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Inquiries, Investigation and

Quarter 1–Module 3
Background of the Problem and
Conceptual Framework
Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the Inquiries , Investigation and Immersion Alternative Delivery Mode

(ADM) Module on Background of the Study and Conceptual Framework

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators

from public institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and

For the Learner:

Welcome to the Inquiries , Investigation and Immersion/Grade 12 Alternative

Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Background of the Study and Conceptual Framework

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomplish.
Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is capable and
empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace
and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

What I Need to Know

You are a young researcher and the success of your undertaking lies in your
ability to follow directions. A research study cannot happen in a vacuum. The time,
place and participants/respondents where the problem is set will always affect the
results of the study.
This module will help you understand how the background of the research
study will help establish the clarity and success of your research undertaking.
For the Learner:
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
 Identify the importance of the background of the study
 Distinguish and understand the stages of writing the background of the
study and
 Formulate a conceptual framework

What I Know

In the previous lesson, you learned how to write a research title. You were
made to understand the various criteria that makes a research title good and worthy
of being studied further. In this module, you will learn how to describe the
background of your research to make it clearer and easier to understand.

PRE TEST. Determine if each statement is TRUE or FALSE.

1. The research background specifies the underlying condition of what is to
be studied.
2. All good researches’ data are based on evidence, never hearsays.
3. A review of the past cannot be used in the research background.
4. Information about participants can weaken the study’s background.
5. Places and dates are unnecessary in describing the background of
the research.
6. A lousy review of literature may damage the study’s background.
7. Researchers must work on creating a clear background of the research.
8. The title and background share no common ground.
9. A well-crafted background will result in 100% accurate data.
10. A good description of the background of the study will guide readers to
better appreciation.
11. Background of the study deals with the key concepts and related literature.
12. A Statement of the problem a graphical presentation of your concepts or ideas
on the basic structure or components of your research as well as on the
relationships of these elements with one another.
13. Research deals with the key concepts and related literature underlying the
framework that guides the study.
14. Significance of the study is a broad outline or plan to give shape to
your research.
15. Theoretical is a graph or non-prose material, specifically, a schematic diagram
that shows a well-ordered elements of the research.

Lesson Background of the Study and
3 Conceptual Framework

The background study for a research undertaking sets the mood, both for

the researcher and the research that needs to be conducted. It may include a review
of the area being researched, current information surrounding the issue, previous
studies on the issue, and relevant history on the issue. Ideally, the study should
effectively set forth the history and background information of the thesis problem.
The background intends to draw a clearer picture of what you want to say. It
describes clearly, colorfully and vividly the problem situation which serves as the
rationale of the study.
A conceptual framework is a bit like a recipe or a blueprint. It provides an
outline of how you plan to conduct the research for your thesis, but it goes further
than that by also positioning the work within the larger field of research.

What’s In

Situation: If you are the businessman on the picture, how will you introduce yourself
to the prospective client?
Guide Questions:
1. Based on the situation, what are the elements of a proper
2. For what purpose does an introduction/background serve in general?
3. In a research study, what do you think is the significance of an
introduction/background of the study

What’s New


THE TASK: Go back to the previous activities, and answer the following questions in
2-3 sentences.

1. What do the scientist/medical technologist/art enthusiast hope to achieve by

studying deeply the setting of a bacteria/virus/artwork?

2. Do you think this is also applied in research? Explain your answer.


What is It

Types of Research Background

One of the preliminary steps to completing a Research study is describing

the background study for it. A background study may involve a description of any or a
combination of the following:
 all researched current information surrounding the issue;
 previous studies on the issue;
 relevant history on the issue.
A good background of the study provides the STRONGEST foundations to very
good evidence-based research. For the research study to be reliable and valid, it
must include literature (researched articles and studies) citing that is compelling,
novel, timely, and accurate. Good literature review should be highly selective and
specific, referring only to work that is directly relevant to the argument you choose to
make. A good literature review which basically forms the background of the study
 Define and clarify a problem;
 Summarize previous research to inform readers of research that is the extant.

 Identify existing relationships, contradictions, gaps and inconsistencies and
 Suggest the next steps to be taken.
Conceptual Framework
 This deals with the key concepts and related literature underlying the
framework that guides the study.
 Is a graphical presentation of your concepts or ideas on the basic structure or
components of your research as well as on the relationships of these
elements with one another.
 It is a graph or non-prose material, specifically, a schematic diagram that
shows a well-ordered elements of the research. Giving a carefully constructed
arrangement of the components of your study.
 It is a broad outline or plan to give shape to your research. (Shields &
Rangarjan 2013)

Purpose of Conceptual Framework

 Conceptual framework shows the organization, order, and direction of your
research study.
 It is an essential initial activity of your research because by means of a
schematic diagram, explained verbally as well, it enables the readers to obtain
a general understanding of the research.
 It gives people a notion on the research activities you want to perform, on the
manner you want to carry these activities out, and on the knowledge you have
to prove your familiarity with your research topic or research problem.
 It also serves the purpose of clarifying concepts and their relationships with
one another in a research study. The purpose of this is:
 To expand the context and background of the study
 To help further define the problem
 To provide an empirical basis for the subsequent development

Discussion of Activity 1

Read and answer the following questions. Use 2-3 sentences for your answers and
write them in your notebook.

1. As a research student, how will you define the background of the study/research?

2. How does the background of the study/research help the researcher achieve the
a) Define/clarify the problem;

b) Summarize previous research to show the how much is covered;
c) Identify existing relationships; and,
d) Suggest the steps/measures to be taken?

3. What are the purpose of conceptual framework?


Guide Questions:

1. How did you find the activity?

2. What have you realized about the background of the research/study and
conceptual framework?

What’s More

Independent Activity 1

Based on your answer on Exercise 1, identify the elements of a proper

introduction/background of the study using a graphic organizer.


Independent Assessment 1
Directions: List 10 important words about the Background of the Study.
Word/Term My Ideas about this Term/Word

Independent Activity 2

Let’s GO SOLO!!! Using your device and the INTERNET, choose ANY from the
topics below and describe the BACKGROUND of the STUDY in not more than 300
words. Make sure to practice paraphrasing and proper citation.

1. Effects of Political Patronage on the Social Amelioration Program

2. Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic on World Economy

3. Correlation between Mental Health and Physical Well-Being of Front Liners

Independent Assessment 2

Directions. Complete the following chart and write what you know, understand, and
can do about conceptual framework. Write at least four (4) concepts/ideas
about conceptual framework.


Independent Activity 3
Direction. Write an essay about conceptual framework in 200- 300 words.

Independent Assessment 3

In NOT more than 250 words, explain the important role played by the Background
of the Research in the success or failure of the study.


What I Have Learned

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing the
chart below in 2-3 sentences.

What were your

I thought…
thoughts or ideas
about background
of research and

I learned that…
What new or
additional ideas
did you learn after
taking up this

How did you apply I applied that…

the things you
have learned
about background
of research and

What I Can Do

With the use of your gadgets (android phones/tablets/laptops) and INTERNET

connectivity, or newspapers, or radio and TV broadcast stories, work on describing
Topic. Be sure to utilize ALL types possible so as to lay down a GOOD foundation
for the study.
Enhanced Community Quarantine: The NEW NORMAL In Fighting Deadly
Explain concisely how the use of relevant literature review managed to SET
the study in its PROPER CONTEXT. (NOT to exceed 5 sentences)


Determine if each statement is TRUE or FALSE.

1. The research background specifies the underlying condition of what is to
be studied.
2. All good researches’ data are based on evidence, never hearsays.
3. A review of the past cannot be used in the research background.
4. Information about participants can weaken the study’s background.
5. Places and dates are unnecessary in describing the background of the research.
6. A lousy review of literature may damage the study’s background.
7. Researchers must work on creating a clear background of the research.
8. The title and background share no common ground.
9. A well-crafted background will result in 100% accurate data.
10. A good description of the background of the study will guide readers to
better appreciation.
11. Background of the study deals with the key concepts and related literature.
12. A Statement of the problem a graphical presentation of your concepts or ideas on
the basic structure or components of your research as well as on the
relationships of these elements with one another.
13. Research deals with the key concepts and related literature underlying the
framework that guides the study.
14. Significance of the study is a broad outline or plan to give shape to your research.
15. Theoretical is a graph or non-prose material, specifically, a schematic diagram
that shows a well-ordered elements of the research.

Additional Activities

Critical Thinking
A. ESSAY: According to Neil Armstrong, a research is “"In much of
society, research means to investigate something you do not know or
understand. ” What does the statement mean? Explain, write your answers

Answer Key


1. True 11. False Answers may vary

2. True 12. False
1. True
3. False 13. False INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT 2 2. True
4. False 14. False 3. False
5. False 15. False 1. Answers may vary
6. True 4. False
7. True 5. False
8. False
9. False
6. True
10. True 7. True
Independent Activity 1 8. False
9. False
Answers may vary
10. True
Independent Assessment 1 11. False
12. False
Answers may vary
13. False
14. False
15. False


Mcloughlin, Caven S., Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief Emeritus for a major commercial academic publisher.

Applied research (Shields & Rangarjan 2013), rex Bookstore publishing company.


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