretch of Louisiana llion said in an interview with take chances; she evacuated
astated by Rita in 2005. roads, downed power lines and including Lake Charles, a city of KPLC-TV. from Lake Charles after hear-
Laura’s howling winds bat- flooding could get in the way. 80,000 people on Lake Calca- More than 580,000 coastal ing that it could take a direct hit.
tered a tall building in Lake “We know anyone that stayed sieu. residents were ordered to join With memories of the destruc-
Charles, blowing out windows that close to the coast, we’ve got “This surge could penetrate the largest evacuation since the tion almost 15 years ago by Hur-
as glass and debris flew to the to pray for them, because look- up to 40 miles inland from the coronavirus pandemic began ricane Rita, she and her family
ground. Police spotted a float- ing at the storm surge, there immediate coastline, and flood and many did, filling hotels and found an Airbnb hundreds of
ing casino that got loose and would be little chance of surviv- waters will not fully recede for sleeping in cars since officials miles inland.
crunched against a bridge. But al,” Louisiana Lt. Gov. Billy Nun- several days,” the hurricane cen- didn’t want to open mass shel- “The devastation afterward
hours after landfall, the wind gesser told ABC’s Good Morn- ter said. ters and worsen the spread of in our town and that whole cor-
and rain were still blowing too ing America. Forecasters said Laura re- COVID-19. ner of the state was just awful,”
hard to check for survivors. With nearly 470,000 homes mained a Category 2 hurricane But in Cameron Parish, Clements recalled Wednesday.

Mississippi gov skipped mask at North

Carolina event, despite mandate
‘There’s public health risks to doing sissippi, Reeves signed
executive orders banning
a speech or broadcast.
However, photos from
large political gatherings, but in this people from attending
gatherings with more
the event show Reeves sit-
ting at tables surrounded
country ... we protect the right than 10 people indoors or
20 people outdoors.
by other people, posing for
photos next to attendees
to free speech’ On Sunday, Reeves was and shaking hands with
Gov. Tate Reeves one of more than 200 peo- Forest and others — all
ple who attended a tightly while not wearing a mask.
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM this country — and we do packed rally for Lt. Gov. When asked why he
The Associated Press/ Report still live in America — we Dan Forest at the Rowan
for America did not wear a mask at
protect the right to free County Fairgrounds in the event, Reeves brought
speech and we protect the Salisbury, North Caroli-
JACKSON — Missis- up protests around police
right to political discourse na, where few people wore
sippi Gov. Tate Reeves brutality and racial injus-
and political events,” masks, the Salisbury Post
compared his attending a Reeves said at a Tuesday tice that happened in Jack-
reported. Forest is run-
crowded campaign event news conference. son in June.
ning for governor against
over the weekend for a Both North Carolina incumbent Cooper. “There were literally
North Carolina Republi- and Mississippi have man- Reeves said Tuesday thousands and thousands
can gubernatorial candi- dates for people to wear that he wore a mask 90 and thousands of people
date — while not wearing face coverings in public percent of the time while outside the Governor’s
a mask — to people who places to slow the spread in North Carolina and that Mansion protesting, and
attended police brutality of the coronavirus. No he only took his mask off I defend their right to
protests outside the Gov- more than 10 people in- to speak at the rally in sup- do so,” he said. “But just
ernor’s Mansion in Missis- doors and 25 outdoors are port of Forest. Both Mis- because you agree with
sippi in June. allowed to gather in North sissippi and North Caroli- those that are protesting,
“There’s public health Carolina, under executive na’s mask mandates allow doesn’t mean that there
risks to doing large po- orders from Democratic people to remove masks are not public health risks
litical gatherings, but in Gov. Roy Cooper. In Mis- temporarily while making to doing so.”


Mississippi lawmakers confirmed an attorney as the state might have avail- Telecommunications
the new commissioner of able each year. That num- representative Christa Al-
sustain veto on felony the Mississippi Depart- ber is used as the basis for exander said Broadband
records bill ment of Revenue. writing state budgets. is no longer a luxury, but
JACKSON — The Mis- Chris Graham has a necessity.
sissippi Legislature will worked in recent years “You need it for tele-
not challenge the gover- for the Legislative Budget
Public Service health, teleworking,
nor’s veto of a bill that Office, helping senators Commission creates distance learning. Even
would have let people get write spending plans for broadband committee going to school now, you
more felony convictions state agencies. He previ- JACKSON — The Mis- don’t have a choice, you
removed from their re- ously worked for the state sissippi Public Service have to do everything
cords. Ethics Commission and Commission has created online and carry on,” she
The Legislature met in private law practice. a new committee that will said. “I’m happy to be
Monday, and the House Republican Gov. Tate help identify internet con- a part of the group that
Judiciary B Committee Reeves announced July nectivity challenges in helps bring that to a reali-
recommended that the 13 that he was nominat- the state amid the corona- ty for Mississippi.”
lawmakers not try to over- ing Graham to lead the virus pandemic.
ride Republican Gov. Tate Department of Revenue, The pandemic has
Reeves’ July 8 veto.
and Graham has been highlighted the need for
Current state law al-
working in the job while more internet connectiv-
lows a person to get one
awaiting confirmation. ity in the state, Southern
felony conviction ex-
He succeeds Herb District Public Service
punged. House Bill 658
Frierson, who retired as Commissioner Dane
would have expanded that
to three. commissioner July 1 after Maxwell said.
Reeves wrote that the four years in that job. Fri- “Mississippi’s a rural
bill was “well-intentioned” erson had a 42-year state state,” Maxwell said. “We
but “would threaten pub- government career that had been preaching this
lic safety.” included time he served before COVID-19. We’ve
as a legislator. been working on it be-
In addition to oversee- fore COVID-19, but it just
Mississippi Senate ing the Department of brought it to everybody’s
confirms new state Revenue, the commission- attention. People nowa-
revenue commissioner er serves in a group of ex- days can’t operate with-
JACKSON — The Mis- perts that help legislators out the Internet and that
sissippi Senate on Monday predict how much money is our main focus.”

Bad boy! Dog costs Mississippi officials more than $7,000

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS day. The wire was mostly amounts to more than
elevated but dipped to $7,000, from the owner,
LIBERTY — A curious the ground by the front according to Wroten.
dog got hold of a fiber op- door of the Justice Court His office first spent SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
tic cable that ran between building, where the dog $4,000 to establish two an- peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Thurs. Fri.
county buildings in Mis- chewed it. tennae that send signals Major
sissippi, chewing it to The culprit was not to the cables, but it failed. Major 8:26a 9:24a
pieces and costing county caught in the act, but of- County supervisors then
Minor 1:38a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
officials thousands of dol- ficials saw “his running voted Tuesday to spend an

The Dispatch
lars in an attempt to get it mate” through the secu- additional $3,600 to get a
fixed. rity camera, Wroten said. new cable.
The cable connected The sheriff has a sus- Amite County Justice
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
a courthouse and a near- pect in mind but lacks Court Judge Roger Ar- Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
by Justice Court build- evidence to hold up his nold said it’s his first time Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
ing in Amite County, Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
charge. If officials knew hearing a case like this. POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
Tim Wroten, the county’s who the troublemaker “I did hear the sus- The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
sheriff, told the Enter- was, the county could pect was still at large,” he Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip: [email protected]
prise-Journal Wednes- seek damages, which quipped.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Between ‘nothing to see here’ and ‘run for the hills’
ife experience informs us that emergency room, but has yet to admit tion to reassure the public. But they the hospital. Already, the hotel space
when an official says, “There’s any students into the ICU unit, where also have the responsibility of being provided for MSU students is almost at
nothing to see here folks, move there is a limited supply of beds. forthright in their assessments. half capacity. A reminder: We are only
along,” there is almost always some- University and hospital officials are The truth is that there is a point in the second week of classes.
thing to see, something that stops us putting up a unified front in efforts to where both the university and our The university and hospital should
in our tracks and prompts questions. reassure students, their parents and health care systems can be over- do all they can to reassure the public,
Now, a little over a week into the fall broader community that the situation whelmed. It is a threshold that can be but not at the expense of portraying
semester at Mississippi State, concern is well under control and they are breached with stunning quickness, in an accurate view of the crisis before
over the ability to manage COVID-19 prepared for any contingencies that a fact. them.
among the student population has continued spread of the virus might While it is true that because of the They should trust that the public
grown. We feel these questions are produce. age demographic of college students can handle the truth because under-
justified. We have no reason to question few who contract the virus will re- standing the real threat before us is
Within a week of classes, the uni- those institutions’ insistence that they quire hospital care, it’s important to good public health policy.
versity has reported 70 students have are managing the current situation. remember these students do not live We believe we are past the point of
tested positive for the virus, prompting But to suggest, as both university and in a bubble. They come into frequent “there’s nothing to see here.” We also
the school to quarantine students at hospital officials claim, that the po- contact with other members of the believe that we have not reached the
one of the two Starkville hospitals it tential that our contingencies cannot community who may be vulnerable point where it’s “run for the hills.”
has designated for that purpose. be easily overwhelmed creates a false to the worst aspects of the virus. A We are somewhere between those
Meanwhile, OCH Regional Medical sense of security and, we fear, compla- student with COVID may not wind up two poles.
Center has confirmed it has treated cency. in the hospital, it is true. But it is also University and hospital officials
MSU students for the virus in its Officials certainly have an obliga- true that he may send someone else to should be willing to acknowledge that.


Voice of the people
Points out Starkville tax increases
2018 budget: 25.58 mils;
$6,000,000 ad valorem
2019 budget: 26.62 mils; $6,730,000
ad valorem
2020 budget: 28.13 mils; $7,388,551
ad valorem
2021 budget: 30.13 mils; $8,162,217
ad valorem
Since this mayor and board have
been elected, the ad valorem taxes
have gone up 36 percent if the two
mil taxes are approved. Also, we have
had two increases in water and sewer
rates. Remember 25 percent of the
property is reappraised each year.
Bob Smith

Today is Thursday, Aug. 27, the
240th day of 2020. There are 126 days
left in the year.

Today’s Highlight in History:

On August 27, 2008, Barack
Obama was nominated for president
by the Democratic National Conven-
tion in Denver.

On this date: CAMPAIGN 2020

In 1776, the Battle of Long Island
began during the Revolutionary War
as British troops attacked American
forces who ended up being forced to
What Trump and his convention must accomplish
retreat two days later. his week is the ca and the world. Yet, they ance and differ from Biden in that he
In 1858, the second debate be- launch of the did not provide specifics for can talk about how great the economy
tween senatorial candidates Abraham Republican Na- what they would do to fix was before COVID-19 and how, under
Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas took tional Convention, and these perceived problems. his leadership, he can help America
place in Freeport, Ill. it’s a pivotal moment for The Democrats’ failure to turn the page on the virus and get the
In 1908, Lyndon Baines John- President Donald Trump offer any substance is an economy running again. He needs to
son, the 36th president of the United and the Republican Party. opportunity for Republicans lean into the economic gains made
States, was born near Stonewall, It’s Trump’s opportunity to and Trump to do the exact during his presidency, and he has to
Texas. highlight his forward vision opposite. illustrate that only under Republican
In 1949, a violent white mob for the country and to tell During the Republican leadership will those gains return.
prevented an outdoor concert head- the American people how National Convention, Re- Republicans also have an opportuni-
lined by Paul Robeson from taking he’ll lead us through the publicans and Trump need ty to talk directly to Americans, partic-
place near Peekskill, New York. (The coronavirus pandemic. Armstrong Williams to offer solutions for the ris- ularly America’s minority citizens, to
concert was held eight days later.) Republicans need to ing crime and looting that’s offer them opportunities. Many com-
In 1963, author, journalist and
civil rights activist W.E.B. Du Bois
put forth solutions for
American workers and
During the wreaking havoc across the
United States. Commu-
munities across the United States have
depended on Democratic leadership
died in Accra, Ghana, at age 95.
In 1964, President Lyndon Baines
small-business owners who
continue to be impacted
Republican nities and businesses are
being destroyed because of
for decades, and yet, poverty persists.
Republicans need to speak directly to
Johnson accepted his party’s nomina-
tion for a term in his own right, telling
by COVID-19. Demo- National Democrats’ soft-on-crime those voters about their realities and
crats failed to work with policies. not about emotionalism. It’s not about
the Democratic National Convention
in Atlantic City, New Jersey, “Let us
Republicans on another Convention, Republicans need to liking Trump or Republicans, it’s about
much-needed stimulus talk about Democrats’ people’s well-being and way of life. For
join together in giving every Ameri-
can the fullest life which he can hope
bill, all while passing a Republicans continued leftward push many urban minorities, their lives are
$25 billion USPS stimulus and calls for socialism, and worse than they were before.
In 1979, British war hero Lord
bill for mail-in voting. For and Trump the effect that would have This convention has to be about the
Democrats, this is all about on the United States. They future and moving forward. A presi-
Louis Mountbatten and three other politics and not about pass- need to offer need to talk about how, dent running for reelection has to tell
people, including his 14-year-old ing legislation to support under Democratic leader- the American people what he has done
grandson Nicholas, were killed off the Americans who are out solutions for ship, capitalism will come and what he continues to do to make
coast of Ireland in a boat explosion of work and need unem- to an end and social welfare the country work for all of its citizens.
claimed by the Irish Republican Army. ployment money or small the rising programs will bankrupt the President Trump can draw a clear con-
In 1989, the first U.S. commercial
satellite rocket was launched from
businesses that have run
out of PPP funding and are
crime and country. To draw a contrast,
Republicans can talk about
trast between his plans and the plans
proposed by Democrats.
Cape Canaveral, Florida — a Delta
booster carrying a British communi-
being forced to close their
doors for good.
looting that’s opportunities under capi-
talism that help lift people
This election is one of the most piv-
otal in our nation’s history. America is
cations satellite, the Marcopolo 1.
In 1998, two suspects in the
During the Democratic
National Convention, they
wreaking out of poverty. They need
to talk about how, under
at a crossroads, and voters must decide
between embracing socialism, lawless-
bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Ken-
ya were brought to the United States
made an emotional appeal
to voters, telling them the
havoc across a capitalist system, every-
one has a chance to thrive
ness and open borders or capitalism,
faith, family, community and oppor-
to face charges. (Mohamed Rashed
Daoud al-’Owhali (moh-HAH’-mehd
sky is falling. But if that isthe United and reach their version of tunity. T his is what the Republicans’
true, then why didn’t they the American dream. In message needs to be: opportunity for
rah-SHEED’ dah-ood ahl-oh-WAHL’-
ee) and Mohammed Saddiq Odeh
offer any substantive policy States. essence, they need to give all Americans.
positions to correct course? people hope, which is what Armstrong Williams is an American
(sah-DEEK’ oh-DAY’) were convicted They railed against Trump and Repub- so many desperately need. political commentator, entrepreneur,
in 2001 of conspiring to carry out the licans for everything wrong in Ameri- Trump has to strike to the right bal- author, and talk show host.
bombing; both were sentenced to life
in prison.)
In 2005, coastal residents
jammed freeways and gas stations as
they rushed to get out of the way of Make Your Voice Heard
Hurricane Katrina, which was headed Write The Dispatch: [email protected]
toward New Orleans.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 5A

New federal virus testing advice sparks criticism, confusion

New guidance says it’s not necessary earlier this week on the
website of the Centers for
keep outbreaks in check,
and that a large percent-
“We are seeking
clarification from CDC
task force.
However, Dr. Anthony
for people who have been in close Disease Control and Pre-
age of infected people —
the CDC has said as many
about its recent guidance
around testing,” said a
Fauci, the country’s top
infectious disease expert
contact with infected people, but The CDC previously as 40 percent — exhibit no spokesman for Michi- and perhaps the best
had advised local health symptoms. gan’s health department. known task force mem-
don’t feel sick, to get tested departments to test people “The recommendation Federal officials said ber, said Wednesday he
who have been within 6 not to test asymptomatic the new recommendation wasn’t part of the discus-
BY MIKE STOBBE er to what scientists say is feet of an infected person people who likely have was issued by consensus sion that green-lighted
AP Medical Writer necessary to control the of the White House virus the change.
for more than 15 minutes. been exposed is not in
pandemic. Across the country, accord with the science,”
health officials sparked The new guidance says public health experts said John Auerbach, pres-
criticism and confusion it’s not necessary for peo- called the change bizarre. ident of Trust for Amer-
after posting guidelines ple who have been in close They noted that testing ica’s Health, a nonprofit
on coronavirus testing contact with infected peo- contacts of infected peo- that works to improve U.S.
from the White House ple, but don’t feel sick, to ple is a core element of preparedness against dis-
task force that run count- get tested. It was posted public health efforts to ease.

Does a face mask protect me, or just the people around me?
Experts: Masks important because may still spread out, masks were required

infected people can be contagious

wearing a mask could
reduce the amount, pro-
viding a benefit to others.
and infection clusters oc-
curred, Gandhi noted that
most workers who devel-
Carolyn Hester
even if they don’t have symptoms Research shows people
don’t get as sick when ex-
oped COVID-19 had mild
illness or no symptoms.
Carolyn Lulu Hipp Hester,
86, formerly of Lawrenceburg
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dence also suggests that posed to smaller amounts Research on a differ- and currently of Spring Hill,
masks may offer some of virus, said Dr. Monica ent coronavirus has also TN, died Monday, August 24,
Does a face mask pro- protection for the people Gandhi, a virus expert at found low infection rates 2020, at 8:30 PM in the evening
tect me, or just the people wearing them. University of California, among people who fre- after a fall and an extended
around me? San Francisco. quently wore masks in illness at the home of her son.
The virus spreads from
It likely provides pro- And masks may pro- public. She was surrounded by family
droplets people spray
tection for both. tect the people wearing Experts say masks are in whose care she had spent her
Studies on the new when they cough, sneeze
them by reducing the particularly important remaining months.
coronavirus and other or talk. Surgical or cloth amount of droplets from with the new coronavirus
face masks can block Born in Tula, Mississippi, a community close
germs show wearing a others that might make because infected people
most of those particles to Oxford, Carolyn grew up the only child of
mask helps stop infected contact with them. can be contagious even
from spreading. the late Louis Howard Hipp and the late Roxie
people from spreading In two U.S. food pro- if they don’t have symp-
disease to others. Evi- While some droplets cessing plants where toms.
Dell Harris Hipp near Potlockney Creek. After
graduating Valedictorian of her high school
class she earned Bachelor’s degrees in both
English and Bible from Blue Mountain College
in Mississippi. After college she worked for the
Baptist Sunday School Board (now Lifeway)
AREA OBITUARIES before marriage took her from that job which she
was very proud of.
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH with Rayfield Evins Jr. Lendle Sanderson parents, he was preced-
OBITUARY POLICY Married to the late Harvell Alonzo Hester for
officiating. Visitation is BEAVERTON, Ala. ed in death by his wife,
Obituaries with basic informa- over 62 years his work with Southern Airways
from 2-5 p.m. today, at — Lendle F. Sander- Pamela Sanderson; and
tion including visitation and had them living briefly in Albany GA, Dothan
Carter’s Funeral Ser- son, 77, died Aug. 25, sister, June Oliver.
service times, are provided AL, Memphis TN and Atlanta GA before settling
free of charge. Extended obit- vice Chapel. Carter’s 2020, at North Missis- He is survived by
in Columbus MS from 1972 until 1987. They
uaries with a photograph, de- Funeral Services of sippi Medical Center his children, Crystal
then resided in Lawrenceburg, TN for the last 30
tailed biographical information Columbus is in charge Gilmore of Amory. Cantrell of Beaverton, years until Harvell died in 2018 when she moved
and other details families may of arrangements. Funeral Services Alabama and Serena
wish to include, are available to Willow Springs Assisted Living to be near her
Mr. Sykes was born are at 1 p.m. today, at White of Booneville;
for a fee. Obituaries must be son and his family in Spring Hill, TN. She spent
Jan. 31, 1961, in Colum- Otts Funeral Home siblings, Q.T. Sand-
submitted through funeral 2 years at Willow Springs where she developed
bus, to the late Richard Chapel, with Glenn erson of Hamilton,
homes unless the deceased’s many close friends of the staff and residents. Her
body has been donated to sci- Miller and Catherine Alabama and Bob
Hughes officiating. final two months she lived with her son and his
ence. If the deceased’s body Sykes Jordan. He was Sanderson of Win-
Burial will follow in family where she was an enjoyable personality
was donated to science, the a graduate of Caldwell field, Alabama; four
Pleasant Ridge Ceme- and welcome addition.
family must provide official High School. He was grandchildren; and six
proof of death. Please submit tery. Visitation is one In Columbus, Carolyn worked as a counselor’s
formerly employed great-grandchildren.
all obituaries on the form pro- hour prior to services secretary at Caldwell High School from 1974
as a truck driver for Pallbearers will
vided by The Commercial Dis- of the funeral home. until 1987. She enjoyed the work and was very
Heartland Express and be Heith Cantrell,
patch. Free notices must be Otts Funeral Home of active at First Baptist Church in Columbus for
submitted to the newspaper a member of Soutside Sonny Roberts, Justin
Sulligent is in charge the entire time they lived there.
no later than 3 p.m. the day M.B. Church. Mauney, Brian Haith-
of arrangements. In 1987, with another job transfer, the Hesters
prior for publication Tuesday He is survived by cock, Stuart Sanderson
Mr. Sanderson was settled in Lawrenceburg, TN on Wesley Chapel
through Friday; no later than 4 his children, LaQuan- and Stacy Sanderson.
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday born Jan. 15, 1943, Rd. Sometime after that she got a job as a church
da Hayden, Quinton
edition; and no later than in Marion County, secretary at Leoma Baptist Church where she
Hayden both of Colum-
7:30 a.m. for the Monday edi-
tion. Incomplete notices must bus and Delvon Hayden Alabama, to the late Nellie McCrory worked for almost a decade. She believed that
Thirston Sanderson COLUMBUS — Nel- a church secretary was a Called position and
be received no later than 7:30 of Dallas, Texas; sib-
and Mittie Emerson. lie McCrory, 86, died she beat out 12 other candidates for the position
a.m. for the Monday through lings, Rickey L. Sykes
He attended Byrd and Aug. 26, 2020, at her because of that.
Friday editions. Paid notices of Huntsville, Alabama,
must be finalized by 3 p.m. for Hamilton Schools and residence. After that, her final job, she and Harvell
Trinettee Dempsey of
inclusion the next day Monday was formerly employed Arrangements are traveled extensively in their Fifth Wheel travel
Monroe, North Caroli-
through Thursday; and on in the concrete busi- incomplete and will be trailer both independently and as members of
na, Annie Miller Isom
Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday
ness. He was a mem- announced by Memori- the Davy Crockett Good Sam Club which they
and Monday publication. For of Sawagin, Michigan,
ber of Pleasant Ridge al Gunter Peel Funeral belonged to for two decades where she held
more information, call 662- Leo Bailey of Detroit,
328-2471. Michigan, Gloria Baptist Church. Home and Crematory the position of Club Secretary for many years.
Smith, Richard Miller In addition to his College Street location. She served as Statewide Secretary for the TN
and Pete Lane all of Good Sams for several years and they traveled
Frank Porter Sr.
Otis Richardson
Columbus; and two throughout over 30 states including Alaska.
FOLEY, Ala. — She was a member of the Highland Park
Frank Porter Sr., 73, grandchildren.
FCE until its demise for over 20 years and
died Aug. 23, 2020, in Otis Lee Richardson, age 89, of Columbus, MS, held many leadership positions there from
Foley, Alabama. Jewell Porter passed away August 25, 2020, at his residence. Secretary to President. She faithfully attended
A celebration of life MERIDIAN — Jew- Funeral services will be Friday, August 28, Immanuel Baptist Church and was a member
was at 2 p.m. Wednes- ell Porter, 84, died Aug. 2020, at 10:00 AM at Memorial Gunter Peel of Rose Martin’s Sunday School Class and
day, at First Baptist 26, 2020, at Regency Funeral Home Chapel 716 2nd Ave. North location Keith Durham’s Training Union Class, both of
Church Gulf Shores. Hospital. with Rev. James Black and Rev. Ron Thomas which she was very proud of. She served on the
Pine rest Funeral Arrangements are officiating. The interment will follow at 1:00 PM Lawrenceburg Friends of the Library Committee
Home of Foley, Ala- incomplete and will be at North Union Cemetery in Bellefontaine, MS. for several years.
bama was in charge of announced by Lown- Mr. Richardson was born October 13, 1930, She will always be remembered for her
arrangements. des Funeral Home of in Bellefontaine, MS, to the late Joe Evans and unfailing practice of sending friends and loved
Mr. Porter was Columbus. Christine Pounds Richardson. He served in the one’s cards or notes on their birthdays and
born Dec. 15, 1946, United States Air Force and served 18 months anniversaries. She kept a calendar full of dates
in Columbia, South in Germany. Otis Lee married his wife, Pat, and would typically send out a card or two each
Carolina. while he was stationed at Reese Air Force Base day which were much appreciated by their
He is survived by in Lubbock, TX. He was a farmer and cattleman recipients. She served on the Immanuel Baptist
his wife, Reba Brown until they moved to Columbus, MS, in 1963 and Church Bereavement Committee and both
Porter; children, Frank put in Shirley’s Minit Mart on Hwy 45 North. He before and after that time was forever making
Porter and Randy went into the laundry business later in life and and taking dishes to families who suffered loss.
Porter; sister, Pat owned Coin-Op-Laundry. He was listed in Who’s She was an avid reader and averaged three or
McCullough; and four Who in Mississippi in 1974 and Outstanding more books a month for many years before the
grandchildren. Americans in the South in 1975. He was loved Lord took her. She will be remembered as a
Memorials may be and respected by so many he had helped. kind, generous, opinionated, smiling woman
made to the Building In addition to his parents, he was preceded in with a great capacity for Bible knowledge as well
Fund at First Baptist Otis Richardson death by his sister, Shirley Simmons; brother, as English syntax and grammar who loved her
Church Gulf Shores, Services: family and especially her two grandchildren.
Friday, Aug. 28 • 10 AM Billy Richardson; and nephews, Frankie
2200 West 1st St., Gulf 2nd Ave. N Location Simmons, John Simmons and Andy Bill Smith. She is survived by her son, Brooks (Mary)
Shores, AL, 36542. Burial He leaves behind his wife of 67 years, Pat Hester; and two grandchildren, Louis Judson
North Union Cemetery
2nd Ave. N Location Richardson; son, Richard Richardson; grandson, Hester (18) and Rachel Naomi Hester (14);
Robert Sykes III Joseph Richardson; and great grandsons, Justin plus numerous cousins, nieces, and nephews.
COLUMBUS — Rob- Jane Niles Richardson and Gavin Richardson. Memorials may be sent to the American Cancer
ert Pookey Sykes III, Services: Pallbearers will be Justin Richardson, Gavin Society. Though Carolyn did not have cancer she
A private memorial
59, died service will be held. Richardson, Bo Harris, Jay Harris, Drew Stanton lost her father and many friends to this disease
Aug. 18, 2nd Ave. N Location and Douglas Scallions. and it was a cause she felt passionately about.
2020, in Donations and memorials may be made to the Funeral services will be held Thursday, August
Pine Bluff, Nellie McCrory charity of the donor’s choice. 27, 2020, at 3:00 PM in the afternoon at Neal
Arkansas. College St. Location
Funeral Home with visitation to begin at 1:00
Grave- PM. Burial will be in Gum Springs Cemetery,
side Lawrenceburg, TN. Arrangements are being
services handled by Neal Funeral Home 231 N. Military
Sykes III
will be at Sign the online guest book at Ave. Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 Telephone 931
11 a.m. 762 9447.
Friday, in Memorial 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS Paid Obituary - Neal Funeral Home
Gardens Cemetery,
6A THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

Damage from big hurricanes

rising for many reasons
In the last three years, the United States has had Agency chief Craig Fugate.
“There’s a lot of factors going
seven hurricane disasters that each caused at on,” he said.
When it comes to hurricane risk,
least $1 billion in damage, totaling $335 billion a major factor is “the amount of stuff
in the way of natural peril and the
BY SETH BORENSTEIN sasters that each caused at least $1 vulnerability of the stuff in the way,”
AP Science Writer billion in damage, totaling $335 bil- said Mark Bove, a meteorologist
lion. In all of the 1980s, there were who works for the insurance firm
A destructive storm is rising six, and their damage totaled $38.2 Munich Re U.S.
from warm waters. Again. billion, according to the National One factor that increases the pos-
America and the world are get- Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- sibility that there will be “stuff in the
ting more frequent and bigger mul- tration. All those figures are adjust- way” of a major storm is that federal
tibillion dollar tropical catastrophes ed for the cost of living. disaster policy and flood insurance
like Hurricane Laura, which is men- The Atlantic is increasingly subsidize and encourage people to
acing the U.S. Gulf Coast, because spawning more major hurricanes, rebuild in risky areas, Fugate said.
of a combination of increased coast- according to an Associated Press After storms, communities “al-
al development, natural climate cy- analysis of NOAA hurricane data ways say they are going to rise from
cles, reductions in air pollution and since 1950. That designation refers the ashes,” and, too often, they build
man-made climate change, experts to storms with at least 111-mile-per- the same way in the same place for
say. hour winds that are the ones that do the same vulnerability and the same
The list of recent whoppers the most damage. The Atlantic now outcome, Fugate said.
keeps growing: Harvey, Irma, Ma- averages three major hurricanes In addition, some places, like
ria, Florence, Michael, Dorian. And a year, based on a 30-year running Houston, don’t limit development
hurricane experts have no doubt average. In the 1980s and 1990s, it in areas that could serve as flood
that Laura will be right there with was two. control zones if left empty and al-
them. The Atlantic’s Accumulated Cy- low development that’s not disaster
It’s a mess at least partially of clone Energy — a measurement resilient, said Kathleen Tierney, for-
our own making, said Susan Cutter, that takes into account the number mer director of the Natural Hazards
director of the Hazards and Vulner- of storms, their strength and how Center at Colorado University.
ability Institute at the University of long they last — is now 120 on a 30- Now add in the meteorology.
South Carolina. year running average. Thirty years Scientists agree that waters are
“We are seeing an increase of in- ago, it was in the 70s or 80s on av- warming, and that serves as hurri-
tensity of these phenomena because erage. cane fuel, said NOAA climate scien-
we as a society are fundamentally Some people argue the increase tist Jim Kossin. A study by Kossin
changing the Earth and at the same is due to unchecked coastal devel- found that, once a storm formed,
time we are moving to locations that opment, while others will point to the chances of its attaining major
are more hazardous,” Cutter said man-made climate change from the storm status globally increased by 8
Wednesday. burning of coal, oil and gas. In fact, percent a decade since 1979. In the
In the last three years, the United both are responsible, said former Atlantic, chances went up by 49 per-
States has had seven hurricane di- Federal Emergency Management cent a decade.

Continued from Page 1A
dangerous COVID-19 directly in front of individ- occupancy rate may mean have the resources. Com-
hotspots among southern ual rooms and self-check more hours worked to munity shelters, she said,
states. in. Due to the pandemic, make a living, he said. are used as a “last resort.”
At Courtyard by Marri- the lobby area is closed, “It is unfortunate going Torrey Williams, di-
ott in Starkville, for exam- she said. Instead of a through that. … You have rector of West Point Clay
ple, the 104-room facility morning buffet, the hotel guests that are here that County Emergency Man-
has a mask requirement now serves pre-packaged don’t want to be here,” he agement Agency, told
for all guests and employ- breakfast. said. “(But) employees The Dispatch the county
ees, Duncan said. The ho- can work more hours … will also partner with the
tel disinfects high-touch Mixed bag of emotions to support their families.” Red Cross to provide shel-
areas and rooms between The occupancy rate ters if needed. The county
stays, practices six-feet at Best Western now sits Community shelters currently has four desig-
social distancing in its
lobby areas and provides
at 40 percent, mainly be- may open with limited nated shelters, with three
in the city and one outside
cause of the pandemic, capacity
hand sanitizers for guest Jones said. An influx of city limits. Similarly, the
use, he said. Greg Michel, executive shelters will also operate
evacuees, she said, could director for the Mississip-
If his hotels are booked give the hotel’s business a at a 25-percent capacity,
pi Emergency Manage-
up, Duncan said he will boost. he said, and will require
ment Agency, said during
communicate with other But, Jones said, she mask-wearing and pro-
a Wednesday press con-
hotels in the area to find has mixed feelings about vide hand sanitizers.
ference the state does not
the evacuees a place to that. Williams said it is con-
expect a large number of
stay within a reasonable “You don’t want to see cerning that many of the
evacuees, although it is
price range. it happen that way be- evacuees could come
preparing to open shel-
“You have someone cause people are leaving from COVID-19 hotspots.
ters in case there is a
who has little in posses- their homes not knowing growing need. “The information
sion,” Duncan said of what to expect,” she said. During a pandemic, he about someone may not
evacuees. For hotels that strug- said, the state may have be available and the per-
Jordan Gillentine, gle to stay afloat as the to open more shelters to son may not be truthful
general manager for pandemic slams the accommodate the same about them having the
LaQuinta Inn and Suites hospitality industry, Gil- number of evacuees it virus,” he said. “That
in Starkville, said sev- lentine said the influx — would have accommodat- certainly complicates ev-
eral guests from Lake although due to unfortu- ed in normal times. erything, because if they
Charles, Louisiana, have nate reasons — may help. Lowndes County don’t tell you they have it,
already booked rooms at “Obviously, you hate Emergency Services Di- you won’t know.”
the 90-room hotel. The to see anyone from any- rector Cindy Lawrence To minimize the risk of
hotel takes similar steps where have to evacuate told The Dispatch the infection, Williams said
to slow the virus spread, from their home, so the county is in talks with the he also recommends hotel
he said. reason for the travel is Red Cross to staff rough- stays. For those who have
“With football season unfortunate,” he said. ly 12 community centers, to stay in shelters, he said
being shifted later in the “But … it does help us which can be used to shel- there will be temperature
year, it opens up the op- after what we’ve been ter evacuees if MEMA checks and question-
portunity for us to accept through over the last sev- tells the county to open naires at the entrance. He
large groups like that,” eral months with a drastic them. The shelters usual- is also contemplating the
he said. “We are ready to decrease in travel and ho- ly house 75 people each, idea of separating evacu-
welcome them with open tel stays. It will somewhat she said, but they will op- ees according to their risk
arms if they so choose.” help us bridge the gap.” erate at 25 percent of their level.
Sharon Jones, general Having evacuated normal capacity amid the “Maybe (set up) a high-
manager at Best West- during a hurricane him- pandemic. risk, a medium-risk and a
ern Executive Suites in self, Duncan said he un- To minimize the risk of low-risk category, then
Columbus, told The Dis- derstands what evacuees infection, Lawrence said put them at different shel-
patch the 73-room hotel are going through. But for she recommends evacu- ters so we can keep that
allows for cars to pull up hotel employees, a higher ees to stay in hotels if they risk down low,” he said.

Continued from Page 1A
Triangle Auto Sales, owner of Parrish Towing, “I tune every aspect On Oct. 3, he’s invit-
301 Alabama St., is has turned his passion of it,” Shurden said. “I’ve ing the public to a big
selling its last car after into a full-on business been a gear-head and a cookout and a chance to
50 years of business. venture. car guy and built race see cars that have 600 to
The lot, building and few “We specialize in high cars most of my life, so 700 horsepower. Be sure
remaining cars are all up performance,” Shurden automotive is kind of in to stay up to date with
for sale. said. “We can tune just me. … I built a rapport Apex’s Facebook page
The Dispatch could about anything that’s for custom tunes on the for more updates and
not reach the owner by newer than a (2005 vehi- side, so instead of it be- public events.
press time today. cle). … I take your stock ing side work, I just went
“We’re going to (have)
Keeping with the car calibration and I put my public with it.”
all the vehicles that
trend, Starkville has a own calibration on there Apex is open Monday
new performance shop and I make vehicles through Friday 8 a.m.-5 we’ve done tune work
open now. more efficient and more p.m. on and the public,” he
Apex Performance, powerful.” If you’re like me and said. “We’ll see what the
9829 Hwy. 25 S., is ready On average, he said you’re not quite mechan- turnout is. I’ll grill 100
to service and upgrade he can tune your vehi- ically inclined, Shurden hamburgers if I have to.
your vehicle to a higher cle and give your car a is inviting the public We’re going to give the
performance. 12-percent increase in to check out what high kids in the local area a
Apex owner Benjamin power and increase up to performance tuning can chance to see some cool
Shurden, who is also the two miles per gallon. actually do to a vehicle. cars.”

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?


BY BEN PORTNOY 1 offense at right tackle.
[email protected] The biggest question
mark comes at center.
STARKVILLE — Williams, who spent the
Charles Cross’ time is better part of his MSU
coming at Mississippi career at guard, shift-
State. ed inside as a senior to
A five-star recruit in replace Elgton Jenkins.
the class of 2019 and the Now tasked with replac-
No. 27 overall player ac- ing the vocal leader of
cording to the 247Sports the Bulldogs’ line a year
Composite, Cross arrived ago, Miller said Tuesday
on campus last January that junior James Jack-
with an heir of potential son and LSU transfer
few players in the history Cole Smith are battling
of the program have pos- to fill the spot.
sessed, but a body that “I’m very, very hard
wasn’t college ready. on our centers,” Miller
After appearing in said. “You’re going to
games against Southern get some tongue lash-
Mississippi, Kansas State ings. (Smith has) taken
and Texas A&M a season it very well — so has
ago, Cross is now slated James — they both have.
to take over the left tack- I’m very proud of what
le spot vacated by third they’ve done. We did
round NFL Draft Pick some good things again
Tyre Phillips heading into in the protection today
the middle of fall camp. but we’ve got to continue
“He’s like a pit bull,” to get better.”
MSU offensive line coach For Cross, he’s earned
Mason Miller said Tues- praise from Miller for his
day night. “When he ability to remain even-
gets his hands on you, he keel practice-to-prac-
doesn’t surrender.” Courtesy of Mississippi State Athletics tice in fall camp’s first
Baby-faced and a Charles Cross’ time is coming at Mississippi State. The offensive lineman will now likely take over the left tackle week-and-a-half. Given
slim 260 pounds when that consistency coupled
spot vacated by third round NFL Draft Pick Tyre Phillips heading into the middle of fall camp.
he arrived on campus a with the mass he spent
season ago, Cross has Cross’ body prepared for real business-mind- he’s a way better player top 10 at their respective more than a year build-
evolved and matured into the rigors of a Southeast- ed — kind of similar to from when he first got positions in ESPN NFL ing, Cross’ rise gives
a 290-pound behemoth ern Conference sched- (former MSU lineman) here, I can tell you that.” Draft Insider Todd Mc- way to an offensive line
in the trenches. Bless- ule, but that he profiled Deion Calhoun. I think With incumbent cen- Shay’s 2021 positional that could go as many
ed with quick feet and as a “superstar.” that’s one of the rea- ter Darryl Williams and rankings that dropped as 10 or 12-deep this fall
an athleticism that far “To be honest with sons Charles is ahead of Phillips off to the NFL, Wednesday morning. and a future that his re-
exceeds what a player of you guys, I don’t think the other freshmen, be- coupled with Stewart Re- Former Under Ar- cruiting rankings and
his size should be capa- I’ve ever been around cause he’s been here go- ese’s transfer to Florida, mour All-American onlookers believe could
ble of, he earned rave re- a true freshman with ing on nine months and MSU is left with three Kwatrivous Johnson also lead to an NFL future.
views from former coach his ability, along with he’s learned with some starting positions to fill figures to play a role “It’s different but
Joe Moorhead’s staff. his mental capacity,” pretty good players.” along its offensive line, along this year’s line. I’m ready for it,” Cross
Ex-offensive line Johnson said last Au- “He’s showing so much albeit with ample talent According to Miller, said during Wednesday
coach Marcus Johnson gust. “Such a mature more talent than when he to spare. Senior tackle Johnson — who’s played night’s media availabil-
— who’s now working young man for his age. first got here,” sophomore Greg Eiland and guards in just two career games ity. “I’m preparing my-
under Eliah Drinkwitz He doesn’t act like a defensive tackle Nathan Dareuan Parker, LaQuin- due to redshirting and self to the best of my
at Missouri — noted it freshman at all. Doesn’t Pickering added. “He’s ston Sharp and Scott suspension — is current- ability to do my job at a
would take time to get really joke around, he’s quicker, stronger. I mean, Lashley all landed in the ly running with the No. high level.”


Increased depth,
Tigers think returning talent will take them strong offense could
back to title game — and with a win this time take West Lowndes
football to new heights

Dispatch file photo

Jherquaveus “Qua” Sanders will be hard to replace at
Dispatch file photo West Lowndes, but the Panthers will try. Coach Anthony
Noxubee County running back Damian Verdell carries the ball during a playoff game against Coahoma Agricul- King said he didn’t realize how much Sanders, now a
tural on Nov. 8 in Macon. Verdell and the Tigers made the MHSAA Class 3A title game last year and think they freshman at Jones College, did for the Panthers until
can win it this season. King watched Sanders fly around the field in game tape.
BY THEO DEROSA Defense, after all, it’ll take another season “We’re going back BY THEO DEROSA or four deep at every po-
[email protected] won Noxubee County of dominant defense — to the ’ship, and we’re [email protected] sition. The team usually
five Mississippi High plus a strong year from going to bring the gold hovers around 30 players;
MACON — Noxubee School Activities Asso- the Noxubee County of- ball home this time,” se- West Lowndes foot- this year’s sits at 34.
County football coach ciation titles in a 10-year fense — to not only get nior running back Bobby ball coach Anthony King That always meant
Teddy Young often re- span, as the Tigers won back to where the Tigers Shanklin said. knows his players need a most of West Lowndes’
minds his players what titles in 2008, 2012, 2014, were last year but to win Shanklin’s confidence break. starters played on both
it’s going to take in order 2015 and 2017. Last sea- the sixth title in school is spurred by the return This year, the Panthers offense and defense with
to return to the top. son, it was defense that history. of every member of a might just catch one. little rest during each
“If we’re going to get got Young’s team to the And just over a week strong offensive line, the As a Class 1A program contest.
back where we need to championship game, but from the team’s season talented skill position in the Mississippi High But thanks to a sol-
go,” Young tells the Ti- the Tigers lost that con- opener against Shannon players Noxubee County School Activities Asso- id crop of ninth graders
gers, “our defense is go- test to Jefferson Davis on Sept. 4, he’s got his brings back on offense ciation, West Lowndes poised to make an im-
ing to have to carry us County, 25-15. players believing that just and the Tigers’ eight re- has never had rosters pact, King’s team is pre-
again.” So Young knows that might happen. See TIGERS, 3B large enough to go three See PANTHERS, 3B
2B THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 The Dispatch •


Boycott: NBA playoff games called off amid player protest

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pending against the city tality, and criminal justice LeBron James, tweeted right to play, fearing that and Toronto met Tuesday
of Milwaukee alleging reform.” out messages demanding a return to games would to discuss boycotting
LAKE BUENA VIS- he was targeted because “I couldn’t agree more. change. Some teams did take attention off the Game 1 of their Eastern
TA, Fla. — Making their he was Black and that his Thank you, Bucks,” Wis- the same. deaths of, among oth- Conference semifinal
strongest statement yet civil rights were violated consin Gov. Tony Evers “We weren’t given ad- ers, Breonna Taylor and
in the fight against racial series, which had been
in January 2018 when of- tweeted. vanced notice about the George Floyd in recent
injustice, players from six scheduled for Thursday.
ficers used a stun gun on The NBA did not decision but we are hap- months.
NBA teams decided not to NBPA officers were part
him after a parking viola- say when Wednesday’s py to stand in solidarity Taylor, a 26 -year-old
play postseason games on tion. games would be played or with Milwaukee, Jacob, Black woman, was fatally of those meetings, and
Wednesday in a boycott Other games that were if Thursday’s schedule of and the entire NBA com- shot when police officers Miami forward Andre
that quickly reverberated not played: NBA playoff three more games involv- munity,” Orlando guard burst into her Louisville, Iguodala — one of those
across other professional games between Oklaho- ing six other teams would Michael Carter-Williams Kentucky apartment officers— said around
leagues. ma City and Houston, and be affected. NBA players said. “Change is coming.” using a no-knock war- 2:15 p.m. that he did not
Also called off: Some the Los Angeles Lakers and coaches met for near- Magic players and ref- rant during a narcotics believe a boycott plan
games in Major League and Portland along with ly three hours Wednesday erees were on the court as investigation on March had been finalized.
Baseball, Major League three WNBA games, night to determine next if the game was happen- 13. The warrant was in
Soccer and the three Things apparently
three MLB games and steps, including whether ing, unaware that Milwau- connection with a sus- moved quickly: Less
WNBA contests, as play- five MLS matches. Two the season should contin- kee did not intend to take pect who did not live
ers across four leagues than two hours later, the
members of the St. Lou- ue. They did not come to a the floor. The National there and no drugs were
decided the best way to Bucks wouldn’t take the
is Cardinals sat out their consensus, a person with Basketball Referees As- found. Then on May 25,
use their platform and floor.
team’s game with the knowledge of the meeting sociation said it “stands in Floyd died after a white
demand change was to lit- “When you talk about
Kansas City Royals as told AP. solidarity” with the play- Minneapolis police offi-
erally step off the playing boycotting a game, ev-
well. “We fully support our ers. cer pressed a knee into
surface. eryone’s antenna goes
The NBA’s board of players and the decision “Players have, once the Black man’s neck
Players made the ex-
governors have called a they made,” Bucks own- again, made it clear — for nearly eight minutes up,” Iguodala said. “It’s
traordinary decisions to
protest the shooting by meeting on Thursday to ers Marc Lasry, Wes they will not be silent on — all captured on a cell sad you have to make
police in Kenosha, Wis- discuss the new develop- Edens and Jamie Dinan this issue,” National Bas- phone video. threats like that — I
consin on Sunday of Jacob ments, said a person with said in a joint statement ketball Players Associa- Hill said after Blake’s wouldn’t say threats
Blake, a Black man, ap- knowledge of the situa- after Milwaukee players tion Executive Director shooting that he felt — but you have to be
parently in the back while tion. The person spoke to decided to not take the Michele Roberts said. players shouldn’t have willing to sacrifice cor-
three of his children The Associated Press on floor. “Although we did The NBPA is expected come to Disney.
porate money for people
looked on. condition of anonymity not know beforehand, we to be part of Thursday’s “We’re the ones get-
because the meeting plan would have wholeheart- meeting with the board of ting killed,” Los Ange- to realize there’s a big
Kenosha is about 40 problem out there.”
miles south of Milwaukee. was not revealed publicly. edly agreed with them. governors. les Clippers coach Doc
“The baseless shoot- The only way to bring Demanding societal Rivers, who is Black, Professional sports
That city’s NBA team,
the Bucks, started the ings of Jacob Blake and about change is to shine change and ending racial said in an emotional has seen both strikes
boycotts Wednesday by other black men and a light on the racial injus- injustice has been a major speech Tuesday night. and lockouts in the past,
refusing to emerge from women by law enforce- tices that are happening part of the NBA’s restart “We’re the ones getting almost always over sal-
their locker room to play ment underscores the in front of us.” at Walt Disney World. shot. We’re the ones ary disputes. But this
a playoff game against the need for action,” the NBA Added Jeanie Buss, The phrase “Black Lives that we’re denied to live wouldn’t seem to classify
Orlando Magic. Coaches Association said the Governor of the Lak- Matter” is painted on the in certain communities. as a strike, even though it
“There has been no in a statement. “Not after ers, in a tweet: “I stand arena courts, players are We’ve been hung. We’ve was initiated by players,
action, so our focus today the playoffs, not in the fu- behind our players, today wearing messages urging been shot. And all you
since their dispute is not
cannot be on basketball,” ture, but now.” and always. After more change on their jerseys do is keep hearing about
with the NBA. Boycott,
said Bucks guard Ster- The statement by the than 400 years of cruelty, and coaches are donning fear. It’s amazing why we
ling Brown, who joined Bucks also called for state racism and injustice, we pins demanding racial keep loving this country meanwhile, is defined as
teammate George Hill in lawmakers to reconvene all need to work together justice as well. and this country does the act of refusing to en-
reading a statement on and take immediate ac- to say enough is enough.” Many players wres- not love us back. And it’s gage in an action, usual-
the team’s behalf. Brown tion “to address issues of Several NBA players, tled for weeks about just, it’s really so sad.” ly to express disapproval
has a federal lawsuit police accountability, bru- including the Lakers’ whether it was even Players from Boston with some condition.

Freeman’s 2-run HR lifts Braves to sweep of slumping Yankees

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS singled to left, moved to ular-season starts — Cle- bleheaders in five days. day. The Mets will be the Yankees hitting first, as
third on a double down mens holds the mark with They play twinbills at Yan- designated home team in they are makeup games
ATLANTA — The the third-base line by 30. Cole’s only loss in 15 kee Stadium against the the second game of each originally planned for the
Atlanta Braves have re- Erik Kratz and scored on months had come in the
newed hopes their start- Tyler Wade’s flyball to left World Series opener last Mets on Friday and Sun- doubleheader, with the Mets’ Citi Field.
ing pitching can carry field. year with Houston against
them through the second Fried had the only Washington.
half of a shortened sea- wins by a Braves starter The Yankees newcom-
son. before Anderson’s impres- er gave up five runs on five
The New York Yankees sive outing. hits with nine strikeouts in
have renewed worries Ronald Acuña Jr. cel- five-plus innings.
that injury problems will ebrated his return to the “A couple of pitches
be a season-long problem. lineup by leading off the back and it’s very much a
Freddie Freeman hit opener with a 473-foot dominant, Gerrit outing,”
a two-run homer in the drive against Cole. Boone said.
sixth inning off Chad Anderson (1-0) gave a Cole was lifted after
Green and the Braves, led depleted Atlanta rotation giving up a double to Free-
by another strong start a huge boost. The 22-year- man and a walk to Ozuna
from Max Fried, rallied old right-hander, the third with no outs in the sixth.
to beat the Yankees 2-1 overall pick in the 2016 Nick Markakis hit an RBI
on Wednesday night to draft, didn’t allow a hit until double off Luis Cessa.
sweep a doubleheader. Luke Voit connected for his Acuña pulled a 97 mph
The Yankees have lost team-leading 11th homer fastball into the left-field
five straight and saw out- with one out in the sixth. seats to open the first. It
fielder Aaron Judge ag- That was the only hit was Acuña’s longest ho-
gravate his strained right Anderson allowed in six mer and the longest by
calf. The second game of innings. He struck out six any Braves batter at Tru-
the twinbill was Judge’s and walked two. Anderson ist Park, which opened in
first since being activated opened the game with two 2017.
from the injured list, and strikes to Mike Tauchman Swanson hit a two-run
he left in the middle of the and never seemed rattled. homer after Cole walked
sixth inning. “Early on definitely Acuña in the third inning.
“Obviously he’s very there were some nerves With two outs in the in-
frustrated,” manager Aar- going but I think it was a ning, Ozuna crushed his
on Boone said. good nervousness and ex- eighth homer 469 feet to
Boone said Judge’s citement to prove myself a left-center.
calf “tightened up again” little bit,” Anderson said.
while running to sec- Anderson was promot- DOLLAR DEAL
ond base following his ed to the majors on Tues- The Yankees acquired
fourth-inning single. He day before his scheduled catcher Rob Brantly from
said Judge will be evaluat- debut was postponed be- the San Francisco Giants
ed on Thursday. cause of rain. He showed for $1. Brantly was desig-
“It doesn’t seem to be up with a new beard that nated for assignment on
overly serious but enough surprised manager Brian July 28 and assigned to
that we needed to get him Snitker. the Giants’ alternate site
out of there,” Boone said. “I didn’t recognize on Aug. 1. He will report
In the opener, Ian An- him,” Snitker said. “When to the Yankees’ alternate
derson dazzled in his big he came in the office with a site.
league debut, holding the mask on, I didn’t know who Boone said the 31-year-
Yankees hitless into the the hell he was.” old Brantly, a career .228
sixth inning and ending Dansby Swanson and hitter in six seasons,
Gerrit Cole’s 20-game Marcell Ozuna also hom- “gives us some protection
winning streak as the ered off Cole (4-1), who as we head into the trade
Braves won 5-1. suffered his first loss in the deadline” on Monday.
Masahiro Tanaka was regular season since May
dominant, allowing only 22, 2019, with Houston.
three hits in five scoreless “It seemed to be a little TRAINER’S ROOM
innings as he left the sec- bit feast or famine in terms Yankees: Boone said
ond game with a 1-0 lead. of good command for a pe- OF Giancarlo Stanton
Green (2-1) allowed an riod of time and then some (strained hamstring) is
infield single to Dansby bad command in some bad running at “about 70 per-
Swanson with two outs in spots,” Cole said. cent” and beginning to
the sixth before giving up Cole was trying to be- add baseball activities to
Freeman’s homer, an op- come the first AL pitcher his rehabilitation routine.
posite-field shot over the to win 21 straight regu- Braves: The outfield
385-foot mark in left field. lar-season decisions. The received a boost with the
Fried (5-0) allowed all-time record is 24 by returns of Acuña (wrist)
four hits and one run in Carl Hubbell, followed by and Markakis (possible
six strong innings. Mark Roy Face (22) and Cole, exposure to COVID-19).
Melancon pitched the sev- Roger Clemens, Jake Ar- Acuña missed two weeks.
enth for his fifth save. rieta and Rube Marquard
The Yankees scored tied at 20. VISITING AT HOME
their only run off Fried in Cole had been unbeat- The Yankees were play-
the fifth. Miguel Andujar en in 28 consecutive reg- ing the first of three dou-
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 3B

Unusual starting goalies making big impact in NHL playoffs

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in their mid-30s. They are One of the most com- “When I play more, I the league in save percent- ter DeBoer that was later
joined by Colorado’s Pavel mon phrases among play- feel better,” said Khudo- age this year when the sea- deleted.
Even though Anton Francouz and Vegas’ Rob- ers and coaches since bin, with his fifth NHL or- son was stopped. Fleury commended
Khudobin left a backup in Lehner as unexpected hockey resumed is having ganization. “It’s a different Playoff Khudobin is just Lehner as “a very good
goaltending role with Bos- starters who are making trust in both goaltenders scenario right now playing the continuation of that. goalie.” And Lehner said he
ton for a similar position the most of their chances for a given team. Khudo- every other day, but at the “What we’re seeing, and Fleury laughed about
with the Stars, he walked in an unusual NHL postsea- bin, Halak, Francouz and same time it’s playoff. You we’re not surprised,” Bow- it, leaning on his experi-
into the Dallas locker room son. Lehner have proven that to can’t think about it — just ness said. “We’ve grown ences with the New York
looking like a starter. “Not surprised by it for be more than a cliche while have to prepare and just go to expect stellar play from Islanders and Blackhawks
Jaroslav Halak left a Doby, not surprised by it for taking over under different play.” him from the moment we to move past the drama.
net-sharing situation with Jaro: two good goaltenders circumstances. Dallas coach Rick Bow- signed him.” “I’m used to this stuff,”
the Islanders for what ap- getting an opportunity and Khudobin hadn’t made ness knew all about Bishop Vegas has grown to ex- said Lehner, who has a 2.34
peared to be a backup job here we are,” said Bruce a single start in the Stan- from his time as an assis- pect the same from Lehner, GAA and .909 save per-
with the Bruins and quick- Cassidy, who has coached ley Cup playoffs until this tant with Tampa Bay. Since a trade deadline acquisition centage. “I went to Long
ly showed Boston he could Khudobin and Halak with month, when Dallas starter the Stars signed Khudobin from Chicago who has sur- Island, (Thomas) Greiss
shoulder whatever load was Boston. “Both teams are Ben Bishop was deemed to a short-term deal paying passed Marc-Andre Fleury was kind of a fan favorite
required. very comfortable in front “unfit to play.” Khudobin him roughly half of what as the starter in the play- there, then I go to Chi-
Now in the second round of their backups, and that won six of his first nine Bishop makes, Bowness offs. Lehner has started cago and you play with
of the playoffs, Khudobin matters, too. You can’t be starts with a 2.49 goals- has watched the journey- eight of 10 games, prompt- (two-time Cup winner
and Halak have each been nervous out there if you against average and .921 man backstop them to the ing a tweet from Fleury’s Corey) Crawford and you
thrust into a prominent role don’t trust your goaltender.” save percentage. playoffs in 2018-19 and lead agent criticizing coach Pe- compete as best you can.

Continued from Page 1B

pared to give its stars and be a little bit better,” He’ll also play the of the biggest offensive football and that he was the road last season. He
much-needed breathers he said. role of backup quarter- lines, like we were last still taking a “wait and remembers a well-pre-
when they need them That improvement back, slotting in behind year.” see” approach with the pared team with plenty
this fall. must come without returning starter Mel- Barnett, the team’s team. of success running the
“Our depth level is a standout Jherquaveus vin Crawford at the po- right tackle, said West “They’re looking bet- ball, though the Bull-
lot better than it was last “Qua” Sanders, who sition. Lowndes still needs ter and better, but we dogs’ roster might be
year,” King said. “We graduated and com- “Melvin’s got three to shore up its sec- still have a long way to depleted with many
should be able to play mitted to play at Jones years of experience, so ond-team offensive go,” Miller said. students doing virtu-
four quarters now.” College. King said he we’re hoping that will line, but the Panthers’ Friday’s two-quar- al learning because of
After an 8-3 regular didn’t realize how much pay off big time this experience is driving ter home scrimmage COVID-19.
season in 2019 on the Sanders brought to the year,” King said. the starting lineman to against McAdams “We’ll have to see
heels of a 2-9 campaign team until he rewatched The Panthers also work hard. should help West Lown- what they have on Fri-
in 2018, the breather game tapes and saw the return running back “With the seniors des evaluate where it
day,” King said.
West Lowndes will be dynamic playmaker fly- Marcquez Holliday and coming in, we’re going stands. King said he’ll
But despite the un-
able to give its key play- ing all over the field at a veteran offensive line to get even better, put pore over the game film
ers could hint at even running back, wide re- certainty of how they’ll
of Royquavious Wil- more effort forth,” he to see how his offensive
more improvement to ceiver and quarterback. liams, Jeremiah Harris, said. and defensive linemen look in the scrimmage,
come. The Panthers “Qua Sanders will be Fredrick Rice, Cameron King brought in for- are coming off the ball the Panthers feel pretty
broke a long postseason a tough replacement be- Brooks and Victor Bar- mer Noxubee County and make any necessary confident that with their
drought before losing cause he did a lot for us nett. and Louisville head adjustments before the strong offense and a vet-
to Biggersville in the last year,” King said. “The line pretty coach M.C. Miller as Panthers’ Sept. 4 season eran coach leading their
first round of the Class Junior Marquez Shel- much consists of all ju- defensive coordinator opener at Class 3A Kem- defense they’ll be able
1A playoffs, and King ton will be this year’s niors and seniors, so this year, a huge addi- per County. to make strides from
expects more progress version of a do-it-all I think we’re going to tion for West Lowndes. King said he expects last year’s excellent sea-
this fall. player for the Panthers, have a pretty good of- Miller said at Monday’s a close game against son.
“We should do exact- able to line up at wide- fensive line,” King said. practice that it’s his first McAdams, which West “I think we’re in good
ly what we did last year out and defensive back. “I think we could be one time coaching Class 1A Lowndes beat 12-8 on shape,” Miller said.

Continued from Page 1B

turning starters from his full ability last year, Brown, senior safety Demone Cunningham Young said. “He was he wasn’t sure how the
a defense that allowed susceptible to oppo- Zack Andrews, senior will play tight end with our leader offensively, Tigers would fare after
an average of under 20 nents who pulled run cornerback Mushune senior Macardi Johnson defensively — he was a long layoff caused by
points a game all sea- plays away from him and Walker Jr. and junior as the Tigers’ No. 1 re- the leader of the team. COVID-19. Essentially,
son, including 8.2 in five let him overrun the play. outside linebacker ceiver. When stuff got hard, ev- Young said, Noxubee
postseason contests. “I think last year, Chaunssey Triplett as Chrishaad Rupert will erybody followed him. County had no spring
This year, Shanklin most teams used my ag- some of the other differ- be Noxubee County’s It’s going to be hard and half a summer to
issued a proclamation gression against me, so ence-makers on defense starting quarterback, al- to replace him, but as work, and the Tigers are
that might be bolder I had to watch for that,” for Noxubee County. though he is new to the a group effort, I think still acclimating to the
than his prediction of a Hatcher said. But he also said the position after playing we’ll get the job done.” heat and getting used
state title for the Tigers: So he worked over the Tigers’ success will de- wideout last season. But Noxubee County will to things after starting
Noxubee County won’t offseason with several pend on their O-line, despite Rupert’s inex- get its first shot at prov- practice in pads Aug. 17
even allow seven points players, including his which featured mostly perience, Shanklin and ing that Friday when the “We haven’t played
in a game, he said. cousin, former Noxubee unproven players get- Hatcher said they both Tigers travel to Louis- against anybody since
“Our defense is go- County and Mississippi ting game experience feel comfortable with ville for a two-quarter December, haven’t hit
ing to be raw,” Shanklin State standout Jeffery for the first time in 2019. the senior as their signal scrimmage that will, for anybody else. I’m look-
said. Simmons — now with Now, senior left tackle caller this fall. all intents and purpos- ing forward to seeing
With defensive line- the NFL’s Tennessee Ma’teo Chandler, senior “I know it’s going to es, feel like a real regu- what kind of team we’ll
man Travorus Hatch- Titans — on refining left guard Jordan White, be different, but he’s go- lar-season contest. have,” Young said.
er leading the way, it his technique, slowing senior center Colby Dix- ing to get it done OK,” “It’s still a big rivalry, According to both
doesn’t sound so far- down and penetrating on, sophomore right Hatcher said. so I know my kids will him and Hatcher, Nox-
fetched. Hatcher, who the gap to make the play. guard Bryson Kelly and After all, Young did get up for the game,” ubee County will have
already has scholarship The result, coupled senior right tackle Rick- the same last year when Young said. quite a good one. The
offers from Western Il- with a step up in lead- ie Hunt will have anoth- he called on lineback- The scrimmage will lineman said the Tigers
linois, UT Martin and ership, have Hatcher’s er year together on the er Marlon Windham to give the coach a chance are more mature, more
South Alabama, among coach excited about line. start at quarterback. A to evaluate his Class 3A focused, more talented
other schools, is set what the defensive tack- “If we can handle pitcher for the Noxubee team against the Class and — most importantly
to reprise his role as a le will do for the Tigers business up front and County baseball team, 4A power, which has — as ready as ever.
team leader and a star this year. our defense does what Windham performed just as much strength on “We’re up for the chal-
on the line. “I’m expecting him they did last year, I think admirably as the Tigers’ its D-line as the Tigers lenge for every team,”
“I think he’ll be one to have a great year, we have a good chance leader, and he has gone have on the other side. Hatcher said. “(Class)
of the best D-linemen to and I’m expecting him to get back and win it,” on to play for Coahoma “That’s going to be a 6A, 5A — it doesn’t mat-
come through (Noxubee to lead us to the state Young said. Community College. great matchup: their de- ter what ‘A’ it is; we’re
County),” Young said. championship and win it Shanklin returns at “It’s hard to replace fensive line versus our just up for the challenge.
“He has that potential.” this year,” Young said. running back with fel- him — just the simple offensive line,” Young We’re Noxubee — we
Hatcher said that he Young pointed to se- low senior Damian Ver- fact that he was more said. don’t back down from
wasn’t even playing to nior linebacker Trillo dell behind him. Junior than just a quarterback,” He acknowledged anything.”
4B THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

NFL players concerned, ‘sick and tired’ of racial injustice

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS He has seen the video and aggression he’s going nice car and I’m scared if I needs to come together and is about all our lives, and
of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, to give me.” get pulled over, that could join hands and love each these guys have a message.
Bradley McDougald is Wisconsin, and he doesn’t Blake, 29, was shot, ap- happen to me.” other for what we are and They have a platform. They
angry. He’s downright frus- want to end up like him. Or, parently in the back, on The Detroit Lions can- the privilege we have in have something that needs
trated and sad. George Floyd. Or, Breonna Sunday as he leaned into celed their practice Tues- the short period of time we to be said, and so I’m here,
The New York Jets safe- Taylor. Or, the countless his SUV, three of his chil- day, protesting the incident have on Earth,” said Chiefs obviously, to listen, to listen
ty is also extremely wor- other Black men and wom- dren seated inside. The involving Blake, and racial coach Andy Reid, who is to their ideas and their com-
ried. en who have been victims shooting was captured on injustice. The players and white. “As opposed to walk- ments and the things that
Within the confines of police brutality or social cellphone video and ig- coaching staff discussed ing in fear, to walk with they’re dealing with every
of the team’s facility, Mc- injustice. nited new protests in the what happened and then strength and pride. And if single day.
Dougald is a respected pro “Me personally, I’m hurt U.S. three months after the filed out of the team’s prac- we do that, we’ll be a great “So for the Lions to do
football player whose main by the whole situation,” death of George Floyd un- tice facility. They used a example to the world.” that and to show a sign of
concern is stopping the McDougald said. “I’m an der the knee of a Minneap- dry-erase board to address Eagles coach Doug Ped- unity I think is a very pow-
offense. When he heads African-American man and olis police officer touched the media with the words: erson, who is also white, erful message in our soci-
home and turns onto the that easily could’ve been off a nationwide reckoning “The world can’t go on” and thought what the Lions did ety today.”
main road just a few hun- me. As soon as I walk out of over racial injustice. “We won’t be silent!! One was “a great sign of unity, McDougald, who spoke
dred yards away, he goes 1 Jets Drive, I’m just anoth- “I just don’t understand pride.” a sign of strength and sup- hours before three NBA
on the defense. His guard er black man — and I don’t how somebody could – The rest of the NFL saw port as a team.” He said his playoff games were post-
goes up just as it has most know how the cops are go- somebody who is unarmed, what the Lions did, and has team will continue the dia- poned as players around
of his life. ing to see me. family in the car — how he come together with their logue among players and that league chose to boy-
“Guys are sick and tired “I have dreads and tat- could be a threat,” Dolphins own discussions about so- staff. cott in their statement
of being sick and tired,” Mc- toos and I’m bigger than safety Kavon Frazier said. cial issues and how they “It’s just where we are as against racial injustice,
Dougald said Wednesday the average male, but I don’t “I just don’t understand. might be able to affect a country,” he said. “You’ve cited the peaceful protests
during a video conference know how that cop is going We’re lost. We’re scared. change. got to put football aside. across the country over
call. to view me, and the attitude I’m scared. I drive a pretty “At this time, everybody This is human life, and this the last several months.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: the first. Rest our marriage, my husband
My fiance assured that no thinks his “work” is now over.
and I have one will attend He watches TV all day long,
begun planning your wedding but when he does want to get
our wedding for who doesn’t out and do something, it must
next year. We want to be there always include me. I’m sick of
have both been because atten- his face at this point. I’m sure
married before, dance is not I’m short-tempered at times
so family doesn’t compulsory. because everything falls on
think we should I’m glad you my shoulders. When I ask him
have a “big” recognize that to do something or offer my
celebration. Mom the “disclaim- “two cents,” he accuses me
ZITS actually told me er” would be of nagging and won’t talk to
that it can’t be inappropriate. If me for days.
as special as my you prefer your I hate this life! I don’t think
first one. guests forgo he would go to a marriage
While lying giving you a gift, counselor because he feels
in bed the other
Dear Abby convey that by I’m the problem. I think I want
night, we were having some- a divorce, but I don’t want this
discussing how to address one else deliver it VERBALLY lazy bum to get half of every-
people’s opinions because we — such as your mother or thing I’ve earned and saved.
don’t want our wedding day to members of your wedding Help! — IRKED IN IDAHO
be full of people complaining party — when guests call to DEAR IRKED: You have my
about being there, choices we ask where you are registered. sympathy, but you created this
made regarding our celebra- The wording should be: “They “monster” by tolerating your
tion and thinking they need to only want you to share in their husband’s laziness and con-
give us a gift. We would like to happiness on this special trolling nature all these years.
GARFIELD include a “disclaimer” saying day. No gift is expected or Because he won’t talk to a
something like, “If you’re required.” marriage counselor doesn’t
not truly happy for us, stay DEAR ABBY: I have been mean that you shouldn’t. It’s
home!” I realize that etiquette married more than 40 years. important you learn coping
would not allow us to do it. Do We are now retired and skills to deal with his passive
you have any suggestions for moved to a small town a few aggression, which is what
our situation? — OUR “BIG years ago. My problem is my the silent treatment is. If a
DAY” husband does almost nothing licensed therapist can’t help
DEAR “BIG DAY”: Many to help out around the house. to relieve the pressure on you,
couples today have been I do the housekeeping, shop- then make an appointment
married more than once. Your ping, cooking, bill paying and with a lawyer to discuss what
mother was correct when she most of the extensive outdoor options you may have short
told you this second wedding upkeep. Although I was the of divorce. I’m crossing my
should be more low-key than primary breadwinner during fingers that you have some.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. aware of the bigger picture. strands of spiritual DNA, truths.
27). You’ll be focused but TAURUS (April 20-May Examine those actions through
not serious. You’ll attract 20). Doing only what you like a microscope and find miniature
people who want to get things provides you with but a bland maps of your heart.
accomplished and laugh at the palate of satisfactions. Incorpo- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). If
same time. The next 10 weeks rate what you dislike, and you’re something is important, then
see you wheeling and dealing onto something. But it really it’s worth fighting for. Fighting
yourself into a prime position. starts to get interesting when for unimportant things doesn’t
You’ll notice who wants your you dive into what you despise. really happen. If there’s a fight
happiness more than you want GEMINI (May 21-June 21). over something that seems triv-
it yourself. That’s a love you can A sense of vulnerability is in ial, it’s only because that’s not
count on and build a life around. there somewhere, but if you’re what the fight is really about.
BABY BLUES Scorpio and Leo adore you. Your not paying attention, then you’ll VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
lucky numbers are: 8, 40, 18, miss it and the gift it wraps You’ll spend so much of your
2 and 39. around — namely, the ability to time in the service of others
ARIES (March 21-April 19). connect deeply to the humanity that when you come back to
Nice isn’t always good, and not in others who know the feeling. home base, you may feel like
nice isn’t always bad. There are CANCER (June 22-July 22). you need to reacquaint yourself
many reasons people have for As for those things you do but with who you are and what you
doing what they do and for be- cannot link to any tangible gain, want.
ing in the mood they are in. Stay in those actions are clues, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.
23). When your group faces a
problem, you face it, too. Even
if just one other person has a
problem, you’ll be willing to take
it on personally because you
believe, at a very core level, in
BEETLE BAILEY justice for all.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Part of you has been
making plans without the other
part. Get all sides together for
a sit-down talk aimed at naming
a few common goals. You’re as
powerful as you are unified.
21). People will get emotionally
invested in things you might not
have expected them to involve
themselves with. Step back and
ask, “What’s at stake? What’s
really going on here?”
19). Not everything you’ve
believed has come through or
come true but don’t let that
stop you. Put your faith in a
loved one, in yourself or in the
wonders of life in general. You’ll
have reasons to believe anew.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). The atoms that make up
our cells are mostly space, so
we are mostly space, and the
other matter is mostly space,
too. Echo the theme. Purge the
unnecessary. Spaciousness
FAMILY CIRCUS brings fulfillment.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). When you can’t be knowl-
edgeable (no one can know
all things, and if they could,
they’d be insufferable) then be
versatile. The ability to adapt
and respond is more important
than the ability to know and
stand correct.

Blood is thicker than water

The Dispatch • THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 5B

TikTok CEO resigns amid US pressure to sell app
Resignation follows Trump’s order tion very soon, it is with a
heavy heart that I wanted
TikTok in 2017, then
bought, a video
to ban video app unless its parent to let you all know that I service popular with teens
in the U.S. and Europe,
have decided to leave the
company sells its U.S. operations to company.” and combined the two. A
Bytedance is currently twin service, Douyin, is
an American company within 90 days in talks with Microsoft for available for Chinese us-
the U.S. firm to buy Tik- ers.
BY ZEN SOO His resignation follows Tok’s U.S. operations. TikTok gained im-
AP Technology Writer President Donald Trump’s mense popularity via its
Mayer, a former Disney
order to ban TikTok un- fun, goofy videos and ease
HONG KONG — Tik- executive, joined TikTok
less its parent company, of use, and has hundreds of
Tok CEO Kevin Mayer as CEO in May.
ByteDance, sells its U.S. millions of users globally.
resigned Thursday amid operations to an American TikTok thanked Mayer.
“We appreciate that the But its Chinese owner-
U.S. pressure for its Chi- company within 90 days. ship has raised concerns
nese owner to sell the “I have done signifi- political dynamics of the
about potential censorship
popular video app, which cant reflection on what last few months have sig-
of videos, including those
the White House says is a the corporate structural nificantly changed what
critical of the Chinese gov-
security risk. changes will require, and the scope of Kevin’s role
ernment, and the risk Bei-
In a letter to employees, what it means for the glob- would be going forward, jing may access user data.
Mayer said that his deci- al role I signed up for,” he and fully respect his deci-
sion to leave comes after said in the letter. “Against sion,” the company said in
the “political environment this backdrop, and as we a statement.
has sharply changed.” expect to reach a resolu- ByteDance launched

College Street; plumbing; Pt Road; set up mobile home;
City of Columbus Klutts Plumbing owner
Aug. 17-21, 2020 ■ BH Properties LLC; 2414 ■ Alaina Coleman; 715 Old W.
■ Janice Norris Swoope et al; College Street; plumbing; Pt Road; move mobile home;
2502 Main Street; demolish Klutts Plumbing Morgan Trucking Express
office addition; same ■ Albert Blake; 1520 22nd ■ Donald Newman; 1718 Bor-
■ Ollie and Annie Harris; 2507 Street North; plumbing; Bowen der Springs Road; construct
23rd Ave North; reroof; excel- Backhoe storage/shop; owner
lent roofing ■ Mike Smike; 94 Winfrey Dr.;
■ Tyrone and Jennifer Porter;
74 Stokes Road; Restore ga-
Lowndes County remodel s/f residence; South-
er Custom Renovations
rage (storage only); same Aug. 26, 2020
■ Charles and Tammy Lam-
■ Dick Leike; 407 8th Ave ■ Harold Larkin, 121 Sanders
Lane; construct storage/shop; bert; 1431 Phillips Hill Road;
South; slab and awning; Chuck set up mobile home; Mason’s
Bigelow owner
■ Randle and Marilyn Burris; Electrical
■ Kenny and Lena Knight; 924
1089 Mill Road; construct ■ Charles and Tammy Lam-
Ruffin Road; install 14’x24’
storage; owner bert; 1431 Phillips Hill Road;
shed; same
■ Paar and Cindy Colvin; 273 move mobile home; Pontotoc
■ Columbus Redevelopment
Pickensville Road; addition to Mobile Home
Authority; 319 5th Ave North;
s/f residence; owner ■ Irish Townsend; 380 Eulie
Burn s/f residence; Columbus
■ Mike Buchwald; 422 Quail Dr.; construct s/f residence;
Fire and Rescue
■ Gloria White Davis et al; Ridge; construct pool; owner Bostick Construction
1416 10th Ave North; demol- ■ Brent Childers; 2601 Jess ■ Josh and Holli Hodge; Cale-
ish s/f residence; Columbus Lyons Road; construct carport; donia-Steens Road; construct
Public Works owner s/f residence; Kevin Clark
■ Wade J. Wilson Jr.; 1205 ■ Spencer House; 112 Main Construction
Shady Street; demolish s/f St.; construct storage/shop; ■ Clint Hanson; 615 Wo-
residence; Columbus Public owner odridge Pl; construct s/f
Works ■ Alaina Coleman; 715 Old W. residence; owner
■ George Woodrick Jr.; 709
21st Street North; electrical;
Guerry Electric LLC
■ Floyd Robert; 125 Juanita
Street; electrical; Guerry
Electric LLC
■ Britney Hall; 1911 Short
Main Street; electrical; Jimmie
■ Antioch Missionary Baptist
Church; 2304 7th Avenue
North; electrical; Jimmie
■ Jason and Eli Taylor; 2217
Bell Avenue; electrical; Vertis
■ Jessie Petty; 1219 20th
Street North; electrical; Living-
ston & Sons
■ Parkwood Developers LLC;
222 Waverly Road; electrical;
Malone Electric
■ William Nance Jr.; 712 13th
Street North; electrical; same
■ Huckleberry Rentals Inc.;
3933 Highway 45 North; me-
chanical; Patterson HVAC
■ Michael and Robin Balthis;
1182 Island Road; mechani-
cal; Patterson HVAC
■ O C Murray Jr.; 819 22nd
Street North; plumbing; Tabor
■ BH Properties LLC; 2422
College Street; plumbing;
Klutts Plumbing
■ BH Properties LLC; 2418
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© The Dispatch

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